path: root/frontend/type.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2012-05-03 15:22:07 +0000
committerjohnvg2012-05-03 15:22:07 +0000
commit662c6e5b674730b4ce68e74e77c9b1703c842cda (patch)
tree0020e9c615840f3fd778c598f108ae71bdec5166 /frontend/type.icl
parentprint some generic contexts using generic_function_name{|kind|} (diff)
in error message for incorrect field type print name of field instead of argument number of record
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2065 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/type.icl')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 4be4892..8d563ce 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -210,37 +210,44 @@ where
type_error =: "Type error"
type_error_format =: { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No }
-cannotUnify t1 t2 position=:(CP_Expression expr) err=:{ea_loc=[ip:_]}
+cannotUnify t1 t2 position=:(CP_Expression expr) common_defs err=:{ea_loc=[ip:_]}
= case tryToOptimizePosition expr of
Yes (id_name, line)
# err = pushErrorAdmin { ip & ip_ident.id_name = id_name, ip_line = line } err
err = errorHeading type_error err
err = popErrorAdmin err
- # err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " cannot unify types:\n" }
- # err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " " <:: (type_error_format, t1, No) <<< '\n' }
- # err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " " <:: (type_error_format, t2, No) <<< '\n' }
- -> err;
+ err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " cannot unify demanded type with offered type:\n" }
+ err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " " <:: (type_error_format, t1, No) <<< '\n' }
+ err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " " <:: (type_error_format, t2, No) <<< '\n' }
+ -> err
- -> cannot_unify t1 t2 position err
-cannotUnify t1 t2 position err
- = cannot_unify t1 t2 position err
+ -> cannot_unify t1 t2 position common_defs err
+cannotUnify t1 t2 position common_defs err
+ = cannot_unify t1 t2 position common_defs err
-cannot_unify t1 t2 position err
+cannot_unify t1 t2 position common_defs err
# (err=:{ea_file}) = errorHeading type_error err
ea_file = case position of
CP_FunArg _ _
-> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< position <<< "\""
+ CP_SymbArg {symb_kind=SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object},symb_ident} arg_n
+ -> case common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object].td_rhs of
+ RecordType {rt_fields}
+ # field_name = rt_fields.[arg_n-1].fs_ident.id_name
+ record_name = symb_ident.id_name
+ record_name = if (record_name.[0]=='_') (record_name % (1,size record_name-1)) record_name
+ -> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< "field " <<< field_name <<< " of " <<< record_name <<< "\""
+ _
+ -> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< position <<< "\""
+ CP_SymbArg _ _
+ -> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< position <<< "\""
CP_LiftedFunArg _ _
-> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< position <<< "\""
- _
- -> ea_file
- ea_file = case position of
CP_Expression _
-> ea_file <<< " near " <<< position <<< " :"
-> ea_file
- ea_file = ea_file <<< " cannot unify types:\n"
+ ea_file = ea_file <<< " cannot unify demanded type with offered type:\n"
ea_file = ea_file <<< " " <:: (type_error_format, t1, No) <<< "\n"
ea_file = ea_file <<< " " <:: (type_error_format, t2, No) <<< "\n"
= { err & ea_file = ea_file}
@@ -1384,23 +1391,24 @@ where
get_n_lifted_arguments _ _ ts
= (0,[],ts)
- requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args :: !TypeInput !SymbIdent !Int ![FreeVar] ![Expression] ![AType] !(!u:Requirements, !*TypeState) -> (!u:Requirements, !*TypeState)
+ requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args :: !TypeInput SymbIdent !Int ![FreeVar] ![Expression] ![AType] !(!u:Requirements, !*TypeState) -> (!u:Requirements, !*TypeState)
requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args ti fun_ident arg_nr _ exprs lts reqs_ts
| arg_nr>0
= requirements_of_args ti fun_ident arg_nr exprs lts reqs_ts
requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args ti fun_ident arg_nr [{fv_ident}:fun_args] [expr:exprs] [lt:lts] reqs_ts
# (e_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti expr reqs_ts
- position = CP_LiftedFunArg fun_ident.symb_ident fv_ident
- req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = position, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
+ #! type_coercion = {tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = CP_LiftedFunArg fun_ident.symb_ident fv_ident, tc_coercible = True}
+ # req_type_coercions = [type_coercion : reqs.req_type_coercions]
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr lt.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
= requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args ti fun_ident (arg_nr+1) fun_args exprs lts ({reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions}, {ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap})
- requirements_of_args :: !TypeInput !SymbIdent !Int ![Expression] ![AType] !(!u:Requirements, !*TypeState) -> (!u:Requirements, !*TypeState)
+ requirements_of_args :: !TypeInput SymbIdent !Int ![Expression] ![AType] !(!u:Requirements, !*TypeState) -> (!u:Requirements, !*TypeState)
requirements_of_args ti _ _ [] [] reqs_ts
= reqs_ts
requirements_of_args ti fun_ident arg_nr [expr:exprs] [lt:lts] reqs_ts
# (e_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti expr reqs_ts
- req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = CP_FunArg fun_ident.symb_ident arg_nr, tc_coercible = True} : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
+ #! type_coercion = {tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = CP_SymbArg fun_ident arg_nr, tc_coercible = True}
+ # req_type_coercions = [type_coercion : reqs.req_type_coercions]
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr lt.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
= requirements_of_args ti fun_ident (arg_nr+1) exprs lts ({reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions}, {ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap})
@@ -1968,15 +1976,14 @@ attributedBasicType (BT_String string_type) ts=:{ts_attr_store}
attributedBasicType bas_type ts=:{ts_attr_store}
= ({ at_attribute = TA_TempVar ts_attr_store, at_type = TB bas_type}, {ts & ts_attr_store = inc ts_attr_store})
-unify_coercions [{tc_demanded,tc_offered,tc_position}:coercions] modules subst heaps err
- # (succ, subst, heaps) = unify tc_demanded tc_offered modules subst heaps
+unify_coercions [{tc_demanded,tc_offered,tc_position}:coercions] ti subst heaps err
+ # (succ, subst, heaps) = unify tc_demanded tc_offered ti subst heaps
| succ
- = unify_coercions coercions modules subst heaps err
+ = unify_coercions coercions ti subst heaps err
# (_, subst_demanded, subst) = arraySubst tc_demanded subst
(_, subst_offered, subst) = arraySubst tc_offered subst
- = (subst, heaps, cannotUnify subst_demanded subst_offered tc_position err)
-// ---> ("unify_coercions", subst_demanded, subst_offered)
-unify_coercions [] modules subst heaps err
+ = (subst, heaps, cannotUnify subst_demanded subst_offered tc_position ti.ti_common_defs err)
+unify_coercions [] ti subst heaps err
= (subst, heaps, err)
InitFunEnv :: !Int -> *{! FunctionType}
@@ -2594,6 +2601,8 @@ where
case tc_position of
CP_FunArg _ _
-> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< tc_position <<< "\" "
+ CP_SymbArg _ _
+ -> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< tc_position <<< "\" "
CP_LiftedFunArg _ _
-> ea_file <<< "\"" <<< tc_position <<< "\" "