path: root/frontend
diff options
authormartinw2000-03-01 12:26:25 +0000
committermartinw2000-03-01 12:26:25 +0000
commit1dff6751993d9c732a823973a87c223fd24052e8 (patch)
tree6427b4ffb2fcc4124b6d18dd9391aa73aa3b7a53 /frontend
parentSimplified cocl.icl (diff)
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@108 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
6 files changed, 136 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.dcl b/frontend/checksupport.dcl
index 1824265..374c72c 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.dcl
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ newPosition :: !Ident !Position -> IdentPos
checkError :: !a !b !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin | <<< a & <<< b
checkWarning :: !a !b !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin | <<< a & <<< b
+checkErrorWithIdentPos :: !IdentPos !a !*ErrorAdmin -> .ErrorAdmin | <<< a;
class envLookUp a :: !a !(Env Ident .b) -> (!Bool,.b)
@@ -128,9 +129,7 @@ addLocalFunctionDefsToSymbolTable :: Level Index .Index u:(a FunDef) *SymbolTabl
addDefToSymbolTable :: !Level !Index !Ident !STE_Kind !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin -> (!* SymbolTable, !*ErrorAdmin)
addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
-addImportedFunctionOrMacro :: !Ident .Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addFieldToSelectorDefinition :: !Ident (Global .Int) !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
-addImportedSymbol :: !Ident STE_Kind .Int .Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable :: ![Import ImportDeclaration] ![Declaration] !*{#DclModule} !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> *(![Declaration],!*{#DclModule},!*Heap SymbolTableEntry);
removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition :: !Ident .Int .Int !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.icl b/frontend/checksupport.icl
index f9ede20..e5d8292 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.icl
@@ -155,6 +155,12 @@ checkWarning id mess error=:{ea_file,ea_loc=[]}
checkWarning id mess error=:{ea_file,ea_loc}
= { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Check Warning " <<< hd ea_loc <<< ":\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n' }
+checkErrorWithIdentPos :: !IdentPos !a !*ErrorAdmin -> .ErrorAdmin | <<< a;
+checkErrorWithIdentPos ident_pos mess error_admin
+ # error_admin = pushErrorAdmin ident_pos error_admin
+ error_admin = checkError ident_pos.ip_ident mess error_admin
+ = popErrorAdmin error_admin
class envLookUp a :: !a !(Env Ident .b) -> (!Bool,.b)
instance envLookUp TypeVar
@@ -241,11 +247,11 @@ addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*
addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable is_dcl_mod ste_index locals imported cs
= addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable locals ste_index (add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod imported cs)
- add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod [{dcl_ident,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] cs
+ add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod [{dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] cs
= case dcl_kind of
STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
| is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cIclModIndex
- -> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
+ -> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
-> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols cs
STE_FunctionOrMacro _
-> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
@@ -253,12 +259,12 @@ where
= cs
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
-addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable [{dcl_ident,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] mod_index cs
+addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable [{dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] mod_index cs
= case dcl_kind of
STE_FunctionOrMacro _
-> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
- -> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
+ -> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable [] mod_index cs
= cs
@@ -284,29 +290,29 @@ addFieldToSelectorDefinition {id_info} glob_field_index cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
-> { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs.cs_symbol_table id_info (STE_Selector [glob_field_index]) NoIndex cModuleScope entry }
-addImportedSymbol :: !Ident STE_Kind .Int .Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
-addImportedSymbol ident def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+addImportedSymbol :: !Ident !Position !STE_Kind !.Int !.Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addImportedSymbol ident pos def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
- = add_imported_symbol entry ident def_kind def_index def_mod { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
+ = add_imported_symbol entry ident pos def_kind def_index def_mod { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- add_imported_symbol entry=:{ste_kind = STE_Empty} {id_name,id_info} def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ add_imported_symbol entry=:{ste_kind = STE_Empty} {id_name,id_info} _ def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs_symbol_table id_info (STE_Imported def_kind def_mod) def_index cModuleScope entry}
= case def_kind of
STE_Field selector_id
-> addFieldToSelectorDefinition selector_id { glob_module = def_mod, glob_object = def_index } cs
-> cs
- add_imported_symbol entry=:{ste_kind = STE_Imported kind mod_index, ste_index} ident=:{id_info} def_kind def_index def_mod cs
+ add_imported_symbol entry=:{ste_kind = STE_Imported kind mod_index, ste_index} ident=:{id_info} _ def_kind def_index def_mod cs
| kind == def_kind && mod_index == def_mod && ste_index == def_index
= cs
- add_imported_symbol entry ident def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_error}
- = { cs & cs_error = checkError ident " multiply imported" cs_error}
+ add_imported_symbol entry ident pos def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition ident pos) " multiply imported" cs_error}
addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable decls cs
= foldSt add_global_definition decls cs
- add_global_definition {dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind,dcl_index} cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ add_global_definition {dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
#! entry = sreadPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| entry.ste_def_level < cGlobalScope
# cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs_symbol_table id_info dcl_kind dcl_index cGlobalScope entry }
@@ -315,7 +321,7 @@ where
-> addFieldToSelectorDefinition selector_id { glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = dcl_index } cs
-> cs
- = { cs & cs_error = checkError ident "(global definition) already defined" cs.cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition ident dcl_pos) "(global definition) already defined" cs.cs_error}
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable :: ![Import ImportDeclaration] ![Declaration] !*{#DclModule} !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> *(![Declaration],!*{#DclModule},!*Heap SymbolTableEntry);
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable [{import_module=import_module=:{id_info},import_symbols} : mods ] decls modules symbol_table
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl b/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
index b9a582f..242bf34 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ import syntax, checksupport
// compare definition and implementation module
compareDefImp :: !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!.{# DclModule}, !.IclModule,!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin);
+ -> (!.{# DclModule}, !.IclModule,!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin)
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
index b95b213..47a12d7 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
@@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ import RWSDebug
:: !Int
-class t_corresponds a :: a a -> *TypesCorrespondMonad
+:: OptionalCorrespondenceNumber = CorrespondenceNumber !Int | Bound | Unbound
+class t_corresponds a :: !a !a -> *TypesCorrespondMonad
// whether two types correspond
class e_corresponds a :: !a !a -> ExpressionsCorrespondMonad
// check for correspondence of expressions
@@ -75,13 +77,13 @@ class e_corresponds a :: !a !a -> ExpressionsCorrespondMonad
class getIdentPos a :: a -> IdentPos
class CorrespondenceNumber a where
- toCorrespondenceNumber :: .a -> Optional Int
+ toCorrespondenceNumber :: .a -> OptionalCorrespondenceNumber
fromCorrespondenceNumber :: Int -> .a
initial_hwn hwn_heap = { hwn_heap = hwn_heap, hwn_number = 0 }
compareDefImp :: !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!.{# DclModule}, !.IclModule,!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin);
+ -> (!.{# DclModule}, !.IclModule,!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin)
compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
# (main_dcl_module, dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![cIclModIndex]
= case main_dcl_module.dcl_conversions of
@@ -114,18 +116,20 @@ compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
(icl_com_selector_defs, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareWithConversions conversion_table.[cSelectorDefs]
dcl_common.com_selector_defs icl_com_selector_defs tc_state error_admin
- (icl_com_member_defs, tc_state, error_admin)
- = compareWithConversions conversion_table.[cMemberDefs]
- dcl_common.com_member_defs icl_com_member_defs tc_state error_admin
(icl_com_class_defs, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareWithConversions conversion_table.[cClassDefs]
dcl_common.com_class_defs icl_com_class_defs tc_state error_admin
+ (icl_com_member_defs, tc_state, error_admin)
+ = compareWithConversions conversion_table.[cMemberDefs]
+ dcl_common.com_member_defs icl_com_member_defs tc_state error_admin
(icl_com_instance_defs, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareWithConversions conversion_table.[cInstanceDefs]
dcl_common.com_instance_defs icl_com_instance_defs tc_state error_admin
+/* XXX macro comparision doesn't work yet
(icl_functions, hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareMacrosWithConversion conversion_table.[cMacroDefs] dcl_macros
icl_functions hp_var_heap hp_expression_heap tc_state error_admin
(icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareFunctionTypesWithConversions conversion_table.[cFunctionDefs]
dcl_functions icl_functions tc_state error_admin
@@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
= { hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap,
hp_type_heaps = { th_vars = tc_type_vars.hwn_heap, th_attrs = tc_attr_vars.hwn_heap}}
-> ( tc_dcl_modules, { icl_module & icl_common = icl_common, icl_functions = icl_functions },
- heaps, error_admin )
+ heaps, error_admin )
copy original
#! size = size original
@@ -156,6 +160,9 @@ compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
compareWithConversions conversions dclDefs iclDefs tc_state error_admin
= iFoldSt (compareWithConversion conversions dclDefs) 0 (size conversions) (iclDefs, tc_state, error_admin)
+compareWithConversion :: !w:(a x:Int) !.(b c) !Int !(!u:(d c), !*TypesCorrespondState, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!v:(d c), !.TypesCorrespondState, !.ErrorAdmin)
+ | Array .b & getIdentPos , select_u , t_corresponds , uselect_u c & Array .d & Array .a, [u <= v, w <= x];
compareWithConversion conversions dclDefs dclIndex (iclDefs, tc_state, error_admin)
# (iclDef, iclDefs) = iclDefs![conversions.[dclIndex]]
(corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds dclDefs.[dclIndex] iclDef tc_state
@@ -167,6 +174,9 @@ compareFunctionTypesWithConversions conversions dcl_fun_types icl_functions tc_s
= iFoldSt (compareTwoFunctionTypes conversions dcl_fun_types) 0 (size conversions)
(icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
+compareTwoFunctionTypes :: !w:(a x:Int) !.(b FunType) !.Int !(!u:(c FunDef),!*TypesCorrespondState,!*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!v:(c FunDef),!.TypesCorrespondState,!.ErrorAdmin)
+ | Array .b & Array .c & Array .a, [u <= v, w <= x];
compareTwoFunctionTypes conversions dcl_fun_types dclIndex (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
# (fun_def=:{fun_type}, icl_functions) = icl_functions![conversions.[dclIndex]]
= case fun_type of
@@ -175,19 +185,22 @@ compareTwoFunctionTypes conversions dcl_fun_types dclIndex (icl_functions, tc_st
# dcl_symbol_type = dcl_fun_types.[dclIndex].ft_type
tc_state = init_attr_vars (dcl_symbol_type.st_attr_vars++icl_symbol_type.st_attr_vars)
- tc_type_vars = init_type_vars (dcl_symbol_type.st_vars++icl_symbol_type.st_vars)
- tc_state.tc_type_vars
+ tc_state = init_type_vars (dcl_symbol_type.st_vars++icl_symbol_type.st_vars) tc_state
(corresponds, tc_state)
- = t_corresponds dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type { tc_state & tc_type_vars = tc_type_vars }
+ = t_corresponds dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type tc_state
| corresponds
-> (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
-> generate_error error_message fun_def icl_functions tc_state error_admin
-init_type_vars type_vars tc_type_vars=:{hwn_heap}
- # hwn_heap = foldSt init_type_var type_vars hwn_heap
- = { tc_type_vars & hwn_heap = hwn_heap }
-init_type_var {tv_info_ptr} heap
- = writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty heap
+init_type_vars type_vars tc_state=:{tc_type_vars}
+ # tc_type_vars = init_type_vars` type_vars tc_type_vars
+ = { tc_state & tc_type_vars = tc_type_vars }
+ where
+ init_type_vars` type_vars tc_type_vars=:{hwn_heap}
+ # hwn_heap = foldSt init_type_var type_vars hwn_heap
+ = { tc_type_vars & hwn_heap = hwn_heap }
+ init_type_var {tv_info_ptr} heap
+ = writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty heap
generate_error message iclDef iclDefs tc_state error_admin
# ident_pos = getIdentPos iclDef
@@ -209,6 +222,7 @@ compareMacrosWithConversion conversions macro_range icl_functions var_heap expr_
compareMacroWithConversion conversions ir_from dclIndex ec_state
= compareTwoMacroFuns dclIndex conversions.[dclIndex-ir_from] ec_state
+compareTwoMacroFuns :: !.Int !.Int !*ExpressionsCorrespondState -> .ExpressionsCorrespondState;
compareTwoMacroFuns dclIndex iclIndex
ec_state=:{ec_correspondences, ec_icl_functions, ec_error_admin}
# (dcl_function, ec_icl_functions) = ec_icl_functions![dclIndex]
@@ -223,62 +237,57 @@ compareTwoMacroFuns dclIndex iclIndex
instance getIdentPos (TypeDef a) where
getIdentPos {td_name, td_pos}
- = makeIdentPos td_name td_pos
+ = newPosition td_name td_pos
instance getIdentPos ConsDef where
getIdentPos {cons_symb, cons_pos}
- = makeIdentPos cons_symb cons_pos
+ = newPosition cons_symb cons_pos
instance getIdentPos SelectorDef where
getIdentPos {sd_symb, sd_pos}
- = makeIdentPos sd_symb sd_pos
+ = newPosition sd_symb sd_pos
instance getIdentPos ClassDef where
getIdentPos {class_name, class_pos}
- = makeIdentPos class_name class_pos
+ = newPosition class_name class_pos
instance getIdentPos MemberDef where
getIdentPos {me_symb, me_pos}
- = makeIdentPos me_symb me_pos
+ = newPosition me_symb me_pos
instance getIdentPos ClassInstance where
getIdentPos {ins_ident, ins_pos}
- = makeIdentPos ins_ident ins_pos
+ = newPosition ins_ident ins_pos
instance getIdentPos FunDef where
getIdentPos {fun_symb, fun_pos}
- = makeIdentPos fun_symb fun_pos
-makeIdentPos ident (FunPos fileName lineNr _)
- = { ip_ident=ident, ip_line=lineNr, ip_file=fileName}
-makeIdentPos ident (LinePos fileName lineNr)
- = { ip_ident=ident, ip_line=lineNr, ip_file=fileName}
-makeIdentPos ident NoPos
- = { ip_ident=ident, ip_line=0, ip_file=""}
+ = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
instance CorrespondenceNumber VarInfo where
toCorrespondenceNumber (VI_CorrespondenceNumber number)
- = Yes number
- toCorrespondenceNumber _
- = No
+ = CorrespondenceNumber number
+ toCorrespondenceNumber VI_Empty
+ = Unbound
fromCorrespondenceNumber number
= VI_CorrespondenceNumber number
instance CorrespondenceNumber TypeVarInfo where
toCorrespondenceNumber (TVI_CorrespondenceNumber number)
- = Yes number
- toCorrespondenceNumber _
- = No
+ = CorrespondenceNumber number
+ toCorrespondenceNumber TVI_Empty
+ = Unbound
+ toCorrespondenceNumber (TVI_AType _)
+ = Bound
fromCorrespondenceNumber number
= TVI_CorrespondenceNumber number
instance CorrespondenceNumber AttrVarInfo where
toCorrespondenceNumber (AVI_CorrespondenceNumber number)
- = Yes number
- toCorrespondenceNumber _
- = No
+ = CorrespondenceNumber number
+ toCorrespondenceNumber AVI_Empty
+ = Unbound
fromCorrespondenceNumber number
= AVI_CorrespondenceNumber number
@@ -295,9 +304,9 @@ tryToUnifyVars ptr1 ptr2 heapWithNumber
#! info1 = sreadPtr ptr1 heapWithNumber.hwn_heap
info2 = sreadPtr ptr2 heapWithNumber.hwn_heap
= case (toCorrespondenceNumber info1, toCorrespondenceNumber info2) of
- (Yes number1, Yes number2)
+ (CorrespondenceNumber number1, CorrespondenceNumber number2)
-> (number1==number2, heapWithNumber)
- (No, No)
+ (Unbound, Unbound)
-> (True, assignCorrespondenceNumber ptr1 ptr2 heapWithNumber)
_ -> (False, heapWithNumber)
@@ -348,12 +357,14 @@ instance t_corresponds (TypeDef TypeRhs) where
= undef <<- "t_corresponds (TypeDef): iclDef.td_arity <> length iclDef.td_args"
// ... sanity check
# tc_state = { tc_state & tc_visited_syn_types.[dclDef.td_index] = True }
- tc_state = init_atv_variables dclDef.td_args iclDef.td_args tc_state
+ tc_state = init_attr_vars dclDef.td_attrs tc_state
+ tc_state = init_attr_vars iclDef.td_attrs tc_state
+ tc_state = init_atype_vars dclDef.td_args tc_state
+ tc_state = init_atype_vars iclDef.td_args tc_state
(corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds dclDef.td_args iclDef.td_args tc_state
| not corresponds
= (corresponds, tc_state)
- # tc_state = init_attr_vars (dclDef.td_attrs++iclDef.td_attrs) tc_state
- icl_root_has_anonymous_attr = root_has_anonymous_attr iclDef.td_attribute iclDef.td_rhs
+ # icl_root_has_anonymous_attr = root_has_anonymous_attr iclDef.td_attribute iclDef.td_rhs
| icl_root_has_anonymous_attr<>root_has_anonymous_attr dclDef.td_attribute dclDef.td_rhs
&& isnt_abstract dclDef.td_rhs
= (False, tc_state)
@@ -378,15 +389,6 @@ instance t_corresponds (TypeDef TypeRhs) where
isnt_abstract (AbstractType _) = False
isnt_abstract _ = True
-init_atv_variables [dcl_type_var:dcl_type_vars] [icl_type_var:icl_type_vars]
- tc_state=:{tc_type_vars}
- # tc_type_vars
- = assignCorrespondenceNumber dcl_type_var.atv_variable.tv_info_ptr
- icl_type_var.atv_variable.tv_info_ptr tc_type_vars
- = init_atv_variables dcl_type_vars icl_type_vars { tc_state & tc_type_vars = tc_type_vars }
-init_atv_variables _ _ tc_state
- = tc_state
instance t_corresponds TypeContext where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
= t_corresponds dclDef.tc_class iclDef.tc_class
@@ -434,6 +436,12 @@ instance t_corresponds AType where
# ({dcl_common}, tc_state) = tc_state!tc_dcl_modules.[glob_module]
type_def = dcl_common.com_type_defs.[glob_object]
= case type_def.td_rhs of
+ SynType {at_type=TV type_var, at_attribute}
+ // a "projection" type. attributes are treated in a special way
+ # arg_pos = get_arg_pos type_var type_def.td_args 0
+ dcl_arg = dclArgs!!arg_pos
+ coerced_dcl_arg = { dcl_arg & at_attribute = determine_type_attribute type_def.td_attribute }
+ -> t_corresponds coerced_dcl_arg icl_atype tc_state
SynType atype
# tc_state = { tc_state & tc_type_vars
= bind_type_vars type_def.td_args dclArgs tc_state.tc_type_vars }
@@ -441,7 +449,7 @@ instance t_corresponds AType where
tc_state = opt_set_visited_bit is_defined_in_main_dcl glob_object True tc_state
atype = { atype & at_attribute = determine_type_attribute type_def.td_attribute }
(corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds atype icl_atype tc_state
- # tc_state = opt_set_visited_bit is_defined_in_main_dcl glob_object False tc_state
+ tc_state = opt_set_visited_bit is_defined_in_main_dcl glob_object False tc_state
-> (corresponds, tc_state)
AbstractType _
#! icl_type_def = tc_state.tc_icl_type_defs.[tc_state.tc_type_conversions.[glob_object]]
@@ -450,22 +458,32 @@ instance t_corresponds AType where
tc_state = init_attr_vars icl_type_def.td_attrs tc_state
-> case icl_type_def.td_rhs of
SynType atype
- # atype = { atype & at_attribute = determine_type_attribute type_def.td_attribute } // XXX auch bei abstract types
+ # atype = { atype & at_attribute = determine_type_attribute type_def.td_attribute }
-> t_corresponds atype icl_atype tc_state
_ -> (False, tc_state)
_ -> (False, tc_state)
bind_type_vars formal_args actual_args tc_type_vars
- # (ok, hwn_heap) = bind_type_vars` formal_args actual_args tc_type_vars.hwn_heap
+ # hwn_heap = bind_type_vars` formal_args actual_args tc_type_vars.hwn_heap
= { tc_type_vars & hwn_heap = hwn_heap }
bind_type_vars` [{atv_variable}:formal_args] [actual_arg:actual_args] type_var_heap
+ # (actual_arg, type_var_heap) = possibly_dereference actual_arg type_var_heap
= bind_type_vars` formal_args actual_args
(writePtr atv_variable.tv_info_ptr (TVI_AType actual_arg) type_var_heap)
- bind_type_vars` [] [] type_var_heap
- = (True, type_var_heap)
+ // --->("binding", atv_variable.tv_name,"to",actual_arg)
bind_type_vars` _ _ type_var_heap
- = (False, type_var_heap)
+ = type_var_heap
+ possibly_dereference atype=:{at_type=TV {tv_info_ptr}} type_var_heap
+ #! dereferenced = sreadPtr tv_info_ptr type_var_heap
+ = case dereferenced of
+ TVI_AType atype2
+ -> (atype2, type_var_heap)
+ _ -> (atype, type_var_heap)
+ possibly_dereference atype type_var_heap
+ = (atype, type_var_heap)
opt_set_visited_bit True glob_object bit tc_state
= { tc_state & tc_visited_syn_types.[glob_object] = bit }
@@ -474,6 +492,10 @@ instance t_corresponds AType where
determine_type_attribute TA_Unique = TA_Unique
determine_type_attribute _ = TA_Multi
+ get_arg_pos x [h:t] count
+ | x==h.atv_variable = count
+ = get_arg_pos x t (inc count)
instance t_corresponds TypeAttribute where
t_corresponds TA_Unique TA_Unique
@@ -482,7 +504,9 @@ instance t_corresponds TypeAttribute where
= return True
t_corresponds (TA_Var dclDef) (TA_Var iclDef)
= t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- t_corresponds _ TA_Anonymous // XXX comment
+ t_corresponds (TA_RootVar dclDef) (TA_RootVar iclDef)
+ = t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
+ t_corresponds _ TA_Anonymous
= return True
t_corresponds TA_None icl
= case icl of
@@ -575,20 +599,24 @@ instance t_corresponds FieldSymbol where
instance t_corresponds ConsDef where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- = exi_vars_correspond dclDef.cons_exi_vars iclDef.cons_exi_vars
+ = do (init_atype_vars (dclDef.cons_exi_vars++iclDef.cons_exi_vars))
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.cons_type iclDef.cons_type
&&& equal dclDef.cons_symb iclDef.cons_symb
&&& equal dclDef.cons_priority iclDef.cons_priority
instance t_corresponds SelectorDef where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- = exi_vars_correspond dclDef.sd_exi_vars iclDef.sd_exi_vars
+ = do (init_atype_vars (dclDef.sd_exi_vars++iclDef.sd_exi_vars))
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.sd_type iclDef.sd_type
&&& equal dclDef.sd_field_nr iclDef.sd_field_nr
-exi_vars_correspond dcl_exi_vars icl_exi_vars tc_state
- # tc_state = init_atv_variables dcl_exi_vars icl_exi_vars tc_state
- = t_corresponds dcl_exi_vars icl_exi_vars tc_state
+init_atype_vars atype_vars
+ tc_state=:{tc_type_vars}
+ # type_heap = foldSt init_type_var atype_vars tc_type_vars.hwn_heap
+ tc_type_vars = { tc_type_vars & hwn_heap = type_heap }
+ = { tc_state & tc_type_vars = tc_type_vars }
+ where
+ init_type_var {atv_variable} type_heap = writePtr atv_variable.tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty type_heap
instance t_corresponds SymbolType where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
@@ -604,14 +632,17 @@ instance t_corresponds AttrInequality where
instance t_corresponds ClassDef where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- = equal dclDef.class_name iclDef.class_name
+ = do (init_type_vars (dclDef.class_args++iclDef.class_args))
+ &&& equal dclDef.class_name iclDef.class_name
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_args iclDef.class_args
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_context iclDef.class_context
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_members iclDef.class_members
instance t_corresponds MemberDef where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- = equal dclDef.me_symb iclDef.me_symb
+ = do (init_type_vars (dclDef.me_type.st_vars++iclDef.me_type.st_vars))
+ &&& do (init_attr_vars (dclDef.me_type.st_attr_vars++iclDef.me_type.st_attr_vars))
+ &&& equal dclDef.me_symb iclDef.me_symb
&&& equal dclDef.me_offset iclDef.me_offset
&&& equal dclDef.me_priority iclDef.me_priority
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.me_type iclDef.me_type
@@ -623,10 +654,10 @@ instance t_corresponds ClassInstance where
t_corresponds` dclDef iclDef tc_state
# tc_state
= init_attr_vars (dclDef.it_attr_vars++iclDef.it_attr_vars) tc_state
- tc_type_vars
- = init_type_vars (dclDef.it_vars++iclDef.it_vars) tc_state.tc_type_vars
+ tc_state
+ = init_type_vars (dclDef.it_vars++iclDef.it_vars) tc_state
(corresponds, tc_state)
- = t_corresponds dclDef.it_types iclDef.it_types { tc_state & tc_type_vars = tc_type_vars }
+ = t_corresponds dclDef.it_types iclDef.it_types tc_state
| not corresponds
= (corresponds, tc_state)
= t_corresponds dclDef.it_context iclDef.it_context tc_state
@@ -672,7 +703,7 @@ instance e_corresponds FunDef where
fromBody (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}) = (tb_args, [tb_rhs])
fromBody (CheckedBody {cb_args, cb_rhs}) = (cb_args, cb_rhs)
instance e_corresponds TransformedBody where
e_corresponds dclDef iclDef
= e_corresponds dclDef.tb_args iclDef.tb_args
@@ -940,6 +971,8 @@ implies a b :== not a || b
(o`) infixr 0
(o`) f g :== \state -> g (f state)
+do f = \state -> (True, f state)
// XXX should be a macro (but this crashes the 1.3.2 compiler)
(&&&) infixr
(&&&) m1 m2
diff --git a/frontend/main.icl b/frontend/main.icl
index d907e1c..a5251ce 100644
--- a/frontend/main.icl
+++ b/frontend/main.icl
@@ -21,15 +21,6 @@ Start world
CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
- # answer = "c t5\n"
- (command, argument) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace (fromString answer))
- | command == []
- = CommandLoop proj { ms & ms_io = ms_io}
- # (ready, proj, ms) = DoCommand command argument proj { ms & ms_io = ms_io}
- = ms
-CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
# (answer, ms_io) = freadline (ms_io <<< "> ")
(command, argument) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace (fromString answer))
| command == []
@@ -38,7 +29,6 @@ CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
| ready
= ms
= CommandLoop proj ms
:: MainStateDefs funs funtypes types conses classes instances members selectors =
{ msd_funs :: !funs
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index c9e2caf..c9cc4ab 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -1485,11 +1485,11 @@ createBindingsForUnifiedTypes type_1 type_2 all_type_vars type_var_heap
-> bind_and_unify_types root_1 root_2 type_var_heap
bind_and_unify_types (TV tv_1) type type_var_heap
| not (is_non_variable_type type)
- = abort "compiler error in trans.icl: assertion failed (1)"
+ = abort "compiler error in trans.icl: assertion failed (1) XXX"
= bind_variable_to_type tv_1 type type_var_heap
bind_and_unify_types type (TV tv_1) type_var_heap
| not (is_non_variable_type type)
- = abort "compiler error in trans.icl: assertion failed (2)"
+ = abort "compiler error in trans.icl: assertion failed (2) XXX"
= bind_variable_to_type tv_1 type type_var_heap
bind_and_unify_types (TA _ arg_types1) (TA _ arg_types2) type_var_heap
= bind_and_unify_atype_lists arg_types1 arg_types2 type_var_heap
@@ -1499,8 +1499,12 @@ createBindingsForUnifiedTypes type_1 type_2 all_type_vars type_var_heap
= type_var_heap
bind_and_unify_types ((CV l1) :@: r1) ((CV l2) :@: r2) type_var_heap
= bind_and_unify_atype_lists r1 r2 (bind_and_unify_types (TV l1) (TV l2) type_var_heap)
-// bind_and_unify_types x y _
-// = abort ("bind_and_unify_types"--->(x,y))
+ bind_and_unify_types (TA type_symb r1) ((CV l2) :@: r2) type_var_heap
+ = bind_and_unify_atype_lists r1 r2 (bind_and_unify_types (TA type_symb []) (TV l2) type_var_heap)
+ bind_and_unify_types ((CV l1) :@: r1) (TA type_symb r2) type_var_heap
+ = bind_and_unify_atype_lists r1 r2 (bind_and_unify_types (TV l1) (TA type_symb []) type_var_heap)
+ bind_and_unify_types x y _
+ = abort ("bind_and_unify_types"--->(x,y))
bind_and_unify_atype_lists [] [] type_var_heap
= type_var_heap
@@ -1608,8 +1612,6 @@ transformFunctionApplication fun_def instances cc=:{cc_size, cc_args, cc_linear_
| containsProducer cc_size producers
# (is_new, fun_def_ptr, instances, ti_fun_heap) = tryToFindInstance producers instances ti.ti_fun_heap
| is_new
-// | app_symb.symb_name.id_name=="_compr0" && (False--->(("TFA:",App app)--->instances))
-// = undef
# (fun_index, fun_arity, ti) = generateFunction fun_def cc producers fun_def_ptr ro
(update_instance_info app_symb.symb_kind instances { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_trace = False })
app_symb = { app_symb & symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr fun_index, symb_arity = length new_args}
@@ -1720,7 +1722,7 @@ where
= determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app app_info new_args prod_index producers { ti & ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap }
determine_producer _ _ arg new_args prod_index producers ti
= (producers, [arg : new_args], ti)
determineProducer :: !Bool !Bool !App !ExprInfo ![Expression] !Index !*{! Producer} !*TransformInfo -> (!*{! Producer}, ![Expression], !*TransformInfo)
// XXX check for linear_bit also in case of a constructor ?
determineProducer _ _ app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor _}, app_args} (EI_ClassTypes types) new_args prod_index producers ti
@@ -1732,7 +1734,6 @@ where
# (var_info, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
(VI_Forward var) = var_info
= (Var var, writeVarInfo var_info_ptr VI_Empty (writeVarInfo var.var_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap))
-// XXX /*
determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module, glob_object }}, app_args} _
new_args prod_index producers ti
| glob_module <> cIclModIndex
@@ -1758,16 +1759,6 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{ sy
Expanding _ -> (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
_ -> ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_GeneratedFunction symb fun_index (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
-/* MW..
- | linear_bit
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti_fun_heap
- ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap=ti_fun_heap }
- = case gf_fun_def.fun_body of
- Expanding -> (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
-// ..MW
- _ -> ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_GeneratedFunction symb fun_index (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
// XXX determineProducer {app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor glob_index}, app_args} new_args prod_index producers ti
// = ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Constructor symb app_args}, new_args, ti)
// XXX */