path: root/frontend/trans.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2011-03-31 15:26:26 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-03-31 15:26:26 +0000
commitad561c6f2055303bc355cc5e84dbf1e8b614f30e (patch)
treed51044322863053a4d19397bc8e4dfd6b871f5e3 /frontend/trans.icl
parentmake the following identical local functions of functions analyseGroups and r... (diff)
use type Component instead of Group in the fusion modules: partition, classify and trans,
because function pointers for generated functions are stored in the Component, they can be found without searching the new functions list git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1895 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/trans.icl')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 440e778..a9aa72d 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -3566,28 +3566,27 @@ add_let_binds free_vars rhss original_binds
//@ transformGroups
-transformGroups :: !CleanupInfo !Int !Int !Int !Int !*{!Group} !*{#FunDef} !*{!.ConsClasses} !{# CommonDefs} !{# {# FunType} }
+transformGroups :: !CleanupInfo !Int !Int !Int !Int !*{!Component} !*{#FunDef} !*{!.ConsClasses} !{# CommonDefs} !{# {# FunType} }
!*ImportedTypes !*TypeDefInfos !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap !Bool !*File !*PredefinedSymbols
- -> (!*{!Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*ImportedTypes, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols)
+ -> (!*{!Component}, !*{#FunDef}, !*ImportedTypes, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols)
transformGroups cleanup_info main_dcl_module_n ro_StdStrictLists_module_n def_min def_max groups fun_defs cons_args common_defs imported_funs
imported_types type_def_infos var_heap type_heaps symbol_heap compile_with_fusion error predef_symbols
#! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
- # initial_ti =
- { ti_fun_defs = fun_defs
- , ti_instances = createArray nr_of_funs II_Empty
- , ti_cons_args = cons_args
- , ti_new_functions = []
- , ti_fun_heap = newHeap
- , ti_var_heap = var_heap
- , ti_symbol_heap = symbol_heap
- , ti_type_heaps = type_heaps
- , ti_type_def_infos = type_def_infos
- , ti_next_fun_nr = nr_of_funs
- , ti_cleanup_info = cleanup_info
- , ti_recursion_introduced = No
- , ti_error_file = error
- , ti_predef_symbols = predef_symbols
- }
+ # initial_ti = { ti_fun_defs = fun_defs
+ , ti_instances = createArray nr_of_funs II_Empty
+ , ti_cons_args = cons_args
+ , ti_new_functions = []
+ , ti_fun_heap = newHeap
+ , ti_var_heap = var_heap
+ , ti_symbol_heap = symbol_heap
+ , ti_type_heaps = type_heaps
+ , ti_type_def_infos = type_def_infos
+ , ti_next_fun_nr = nr_of_funs
+ , ti_cleanup_info = cleanup_info
+ , ti_recursion_introduced = No
+ , ti_error_file = error
+ , ti_predef_symbols = predef_symbols }
# groups = [group \\ group <-: groups]
# (groups, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, ti)
= transform_groups 0 groups [] common_defs imported_funs imported_types [] [] initial_ti
@@ -3605,253 +3604,228 @@ transformGroups cleanup_info main_dcl_module_n ro_StdStrictLists_module_n def_mi
fun_defs = { fundef \\ fundef <- [ fundef \\ fundef <-: fun_defs ] ++ new_fun_defs }
= (groups, fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, var_heap, type_heaps, symbol_heap, ti.ti_error_file, ti.ti_predef_symbols)
- transform_groups :: !Int ![.Group] !u:[Group] !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !*{#{#(TypeDef .TypeRhs)}} ![(Global Int)] !v:[Int] !*TransformInfo -> *(!w:[Group],!.{#{#(TypeDef .TypeRhs)}},![(Global Int)],!x:[Int],!*TransformInfo), [u <= w,v <= x]
+ transform_groups :: !Int ![Component] !u:[Component] !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !*{#{#CheckedTypeDef}} ![(Global Int)] !v:[Int] !*TransformInfo -> *(!w:[Component],!.{#{#CheckedTypeDef}},![(Global Int)],!x:[Int],!*TransformInfo), [u <= w,v <= x]
+ transform_groups group_nr [group:groups] acc_groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types ti
+ # {component_members} = group
+ # (ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap)
+ = convert_function_types component_members common_defs
+ (ti.ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, ti.ti_type_heaps, ti.ti_var_heap)
+ # ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }
+ # (group_nr,acc_groups,ti) = transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr component_members acc_groups ti
+ = transform_groups group_nr groups acc_groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types ti
transform_groups group_nr [] acc_groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types ti
= (acc_groups, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, ti)
- transform_groups group_nr [group:groups] acc_groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types ti
- # {group_members} = group
- # (ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap)
- = foldSt (convert_function_type common_defs) group_members
- (ti.ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, ti.ti_type_heaps, ti.ti_var_heap)
- # ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }
- # (group_nr,acc_groups,ti) = transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr group_members acc_groups ti
- = transform_groups group_nr groups acc_groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types ti
- transform_groups` :: !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !Int ![Group] !u:[Group] !*TransformInfo -> *(!Int,!u:[Group],!*TransformInfo)
- transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr [] acc_groups ti
+ convert_function_types (ComponentMember member members) common_defs s
+ # s = convert_function_type common_defs member s
+ = convert_function_types members common_defs s
+ convert_function_types NoComponentMembers common_defs s
+ = s
+ transform_groups_again :: !Int ![Component] ![Component] !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !*TransformInfo -> *(![Component],!*TransformInfo)
+ transform_groups_again group_nr [group:groups] acc_groups common_defs imported_funs ti
+ # {component_members} = group
+ # (group_nr,acc_groups,ti) = transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr component_members acc_groups ti
+ = transform_groups_again group_nr groups acc_groups common_defs imported_funs ti
+ transform_groups_again group_nr [] acc_groups common_defs imported_funs ti
+ = (acc_groups, ti)
+ transform_group :: !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !Int !ComponentMembers !u:[Component] !*TransformInfo -> *(!Int,!u:[Component],!*TransformInfo)
+ transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr component_members acc_groups ti
+ // assign group_nr to component_members
+ # ti = assign_groups component_members group_nr ti
+ # (before,ti) = ti!ti_next_fun_nr
+ // transform component_members
+ # ti = transform_functions component_members common_defs imported_funs ti
+ // partitionate group: need to know added functions for this...
+ # (after,ti) = ti!ti_next_fun_nr
+ | not (compile_with_fusion || after > before)
+ = (inc group_nr,[{component_members=component_members}:acc_groups],ti)
+ # (ti_new_functions,ti) = ti!ti_new_functions
+ # (new_functions_in_component,ti_fun_heap)
+ = determine_new_functions_in_component (after-before) ti_new_functions before after ti.ti_fun_heap
+ # ti = {ti & ti_fun_heap=ti_fun_heap}
+ # (new_groups,ti) = partition_group group_nr (append_ComponentMembers component_members new_functions_in_component) ti
+ // reanalyse consumers
+ # (cleanup,ti_fun_defs,ti_var_heap,ti_symbol_heap,ti_fun_heap,ti_cons_args,same)
+ = reanalyseGroups common_defs imported_funs main_dcl_module_n ro_StdStrictLists_module_n
+ new_groups
+ ti.ti_fun_defs ti.ti_var_heap ti.ti_symbol_heap ti.ti_fun_heap ti.ti_cons_args
+ # ti = {ti
+ & ti_cleanup_info = cleanup ++ ti.ti_cleanup_info
+ , ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs
+ , ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap
+ , ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap
+ , ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap
+ , ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args
+ }
+ // if wanted reapply transform_group to all found groups
+ | after>before || length new_groups > 1 || not same
+ = transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr new_groups acc_groups ti
+ // producer annotation for finished components!
+ # ti = reannotate_producers group_nr component_members ti
+ = (inc group_nr,(reverse new_groups)++acc_groups,ti)
+ where
+ transform_groups` :: !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !Int ![Component] !u:[Component] !*TransformInfo -> *(!Int,!u:[Component],!*TransformInfo)
+ transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr [] acc_groups ti
= (group_nr, acc_groups, ti)
- transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr [{group_members}:groups] acc_groups ti
- # (group_nr,acc_groups,ti) = transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr group_members acc_groups ti
+ transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr [{component_members}:groups] acc_groups ti
+ # (group_nr,acc_groups,ti) = transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr component_members acc_groups ti
= transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr groups acc_groups ti
- transform_group :: !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !Int ![Int] !u:[Group] !*TransformInfo -> *(!Int,!u:[Group],!*TransformInfo)
- transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr group_members acc_groups ti
- // assign group_nr to group_members
- # ti = ti <-!- ("transform_group",group_nr)
- # ti = foldSt (assign_group group_nr) group_members ti
- # (before,ti) = ti!ti_next_fun_nr
- // transform group_members
- # ti = foldSt (transform_function common_defs imported_funs) group_members ti
- // partitionate group: need to know added functions for this...
- # (after,ti) = ti!ti_next_fun_nr
- | not (compile_with_fusion || after > before)
- = (inc group_nr,[{group_members=group_members}:acc_groups],ti)
- # (new_groups,ti) = partition_group group_nr (group_members++[before..after-1]) ti
- // reanalyse consumers
- # (cleanup,ti_fun_defs,ti_var_heap,ti_symbol_heap,ti_fun_heap,ti_cons_args,same)
- = reanalyseGroups common_defs imported_funs main_dcl_module_n ro_StdStrictLists_module_n ti.ti_new_functions
- new_groups
- ti.ti_fun_defs ti.ti_var_heap ti.ti_symbol_heap ti.ti_fun_heap ti.ti_cons_args
- # ti = {ti
- & ti_cleanup_info = cleanup ++ ti.ti_cleanup_info
- , ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs
- , ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap
- , ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap
- , ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap
- , ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args
- }
- // if wanted reapply transform_group to all found groups
- | (after>before) || (length new_groups > 1) || not same
- = transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr new_groups acc_groups ti
- // producer annotation for finished components!
- # ti = reannotate_producers group_nr group_members ti
- = (inc group_nr,(reverse new_groups)++acc_groups,ti)
- changed_group_classification [] ti
- = (False,ti)
- changed_group_classification [fun:funs] ti
- = (False,ti)
- assign_group :: !.Int !.Int !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
- assign_group group_number fun ti
- # (fd,ti) = get_fun_def fun ti
- # fd = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }
- # ti = set_fun_def fun fd ti
- = ti
- get_fun_def :: !.Int !*TransformInfo -> *(!FunDef,!*TransformInfo)
- get_fun_def fun ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
- | fun < size ti_fun_defs
- # (fun_def, ti) = ti!ti_fun_defs.[fun]
- = (fun_def,ti)
- # (fun_def_ptr,ti_fun_heap) = lookup_ptr fun ti.ti_new_functions ti.ti_fun_heap
- with
- lookup_ptr fun [] ti_fun_heap = abort "drat"
- lookup_ptr fun [fun_def_ptr:new_functions] ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_index}, ti_fun_heap)
- = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- | gf_fun_index == fun
- = (fun_def_ptr, ti_fun_heap)
- = lookup_ptr fun new_functions ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}, ti_fun_heap)
- = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
- = (gf_fun_def,ti)
- set_fun_def :: !.Int !.FunDef !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
- set_fun_def fun fun_def ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
- | fun < size ti_fun_defs
- = {ti & ti_fun_defs.[fun] = fun_def}
- # (fun_def_ptr,ti_fun_heap) = lookup_ptr fun ti.ti_new_functions ti.ti_fun_heap
- with
- lookup_ptr fun [] ti_fun_heap = abort "drat"
- lookup_ptr fun [fun_def_ptr:new_functions] ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_index}, ti_fun_heap)
- = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- | gf_fun_index == fun
- = (fun_def_ptr, ti_fun_heap)
- = lookup_ptr fun new_functions ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function gf, ti_fun_heap)
- = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- # ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_def_ptr (FI_Function {gf & gf_fun_def = fun_def}) ti_fun_heap
- = { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
- partition_group :: !.Int ![.Int] !*TransformInfo -> *(![Group],!*TransformInfo)
- partition_group group_nr group_members ti
- # fun_defs = ti.ti_fun_defs
- # fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap
- # max_fun_nr = ti.ti_next_fun_nr
- # new_functions = ti.ti_new_functions
- # main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
- # next_group = group_nr
- # predef_symbols = ti.ti_predef_symbols
- # var_heap = ti.ti_var_heap
- # expression_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap
- # error_admin = {ea_file = ti.ti_error_file, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
- # (_,groups,fun_defs,fun_heap,predef_symbols,var_heap,expression_heap,error_admin)
- = partitionateFunctions`` max_fun_nr next_group new_functions fun_defs group_members main_dcl_module_n def_min def_max fun_heap predef_symbols var_heap expression_heap error_admin
- # ti =
- { ti
- & ti_fun_defs = fun_defs
- , ti_fun_heap = fun_heap
- , ti_predef_symbols = predef_symbols
- , ti_var_heap = var_heap
- , ti_symbol_heap = expression_heap
- , ti_error_file = error_admin.ea_file
- }
- = (groups,ti)
- transform_function :: !{#.CommonDefs} !{#{#.FunType}} !.Int !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
- transform_function common_defs imported_funs fun ti
- # (fun_def, ro_fun, ti) = get_fun_def_and_symb_ident fun ti
- # ti = ti <-!- ("transform_function",fun,ro_fun,fun_def)
- (ro_StdGeneric_module_n,ti) = ti!ti_predef_symbols.[PD_StdGeneric].pds_def
- # (Yes {st_args,st_args_strictness})= fun_def.fun_type
- {fun_body = TransformedBody tb} = fun_def
- ti_var_heap = fold2St store_arg_type_info tb.tb_args st_args ti.ti_var_heap
- tfi = { tfi_root = ro_fun
- , tfi_case = ro_fun
- , tfi_orig = ro_fun
- , tfi_args = tb.tb_args
- , tfi_vars = [arg \\ arg <- tb.tb_args & i <- [0..] | arg_is_strict i st_args_strictness]
- , tfi_geni = (-1,-1)
- }
- ro = { ro_imported_funs = imported_funs
- , ro_common_defs = common_defs
- , ro_root_case_mode = get_root_case_mode tb
- , ro_tfi = tfi
- , ro_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
- , ro_transform_fusion = compile_with_fusion
- , ro_StdStrictLists_module_n = ro_StdStrictLists_module_n
- , ro_StdGeneric_module_n = ro_StdGeneric_module_n
- }
- ti = { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap } // <--- ("transform_function",fun,ro.ro_root_case_mode)
- (fun_rhs, ti) = transform tb.tb_rhs ro ti
- fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb & tb_rhs = fun_rhs }}
- # ti = set_fun_def fun fun_def ti
- = ti
- where
- store_arg_type_info {fv_info_ptr} a_type ti_var_heap
- = setExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr (EVI_VarType a_type) ti_var_heap
+ changed_group_classification [] ti
+ = (False,ti)
+ changed_group_classification [fun:funs] ti
+ = (False,ti)
+ assign_groups :: !ComponentMembers !Int !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
+ assign_groups (ComponentMember member members) group_nr ti
+ # ti = {ti & ti_fun_defs.[member].fun_info.fi_group_index = group_nr}
+ = assign_groups members group_nr ti
+ assign_groups (GeneratedComponentMember member fun_ptr members) group_nr ti=:{ti_fun_heap}
+ # (FI_Function gf=:{gf_fun_def=fd}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti_fun_heap
+ # fd = {fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_nr}
+ # ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_ptr (FI_Function {gf & gf_fun_def=fd}) ti_fun_heap
+ # ti = {ti & ti_fun_heap=ti_fun_heap}
+ = assign_groups members group_nr ti
+ assign_groups NoComponentMembers group_nr ti
+ = ti
- fun_def_to_symb_ident fun_index fsize {fun_ident}
- | fun_index < fsize
- = { symb_ident=fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun_index, glob_module=main_dcl_module_n } }
- get_root_case_mode {tb_rhs=Case _} = RootCase
- get_root_case_mode _ = NotRootCase
- get_fun_def_and_symb_ident fun ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
- | fun < size ti_fun_defs
- # (fun_def, ti) = ti!ti_fun_defs.[fun]
- # si = { symb_ident=fun_def.fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun, glob_module=main_dcl_module_n } }
- = (fun_def,si,ti)
- # (fun_def_ptr,ti_fun_heap) = lookup_ptr fun ti.ti_new_functions ti.ti_fun_heap
- with
- lookup_ptr fun [] ti_fun_heap = abort "drat"
- lookup_ptr fun [fun_def_ptr:new_functions] ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_index}, ti_fun_heap)
- = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- | gf_fun_index == fun
- = (fun_def_ptr, ti_fun_heap)
- = lookup_ptr fun new_functions ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}, ti_fun_heap)
- = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- # si = { symb_ident=gf_fun_def.fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr fun }
- ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
- = (gf_fun_def,si,ti)
- reannotate_producers group_nr group_members ti
+ partition_group :: !.Int !ComponentMembers !*TransformInfo -> *(![Component],!*TransformInfo)
+ partition_group group_nr component_members ti
+ # {ti_fun_defs=fun_defs, ti_fun_heap=fun_heap, ti_next_fun_nr=max_fun_nr,
+ ti_predef_symbols=predef_symbols, ti_var_heap=var_heap, ti_symbol_heap=expression_heap, ti_error_file} = ti
+ # next_group = group_nr
+ # error_admin = {ea_file = ti_error_file, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
+ # (_,groups,fun_defs,fun_heap,predef_symbols,var_heap,expression_heap,error_admin)
+ = partitionateFunctions`` max_fun_nr next_group fun_defs component_members main_dcl_module_n def_min def_max fun_heap predef_symbols var_heap expression_heap error_admin
+ # ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs = fun_defs
+ , ti_fun_heap = fun_heap
+ , ti_predef_symbols = predef_symbols
+ , ti_var_heap = var_heap
+ , ti_symbol_heap = expression_heap
+ , ti_error_file = error_admin.ea_file }
+ = (groups,ti)
+ transform_functions :: !ComponentMembers !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
+ transform_functions (ComponentMember member members) common_defs imported_funs ti
+ # (fun_def, ti) = ti!ti_fun_defs.[member]
+ fun_symb = {symb_ident=fun_def.fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=member, glob_module=main_dcl_module_n}}
+ (fun_body,ti)
+ = transform_function fun_def.fun_type fun_def.fun_body fun_symb common_defs imported_funs ti
+ fun_def = {fun_def & fun_body=fun_body}
+ ti = {ti & ti_fun_defs.[member] = fun_def}
+ = transform_functions members common_defs imported_funs ti
+ transform_functions (GeneratedComponentMember member fun_ptr members) common_defs imported_funs ti
+ # (FI_Function gf=:{gf_fun_def},ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti.ti_fun_heap
+ fun_symb = {symb_ident=gf_fun_def.fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr member }
+ ti = {ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap}
+ (fun_body,ti)
+ = transform_function gf_fun_def.fun_type gf_fun_def.fun_body fun_symb common_defs imported_funs ti
+ gf_fun_def = {gf_fun_def & fun_body=fun_body}
+ ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_ptr (FI_Function {gf & gf_fun_def=gf_fun_def}) ti.ti_fun_heap
+ ti = {ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap}
+ = transform_functions members common_defs imported_funs ti
+ transform_functions NoComponentMembers common_defs imported_funs ti
+ = ti
+ transform_function :: !(Optional SymbolType) !FunctionBody !SymbIdent !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !*TransformInfo -> (!FunctionBody,!*TransformInfo)
+ transform_function (Yes {st_args,st_args_strictness}) (TransformedBody tb) fun_symb common_defs imported_funs ti
+ # (ro_StdGeneric_module_n,ti) = ti!ti_predef_symbols.[PD_StdGeneric].pds_def
+ ti_var_heap = fold2St store_arg_type_info tb.tb_args st_args ti.ti_var_heap
+ tfi = { tfi_root = fun_symb
+ , tfi_case = fun_symb
+ , tfi_orig = fun_symb
+ , tfi_args = tb.tb_args
+ , tfi_vars = [arg \\ arg <- tb.tb_args & i <- [0..] | arg_is_strict i st_args_strictness]
+ , tfi_geni = (-1,-1)
+ }
+ ro = { ro_imported_funs = imported_funs
+ , ro_common_defs = common_defs
+ , ro_root_case_mode = get_root_case_mode tb
+ , ro_tfi = tfi
+ , ro_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
+ , ro_transform_fusion = compile_with_fusion
+ , ro_StdStrictLists_module_n = ro_StdStrictLists_module_n
+ , ro_StdGeneric_module_n = ro_StdGeneric_module_n
+ }
+ ti = {ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap}
+ (fun_rhs, ti) = transform tb.tb_rhs ro ti
+ = (TransformedBody {tb & tb_rhs = fun_rhs},ti)
+ where
+ store_arg_type_info {fv_info_ptr} a_type ti_var_heap
+ = setExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr (EVI_VarType a_type) ti_var_heap
+ fun_def_to_symb_ident fun_index fsize {fun_ident}
+ | fun_index < fsize
+ = { symb_ident=fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun_index, glob_module=main_dcl_module_n } }
+ get_root_case_mode {tb_rhs=Case _} = RootCase
+ get_root_case_mode _ = NotRootCase
+ reannotate_producers group_nr component_members ti
// determine if safe group
- # (safe,ti) = safe_producers group_nr group_members group_members main_dcl_module_n ti
+ # (safe,ti) = safe_producers group_nr component_members component_members main_dcl_module_n ti
| safe
// if safe mark all members as safe
- = foldSt mark_producer_safe group_members ti
+ = mark_producers_safe component_members ti
= ti
- safe_producers :: Int [Int] [Int] Int *TransformInfo -> *(!Bool,!*TransformInfo)
- safe_producers group_nr group_members [] main_dcl_module_n ti
- = (True,ti)
- safe_producers group_nr group_members [fun:funs] main_dcl_module_n ti
- // look for occurrence of group_members in safe argument position of fun RHS
+ safe_producers :: Int ComponentMembers ComponentMembers Int *TransformInfo -> *(!Bool,!*TransformInfo)
+ safe_producers group_nr component_members (ComponentMember fun funs) main_dcl_module_n ti
+ // look for occurrence of component_members in safe argument position of fun RHS
// i.e. linearity ok && ...
- #! (fun_def, ti) = get_fun_def fun ti
- {fun_body = TransformedBody tb}
- = fun_def
- fun_body = tb.tb_rhs
- #! prs =
- { prs_group = group_members
- , prs_cons_args = ti.ti_cons_args
- , prs_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
- , prs_fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap
- , prs_fun_defs = ti.ti_fun_defs
- , prs_group_index = group_nr
- }
- # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements fun_body prs
-// # prs = prs ---> ("producerRequirements",fun_def.fun_ident,fun,group_nr,safe,fun_body)
+ # (fun_def,fun_defs) = (ti.ti_fun_defs)![fun]
+ {fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_rhs}} = fun_def
+ prs = { prs_group = component_members
+ , prs_cons_args = ti.ti_cons_args
+ , prs_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
+ , prs_fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap
+ , prs_fun_defs = fun_defs
+ , prs_group_index = group_nr }
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements tb_rhs prs
#! ti = {ti & ti_fun_defs = prs.prs_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = prs.prs_fun_heap, ti_cons_args = prs.prs_cons_args}
// put back prs info into ti?
| safe
- = safe_producers group_nr group_members funs main_dcl_module_n ti
+ = safe_producers group_nr component_members funs main_dcl_module_n ti
= (False,ti)
- mark_producer_safe fun ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
- // update cc_prod for fun
- | fun < size ti_fun_defs
- = {ti & ti_cons_args.[fun].cc_producer = pIsSafe}
- # (fun_def_ptr,ti_fun_heap) = lookup_ptr fun ti.ti_new_functions ti.ti_fun_heap
- with
- lookup_ptr fun [] ti_fun_heap = abort "drat"
- lookup_ptr fun [fun_def_ptr:new_functions] ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_index}, ti_fun_heap)
- = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- | gf_fun_index == fun
- = (fun_def_ptr, ti_fun_heap)
- = lookup_ptr fun new_functions ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function gf, ti_fun_heap)
- = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- # ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_def_ptr (FI_Function {gf & gf_cons_args.cc_producer = pIsSafe}) ti_fun_heap
- ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
+ safe_producers group_nr component_members (GeneratedComponentMember fun fun_ptr funs) main_dcl_module_n ti
+ # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti.ti_fun_heap
+ ti = {ti & ti_fun_heap=ti_fun_heap}
+ {fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_rhs}} = gf_fun_def
+ prs = { prs_group = component_members
+ , prs_cons_args = ti.ti_cons_args
+ , prs_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
+ , prs_fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap
+ , prs_fun_defs = ti.ti_fun_defs
+ , prs_group_index = group_nr }
+ (safe,prs) = producerRequirements tb_rhs prs
+ #! ti = {ti & ti_fun_defs = prs.prs_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = prs.prs_fun_heap, ti_cons_args = prs.prs_cons_args}
+ | safe
+ = safe_producers group_nr component_members funs main_dcl_module_n ti
+ = (False,ti)
+ safe_producers group_nr component_members NoComponentMembers main_dcl_module_n ti
+ = (True,ti)
+ mark_producers_safe (ComponentMember member members) ti
+ # ti = {ti & ti_cons_args.[member].cc_producer = pIsSafe}
+ = mark_producers_safe members ti
+ mark_producers_safe (GeneratedComponentMember member fun_ptr members) ti
+ # (FI_Function gf,ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti.ti_fun_heap
+ ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_ptr (FI_Function {gf & gf_cons_args.cc_producer = pIsSafe}) ti_fun_heap
+ ti = {ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap}
+ = mark_producers_safe members ti
+ mark_producers_safe NoComponentMembers ti
= ti
-// ... DvA
- add_new_function_to_group :: !{# CommonDefs} !FunctionHeap !FunctionInfoPtr
- !(!*{!Group}, ![FunDef], !*ImportedTypes, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
- -> (!*{!Group}, ![FunDef], !*ImportedTypes, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
+ add_new_function_to_group :: !{# CommonDefs} !FunctionHeap !FunctionInfoPtr
+ !(!*{!Component}, ![FunDef], !*ImportedTypes, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
+ -> (!*{!Component}, ![FunDef], !*ImportedTypes, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
add_new_function_to_group common_defs fun_heap fun_ptr (groups, fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, type_heaps, var_heap)
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def,gf_fun_index}) = sreadPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
{fun_type = Yes ft=:{st_args,st_result}, fun_info = {fi_group_index,fi_properties}} = gf_fun_def
@@ -3868,13 +3842,20 @@ where
# ft = { ft & st_result = st_result, st_args = st_args }
| fi_group_index >= size groups
= abort ("add_new_function_to_group "+++ toString fi_group_index+++ "," +++ toString (size groups) +++ "," +++ toString gf_fun_index)
# (group, groups) = groups![fi_group_index]
- | not (isMember gf_fun_index group.group_members)
+ | not (isComponentMember gf_fun_index group.component_members)
= abort ("add_new_function_to_group INSANE!\n" +++ toString gf_fun_index +++ "," +++ toString fi_group_index)
# groups = {groups & [fi_group_index] = group}
- # gf_fun_def = { gf_fun_def & fun_type = Yes ft}
+ # gf_fun_def = {gf_fun_def & fun_type = Yes ft}
= (groups, [gf_fun_def : fun_defs], ets_type_defs, ets_collected_conses, ets_type_heaps, ets_var_heap)
+ where
+ isComponentMember index (ComponentMember member members)
+ = index==member || isComponentMember index members
+ isComponentMember index (GeneratedComponentMember member _ members)
+ = index==member || isComponentMember index members
+ isComponentMember index NoComponentMembers
+ = False
convert_function_type common_defs fun_index (fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
# (fun_def=:{fun_type = Yes fun_type, fun_info = {fi_properties}}, fun_defs)
@@ -3888,7 +3869,7 @@ where
= (fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, [fun_index : fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types], type_heaps, var_heap)
= (fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
- expand_abstract_syn_types_in_function_type :: !{#.CommonDefs} !.Int !*(!*{#FunDef},!*{#{#.(TypeDef .TypeRhs)}},![(Global .Int)],!*TypeHeaps,!*(Heap VarInfo)) -> (!*{#FunDef},!.{#{#(TypeDef .TypeRhs)}},![(Global Int)],!.TypeHeaps,!.(Heap VarInfo))
+ expand_abstract_syn_types_in_function_type :: !{#.CommonDefs} !.Int !*(!*{#FunDef},!*{#{#CheckedTypeDef}},![(Global .Int)],!*TypeHeaps,!*(Heap VarInfo)) -> (!*{#FunDef},!.{#{#CheckedTypeDef}},![(Global Int)],!.TypeHeaps,!.(Heap VarInfo))
expand_abstract_syn_types_in_function_type common_defs fun_index (fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, type_heaps, var_heap)
# (fun_def=:{fun_type = Yes fun_type, fun_info = {fi_properties}}, fun_defs)
= fun_defs![fun_index]
@@ -3899,6 +3880,23 @@ where
fun_defs = { fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun_def }
= (fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ append_ComponentMembers :: !ComponentMembers !ComponentMembers -> ComponentMembers
+ append_ComponentMembers (ComponentMember member members) component_members_to_append
+ = ComponentMember member (append_ComponentMembers members component_members_to_append)
+ append_ComponentMembers (GeneratedComponentMember member fun_ptr members) component_members_to_append
+ = GeneratedComponentMember member fun_ptr (append_ComponentMembers members component_members_to_append)
+ append_ComponentMembers NoComponentMembers component_members_to_append
+ = component_members_to_append
+ determine_new_functions_in_component :: !Int ![FunctionInfoPtr] !Int !Int !*FunctionHeap -> (ComponentMembers,!*FunctionHeap)
+ determine_new_functions_in_component 0 new_functions before after fun_heap
+ = (NoComponentMembers,fun_heap)
+ determine_new_functions_in_component n_functions [fun_ptr:new_functions] before after fun_heap
+ # (FI_Function {gf_fun_index},fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
+ | gf_fun_index>=before && gf_fun_index<after
+ # (members,fun_heap) = determine_new_functions_in_component (n_functions-1) new_functions before after fun_heap
+ = (GeneratedComponentMember gf_fun_index fun_ptr members,fun_heap)
@@ -4440,11 +4438,12 @@ get_fun_def_and_cons_args (SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr fun_index) cons_arg
= (gf_fun_def, gf_cons_args, cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
//@ <<<
instance <<< Group where
(<<<) file {group_members}
= file <<< "Group: " <<< group_members
instance <<< RootCaseMode where
(<<<) file mode = case mode of NotRootCase -> file <<< "NotRootCase"; RootCase -> file <<< "RootCase"; RootCaseOfZombie -> file <<< "RootCaseOfZombie";