path: root/frontend/trans.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2012-06-15 11:44:09 +0000
committerjohnvg2012-06-15 11:44:09 +0000
commit98d14c13887046648073ab8d387505ae023370d2 (patch)
treec2907570d26ddbb52c424cc6cf92b79750d0a553 /frontend/trans.icl
parentrename type PartitioningInfo to PartitioningState (and fields pi_ to ps_) (diff)
in substitute use original type (instead of copy) if possible,
to reduce memory usage of the compiler git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2094 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/trans.icl')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index e2ad3b8..ea098b9 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -997,7 +997,6 @@ generate_case_function fun_index case_info_ptr new_expr outer_fun_def outer_cons
app_args = free_vars_to_bound_vars tfi_args
= ( App {app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ti)
generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument :: !Int !ExprInfoPtr !Expression FunDef .ConsClasses [.Bool] !SymbIdent ![FreeVar] !*TransformInfo
-> (!Expression,!*TransformInfo)
generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument fun_index case_info_ptr
@@ -1051,7 +1050,7 @@ generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument fun_index case_info_ptr
, fi_local_vars = []
, fi_dynamics = []
, fi_properties = outer_fun_def.fun_info.fi_properties
- }
+ }
# cc_args_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits & used <- used_mask | used ]
@@ -1089,8 +1088,8 @@ determine_case_function_type fun_arity ct_result_type arg_types st_attr_env ti=:
# (type_variables, th_vars) = getTypeVars [ct_result_type:arg_types] ti_type_heaps.th_vars
(fresh_type_vars, th_vars) = mapSt bind_to_fresh_type_variable type_variables th_vars
ti_type_heaps = { ti_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
- (fresh_arg_types, ti_type_heaps) = substitute arg_types ti_type_heaps
- (fresh_result_type, ti_type_heaps) = substitute ct_result_type ti_type_heaps
+ (_, fresh_arg_types, ti_type_heaps) = substitute arg_types ti_type_heaps
+ (_, fresh_result_type, ti_type_heaps) = substitute ct_result_type ti_type_heaps
fun_type =
{ st_vars = fresh_type_vars
, st_args = fresh_arg_types
@@ -1467,8 +1466,8 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
das_AVI_Attr_TA_TempVar_info_ptrs = [st_attr_vars]
ti_type_heaps = {ti_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs, th_vars = th_vars}
// | False-!->("before substitute", st_args, "->", st_result) = undef
- # ((st_args,st_result), ti_type_heaps)
- = substitute (st_args,st_result) ti_type_heaps
+ # (_, st_args, ti_type_heaps) = substitute st_args ti_type_heaps
+ # (_, st_result, ti_type_heaps) = substitute st_result ti_type_heaps
// | False-!->("after substitute", st_args, "->", st_result) = undef
// determine args...
# das = { das_vars = []
@@ -1791,9 +1790,9 @@ where
= mapSt bind_to_fresh_type_variable st_vars th_vars
(fresh_st_attr_vars, th_attrs)
= mapSt bind_to_fresh_attr_variable st_attr_vars th_attrs
- ([fresh_st_result:fresh_st_args], ti_type_heaps)
+ (_, [fresh_st_result:fresh_st_args], ti_type_heaps)
= substitute [st_result:st_args] { ti_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
- (fresh_st_attr_env, ti_type_heaps)
+ (_, fresh_st_attr_env, ti_type_heaps)
= substitute st_attr_env ti_type_heaps
= (Yes { symbol_type & st_vars = fresh_st_vars, st_attr_vars = fresh_st_attr_vars, st_args = fresh_st_args,
st_result = fresh_st_result, st_attr_env = fresh_st_attr_env}, ti_type_heaps)
@@ -1981,7 +1980,7 @@ determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars_and_types class_type) _ {fv_info_ptr
das=:{das_arg_types, das_subst, das_type_heaps, das_predef}
# (ws_arg_type, das_arg_types) = das_arg_types![prod_index]
# {ats_types=[arg_type:_]} = ws_arg_type
- (int_class_type, das_type_heaps)
+ (_, int_class_type, das_type_heaps)
= substitute class_type das_type_heaps
class_atype = { empty_atype & at_type = int_class_type }
@@ -2014,9 +2013,9 @@ determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars_and_types class_type) _ {fv_info_ptr
= abort ("sanity check nr 93 in module trans failed\n"--->(class_atype,"\n", arg_type))
# (free_vars_and_types,das_type_heaps) = mapSt subFVT free_vars_and_types das_type_heaps
- subFVT (fv,ty) th
- # (ty`,th`) = substitute ty th
- = ((fv,ty`),th`)
+ subFVT (fv,ty) type_heaps
+ # (_, ty`,type_heaps) = substitute ty type_heaps
+ = ((fv,ty`),type_heaps)
# ws_ats_types = [ { empty_atype & at_type = at_type } \\ (_, at_type) <- free_vars_and_types]
# ws_arg_type` = {ats_types= ws_ats_types, ats_strictness = first_n_strict (length free_vars_and_types) }
@@ -2057,8 +2056,8 @@ determine_arg producer (Yes {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st_attr_var
// because types in Cases and Lets should not use TA_TempVar's
das_AVI_Attr_TA_TempVar_info_ptrs = [st_attr_vars:das_AVI_Attr_TA_TempVar_info_ptrs]
// prepare for substitute calls
- ((st_args, st_result), das_type_heaps)
- = substitute (st_args, st_result) { das_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
+ (_, st_args, das_type_heaps) = substitute st_args {das_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs}
+ (_, st_result, das_type_heaps) = substitute st_result das_type_heaps
nr_of_applied_args = symbol_arity
(application_type, attr_env, das_next_attr_nr)
= build_application_type st_arity (length st_context) st_result st_args nr_of_applied_args [] das_next_attr_nr
@@ -4169,11 +4168,6 @@ get_fun_def_and_cons_args (SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr fun_index) cons_arg
= (gf_fun_def, gf_cons_args, cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
//@ <<<
-instance <<< Group where
- (<<<) file {group_members}
- = file <<< "Group: " <<< group_members
instance <<< RootCaseMode where
(<<<) file mode = case mode of NotRootCase -> file <<< "NotRootCase"; RootCase -> file <<< "RootCase"; RootCaseOfZombie -> file <<< "RootCaseOfZombie";
@@ -4459,7 +4453,7 @@ copy_dictionary_variable app_symb app_args class_type ci cs
substitute_class_types class_types No
= (class_types, No)
substitute_class_types class_types (Yes type_heaps)
- # (new_class_types, type_heaps) = substitute class_types type_heaps
+ # (_, new_class_types, type_heaps) = substitute class_types type_heaps
= (new_class_types, Yes type_heaps)
instance copy DynamicExpr
@@ -4536,7 +4530,7 @@ where
= ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, cs)
substitute_EI_DictionaryType (EI_DictionaryType class_type) (Yes type_heaps)
- # (new_class_type, type_heaps) = substitute class_type type_heaps
+ # (_, new_class_type, type_heaps) = substitute class_type type_heaps
= (EI_DictionaryType new_class_type, Yes type_heaps)
substitute_EI_DictionaryType x opt_type_heaps
= (x, opt_type_heaps)
@@ -4684,12 +4678,16 @@ substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info No
substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_Extended extensions expr_info) yes_type_heaps
# (new_expr_info, yes_type_heaps) = substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info yes_type_heaps
= (EI_Extended extensions new_expr_info, yes_type_heaps)
-substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_CaseType case_type) (Yes type_heaps)
- # (new_case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps
- = (EI_CaseType new_case_type, Yes type_heaps)
-substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_LetType let_type) (Yes type_heaps)
- # (new_let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps
- = (EI_LetType new_let_type, Yes type_heaps)
+substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info=:(EI_CaseType case_type) (Yes type_heaps)
+ # (changed, new_case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps
+ | changed
+ = (EI_CaseType new_case_type, Yes type_heaps)
+ = (expr_info, Yes type_heaps)
+substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info=:(EI_LetType let_type) (Yes type_heaps)
+ # (changed, new_let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps
+ | changed
+ = (EI_LetType new_let_type, Yes type_heaps)
+ = (expr_info, Yes type_heaps)
instance copy CasePatterns