path: root/frontend/unitype.icl
diff options
authorsjakie1999-12-01 12:43:53 +0000
committersjakie1999-12-01 12:43:53 +0000
commit16adc153220e0c8fc5e0081b71355363657bff94 (patch)
treef4de1f4bbd3c92d54378a10ce04f984f4692864e /frontend/unitype.icl
parentbug fix (diff)
Several bug fixes:
- dictionary arguments added properly - coercion of function types git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@61 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/unitype.icl')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index f56fa7e..cf204be 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ implementation module unitype
import StdEnv
-import syntax, analunitypes, type, utilities
+import syntax, analunitypes, type, utilities // , RWSDebug
import cheat
@@ -64,6 +64,16 @@ determineAttributeCoercions off_type dem_type coercible position subst coercions
-> (subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps, error)
+ No
+ # (crc_coercions, copy_crc_coercions) = uniqueCopy crc_coercions
+ format = { form_properties = cMarkAttribute, form_attr_position = Yes ([], copy_crc_coercions) }
+ | file_to_true (stderr <:: (format, exp_off_type) <:: (format, exp_dem_type) <<< '\n')
+ ---> ("determineAttributeCoercions", exp_off_type, exp_dem_type)
+ -> (subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps, error)
+ -> undef
NotChecked :== -1
DummyAttrNumber :== -1
:: AttributeGroups :== {! [Int]}
@@ -525,6 +535,7 @@ makeNonUnique attr {coer_demanded, coer_offered}
# (dem_coercions, coer_demanded) = replace coer_demanded attr CT_Empty
coer_offered = { coer_offered & [attr] = CT_NonUnique }
= make_non_unique dem_coercions {coer_offered = coer_offered, coer_demanded = coer_demanded}
+// ---> ("makeNonUnique", attr)
make_non_unique (CT_Node this_attr ct_less ct_greater) coercions
# coercions = makeNonUnique this_attr coercions
@@ -549,8 +560,8 @@ Success (Yes _) = False
instance coerce AType
coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos at1=:{at_attribute=attr1,at_type=type1} at2=:{at_attribute=attr2,at_type=type2} cs=:{crc_coercions}
- # sign = adjust_sign sign type1 cons_vars
- (succ, crc_coercions) = coerceAttributes attr1 attr2 sign crc_coercions
+ # attr_sign = adjust_sign sign type1 cons_vars
+ (succ, crc_coercions) = coerceAttributes attr1 attr2 attr_sign crc_coercions
| succ
# (succ, cs) = coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos type1 type2 { cs & crc_coercions = crc_coercions }
| Success succ
@@ -651,7 +662,8 @@ where
= coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type off_type { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos }
= (No, { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos })
coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos (arg_type1 --> res_type1) (arg_type2 --> res_type2) cs
- # (succ, cs) = coerce (NegativeSign * sign) defs cons_vars [0 : tpos] arg_type1 arg_type2 cs
+ # arg_sign = NegativeSign * sign
+ # (succ, cs) = coerce arg_sign defs cons_vars [0 : tpos] arg_type1 arg_type2 cs
| Success succ
= coerce sign defs cons_vars [1 : tpos] res_type1 res_type2 cs
= (succ, cs)
@@ -731,4 +743,12 @@ where
| del_char == ident.[del_pos]
= del_pos
= find_delimiter del_char (inc del_pos) ident
+file_to_true :: !File -> Bool
+file_to_true file = code {
+ .inline file_to_true
+ pop_b 2
+ pushB TRUE
+ .end
+ }