path: root/frontend/typereify.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2013-04-03 14:04:21 +0000
committerjohnvg2013-04-03 14:04:21 +0000
commitbf8fc92eff443e04a5bdfe4bfbbc7741187d73f8 (patch)
tree32fb9550eebfef37bc41ac6aeaa53917b8f50fdc /frontend/typereify.icl
parentadd type constraints in constructors and function arguments with universal qu... (diff)
remove some small differences in module typereify with the iTask branch
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2219 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/typereify.icl')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/typereify.icl b/frontend/typereify.icl
index 66aca0f..179a5ae 100644
--- a/frontend/typereify.icl
+++ b/frontend/typereify.icl
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ addTypeFunctions mod_ident nr_cached_dcls dcl_modules icl_functions icl_common p
:: Info = { ri_main :: !Int, ri_common_defs :: !{#CommonDefs} }
buildTypeFunctions :: !Int !*{#FunDef} !{#CommonDefs}
- *PredefinedSymbols *VarHeap *TypeHeaps
- -> (*{#FunDef}, *PredefinedSymbols, *VarHeap, *TypeHeaps)
+ !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (!*{#FunDef}, !*PredefinedSymbols,!*VarHeap,!*TypeHeaps)
buildTypeFunctions main icl_functions common_defs predefs var_heap type_heaps
# bs_state =
{ bs_predefs = predefs
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ buildTypeFunctions main icl_functions common_defs predefs var_heap type_heaps
, bs_type_heaps = type_heaps
# type_defs = common_defs.[main].com_type_defs
- # (type_funs, bs_state)
+ # (type_funs, {bs_predefs,bs_var_heap,bs_type_heaps})
= build 0 (size type_defs) type_defs icl_functions bs_state
- = (type_funs, bs_state.bs_predefs, bs_state.bs_var_heap, bs_state.bs_type_heaps)
+ = (type_funs, bs_predefs, bs_var_heap, bs_type_heaps)
build i n type_defs functions bs_state
| i < n
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ addTypeFunctionsA mod first_td_fun_index ct_type_def type_defs var_heap symbol_t
| isTypeSynonym type_def || is_dictionary type_def
= add_td_funs_acc (i+1) n index ct_type_def type_defs rev_type_fun_defs var_heap symbol_table
# (type_fun_def, var_heap, symbol_table)
- = add_td_fun_def index ct_type_def type_def var_heap symbol_table
+ = add_td_fun_def index type_def.td_ident.id_name type_def.td_pos ct_type_def var_heap symbol_table
# type_defs = {type_defs & [i].td_fun_index = index}
# rev_type_fun_defs = [type_fun_def : rev_type_fun_defs]
= add_td_funs_acc (i+1) n (index+1) ct_type_def type_defs rev_type_fun_defs var_heap symbol_table
@@ -213,29 +213,29 @@ addTypeFunctionsA mod first_td_fun_index ct_type_def type_defs var_heap symbol_t
name = td_ident.id_name
- add_td_fun_def :: Int TypeSymbIdent CheckedTypeDef *VarHeap *SymbolTable
- -> (a, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable) | makeTypeFun a
- add_td_fun_def index ct_type_def type_def=:{td_ident, td_pos} var_heap symbol_table
- # entry = { ste_kind = STE_Empty
- , ste_index = index
- , ste_def_level = -1
- , ste_previous = EmptySymbolTableEntry
- }
- # (fun_ident, symbol_table)
- = newPtr entry symbol_table
- # type_fun_ident = {id_name="TD;"+++td_ident.id_name, id_info=fun_ident}
- # result_type = TA ct_type_def [{at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = TB BT_Bool}]
- # symbol_type =
- { st_vars = []
- , st_args = [{at_attribute= TA_None, at_type = TB BT_Bool}]
- , st_args_strictness = NotStrict
- , st_arity = 1
- , st_result = {at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = result_type}
- , st_context = []
- , st_attr_vars = []
- , st_attr_env = []
- }
- = makeTypeFun type_fun_ident td_pos symbol_type var_heap symbol_table
+add_td_fun_def :: Int {#Char} Position TypeSymbIdent *VarHeap *SymbolTable
+ -> (!a,!*VarHeap,!*SymbolTable) | makeTypeFun a
+add_td_fun_def type_fun_index type_name pos ct_type_def var_heap symbol_table
+ # entry = { ste_kind = STE_Empty
+ , ste_index = type_fun_index
+ , ste_def_level = -1
+ , ste_previous = EmptySymbolTableEntry
+ }
+ # (fun_ident, symbol_table)
+ = newPtr entry symbol_table
+ # type_fun_ident = {id_name="TD;"+++type_name, id_info=fun_ident}
+ # result_type = TA ct_type_def [{at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = TB BT_Bool}]
+ # symbol_type =
+ { st_vars = []
+ , st_args = [{at_attribute= TA_None, at_type = TB BT_Bool}]
+ , st_args_strictness = NotStrict
+ , st_arity = 1
+ , st_result = {at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = result_type}
+ , st_context = []
+ , st_attr_vars = []
+ , st_attr_env = []
+ }
+ = makeTypeFun type_fun_ident pos symbol_type var_heap symbol_table