path: root/frontend/type.icl
diff options
authormartinw2000-10-04 15:13:36 +0000
committermartinw2000-10-04 15:13:36 +0000
commit09ffb02f9a682e8278987e9803817107d4124de4 (patch)
tree995f984abf4db9fbae822f7c22f2aa9a4db1f3fc /frontend/type.icl
parentadded new function to print function names like "c;102;13" as "comprehesion [... (diff)
-added position information for let bindings for better error messages
(changes are commented with "MW0") git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@248 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/type.icl')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index e500538..d925719 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ import RWSDebug
// MW4 added..
-// one TypeCoercionGroup collects coercions for one function alternative
:: TypeCoercionGroup =
{ tcg_type_coercions :: ![TypeCoercion]
, tcg_position :: !Position
@@ -414,9 +413,10 @@ cannotUnify t1 t2 position err
cannotUnify t1 t2 position=:(CP_Expression expr) err=:{ea_loc=[ip:_]}
- = case tryToOptimizePosition expr ip of
- Yes ident_pos
- # err = pushErrorAdmin ident_pos err
+ = case tryToOptimizePosition expr of
+// MW0 Yes ident_pos
+ Yes (id_name, line)
+ # err = pushErrorAdmin { ip & ip_ident.id_name = id_name, ip_line = line } err
err = errorHeading type_error err
err = popErrorAdmin err
-> { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " cannot unify " <:: (type_error_format, t1, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer)
@@ -443,47 +443,15 @@ cannot_unify t1 t2 position err
= { err & ea_file = ea_file <<< '\n' }
// MW4..
-tryToOptimizePosition (Case {case_ident=Yes {id_name}}) ip
- = tryToOptimizePositionFromString id_name ip
-tryToOptimizePosition (App {app_symb={symb_name}}) ip
- = tryToOptimizePositionFromString symb_name.id_name ip
-tryToOptimizePosition (fun @ _) ip
- = tryToOptimizePosition fun ip
-tryToOptimizePosition _ _
+tryToOptimizePosition (Case {case_ident=Yes {id_name}})
+ = optBeautifulizeIdent id_name
+tryToOptimizePosition (App {app_symb={symb_name}})
+ = optBeautifulizeIdent symb_name.id_name
+tryToOptimizePosition (fun @ _)
+ = tryToOptimizePosition fun
+tryToOptimizePosition _
= No
-tryToOptimizePositionFromString id_name ip
- # fst_semicolon_index = searchlArrElt ((==) ';') id_name 0
- | fst_semicolon_index < size id_name
- # snd_semicolon_index = searchlArrElt ((==) ';') id_name (fst_semicolon_index+1)
- prefix = id_name % (0, fst_semicolon_index-1)
- line = toInt (id_name % (fst_semicolon_index+1, snd_semicolon_index-1))
- = Yes { ip & ip_ident = { id_name = prefix_to_readable_name prefix, id_info = nilPtr }, ip_line = line }
- = No
- where
- prefix_to_readable_name "_c" = "case"
- prefix_to_readable_name "_g" = "guard"
- prefix_to_readable_name "_f" = "filter"
- prefix_to_readable_name "\\" = "lambda"
- prefix_to_readable_name prefix
- | prefix.[0] == 'c'
- = "comprehension"
- | prefix.[0] == 'g'
- = "generator"
- prefix_to_readable_name _ = abort "fatal error 21 in type.icl"
-// search for an element in an array
-searchlArrElt p s i
- :== searchl s i
- where
- searchl s i
- | i>=size s
- = i
- | p s.[i]
- = i
- = searchl s (i+1)
-// ..MW4
class unify a :: !a !a !TypeInput !*{! Type} !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !*{! Type}, !*TypeHeaps)
instance unify (a, b) | unify, arraySubst a & unify, arraySubst b
@@ -1344,31 +1312,83 @@ where
instance requirements Let
+/* MW0 was
requirements ti {let_lazy_binds, let_strict_binds, let_expr, let_info_ptr} (reqs, ts)
# let_binds = let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds
(rev_var_types, ts) = make_base let_binds [] ts
var_types = reverse rev_var_types
(res_type, opt_expr_ptr, reqs_ts) = requirements ti let_expr (reqs, ts)
- (reqs, ts) = requirements_of_binds ti let_binds var_types reqs_ts
+ (reqs, ts) = requirements_of_binds ti let_binds var_types reqs_ts
+ ts_expr_heap = writePtr let_info_ptr (EI_LetType var_types) ts.ts_expr_heap
+ = ( res_type, opt_expr_ptr, ({ reqs & req_case_and_let_exprs = [let_info_ptr : reqs.req_case_and_let_exprs]},{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+ requirements ti {let_lazy_binds, let_strict_binds, let_expr, let_info_ptr, let_expr_position } (reqs, ts)
+ # let_binds = let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds
+ (rev_var_types, ts) = make_base let_binds [] ts
+ var_types = reverse rev_var_types
+ (reqs, ts) = requirements_of_binds NoPos ti let_binds var_types (reqs, ts)
+ (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements_of_let_expr let_expr_position ti let_expr (reqs, ts)
ts_expr_heap = writePtr let_info_ptr (EI_LetType var_types) ts.ts_expr_heap
= ( res_type, opt_expr_ptr, ({ reqs & req_case_and_let_exprs = [let_info_ptr : reqs.req_case_and_let_exprs]},{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
- make_base [{bind_src, bind_dst={fv_name, fv_info_ptr}}:bs] var_types ts=:{ts_var_heap}
+// MW0 make_base [{bind_src, bind_dst={fv_name, fv_info_ptr}}:bs] var_types ts=:{ts_var_heap}
+ make_base [{lb_src, lb_dst={fv_name, fv_info_ptr}}:bs] var_types ts=:{ts_var_heap}
# (v, ts) = freshAttributedVariable ts
- optional_position = if (is_rare_name fv_name) (Yes (CP_Expression bind_src)) No
+// MW0 optional_position = if (is_rare_name fv_name) (Yes (CP_Expression bind_src)) No
+ optional_position = if (is_rare_name fv_name) (Yes (CP_Expression lb_src)) No
= make_base bs [v:var_types] { ts & ts_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Type v optional_position) ts.ts_var_heap }
make_base [] var_types ts
= (var_types, ts)
- requirements_of_binds _ [] _ reqs_ts
+// MW0 requirements_of_binds _ [] _ reqs_ts
+ requirements_of_binds _ _ [] _ reqs_ts
= reqs_ts
+/* MW0
requirements_of_binds ti [{bind_src}:bs] [b_type:bts] reqs_ts
# (exp_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti bind_src reqs_ts
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr b_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = b_type, tc_offered = exp_type, tc_position = CP_Expression bind_src, tc_coercible = True }
: reqs.req_type_coercions ]
= requirements_of_binds ti bs bts ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
+ requirements_of_binds last_position ti [{lb_src, lb_position}:bs] [b_type:bts] reqs_ts
+ # position = if (is_a_new_position lb_position last_position) lb_position NoPos
+ reqs_ts
+ = possibly_accumulate_reqs_in_new_group position (requirements_of_bind b_type ti lb_src) reqs_ts
+ = requirements_of_binds lb_position ti bs bts reqs_ts
+ where
+ is_a_new_position (LinePos _ line_nr1) (LinePos _ line_nr2)
+ = line_nr1<>line_nr2
+ is_a_new_position (FunPos _ line_nr1 _) (FunPos _ line_nr2 _)
+ = line_nr1<>line_nr2
+ is_a_new_position _ _
+ = True
+ requirements_of_bind b_type ti lb_src reqs_ts
+ # (exp_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts))
+ = requirements ti lb_src reqs_ts
+ ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr b_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
+ req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = b_type, tc_offered = exp_type, tc_position = CP_Expression lb_src, tc_coercible = True }
+ : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
+ = ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
+ requirements_of_let_expr NoPos ti let_expr reqs_ts
+ = requirements ti let_expr reqs_ts
+ requirements_of_let_expr let_expr_position ti let_expr (reqs=:{req_type_coercions=old_req_type_coercions}, ts)
+ # reqs_with_empty_accu
+ = { reqs & req_type_coercions = [] }
+ (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs_with_new_group_in_accu, ts))
+ = requirements ti let_expr (reqs_with_empty_accu, ts)
+ new_group
+ = { tcg_type_coercions = reqs_with_new_group_in_accu.req_type_coercions,
+ tcg_position = let_expr_position }
+ reqs_with_new_group
+ = { reqs_with_new_group_in_accu &
+ req_type_coercion_groups = [new_group:reqs_with_new_group_in_accu.req_type_coercion_groups],
+ req_type_coercions = old_req_type_coercions }
+ = (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs_with_new_group, ts))
instance requirements DynamicExpr
@@ -1579,7 +1599,9 @@ where
possibly_accumulate_reqs_in_new_group position state_transition reqs_ts
:== possibly_accumulate_reqs position reqs_ts
- possibly_accumulate_reqs position=:(FunPos _ _ _) (reqs=:{req_type_coercions=old_req_type_coercions}, ts)
+ possibly_accumulate_reqs NoPos reqs_ts
+ = state_transition reqs_ts
+ possibly_accumulate_reqs position (reqs=:{req_type_coercions=old_req_type_coercions}, ts)
# reqs_with_empty_accu
= { reqs & req_type_coercions = [] }
(reqs_with_new_group_in_accu, ts)
@@ -1592,8 +1614,6 @@ possibly_accumulate_reqs_in_new_group position state_transition reqs_ts
req_type_coercion_groups = [new_group:reqs_with_new_group_in_accu.req_type_coercion_groups],
req_type_coercions = old_req_type_coercions }
= (reqs_with_new_group, ts)
- possibly_accumulate_reqs _ reqs_ts
- = state_transition reqs_ts
// ..MW4
makeBase _ _ [] [] ts_var_heap
@@ -1854,7 +1874,8 @@ where
(type_heaps, expr_heap) = updateExpressionTypes clean_fun_type type_with_lifted_arg_types type_ptrs type_heaps expr_heap
= ({ fun_env & [fun] = CheckedType type_with_lifted_arg_types}, attr_var_env, type_heaps, expr_heap, error)
// ---> ("check_function_type", clean_fun_type, fun_type, type_with_lifted_arg_types)
- = (fun_env, attr_var_env, type_heaps, expr_heap, specification_error clean_fun_type error)
+ # (printable_type, th_attrs) = beautifulizeAttributes clean_fun_type type_heaps.th_attrs
+ = (fun_env, attr_var_env, { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, expr_heap, specification_error printable_type error)
add_lifted_arg_types arity_diff args1 args2
| arity_diff > 0
@@ -2088,15 +2109,17 @@ where
unify_requirements_of_functions :: ![FunctionRequirements] !TypeInput !*{!Type} !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*{!Type},!*TypeHeaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
unify_requirements_of_functions [{fe_requirements={req_type_coercion_groups},fe_location={ip_ident}} : reqs_list] ti subst heaps ts_error
- # (subst, heaps, ts_error) = foldSt (unify_requirements_of_alternative ip_ident ti) req_type_coercion_groups (subst, heaps, ts_error)
+ # (subst, heaps, ts_error) = foldSt (unify_requirements_within_one_position ip_ident ti) req_type_coercion_groups (subst, heaps, ts_error)
= unify_requirements_of_functions reqs_list ti subst heaps ts_error
unify_requirements_of_functions [] ti subst heaps ts_error
= (subst, heaps, ts_error)
// MW4 added..
- unify_requirements_of_alternative :: !Ident !TypeInput !TypeCoercionGroup !(*{!Type}, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ unify_requirements_within_one_position :: !Ident !TypeInput !TypeCoercionGroup !(*{!Type}, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (*{!Type}, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
- unify_requirements_of_alternative fun_symb ti {tcg_type_coercions, tcg_position} (subst, heaps, ts_error)
+ unify_requirements_within_one_position _ ti {tcg_type_coercions, tcg_position=NoPos} (subst, heaps, ts_error)
+ = unify_coercions tcg_type_coercions ti subst heaps ts_error
+ unify_requirements_within_one_position fun_symb ti {tcg_type_coercions, tcg_position} (subst, heaps, ts_error)
# ts_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb tcg_position) ts_error
= unify_coercions tcg_type_coercions ti subst heaps ts_error
// ..MW4