path: root/frontend/type.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2011-02-11 16:06:44 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-02-11 16:06:44 +0000
commitc36a96e1618e3258996218f849cd9bb9a53bb6c5 (patch)
treeb0efed47e61ca475b71cc949c6dfbe93c0cfb9b4 /frontend/type.icl
parentremove selectors from .tcl file (diff)
use ClassInstanceMember array for ins_members instead of DefinedSymbol array,
call exported generic instances directly git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1838 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/type.icl')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 7e713f5..7ab1a25 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
implementation module type
import StdEnv
-import syntax, typesupport, check, analtypes, overloading, unitype, refmark, predef, utilities, compare_constructor // , RWSDebug
+import syntax, typesupport, check, analtypes, overloading, unitype, refmark, predef, utilities, compare_constructor
import compilerSwitches
import genericsupport
@@ -187,16 +187,14 @@ where
= tv_number == var_id
containsTypeVariable var_id (arg_type --> res_type) subst
= containsTypeVariable var_id arg_type subst || containsTypeVariable var_id res_type subst
- containsTypeVariable var_id (TArrow1 arg_type) subst
- = containsTypeVariable var_id arg_type subst
containsTypeVariable var_id (TA cons_id cons_args) subst
= containsTypeVariable var_id cons_args subst
containsTypeVariable var_id (TAS cons_id cons_args _) subst
= containsTypeVariable var_id cons_args subst
containsTypeVariable var_id (type :@: types) subst
= containsTypeVariable var_id type subst || containsTypeVariable var_id types subst
+ containsTypeVariable var_id (TArrow1 arg_type) subst
+ = containsTypeVariable var_id arg_type subst
containsTypeVariable _ _ _
= False
@@ -442,14 +440,12 @@ simplifyTypeApplication (TempV tv_number) type_args
= (True, TempCV tv_number :@: type_args)
simplifyTypeApplication (TempQV tv_number) type_args
= (True, TempQCV tv_number :@: type_args)
simplifyTypeApplication TArrow [type1, type2]
= (True, type1 --> type2)
simplifyTypeApplication TArrow [type]
= (True, TArrow1 type)
simplifyTypeApplication (TArrow1 type1) [type2]
= (True, type1 --> type2)
simplifyTypeApplication type type_args
= (False, type)
@@ -495,7 +491,6 @@ unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number type_args type=:(TAS type_cons cons_args stri
= (False, subst, heaps)
= (False, subst, heaps)
-// AA..
unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number [type_arg1, type_arg2] type=:(atype1 --> atype2) modules subst heaps
# (succ, subst, heaps) = unify (type_arg1, type_arg2) (atype1, atype2) modules subst heaps
| succ
@@ -519,7 +514,6 @@ unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number [] type=:(TArrow1 atype) modules subst heaps
unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number [] TArrow modules subst heaps
= unifyTypes (toTV is_exist tv_number) TA_Multi TArrow TA_Multi modules subst heaps
-// ..AA
unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number type_args type modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
@@ -944,7 +938,7 @@ freshInequality {ai_demanded,ai_offered} attr_heap
(av_off_info, attr_heap) = readPtr ai_offered.av_info_ptr attr_heap
(AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar dem_attr_var)) = av_dem_info
(AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar off_attr_var)) = av_off_info
- = ({ac_demanded = dem_attr_var, ac_offered = off_attr_var}, attr_heap) // <<- (av_dem_info,av_off_info)
+ = ({ac_demanded = dem_attr_var, ac_offered = off_attr_var}, attr_heap)
freshEnvironment [ineq : ineqs] attr_heap
# (fresh_ineq, attr_heap) = freshInequality ineq attr_heap
@@ -2769,7 +2763,7 @@ where
convert_array_instance class_members array_members unboxed_array_type offset_table {ai_record,ai_members} funs_heaps_and_error
= create_instance_types class_members array_members unboxed_array_type offset_table (TA ai_record []) (size class_members) funs_heaps_and_error
- first_instance_index=ai_members.[0].ds_index
+ first_instance_index=ai_members.[0].cim_index
create_instance_types :: {#DefinedSymbol} {#MemberDef} Type {#Int} Type !Int !(!*{#FunDef}, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (!*{#FunDef}, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin);
@@ -2812,7 +2806,7 @@ where
convert_list_instance class_members list_members {ai_record,ai_members} funs_heaps_and_error
= create_instance_types class_members list_members (TA ai_record []) (size class_members) funs_heaps_and_error
- first_instance_index=ai_members.[0].ds_index
+ first_instance_index=ai_members.[0].cim_index
create_instance_types :: {#DefinedSymbol} {#MemberDef} Type !Int !(!*{#FunDef}, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (!*{#FunDef}, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -2842,7 +2836,7 @@ where
= ({fun_defs & [fun_index]=fun}, type_heaps, error)
first_instance_indices instances
- = [ai_members.[0].ds_index \\ {ai_members}<-instances]
+ = [ai_members.[0].cim_index \\ {ai_members}<-instances]
create_erroneous_function_types group ts
= foldSt create_erroneous_function_type group ts