path: root/frontend/unitype.icl
diff options
authormartinw2000-04-26 09:10:34 +0000
committermartinw2000-04-26 09:10:34 +0000
commit1e8f9d92be20258186661009221e60034fc53f06 (patch)
tree7b82bbcc810aa9fdfa04b0912914a8139d8683bc /frontend/unitype.icl
parentsmall bugfix (diff)
changes to make compiler compatible with itself
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@126 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/unitype.icl')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index 5665d83..add10e3 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ implementation module unitype
import StdEnv
-import syntax, analunitypes, type, utilities // , RWSDebug
+import syntax, analunitypes, type, utilities, checktypes, RWSDebug
import cheat
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ liftSubstitution subst modules cons_vars attr_store type_var_heap td_infos
lift_substitution var_index modules cons_vars subst ls
| var_index < size subst
- #! type = subst.[var_index]
+ # (type, subst) = subst![var_index]
# (type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
= lift_substitution (inc var_index) modules cons_vars { subst & [var_index] = type } ls
= (subst, ls.ls_next_attr, ls.ls_type_var_heap, ls.ls_td_infos)
@@ -238,27 +238,30 @@ where
(res_type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars res_type subst ls
= (arg_type --> res_type, subst, ls)
lift modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity} cons_args) subst ls
- # (cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args subst ls
+ # ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ (cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
(type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
= (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
- lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] !*{!Type} !*LiftState
+ lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !*{!Type} !*LiftState
-> (![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState)
- lift_list modules cons_vars [] subst ls
+ lift_list modules cons_vars [] _ subst ls
= ([], [], [], subst, ls)
- lift_list modules cons_vars [t:ts] subst ls
+ lift_list modules cons_vars [t:ts] [tk : tks] subst ls
# (t, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars t subst ls
- (ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
- = case t.at_type of
- TA {type_arity,type_prop} _
- -> ([t:ts], [adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes],
- [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes], subst, ls)
- TempV tmp_var_id
- | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
- -> ([t:ts], [PosSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes], subst, ls)
- -> ([t:ts], [TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes], subst, ls)
- _
- -> ([t:ts], [TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes], subst, ls)
+ (ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ = case t.at_type of
+ TA {type_arity,type_prop} _
+ -> ([t:ts], [adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes],
+ [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes], subst, ls)
+ TempV tmp_var_id
+ | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
+ -> ([t:ts], [PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes], subst, ls)
+ -> ([t:ts], [TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes], subst, ls)
+ _
+ -> ([t:ts], [TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes], subst, ls)
+ = ([t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
lift modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) subst ls
# (type, subst, ls) = liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars temp_var subst ls
@@ -316,9 +319,12 @@ where
(at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
= ({ attr_type & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = at_attribute }, subst_and_es)
- expand_attribute (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
- # (AVI_Attr attr, attr_var_heap) = readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap
- = (attr, attr_var_heap)
+ expand_attribute (TA_Var {av_name,av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
+ = case (readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap) of
+ (AVI_Attr attr, attr_var_heap)
+ -> (attr, attr_var_heap)
+ (info, attr_var_heap)
+ -> abort ("expand_attribute (unitype.icl)" ---> (av_name <<- info ))
expand_attribute attr attr_var_heap
= (attr, attr_var_heap)
@@ -329,6 +335,9 @@ expandTempTypeVariable tv_number (subst, es)
TE -> (TempV tv_number, (subst, es))
_ -> (type, (subst, es))
+IsArrowKind (KindArrow _) = True
+IsArrowKind _ = False
instance expandType Type
expandType modules cons_vars (TempV tv_number) es
@@ -340,31 +349,34 @@ where
# (arg_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars arg_type es
(res_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars res_type es
= (arg_type --> res_type, es)
- expandType modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} cons_args) es
- # (cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args es
+ expandType modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} cons_args) (subst, es)
+ # ({tdi_kinds}, es) = es!es_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ (cons_args, hio_signs, hio_props, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds (subst, es)
(type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos)
- = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
+ = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
= (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
(subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
// ---> ("expandType", type_name, type_prop.tsp_propagation)
- expand_type_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] !*(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState)
- -> (![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !*(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState))
- expand_type_list modules cons_vars [] es
+ expand_type_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState)
+ -> (![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState))
+ expand_type_list modules cons_vars [] _ es
= ([], [], [], es)
- expand_type_list modules cons_vars [t:ts] es
+ expand_type_list modules cons_vars [t:ts] [tk : tks] es
# (t, es) = expandType modules cons_vars t es
- (ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts es
- = case t.at_type of
- TA {type_arity,type_prop} _
- -> ([t:ts], [adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes],
- [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes], es)
- TempV tmp_var_id
- | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
- -> ([t:ts], [PosSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes], es)
- -> ([t:ts], [TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes], es)
- _
- -> ([t:ts], [TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes], es)
+ (ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts tks es
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ = case t.at_type of
+ TA {type_arity,type_prop} _
+ -> ([t:ts], [adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes],
+ [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes], es)
+ TempV tmp_var_id
+ | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
+ -> ([t:ts], [PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes], es)
+ -> ([t:ts], [TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes], es)
+ _
+ -> ([t:ts], [TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes], es)
+ = ([t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
expandType modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) es
# (type, es) = expandTempTypeVariable temp_var es
@@ -393,16 +405,6 @@ where
toInt TA_TempExVar = AttrExi
-instance * Bool
- (*) b1 b2 = b1 && b2 || not b1 && not b2
-instance * Sign
- (*) sign1 sign2
- = { pos_sign = sign1.pos_sign * sign2.pos_sign || sign1.neg_sign * sign2.neg_sign,
- neg_sign = sign1.pos_sign * sign2.neg_sign || sign1.neg_sign * sign2.pos_sign }
:: CoercionState =
{ crc_type_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps
, crc_coercions :: !.Coercions
@@ -572,8 +574,8 @@ where
tryToMakeNonUnique :: !Int !*Coercions -> (!Bool, !*Coercions)
tryToMakeNonUnique attr coercions=:{coer_demanded}
#! s = size coer_demanded
- | isUnique coer_demanded.[attr
- -?-> (s <= attr, ("tryToMakeNonUnique", s, attr))]
+ | isUnique coer_demanded.[attr]
+// -?-> (s <= attr, ("tryToMakeNonUnique", s, attr))]
= (False, coercions)
= (True, makeNonUnique attr coercions)
// ---> ("tryToMakeNonUnique", attr)
@@ -585,21 +587,18 @@ Success (Yes _) = False
instance coerce AType
- coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos at1=:{at_attribute=attr1,at_type=type1} at2=:{at_attribute=attr2,at_type=type2} cs=:{crc_coercions}
+ coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos at1=:{at_attribute=attr1, at_type = type1} at2=:{at_attribute=attr2} cs=:{crc_coercions}
# attr_sign = adjust_sign sign type1 cons_vars
(succ, crc_coercions) = coerceAttributes attr1 attr2 attr_sign crc_coercions
| succ
- # (succ, cs) = coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos type1 type2 { cs & crc_coercions = crc_coercions }
+ # (succ, cs) = coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos at1 at2 { cs & crc_coercions = crc_coercions }
| Success succ
# (succ1, crc_coercions) = add_propagation_inequalities attr1 type1 cs.crc_coercions
- (succ2, crc_coercions) = add_propagation_inequalities attr2 type2 crc_coercions
+ (succ2, crc_coercions) = add_propagation_inequalities attr2 at2.at_type crc_coercions
= (if (succ1 && succ2) No (Yes tpos), { cs & crc_coercions = crc_coercions })
= (succ, cs)
= (Yes tpos, { cs & crc_coercions = crc_coercions })
- // ---> ("coerceAttributes", attr1, attr2, sign)
adjust_sign :: !Sign !Type {# BOOLVECT} -> Sign
adjust_sign sign (TempV _) cons_vars
= TopSign
@@ -637,84 +636,75 @@ where
add_propagation_inequalities attr type coercions
= (True, coercions)
-isSynonymType (SynType _)
- = True
-isSynonymType type_rhs
- = False
-tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} type_args type_heaps td_infos
- # {td_rhs,td_args} = defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
- | isSynonymType td_rhs
- # (SynType {at_type}) = td_rhs
- type_heaps = fold2St bind_type_and_attr td_args type_args type_heaps
- (expanded_type, (_, {es_type_heaps, es_td_infos}))
- = expandType defs cons_vars at_type ({}, { es_type_heaps = type_heaps, es_td_infos = td_infos })
- = (True, expanded_type, es_type_heaps, es_td_infos)
-// ---> expanded_type
- = (False, TA cons_id type_args, type_heaps, td_infos)
- bind_type_and_attr {atv_attribute = TA_Var {av_info_ptr}, atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} {at_attribute,at_type} {th_vars,th_attrs}
- = { th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type at_type), th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr at_attribute) }
- bind_type_and_attr {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} {at_type} type_heaps=:{th_vars}
- = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type at_type) }
-instance coerce Type
- coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos (TA dem_cons dem_args) (TA off_cons off_args) cs=:{crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos}
- | dem_cons == off_cons
- = coercions_of_arg_types sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_args off_args dem_cons.type_prop.tsp_sign 0 cs
- # (_, dem_type, crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars dem_cons dem_args crc_type_heaps crc_td_infos
- (_, off_type, crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars off_cons off_args crc_type_heaps crc_td_infos
- = coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type off_type { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos }
- where
- coercions_of_arg_types sign defs cons_vars tpos [t1 : ts1] [t2 : ts2] sign_class arg_number cs
- # arg_sign = sign * signClassToSign sign_class arg_number
- (succ, cs) = coerce arg_sign defs cons_vars [arg_number : tpos] t1 t2 cs
- | Success succ
- = coercions_of_arg_types sign defs cons_vars tpos ts1 ts2 sign_class (inc arg_number) cs
- = (succ, cs)
- coercions_of_arg_types sign defs cons_vars tpos [] [] _ _ cs
- = (No, cs)
- coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos (TA dem_cons dem_args) off_type cs=:{crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos}
- # (succ, dem_type, crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars dem_cons dem_args crc_type_heaps crc_td_infos
- | succ
- = coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type off_type { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos }
- = (No, { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos })
- coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type (TA off_cons off_args) cs=:{crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos}
- # (succ, off_type, crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars off_cons off_args crc_type_heaps crc_td_infos
- | succ
- = coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type off_type { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos }
- = (No, { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos })
- coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos (arg_type1 --> res_type1) (arg_type2 --> res_type2) cs
- # arg_sign = NegativeSign * sign
- # (succ, cs) = coerce arg_sign defs cons_vars [0 : tpos] arg_type1 arg_type2 cs
- | Success succ
- = coerce sign defs cons_vars [1 : tpos] res_type1 res_type2 cs
- = (succ, cs)
- coerce _ defs cons_vars tpos (cons_var :@: types1) (_ :@: types2) cs
- # sign = determine_sign_of_arg_types cons_var cons_vars
- = coercions_of_type_list sign defs cons_vars tpos 0 types1 types2 cs
+tryToExpandTypeSyn :: !{#CommonDefs} !{#BOOLVECT} !TypeSymbIdent ![AType] !TypeAttribute !*TypeHeaps !*TypeDefInfos
+ -> (!Bool, !Type, !*TypeHeaps, !*TypeDefInfos)
+tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} type_args attribute type_heaps td_infos
+ # {td_rhs,td_args,td_attribute,td_name} = defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ = case td_rhs of
+ SynType {at_type}
+ # type_heaps = bindTypeVarsAndAttributes td_attribute attribute td_args type_args type_heaps
+ (expanded_type, (_, {es_type_heaps, es_td_infos})) = expandType defs cons_vars at_type
+ ({}, { es_type_heaps = type_heaps, es_td_infos = td_infos })
+ -> (True, expanded_type, clearBindingsOfTypeVarsAndAttributes attribute td_args es_type_heaps, es_td_infos)
+ _
+ -> (False, TA cons_id type_args, type_heaps, td_infos)
+coerceTypes :: !Sign !{# CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT} !TypePosition !AType !AType !*CoercionState -> (!Optional TypePosition, !*CoercionState)
+coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type=:{at_type = TA dem_cons dem_args} off_type=:{at_type = TA off_cons off_args} cs=:{crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos}
+ | dem_cons == off_cons
+ = coercions_of_arg_types sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_args off_args dem_cons.type_prop.tsp_sign 0 cs
+ # (_, exp_dem_type, crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars dem_cons dem_args dem_type.at_attribute crc_type_heaps crc_td_infos
+ (_, exp_off_type, crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars off_cons off_args off_type.at_attribute crc_type_heaps crc_td_infos
+ = coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos { dem_type & at_type = exp_dem_type } { off_type & at_type = exp_off_type }
+ { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos }
- determine_sign_of_arg_types (TempCV tmp_var_id) cons_vars
- | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
- = PositiveSign
- = TopSign
- determine_sign_of_arg_types _ cons_vars
- = TopSign
-// coercions_of_type_list :: !Sign !{# CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT} ![a] ![a] !*CoercionState -> (!Bool,!*CoercionState) | coerce a
- coercions_of_type_list sign defs cons_vars tpos arg_number [t1 : ts1] [t2 : ts2] cs
- # (succ, cs) = coerce sign defs cons_vars [arg_number : tpos] t1 t2 cs
- | Success succ
- = coercions_of_type_list sign defs cons_vars tpos (inc arg_number) ts1 ts2 cs
+ coercions_of_arg_types sign defs cons_vars tpos [t1 : ts1] [t2 : ts2] sign_class arg_number cs
+ # arg_sign = sign * signClassToSign sign_class arg_number
+ (succ, cs) = coerce arg_sign defs cons_vars [arg_number : tpos] t1 t2 cs
+ | Success succ
+ = coercions_of_arg_types sign defs cons_vars tpos ts1 ts2 sign_class (inc arg_number) cs
= (succ, cs)
- coercions_of_type_list sign defs cons_vars tpos arg_number [] [] cs
+ coercions_of_arg_types sign defs cons_vars tpos [] [] _ _ cs
= (No, cs)
- coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos _ _ cs
+coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type=:{at_type = TA dem_cons dem_args} off_type cs=:{crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos}
+ # (succ, exp_dem_type, crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars dem_cons dem_args dem_type.at_attribute crc_type_heaps crc_td_infos
+ | succ
+ = coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos { dem_type & at_type = exp_dem_type } off_type
+ { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos }
+ = (No, { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos })
+coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type off_type=:{at_type = TA off_cons off_args} cs=:{crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos}
+ # (succ, exp_off_type, crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars off_cons off_args off_type.at_attribute
+ crc_type_heaps crc_td_infos
+ | succ
+ = coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type { off_type & at_type = exp_off_type }
+ { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos }
+ = (No, { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos })
+coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos {at_type = arg_type1 --> res_type1} {at_type = arg_type2 --> res_type2} cs
+ # arg_sign = NegativeSign * sign
+ # (succ, cs) = coerce arg_sign defs cons_vars [0 : tpos] arg_type1 arg_type2 cs
+ | Success succ
+ = coerce sign defs cons_vars [1 : tpos] res_type1 res_type2 cs
+ = (succ, cs)
+coerceTypes _ defs cons_vars tpos {at_type = cons_var :@: types1} {at_type = _ :@: types2} cs
+ # sign = determine_sign_of_arg_types cons_var cons_vars
+ = coercions_of_type_list sign defs cons_vars tpos 0 types1 types2 cs
+ determine_sign_of_arg_types (TempCV tmp_var_id) cons_vars
+ | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
+ = PositiveSign
+ = TopSign
+ determine_sign_of_arg_types _ cons_vars
+ = TopSign
+ coercions_of_type_list sign defs cons_vars tpos arg_number [t1 : ts1] [t2 : ts2] cs
+ # (succ, cs) = coerce sign defs cons_vars [arg_number : tpos] t1 t2 cs
+ | Success succ
+ = coercions_of_type_list sign defs cons_vars tpos (inc arg_number) ts1 ts2 cs
+ = (succ, cs)
+ coercions_of_type_list sign defs cons_vars tpos arg_number [] [] cs
= (No, cs)
+coerceTypes sign defs cons_vars tpos _ _ cs
+ = (No, cs)
AttrRestricted :== 0