path: root/frontend
diff options
authormartinw2000-08-15 11:20:50 +0000
committermartinw2000-08-15 11:20:50 +0000
commit22fb78252040fdfc120039ba81f0642ddd8ef8b9 (patch)
treec099ee2371863894cb700e3aa4c508a834e6b555 /frontend
parentadded position information to case defaults to improve type error messages (diff)
improved typing error messages: type variables are printed like "a" instead
of "v314", case defaults and guards now also have file position information. git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@202 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
17 files changed, 434 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/StdCompare.dcl b/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
index 5839af4..72491e3 100644
--- a/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
+++ b/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ instance =< Int, Expression, {# Char}, Ident, [a] | =< a, BasicType //, (Global
instance =< Type, SymbIdent
instance == BasicType, TypeVar, TypeSymbIdent, DefinedSymbol, TypeContext , BasicValue,
- FunKind, (Global a) | == a, Priority, Assoc
+ FunKind, (Global a) | == a, Priority, Assoc, Type
instance < MemberDef
diff --git a/frontend/StdCompare.icl b/frontend/StdCompare.icl
index b9785ca..4dc82c4 100644
--- a/frontend/StdCompare.icl
+++ b/frontend/StdCompare.icl
@@ -74,6 +74,14 @@ where
= type1 == type2 && types1 == types2
equal_constructor_args (TQV varid1) (TQV varid2)
= varid1 == varid2
+// MW4..
+ equal_constructor_args (GTV varid1) (GTV varid2)
+ = varid1 == varid2
+ equal_constructor_args (TempQV varid1) (TempQV varid2)
+ = varid1 == varid2
+ equal_constructor_args (TLifted varid1) (TLifted varid2)
+ = varid1 == varid2
+// ..MW4
equal_constructor_args type1 type2
= True
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 883e81f..ba336a5 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -1867,19 +1867,19 @@ where
check_default_expr free_vars No e_input e_state e_info cs
= (No, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
- convert_guards_to_cases [(let_binds, guard, expr)] result_expr es_expr_heap
+ convert_guards_to_cases [(let_binds, guard, expr, guard_ident)] result_expr es_expr_heap
# (case_expr_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty es_expr_heap
basic_pattern = {bp_value = (BVB True), bp_expr = expr, bp_position = NoPos }
case_expr = Case { case_expr = guard, case_guards = BasicPatterns BT_Bool [basic_pattern],
- case_default = result_expr, case_ident = No, case_info_ptr = case_expr_ptr,
- case_default_pos = NoPos }
+ case_default = result_expr, case_ident = Yes guard_ident,
+ case_info_ptr = case_expr_ptr, case_default_pos = NoPos }
= build_sequential_lets let_binds case_expr es_expr_heap
- convert_guards_to_cases [(let_binds, guard, expr) : rev_guarded_exprs] result_expr es_expr_heap
+ convert_guards_to_cases [(let_binds, guard, expr, guard_ident) : rev_guarded_exprs] result_expr es_expr_heap
# (case_expr_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty es_expr_heap
basic_pattern = {bp_value = (BVB True), bp_expr = expr, bp_position = NoPos }
case_expr = Case { case_expr = guard, case_guards = BasicPatterns BT_Bool [basic_pattern],
- case_default = result_expr, case_ident = No, case_info_ptr = case_expr_ptr,
- case_default_pos = NoPos }
+ case_default = result_expr, case_ident = Yes guard_ident,
+ case_info_ptr = case_expr_ptr, case_default_pos = NoPos }
(result_expr, es_expr_heap) = build_sequential_lets let_binds case_expr es_expr_heap
= convert_guards_to_cases rev_guarded_exprs (Yes result_expr) es_expr_heap
@@ -1890,14 +1890,14 @@ where
check_guarded_expressions free_vars [] let_vars_list rev_guarded_exprs {ei_expr_level} e_state e_info cs
= (let_vars_list, rev_guarded_exprs, ei_expr_level, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
- check_guarded_expression free_vars {alt_nodes,alt_guard,alt_expr}
+ check_guarded_expression free_vars {alt_nodes,alt_guard,alt_expr,alt_ident}
let_vars_list rev_guarded_exprs e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index} e_state e_info cs
# (let_binds, let_vars_list, ei_expr_level, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = check_sequential_lets free_vars alt_nodes let_vars_list
{ e_input & ei_expr_level = inc ei_expr_level } e_state e_info cs
e_input = { e_input & ei_expr_level = ei_expr_level }
(guard, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = checkExpression free_vars alt_guard e_input e_state e_info cs
(expr, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = check_opt_guarded_alts free_vars alt_expr e_input e_state e_info cs
- = (let_vars_list, [(let_binds, guard, expr) : rev_guarded_exprs], ei_expr_level, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs )
+ = (let_vars_list, [(let_binds, guard, expr, alt_ident) : rev_guarded_exprs], ei_expr_level, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs )
// JVG: added type
check_unguarded_expression :: [FreeVar] ExprWithLocalDefs ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState -> *(!Expression,![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.dcl b/frontend/frontend.dcl
index 69d1626..a41ccbe 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.dcl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.dcl
@@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ import checksupport, transform, overloading
| FrontEndPhaseConvertModules
| FrontEndPhaseAll
-frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
-// upToPhase name paths predefs files error io out \ No newline at end of file
+frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !Bool !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
+// upToPhase name paths list_inferred_types predefs files error io out \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
index 32e8da5..cb23a06 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.icl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ instance == FrontEndPhase where
(==) a b
= equal_constructor a b
-frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
-frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths predef_symbols hash_table files error io out
+frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !Bool !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
+frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths list_inferred_types predef_symbols hash_table files error io out
# (ok, mod, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
= wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos (hash_table -*-> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)) error search_paths predef_symbols files
| not ok
@@ -101,8 +101,9 @@ frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths predef_symbols hash_table fil
= frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances
var_heap optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
- # (ok, fun_defs, array_instances, type_code_instances, common_defs, imported_funs, heaps, predef_symbols, error)
- = typeProgram (components -*-> "Typing") fun_defs icl_specials icl_common icl_declared.dcls_import dcl_mods heaps predef_symbols error
+ # (ok, fun_defs, array_instances, type_code_instances, common_defs, imported_funs, heaps, predef_symbols, error, out)
+ = typeProgram (components -*-> "Typing") fun_defs icl_specials list_inferred_types icl_common
+ icl_declared.dcls_import dcl_mods heaps predef_symbols error out
| not ok
= (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
@@ -227,4 +228,4 @@ where
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
# properties = { form_properties = cAttributed bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }
(Yes ftype) = fun_def.fun_type
- = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype) <<< '\n' )
+ = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype, No) <<< '\n' )
diff --git a/frontend/main.icl b/frontend/main.icl
index 0791130..2b0d7ff 100644
--- a/frontend/main.icl
+++ b/frontend/main.icl
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ compileModule mod_name ms
loadModule mod_ident predef_symbols hash_table ms=:{ms_files,ms_error,ms_io,ms_out,ms_paths}
# (predef_symbols, hash_table, ms_files, ms_error, ms_io, ms_out, optional_syntax_tree)
- = frontEndInterface FrontEndPhaseAll mod_ident {sp_locations = [], sp_paths = ms_paths} predef_symbols hash_table ms_files ms_error ms_io ms_out
+ = frontEndInterface FrontEndPhaseAll mod_ident {sp_locations = [], sp_paths = ms_paths} False predef_symbols hash_table ms_files ms_error ms_io ms_out
= {ms & ms_files=ms_files, ms_error=ms_error,ms_io=ms_io,ms_out=ms_out}
= case optional_syntax_tree of
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index 78e6657..2f1306a 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -93,19 +93,24 @@ where
instanceError symbol types err
# err = errorHeading "Overloading error" err
format = { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No }
- = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " \"" <<< symbol <<< "\" no instance available of type " <:: (format, types) <<< '\n' }
+// MW4 was: = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " \"" <<< symbol <<< "\" no instance available of type " <:: (format, types) <<< '\n' }
+ = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " \"" <<< symbol <<< "\" no instance available of type "
+ <:: (format, types, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n' }
uniqueError symbol types err
# err = errorHeading "Overloading/Uniqueness error" err
format = { form_properties = cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " \"" <<< symbol
- <<< "\" uniqueness specification of instance conflicts with current application " <:: (format, types) <<< '\n'}
+// MW4 was: <<< "\" uniqueness specification of instance conflicts with current application " <:: (format, types) <<< '\n'}
+ <<< "\" uniqueness specification of instance conflicts with current application "
+ <:: (format, types, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n'}
unboxError type err
# err = errorHeading "Overloading error of Array class" err
format = { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No }
- = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< ' ' <:: (format, type) <<< " instance cannot be unboxed\n"}
+// MW4 was: = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< ' ' <:: (format, type) <<< " instance cannot be unboxed\n"}
+ = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< ' ' <:: (format, type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< " instance cannot be unboxed\n"}
overloadingError op_symb err
# err = errorHeading "Overloading error" err
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index d5f6a60..277a522 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ stringToIdent ident ident_class pState=:{ps_hash_table}
internalIdent :: !String !*ParseState -> (!Ident, !*ParseState)
internalIdent prefix pState
# ({fp_line,fp_col},pState=:{ps_hash_table}) = getPosition pState
- case_string = prefix +++ toString fp_line +++ "_" +++ toString fp_col
+// MW4 was: (changed to make it compatible with conventions used in postparse)
+// case_string = prefix +++ toString fp_line +++ "_" +++ toString fp_col
+ case_string = prefix +++ ";" +++ toString fp_line +++ ";" +++ toString fp_col
(case_ident, ps_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable case_string IC_Expression ps_hash_table
= (case_ident, { pState & ps_hash_table = ps_hash_table } )
@@ -643,7 +645,8 @@ where
want_FunctionBody :: !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] ![GuardedExpr] !(Token -> Bool) !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !ParseState)
want_FunctionBody BarToken nodeDefs alts sep pState
// # (lets, pState) = want_StrictLet pState // removed from 2.0
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ # (guard_position, pState) = getPosition pState // MW4++
+ (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == OtherwiseToken
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(nodeDefs2, token, pState) = want_LetBefores token pState
@@ -663,16 +666,25 @@ where
offside = position.fp_col
(expr, pState) = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs2 [] sep pState
pState = wantEndNestedGuard (default_found expr) offside pState
- alt = { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr }
+// MW4 was: alt = { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr }
+ alt = { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr,
+ alt_ident = guard_ident guard_position.fp_line }
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(nodeDefs, token, pState) = want_LetBefores token pState
= want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [alt:alts] sep pState
// otherwise
# (expr, pState) = root_expression True token nodeDefs2 [] sep pState
- alt = { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr }
+// MW4 was: alt = { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr }
+ alt = { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr,
+ alt_ident = guard_ident guard_position.fp_line }
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(nodeDefs, token, pState) = want_LetBefores token pState
= want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [alt:alts] sep pState
+// MW4..
+ where
+ guard_ident line_nr
+ = { id_name = "_g;" +++ toString line_nr +++ ";", id_info = nilPtr }
+// ..MW4
want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs alts sep pState
= root_expression localsExpected token nodeDefs (reverse alts) sep pState
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.icl b/frontend/postparse.icl
index eea5437..8a10a7e 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.icl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.icl
@@ -565,14 +565,17 @@ makeComprehensions [{tq_generators, tq_filter, tq_end, tq_call, tq_lhs_args, tq_
= continue
- = build_rhs generators success optional_filter failure end
+// MW4 was: = build_rhs generators success optional_filter failure end
+ = build_rhs generators success optional_filter failure end fun_pos
// MW3 was: = MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident lhsArgs rhs
= MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident lhsArgs rhs fun_pos
= (PE_Let cIsStrict (LocalParsedDefs [parsed_def]) call_comprehension, ca)
- build_rhs :: [TransformedGenerator] ParsedExpr (Optional ParsedExpr) ParsedExpr ParsedExpr -> Rhs
- build_rhs [generator : generators] success optional_filter failure end
+// MW4 was: build_rhs :: [TransformedGenerator] ParsedExpr (Optional ParsedExpr) ParsedExpr ParsedExpr -> Rhs
+ build_rhs :: [TransformedGenerator] ParsedExpr (Optional ParsedExpr) ParsedExpr ParsedExpr Position -> Rhs
+// MW4 was: build_rhs [generator : generators] success optional_filter failure end
+ build_rhs [generator : generators] success optional_filter failure end fun_pos
= case_with_default generator.tg_case1 generator.tg_case_end_expr generator.tg_case_end_pattern
(foldr (case_end end)
(case_with_default generator.tg_case2 generator.tg_element generator.tg_pattern
@@ -585,9 +588,12 @@ makeComprehensions [{tq_generators, tq_filter, tq_end, tq_call, tq_lhs_args, tq_
Yes filter
-> optGuardedAltToRhs (GuardedAlts [
{alt_nodes = [], alt_guard = filter, alt_expr = UnGuardedExpr
- {ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = success, ewl_locals = LocalParsedDefs []}}] No)
+// MW4 was: {ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = success, ewl_locals = LocalParsedDefs []}}] No)
+ {ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = success, ewl_locals = LocalParsedDefs []},
+ alt_ident = { id_name ="_f;" +++ toString line_nr +++ ";", id_info = nilPtr }}] No)
-> exprToRhs success
+ (LinePos _ line_nr) = fun_pos
/* +++ remove code duplication (bug in 2.0 with nested cases)
case_end :: TransformedGenerator Rhs -> Rhs
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 350717d..9605315 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ instance toString Ident
| STE_DictCons !ConsDef
| STE_DictField !SelectorDef
| STE_Called ![Index] /* used during macro expansion to indicate that this function is called */
:: Global object =
{ glob_object :: !object
, glob_module :: !Index
@@ -876,6 +876,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
{ alt_nodes :: ![NodeDefWithLocals]
, alt_guard :: !ParsedExpr
, alt_expr :: !OptGuardedAlts
+ , alt_ident :: !Ident
:: ExprWithLocalDefs =
@@ -1126,7 +1127,7 @@ cIsNotStrict :== False
:: CoercionPosition
= CP_Expression !Expression
| CP_FunArg !Ident !Int // Function symbol, argument position (>=1)
:: IdentPos =
{ ip_ident :: !Ident
, ip_line :: !Int
@@ -1148,7 +1149,7 @@ instance <<< (Module a) | <<< a, ParsedDefinition, InstanceType, AttributeVar, T
Position, CaseAlt, AType, FunDef, ParsedExpr, TypeAttribute, (Bind a b) | <<< a & <<< b, ParsedConstructor, (TypeDef a) | <<< a, TypeVarInfo,
BasicValue, ATypeVar, TypeRhs, FunctionPattern, (Import from_symbol) | <<< from_symbol, ImportDeclaration, ImportedIdent, CasePatterns,
(Optional a) | <<< a, ConsVariable, BasicType, Annotation, Selection, SelectorDef, ConsDef, LocalDefs, FreeVar, ClassInstance, SignClassification,
- TypeCodeExpression
+ TypeCodeExpression, CoercionPosition
instance == TypeAttribute
instance == Annotation
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index fae746d..84729c9 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ cNotVarNumber :== -1
{ alt_nodes :: ![NodeDefWithLocals]
, alt_guard :: !ParsedExpr
, alt_expr :: !OptGuardedAlts
+ , alt_ident :: !Ident
:: ExprWithLocalDefs =
@@ -1762,6 +1763,44 @@ where
(<<<) file (ID_Record ident optIdents) = file <<< ident <<< " { " <<< optIdents <<< " } "
(<<<) file (ID_Instance i1 i2 tup) = file <<< "instance " <<< i1 <<< i2 <<< tup // !ImportedIdent !Ident !(![Type],![TypeContext])
+instance <<< CoercionPosition
+ (<<<) file (CP_FunArg fun_name arg_nr) = file <<< "argument " <<< arg_nr <<< " of " <<< readable fun_name
+ (<<<) file (CP_Expression expression) = show_expression file expression
+ where
+ show_expression file (Var {var_name})
+ = file <<< var_name
+ show_expression file (FreeVar {fv_name})
+ = file <<< fv_name
+ show_expression file (App {app_symb={symb_name}, app_args})
+ | symb_name.id_name=="_dummyForStrictAlias"
+ = show_expression file (hd app_args)
+ = file <<< readable symb_name
+ show_expression file (fun @ fun_args)
+ = show_expression file fun
+ show_expression file (Case {case_ident=No})
+ = file <<< "(case ... )"
+ show_expression file (Selection _ expr selectors)
+ = file <<< "selection"
+ show_expression file (Update expr1 selectors expr2)
+ = file <<< "update"
+ show_expression file (TupleSelect {ds_arity} elem_nr expr)
+ = file <<< "argument" <<< (elem_nr + 1) <<< " of " <<< ds_arity <<< "-tuple"
+ show_expression file (BasicExpr bv _)
+ = file <<< bv
+ show_expression file (MatchExpr _ _ expr)
+ = file <<< "match expression"
+ show_expression file _
+ = file
+readable :: !Ident -> String // somewhat hacky
+readable {id_name}
+ | id_name=="_cons" || id_name=="_nil"
+ = "list constructor"
+ | id_name % (0,5) == "_tuple"
+ = "tuple"
+ = id_name
instance <<< ImportedIdent
(<<<) file {ii_ident, ii_extended} = file <<< ii_ident <<< ' ' <<< ii_extended
diff --git a/frontend/type.dcl b/frontend/type.dcl
index 9fe9b24..75390a4 100644
--- a/frontend/type.dcl
+++ b/frontend/type.dcl
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ definition module type
import StdArray
import syntax, check
+/* MW4 was:
typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File
-> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File)
+typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !Bool !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File !*File
+ -> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File, !*File)
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index afd8528..26fe710 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import RWSDebug
, ts_expr_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
, ts_td_infos :: !.TypeDefInfos
, ts_error :: !.ErrorAdmin
+ , ts_out :: !.File // MW4++
:: TypeCoercion =
@@ -167,12 +168,84 @@ where
contains_var var_id _
= False
+type_error =: "Type error" // MW4++
+type_error_format =: { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No } // MW4++
+/* MW4 was:
cannotUnify t1 t2 position err
# err = errorHeading "Type error" err
format = { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No }
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< optionalFrontPosition position <<< " cannot unify " <:: (format, t1)
<<< " with " <:: (format, t2) <<< position <<< '\n' }
+cannotUnify t1 t2 position=:(CP_Expression expr) err=:{ea_loc=[ip:_]}
+ = case tryToOptimizePosition expr ip of
+ Yes ident_pos
+ # err = pushErrorAdmin ident_pos err
+ err = errorHeading type_error err
+ err = popErrorAdmin err
+ -> { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " cannot unify " <:: (type_error_format, t1, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer)
+ <<< " with " <:: (type_error_format, t2, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n' }
+ _
+ -> cannot_unify t1 t2 position err
+cannotUnify t1 t2 position err
+ = cannot_unify t1 t2 position err
+cannot_unify t1 t2 position err
+ # (err=:{ea_file}) = errorHeading type_error err
+ ea_file = case position of
+ CP_FunArg _ _
+ -> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< position <<< "\""
+ _
+ -> ea_file
+ ea_file = ea_file <<< " cannot unify " <:: (type_error_format, t1, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer)
+ <<< " with " <:: (type_error_format, t2, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer)
+ ea_file = case position of
+ CP_FunArg _ _
+ -> ea_file
+ _
+ -> ea_file <<< " near " <<< position
+ = { err & ea_file = ea_file <<< '\n' }
+// MW4..
+tryToOptimizePosition (Case {case_ident=Yes {id_name}}) ip
+ = tryToOptimizePositionFromString id_name ip
+tryToOptimizePosition (App {app_symb={symb_name}}) ip
+ = tryToOptimizePositionFromString symb_name.id_name ip
+tryToOptimizePosition (fun @ _) ip
+ = tryToOptimizePosition fun ip
+tryToOptimizePositionFromString id_name ip
+ # fst_semicolon_index = searchlArrElt ((==) ';') id_name 0
+ | fst_semicolon_index < size id_name
+ # snd_semicolon_index = searchlArrElt ((==) ';') id_name (fst_semicolon_index+1)
+ prefix = id_name % (0, fst_semicolon_index-1)
+ line = toInt (id_name % (fst_semicolon_index+1, snd_semicolon_index-1))
+ = Yes { ip & ip_ident = { id_name = prefix_to_readable_name prefix, id_info = nilPtr }, ip_line = line }
+ = No
+ where
+ prefix_to_readable_name "_c" = "case"
+ prefix_to_readable_name "_g" = "guard"
+ prefix_to_readable_name "_f" = "filter"
+ prefix_to_readable_name prefix
+ | prefix.[0] == 'c'
+ = "comprehension"
+ | prefix.[0] == 'g'
+ = "generator"
+ prefix_to_readable_name _ = abort "fatal error 21 in type.icl"
+// search for an element in an array
+searchlArrElt p s i
+ :== searchl s i
+ where
+ searchl s i
+ | i>=size s
+ = i
+ | p s.[i]
+ = i
+ = searchl s (i+1)
+// ..MW4
class unify a :: !a !a !TypeInput !*{! Type} !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !*{! Type}, !*TypeHeaps)
@@ -1438,18 +1511,24 @@ where
specification_error type err
# err = errorHeading "Type error" err
format = { form_properties = cAttributed, form_attr_position = No}
- = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " specified type conflicts with derived type " <:: (format, type) <<< '\n' }
+// MW4 was: = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " specified type conflicts with derived type " <:: (format, type) <<< '\n' }
+ = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " specified type conflicts with derived type "
+ <:: (format, type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n' }
-cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [] _ _ start_index defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
+// MW4 was:cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [] _ _ start_index defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
+cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [] _ _ start_index _ defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
= (fun_defs, ts)
-cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [fun : funs] [ {fe_requirements = {req_case_and_let_exprs}} : reqs] dict_types start_index defs type_contexts coercion_env
+// MW4 was:cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [fun : funs] [ {fe_requirements = {req_case_and_let_exprs}} : reqs] dict_types start_index defs type_contexts coercion_env
+cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [fun : funs] [ {fe_requirements = {req_case_and_let_exprs}} : reqs] dict_types start_index list_inferred_types defs type_contexts coercion_env
attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
# (fd, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
dict_ptrs = get_dict_ptrs fun dict_types
- (type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts) = clean_up_and_check_function_type fd fun (start_index == fun) defs type_contexts
+// MW4 was: (type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts) = clean_up_and_check_function_type fd fun (start_index == fun) defs type_contexts
+ (type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts) = clean_up_and_check_function_type fd fun (start_index == fun) list_inferred_types defs type_contexts
(dict_ptrs ++ req_case_and_let_exprs) coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts
- = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes funs reqs dict_types start_index defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
+// MW4 was: = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes funs reqs dict_types start_index defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
+ = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes funs reqs dict_types start_index list_inferred_types defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
get_dict_ptrs fun_index []
= []
@@ -1458,7 +1537,8 @@ where
= ptrs
= get_dict_ptrs fun_index dict_types
- clean_up_and_check_function_type {fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_type = opt_fun_type} fun is_start_rule defs type_contexts type_ptrs
+// MW4 was: clean_up_and_check_function_type {fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_type = opt_fun_type} fun is_start_rule defs type_contexts type_ptrs
+ clean_up_and_check_function_type {fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_type = opt_fun_type} fun is_start_rule list_inferred_types defs type_contexts type_ptrs
coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts
# (env_type, ts) = ts!ts_fun_env.[fun]
# ts = { ts & ts_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) ts.ts_error}
@@ -1476,11 +1556,22 @@ where
# (clean_fun_type, type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap, ts_error)
= cleanUpSymbolType is_start_rule cDerivedType exp_fun_type type_contexts type_ptrs coercion_env
attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts.ts_type_heaps ts.ts_var_heap ts.ts_expr_heap ts.ts_error
+// MW4..
+ ts_out = ts.ts_out
+ ts_out = case list_inferred_types of
+ False
+ -> ts_out
+ _
+ # form = { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No }
+ -> ts_out <<< fun_symb <<< " :: "
+ <:: (form, clean_fun_type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n'
+// ..MW4
ts_fun_env = { ts.ts_fun_env & [fun] = CheckedType clean_fun_type }
- -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_error = ts_error })
+// MW4 was: -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_error = ts_error })
+ -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_error = ts_error, ts_out = ts_out })
check_function_type fun_type tmp_fun_type=:{tst_lifted} clean_fun_type=:{st_arity, st_args, st_vars, st_attr_vars, st_context} type_ptrs
- defs fun_env attr_var_env type_heaps expr_heap error
+ defs fun_env attr_var_env type_heaps expr_heap error
# (equi, attr_var_env, type_heaps) = equivalent clean_fun_type tmp_fun_type (length fun_type.st_context) defs attr_var_env type_heaps
| equi
# type_with_lifted_arg_types = addLiftedArgumentsToSymbolType fun_type tst_lifted st_args st_vars st_attr_vars st_context
@@ -1507,12 +1598,14 @@ addLiftedArgumentsToSymbolType st=:{st_arity,st_args,st_vars,st_attr_vars,st_con
, fe_location :: !IdentPos
-typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File
- -> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File)
-typeProgram comps fun_defs specials icl_defs imports modules {hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps} predef_symbols file
+// MW4 was:typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File
+typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !Bool !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File !*File
+// MW4 was: -> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File)
+ -> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File, !*File)
+// MW4 was:typeProgram comps fun_defs specials icl_defs imports modules {hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps} predef_symbols file
+typeProgram comps fun_defs specials list_inferred_types icl_defs imports modules {hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps} predef_symbols file out
#! fun_env_size = size fun_defs
# ts_error = {ea_file = file, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
ti_common_defs = {{dcl_common \\ {dcl_common} <-: modules } & [cIclModIndex] = icl_defs }
ti_functions = {dcl_functions \\ {dcl_functions} <-: modules }
@@ -1526,19 +1619,24 @@ typeProgram comps fun_defs specials icl_defs imports modules {hp_var_heap, hp_ex
(_, ts_error, class_instances, th_vars, td_infos) = collect_and_check_instances (size icl_defs.com_instance_defs) ti_common_defs state
ts = { ts_fun_env = InitFunEnv fun_env_size, ts_var_heap = hp_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = hp_expression_heap, ts_var_store = 0, ts_attr_store = FirstAttrVar,
- ts_type_heaps = { hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, ts_td_infos = td_infos, ts_error = ts_error }
+// MW4 was: ts_type_heaps = { hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, ts_td_infos = td_infos, ts_error = ts_error }
+ ts_type_heaps = { hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, ts_td_infos = td_infos, ts_error = ts_error, ts_out = out }
ti = { ti_common_defs = ti_common_defs, ti_functions = ti_functions }
special_instances = { si_next_array_member_index = fun_env_size, si_array_instances = [], si_next_TC_member_index = 0, si_TC_instances = [] }
- # (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts) = type_components 0 comps class_instances ti (False, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts)
+// MW4 was: # (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts) = type_components 0 comps class_instances ti (False, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts)
+ # (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts) = type_components list_inferred_types 0 comps class_instances ti (False, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts)
(fun_defs,ts_fun_env) = update_function_types 0 comps ts.ts_fun_env fun_defs
- (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, {ts_fun_env,ts_error,ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap, ts_type_heaps})
- = type_instances specials.ir_from specials.ir_to class_instances ti (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances,
- { ts & ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env })
+// MW4 was: (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, {ts_fun_env,ts_error,ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap, ts_type_heaps})
+ (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, {ts_fun_env,ts_error,ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap, ts_type_heaps, ts_out})
+// MW4 was: = type_instances specials.ir_from specials.ir_to class_instances ti (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances,
+ = type_instances list_inferred_types specials.ir_from specials.ir_to class_instances ti (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances,
+ { ts & ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env })
{si_array_instances, si_next_array_member_index, si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances}= special_instances
(fun_defs, predef_symbols, ts_type_heaps) = convert_array_instances si_array_instances ti_common_defs fun_defs predef_symbols ts_type_heaps
type_code_instances = {createArray si_next_TC_member_index GTT_Function & [gtci_index] = gtci_type \\ {gtci_index, gtci_type} <- si_TC_instances}
= (not type_error, fun_defs, { ir_from = fun_env_size, ir_to = si_next_array_member_index }, type_code_instances, ti_common_defs, ti_functions,
- {hp_var_heap = ts_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = ts_expr_heap, hp_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps }, predef_symbols, ts_error.ea_file)
+// MW4 was: {hp_var_heap = ts_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = ts_expr_heap, hp_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps }, predef_symbols, ts_error.ea_file)
+ {hp_var_heap = ts_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = ts_expr_heap, hp_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps }, predef_symbols, ts_error.ea_file, ts_out)
// ---> ("typeProgram", array_inst_types)
collect_imported_instances imports common_defs dummy error class_instances type_var_heap td_infos
@@ -1611,18 +1709,24 @@ where
= (error, IT_Node ins it_less it_greater)
= (checkError ins_types " instance is overlapping" error, IT_Node ins it_less it_greater)
- type_instances ir_from ir_to class_instances ti funs_and_state
+// MW4 was: type_instances ir_from ir_to class_instances ti funs_and_state
+ type_instances list_inferred_types ir_from ir_to class_instances ti funs_and_state
| ir_from == ir_to
= funs_and_state
- # funs_and_state = type_component [ir_from] class_instances ti funs_and_state
- = type_instances (inc ir_from) ir_to class_instances ti funs_and_state
+// MW4 was: # funs_and_state = type_component [ir_from] class_instances ti funs_and_state
+ # funs_and_state = type_component list_inferred_types [ir_from] class_instances ti funs_and_state
+// MW4 was: = type_instances (inc ir_from) ir_to class_instances ti funs_and_state
+ = type_instances list_inferred_types (inc ir_from) ir_to class_instances ti funs_and_state
- type_components group_index comps class_instances ti funs_and_state
+// MW4 was: type_components group_index comps class_instances ti funs_and_state
+ type_components list_inferred_types group_index comps class_instances ti funs_and_state
| group_index == size comps
= funs_and_state
#! comp = comps.[group_index]
- # funs_and_state = type_component comp.group_members class_instances ti funs_and_state
- = type_components (inc group_index) comps class_instances ti funs_and_state
+// MW4 was: # funs_and_state = type_component comp.group_members class_instances ti funs_and_state
+ # funs_and_state = type_component list_inferred_types comp.group_members class_instances ti funs_and_state
+// MW4 was: = type_components (inc group_index) comps class_instances ti funs_and_state
+ = type_components list_inferred_types (inc group_index) comps class_instances ti funs_and_state
show_component comp fun_defs
= foldSt show_fun comp ([], fun_defs)
@@ -1637,7 +1741,8 @@ where
= (pds_def, predef_symbols)
= (NoIndex, predef_symbols)
- type_component comp class_instances ti=:{ti_common_defs} (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts)
+// MW4 was: type_component comp class_instances ti=:{ti_common_defs} (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts)
+ type_component list_inferred_types comp class_instances ti=:{ti_common_defs} (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts)
# (start_index, predef_symbols) = get_index_of_start_rule predef_symbols
# (fun_defs, predef_symbols, cons_variables, ts) = CreateInitialSymbolTypes start_index ti_common_defs comp (fun_defs, predef_symbols, [], ts)
(fun_reqs, (cons_variables, fun_defs, ts)) = type_functions comp ti cons_variables fun_defs ts
@@ -1671,7 +1776,8 @@ where
(subst, ts_fun_env) = expand_function_types comp subst ts.ts_fun_env
attr_var_env = createArray nr_of_attr_vars TA_None
var_env = { subst & [i] = TE \\ i <- [0..dec ts_var_store]}
- (fun_defs, ts) = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes comp fun_reqs dict_types start_index ti_common_defs contexts coer_demanded attr_partition var_env attr_var_env
+// MW4 was: (fun_defs, ts) = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes comp fun_reqs dict_types start_index ti_common_defs contexts coer_demanded attr_partition var_env attr_var_env
+ (fun_defs, ts) = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes comp fun_reqs dict_types start_index list_inferred_types ti_common_defs contexts coer_demanded attr_partition var_env attr_var_env
(fun_defs, { ts & ts_error = ts_error, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps,
ts_td_infos = ts_td_infos, ts_var_heap = os_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = os_symbol_heap })
| not ts.ts_error.ea_ok
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.dcl b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
index 0155406..a5d4da3 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ SwitchFusion fuse dont_fuse :== dont_fuse
errorHeading :: !String !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin
-class (<::) infixl a :: !*File (!Format, !a) -> *File
+// MW4 was:class (<::) infixl a :: !*File (!Format, !a) -> *File
+(<::) infixl :: !*File (!Format, !a, !Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) -> *File | writeType a
+class writeType a :: !*File !(Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) (!Format, !a) -> (!*File, !Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer)
:: Format =
{ form_properties :: !BITVECT
@@ -21,7 +24,11 @@ cAttributed :== 1
cAnnotated :== 2
cMarkAttribute :== 4
-instance <:: SymbolType, Type, AType, [a] | <:: a
+:: TypeVarBeautifulizer // MW++
+instance writeType SymbolType, Type, AType, [a] | writeType a
+initialTypeVarBeautifulizer :: TypeVarBeautifulizer // MW4++
:: AttributeEnv :== {! TypeAttribute }
:: VarEnv :== {! Type }
@@ -65,5 +72,3 @@ class substitute a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!a, !*TypeHeaps)
instance substitute AType, Type, TypeContext, AttrInequality, CaseType, [a] | substitute a
instance <<< TempSymbolType
-optionalFrontPosition :: !CoercionPosition -> String // MW3++
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index a474625..fc84b32 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -827,100 +827,123 @@ checkProperty form property :== not (form.form_properties bitand property == 0)
setProperty form property :== {form & form_properties = form.form_properties bitor property}
clearProperty form property :== {form & form_properties = form.form_properties bitand (bitnot property)}
-class (<::) infixl a :: !*File (!Format, !a) -> *File
+(<::) infixl :: !*File (!Format, !a, !Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) -> *File | writeType a
+(<::) file (format, a, opt_beautifulizer)
+ # (file, _) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (format, a)
+ = file
+class writeType a :: !*File !(Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) (!Format, !a) -> (!*File, !Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer)
-instance <:: SymbolType
+instance writeType SymbolType
- (<::) file (form, {st_args, st_arity, st_result, st_context, st_attr_env})
- | st_arity > 0
- = show_environment form (show_context form (file <:: (form, st_args) <<< " -> " <:: (form, st_result)) st_context) st_attr_env
- = show_environment form ((show_context form (file <:: (form, st_result))) st_context) st_attr_env
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {st_args, st_arity, st_result, st_context, st_attr_env})
+ # file_opt_beautifulizer
+ = case st_arity of
+ 0
+ -> writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, st_result)
+ _
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, st_args)
+ -> writeType (file <<< " -> ") opt_beautifulizer (form, st_result)
+ (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = show_context form st_context file_opt_beautifulizer
+ = case isEmpty st_attr_env || not (checkProperty form cAttributed) of
+ True
+ -> (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ False
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< ", [") opt_beautifulizer
+ (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, st_attr_env)
+ -> (file <<< ']', opt_beautifulizer)
- show_context form file []
- = file
- show_context form file contexts
- = file <<< " | " <:: (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, contexts)
- show_environment form file []
- = file
- show_environment form file environ
- = file <<< ", " <:: (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, environ)
+ show_context form [] file_opt_beautifulizer
+ = file_opt_beautifulizer
+ show_context form contexts (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< " | ") opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, contexts)
-instance <:: TypeContext
+instance writeType TypeContext
- (<::) file (form, {tc_class={glob_object={ds_ident}}, tc_types})
- = file <<< ds_ident <<< ' ' <:: (form, tc_types)
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {tc_class={glob_object={ds_ident}}, tc_types})
+ = writeType (file <<< ds_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, tc_types)
-instance <:: AttrInequality
+instance writeType AttrInequality
- (<::) file (form, {ai_demanded, ai_offered})
- = file <<< ai_offered <<< " <= " <<< ai_demanded
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {ai_demanded, ai_offered})
+ = (file <<< ai_offered <<< " <= " <<< ai_demanded, opt_beautifulizer)
-instance <:: AType
+instance writeType AType
- (<::) file (form, {at_attribute, at_annotation, at_type})
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {at_attribute, at_annotation, at_type})
| checkProperty form cAnnotated
- = show_attributed_type (file <<< at_annotation) form at_attribute at_type
- = show_attributed_type file form at_attribute at_type
+ = show_attributed_type (file <<< at_annotation) opt_beautifulizer form at_attribute at_type
+ = show_attributed_type file opt_beautifulizer form at_attribute at_type
- show_attributed_type file form TA_Multi type
+ show_attributed_type file opt_beautifulizer form TA_Multi type
| checkProperty form cMarkAttribute
- = show_marked_attribute TA_Multi form file <:: (form, type)
- = file <:: (form, type)
- show_attributed_type file form attr type
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = show_marked_attribute TA_Multi form file opt_beautifulizer
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type)
+ show_attributed_type file opt_beautifulizer form attr type
| checkProperty form cAttributed
- = file <<< attr <:: (setProperty form cBrackets, type)
+ = writeType (file <<< attr) opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, type)
| checkProperty form cMarkAttribute
- = show_marked_attribute attr form file <:: (setProperty form cBrackets, type)
- = file <:: (form, type)
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = show_marked_attribute attr form file opt_beautifulizer
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, type)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type)
- show_marked_attribute attr {form_attr_position = Yes (positions, coercions)} file
+ show_marked_attribute attr {form_attr_position = Yes (positions, coercions)} file opt_beautifulizer
| isEmpty positions
- = show_attribute attr coercions (file <<< "^ ")
- = show_attribute attr coercions file
+ = show_attribute attr coercions (file <<< "^ ") opt_beautifulizer
+ = show_attribute attr coercions file opt_beautifulizer
- show_attribute TA_Unique coercions file
- = file <<< '*'
- show_attribute TA_Multi coercions file
- = file
- show_attribute (TA_TempVar av_number) coercions file
+ show_attribute TA_Unique coercions file opt_beautifulizer
+ = (file <<< '*' , opt_beautifulizer)
+ show_attribute TA_Multi coercions file opt_beautifulizer
+ = (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ show_attribute (TA_TempVar av_number) coercions file opt_beautifulizer
| isUniqueAttribute av_number coercions
- = file <<< '*'
+ = (file <<< '*', opt_beautifulizer)
| isNonUniqueAttribute av_number coercions
- = file
- = file <<< '.' <<< "[[" <<< av_number <<< "]]"
- show_attribute TA_TempExVar coercions file
- = PA_BUG (file <<< "(E)") (abort "show_attribute TA_TempExVar")
-instance <:: Type
- (<::) file (form, TV varid)
- = file <<< varid
- (<::) file (form, TempV tv_number)
- = file <<< 'v' <<< tv_number
- (<::) file (form, TA {type_name,type_index,type_arity} types)
+ = (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = (file <<< '.' <<< "[[" <<< av_number <<< "]]", opt_beautifulizer)
+ show_attribute TA_TempExVar coercions file opt_beautifulizer
+ = PA_BUG (file <<< "(E)", opt_beautifulizer) (abort "show_attribute TA_TempExVar")
+instance writeType Type
+ writeType file No (form, TV varid)
+ = (file <<< varid, No)
+ writeType file No (form, TempV tv_number)
+ = (file <<< 'v' <<< tv_number, No)
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA {type_name,type_index,type_arity} types)
| is_predefined type_index
| is_list type_name
- = file <<< '[' <:: (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) <<< ']'
+ = writeWithinBrackets "[" "]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
| is_lazy_array type_name
- = file <<< '{' <:: (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) <<< '}'
+ = writeWithinBrackets "{" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
| is_strict_array type_name
- = file <<< "{!" <:: (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) <<< '}'
+ = writeWithinBrackets "{!" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
| is_unboxed_array type_name
- = file <<< "{#" <:: (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) <<< '}'
+ = writeWithinBrackets "{#" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
| is_tuple type_name type_arity
- = file <<< '(' <:: (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) <<< ')'
+ = writeWithinBrackets "(" ")" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
| type_arity == 0
- = file <<< type_name
+ = (file <<< type_name, opt_beautifulizer)
| checkProperty form cBrackets
- = file <<< '(' <<< type_name <<< ' ' <:: (form, types) <<< ')'
- = file <<< type_name <<< ' ' <:: (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type_name <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
+ = (file <<< ')', opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< type_name <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
| type_arity == 0
- = file <<< type_name
+ = (file <<< type_name, opt_beautifulizer)
| checkProperty form cBrackets
- = file <<< '(' <<< type_name <<< ' ' <:: (form, types) <<< ')'
- = file <<< type_name <<< ' ' <:: (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type_name <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
+ = (file <<< ')', opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< type_name <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
is_predefined {glob_module} = glob_module == cPredefinedModuleIndex
@@ -930,59 +953,94 @@ where
is_strict_array {id_name} = id_name == "_!array"
is_unboxed_array {id_name} = id_name == "_#array"
- (<::) file (form, arg_type --> res_type)
+// MW4 was: writeType file (form, arg_type --> res_type)
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, arg_type --> res_type)
| checkProperty form cBrackets
- = file <<< '(' <:: (clearProperty (setProperty form cArrowSeparator) cBrackets, [arg_type, res_type]) <<< ')'
- = file <:: (setProperty form (cBrackets bitor cArrowSeparator), [arg_type, res_type])
- (<::) file (form, type :@: types)
+ = writeWithinBrackets "(" ")" file opt_beautifulizer
+ (clearProperty (setProperty form cArrowSeparator) cBrackets, [arg_type, res_type])
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form (cBrackets bitor cArrowSeparator), [arg_type, res_type])
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type :@: types)
| checkProperty form cBrackets
- = file <<< '(' <<< type <<< ' ' <:: (form, types) <<< ')'
- = file <<< type <<< ' ' <:: (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
- (<::) file (form, TB tb)
- = file <<< tb
- (<::) file (form, TQV varid)
- = file <<< "E." <<< varid
- (<::) file (form, TempQV tv_number)
- = file <<< "E." <<< tv_number <<< ' '
- (<::) file (form, TE)
- = file <<< "__"
- (<::) file (form, type)
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
+ = (file <<< ')', opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< type <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TB tb)
+ = (file <<< tb, opt_beautifulizer)
+ writeType file No (form, TQV varid)
+ = (file <<< "E." <<< varid, No)
+ writeType file No (form, TempQV tv_number)
+ = (file <<< "E." <<< tv_number <<< ' ', No)
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TE)
+ = (file <<< "__", opt_beautifulizer)
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (form, type_variable)
+ = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer type_variable
+ writeType file _ (form, type)
= abort ("<:: (Type) (typesupport.icl)" ---> type)
+writeWithinBrackets br_open br_close file opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType (file <<< br_open) opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
+ = (file <<< br_close, opt_beautifulizer)
+writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer=:{tvb_visited, tvb_fresh_vars} type_variable
+ | sanity_check_failed type_variable
+ = abort "bug nr 12345 in module typesupport"
+ = case lookup type_variable tvb_visited of
+ No
+ -> (file <<< hd tvb_fresh_vars, Yes { tvb_visited = [(type_variable, hd tvb_fresh_vars):tvb_visited],
+ tvb_fresh_vars = tl tvb_fresh_vars })
+ Yes (_, beautiful_var_name)
+ -> (file <<< beautiful_var_name, Yes beautifulizer)
+ where
+ lookup _ [] = No
+ lookup t1 [hd=:(t2, _):tl]
+ | t1==t2
+ = Yes hd
+ = lookup t1 tl
+ sanity_check_failed (GTV _) = False
+ sanity_check_failed (TV _) = False
+ sanity_check_failed (TempV _) = False
+ sanity_check_failed (TQV _) = False
+ sanity_check_failed (TempQV _) = False
+ sanity_check_failed (TLifted _) = False
+ sanity_check_failed _ = True
cNoPosition :== -1
-instance <:: [a] | <:: a
+instance writeType [a] | writeType a
- (<::) file (form, types)
- = show_list 0 form types file
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
+ = show_list 0 form types (file, opt_beautifulizer)
- show_list elem_number form [type] file
- | checkProperty form cCommaSeparator
- = show_elem elem_number (clearProperty form cCommaSeparator) type file
- | checkProperty form cArrowSeparator
- = show_elem elem_number (clearProperty form cArrowSeparator) type file
- = show_elem elem_number (setProperty form cBrackets) type file
- show_list elem_number form [type : types] file
+ show_list elem_number form [type] file_opt_beautifulizer
| checkProperty form cCommaSeparator
- = show_list (inc elem_number) form types (show_elem elem_number (clearProperty form cCommaSeparator) type file <<< ',')
+ = show_elem elem_number (clearProperty form cCommaSeparator) type file_opt_beautifulizer
| checkProperty form cArrowSeparator
- = show_list (inc elem_number) form types (show_elem elem_number (clearProperty form cArrowSeparator) type file <<< " -> ")
- = show_list (inc elem_number) form types (show_elem elem_number (setProperty form cBrackets) type file <<< ' ')
+ = show_elem elem_number (clearProperty form cArrowSeparator) type file_opt_beautifulizer
+ = show_elem elem_number (setProperty form cBrackets) type file_opt_beautifulizer
+ show_list elem_number form [type : types] file_opt_beautifulizer
+ # (elem_format, seperator)
+ = if (checkProperty form cCommaSeparator) (clearProperty form cCommaSeparator, ",")
+ (if (checkProperty form cArrowSeparator) (clearProperty form cArrowSeparator, " -> ")
+ (setProperty form cBrackets, " "))
+ (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = show_elem elem_number elem_format type file_opt_beautifulizer
+ = show_list (inc elem_number) form types (file <<< seperator, opt_beautifulizer)
show_list elem_number form [] file
= file
- show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = No} type file
- = file <:: (form, type)
- show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = Yes ([pos : positions], coercions)} type file
+ show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = No} type (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type)
+ show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = Yes ([pos : positions], coercions)} type (file, opt_beautifulizer)
| elem_nr == pos
- = file <:: ({form & form_attr_position = Yes (positions, coercions)}, type)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer ({form & form_attr_position = Yes (positions, coercions)}, type)
| pos == cNoPosition
- = file <:: (form, type)
- = file <:: ({form & form_attr_position = Yes ([cNoPosition], coercions)}, type)
- show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = Yes ([], coercions)} type file
- = file <:: ({form & form_attr_position = Yes ([cNoPosition], coercions)}, type)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer ({form & form_attr_position = Yes ([cNoPosition], coercions)}, type)
+ show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = Yes ([], coercions)} type (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer ({form & form_attr_position = Yes ([cNoPosition], coercions)}, type)
from compare_constructor import equal_constructor
@@ -1006,10 +1064,19 @@ where
= file <<< tst_result <<< " | " <<< tst_context <<< " [" <<< tst_attr_env <<< ']'
= file <<< tst_args <<< " -> " <<< tst_result <<< " | " <<< tst_context <<< " [" <<< tst_attr_env <<< ']'
-// MW3..
-optionalFrontPosition :: !CoercionPosition -> String
-optionalFrontPosition (CP_Expression _)
- = ""
-optionalFrontPosition (CP_FunArg {id_name} arg_nr)
- = "\"argument "+++toString arg_nr+++" of "+++id_name+++"\""
-// ..MW3
+// MW4..
+:: TypeVarBeautifulizer =
+ { tvb_visited :: ![(Type, String)]
+ // associates type variables with strings, the type should be only GTV, TV, TempV, TQV, TempQV, TLifted.
+ // (associations lists are slow but cool)
+ , tvb_fresh_vars :: ![String]
+ }
+initialTypeVarBeautifulizer :: TypeVarBeautifulizer
+ = { tvb_visited = [], tvb_fresh_vars = fresh_vars 'a' (-1) }
+ where
+ fresh_vars 'i' i
+ = fresh_vars 'a' (i+1)
+ fresh_vars ch i
+ = [if (i==(-1)) (toString ch) (toString ch+++toString i): fresh_vars (inc ch) i]
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.dcl b/frontend/unitype.dcl
index cdb79ef..0c4f726 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.dcl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.dcl
@@ -49,5 +49,3 @@ uniquenessError :: !CoercionPosition !String !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin
liftSubstitution :: !*{! Type} !{# CommonDefs }!{# BOOLVECT } !Int !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos -> (*{! Type}, !Int, !*TypeVarHeap, !*TypeDefInfos)
-instance <<< CoercionPosition
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index 7c94722..14c38ce 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -59,14 +59,20 @@ determineAttributeCoercions off_type dem_type coercible position subst coercions
{ crc_type_heaps = es_type_heaps, crc_coercions = coercions, crc_td_infos = es_td_infos}
= case result of
Yes positions
- # error = errorHeading "Uniqueness error" error
+ # (error=:{ea_file}) = errorHeading "Uniqueness error" error
(crc_coercions, copy_crc_coercions) = uniqueCopy crc_coercions
format = { form_properties = cMarkAttribute, form_attr_position = Yes (reverse positions, copy_crc_coercions) }
// MW3 was: ea_file = error.ea_file <<< " attribute at indicated position could not be coerced " <:: (format, exp_off_type) <<< '\n'
- ea_file = error.ea_file <<< optionalFrontPosition position
- <<< " attribute at indicated position could not be coerced " <:: (format, exp_off_type)
- <<< position <<< '\n'
+ ea_file =
+ case position of
+ CP_FunArg _ _
+ -> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< position <<< "\" "
+ _
+ -> ea_file
+ ea_file = ea_file <<< "attribute at indicated position could not be coerced "
+ <:: (format, exp_off_type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n'
-> (subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps, { error & ea_file = ea_file })
@@ -726,55 +732,6 @@ where
(<<<) file CT_NonUnique = file <<< "CT_NonUnique"
(<<<) file CT_Empty = file <<< "##"
-/* MW3 was:
-instance <<< CoercionPosition
- (<<<) file {cp_expression} = show_expression file cp_expression
-instance <<< CoercionPosition
- (<<<) file (CP_FunArg fun_ident arg_nr) = file
- (<<<) file (CP_Expression expression) = show_expression (file <<< " near ") expression
- where
- show_expression file (Var {var_name})
- = file <<< var_name
- show_expression file (FreeVar {fv_name})
- = file <<< fv_name
- show_expression file (App {app_symb={symb_name}})
- = file <<< symb_name
- show_expression file (fun @ fun_args)
- = show_expression file fun
- show_expression file (Case {case_ident})
- = case case_ident of
- Yes {id_name}
- # (line, pos) = get_line_and_col "_c" id_name
- -> file <<< "case [" <<< line <<< ',' <<< pos <<< ']'
- No
- -> file <<< "(case ... )"
- show_expression file (Selection _ expr selectors)
- = file <<< "selection"
- show_expression file (Update expr1 selectors expr2)
- = file <<< "update"
- show_expression file (TupleSelect {ds_arity} elem_nr expr)
- = file <<< "argument" <<< (elem_nr + 1) <<< " of " <<< ds_arity <<< "-tuple"
- show_expression file (BasicExpr bv _)
- = file <<< bv
- show_expression file (MatchExpr _ _ expr)
- = file <<< "match expression"
- show_expression file _
- = file
- get_line_and_col prefix ident
- # ident = ident % (0, size prefix - 1)
- del_pos = find_delimiter '_' 0 ident
- = (toInt (ident % (0, del_pos - 1)), toInt (ident % (del_pos + 1, size ident - 1)))
- where
- find_delimiter del_char del_pos ident
- | del_char == ident.[del_pos]
- = del_pos
- = find_delimiter del_char (inc del_pos) ident
file_to_true :: !File -> Bool
file_to_true file = code {
.inline file_to_true