path: root/frontend/trans.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2012-08-06 12:23:30 +0000
committerjohnvg2012-08-06 12:23:30 +0000
commit6c492cb2aab5ddabc1d0569c6f2340c5445cd0ec (patch)
treef4473a49cee1ab6e9d632edcacf9f0dac155e767 /frontend/trans.icl
parentadd pattern match test using =: in expressions, (diff)
move computation of n_args_before_producer and n_producer_args in function generateFunction
to local function n_args_before_producer_and_n_producer_args git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2132 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/trans.icl')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 771c516..6c5eb51 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ where
lift_patterns default_exists (AlgebraicPatterns type case_guards) case_info_ptr outer_case ro ti
# guard_exprs = [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr} <- case_guards ]
- (EI_CaseType {ct_cons_types,ct_result_type},symbol_heap) = readExprInfo case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ (EI_CaseType {ct_cons_types},symbol_heap) = readExprInfo case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
var_heap = store_type_info_of_alg_pattern_in_pattern_variables ct_cons_types case_guards ti.ti_var_heap
ti = {ti & ti_symbol_heap=symbol_heap,ti_var_heap=var_heap}
(guard_exprs_with_case, ti) = lift_patterns_2 default_exists guard_exprs outer_case ro ti
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ transform_active_non_root_case kees=:{case_info_ptr,case_expr = App {app_symb}}
# ti = { ti & ti_next_fun_nr = fun_index + 1 }
// JvG: why are dictionaries not the first arguments ?
# new_ro = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = RootCaseOfZombie, ro_tfi.tfi_case = fun_ident, ro_tfi.tfi_args = all_args }
- = generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument fun_index case_info_ptr (Case kees) outer_fun_def outer_cons_args used_mask fun_ident all_args ti
+ = generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument fun_index case_info_ptr (Case kees) outer_fun_def outer_cons_args used_mask fun_ident all_args ti
transform_active_non_root_case kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti=:{ti_recursion_introduced=old_ti_recursion_introduced}
| not aci.aci_safe
@@ -1039,8 +1039,8 @@ generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument fun_index case_info_ptr
app_args = [old_case_expr : free_vars_to_bound_vars ro_fun_args]
= (App {app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ti)
-get_types_of_local_vars n_vars var_heap
- = mapSt get_type_of_local_var n_vars var_heap
+get_types_of_local_vars vars var_heap
+ = mapSt get_type_of_local_var vars var_heap
get_type_of_local_var {fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (EVI_VarType a_type, var_heap) = readExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr var_heap
@@ -1184,12 +1184,10 @@ where
transform [] ro ti
= ([], ti)
-//@ tryToFindInstance:
cIsANewFunction :== True
cIsNotANewFunction :== False
-tryToFindInstance :: !{! Producer} !InstanceInfo !*(Heap FunctionInfo) -> *(!Bool, !FunctionInfoPtr, !InstanceInfo, !.FunctionHeap)
+tryToFindInstance :: !{! Producer} !InstanceInfo !*FunctionHeap -> *(!Bool, !FunctionInfoPtr, !InstanceInfo, !.FunctionHeap)
tryToFindInstance new_prods II_Empty fun_heap
# (fun_def_ptr, fun_heap) = newPtr FI_Empty fun_heap
= (cIsANewFunction, fun_def_ptr, II_Node new_prods fun_def_ptr II_Empty II_Empty, fun_heap)
@@ -1461,8 +1459,7 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
ti_cons_args = das.das_cons_args
ti_predef_symbols = das.das_predef
- new_fun_arity
- = length new_fun_args
+ new_fun_arity = length new_fun_args
| SwitchArityChecks (new_fun_arity > 32) False
# new_gen_fd =
{ gf_fun_def = fd
@@ -1482,8 +1479,7 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
new_args_strictness = compute_args_strictness new_arg_types_array
- cons_vars
- = createArray (inc (BITINDEX nr_of_all_type_vars)) 0
+ cons_vars = createArray (inc (BITINDEX nr_of_all_type_vars)) 0
(cons_vars, th_vars)
= foldSt set_cons_var_bit propagating_cons_vars (cons_vars, ti_type_heaps.th_vars)
// | False--->("subst before", [el\\el<-:subst], "cons_vars", [el\\el<-:cons_vars]) = undef
@@ -1611,63 +1607,9 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
Case _
-> RootCase
_ -> NotRootCase
- # (args1,resto,restn,var_heap) = take1 tb_args new_fun_args var_heap
- with
- take1 [o:os] [n:ns] var_heap
- # (vi,var_heap) = readVarInfo o.fv_info_ptr var_heap
- # eq = case vi of
- VI_Variable _ fip -> fip == n.fv_info_ptr
- _ -> False
- | eq
- # (ts,os,ns,var_heap) = take1 os ns var_heap
- = ([o:ts],os,ns,var_heap)
- = ([],[o:os],[n:ns],var_heap)
- take1 os ns var_heap = ([],os,ns,var_heap)
- # (args2o,args2n,resto,restn,var_heap) = take2 resto restn var_heap
- with
- take2 [] [] var_heap = ([],[],[],[],var_heap)
- take2 os ns var_heap
- # (os`,var_heap) = extend os var_heap
- # os`` = map fst os`
- # ns`` = map (\{fv_info_ptr}->fv_info_ptr) ns
- # condO = \(o,_) -> not (isMember o ns``)
- # condN = \{fv_info_ptr} -> not (isMember fv_info_ptr os``)
- # (ao`,ro`) = (takeWhile condO os`, dropWhile condO os`)
- # (an,rn) = (takeWhile condN ns, dropWhile condN ns)
- # ao = shrink ao`
- # ro = shrink ro`
- = (ao,an,ro,rn,var_heap)
- where
- extend os uvh = seqList (map ext os) uvh
- ext o uvh
- # (vi,uvh) = readVarInfo o.fv_info_ptr uvh
- = case vi of
- VI_Variable _ fip -> ((fip,o),uvh)
- _ -> ((nilPtr,o),uvh)
- shrink as = map snd as
- isMember x [hd:tl]
- | isNilPtr x = False
- | isNilPtr hd = isMember x tl
- = hd==x || isMember x tl
- isMember x [] = False
- # (args3,resto,restn,var_heap) = take1 resto restn var_heap
- with
- take1 [o:os] [n:ns] var_heap
- # (vi,var_heap) = readVarInfo o.fv_info_ptr var_heap
- # eq = case vi of
- VI_Variable _ fip -> fip == n.fv_info_ptr
- _ -> False
- | eq
- # (ts,os,ns,var_heap) = take1 os ns var_heap
- = ([o:ts],os,ns,var_heap)
- = ([],[o:os],[n:ns],var_heap)
- take1 os ns var_heap = ([],os,ns,var_heap)
-// | False -!-> ("genFun",(tb_args,new_fun_args),args1,(args2o,args2n),args3,(resto,restn)) = undef
- | not (isEmpty resto) = abort "genFun:resto"
- | not (isEmpty restn) = abort "genFun:restn"
+ # (n_args_before_producer,n_producer_args,var_heap)
+ = n_args_before_producer_and_n_producer_args tb_args new_fun_args var_heap
# tfi = { tfi_root = ro_fun,
tfi_case = ro_fun,
@@ -1675,8 +1617,8 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
tfi_args = new_fun_args,
tfi_vars = uvar ++ [arg \\ arg <- new_fun_args & i <- [0..] | arg_is_strict i new_args_strictness],
// evt ++ verwijderde stricte arg...
- tfi_n_args_before_producer = length args1,
- tfi_n_producer_args = length args2n
+ tfi_n_args_before_producer = n_args_before_producer,
+ tfi_n_producer_args = n_producer_args
# ro = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = ro_root_case_mode, ro_tfi=tfi}
// ---> ("genfun uvars",uvar,[arg \\ arg <- new_fun_args & i <- [0..] | arg_is_strict i new_args_strictness])
@@ -1844,6 +1786,64 @@ where
= cs
= (btype, (coercions, subst, ti_type_heaps, ti_type_def_infos))
+ n_args_before_producer_and_n_producer_args :: [FreeVar] [FreeVar] *VarHeap -> (!Int,!Int,!*VarHeap)
+ n_args_before_producer_and_n_producer_args tb_args new_fun_args var_heap
+ # (n_args1,resto,restn,var_heap) = take1 tb_args new_fun_args var_heap
+ with
+ take1 [o:os] [n:ns] var_heap
+ # (vi,var_heap) = readVarInfo o.fv_info_ptr var_heap
+ = case vi of
+ VI_Variable _ fip
+ | fip == n.fv_info_ptr
+ # (n_args1,os,ns,var_heap) = take1 os ns var_heap
+ -> (n_args1+1,os,ns,var_heap)
+ _
+ -> (0,[o:os],[n:ns],var_heap)
+ take1 os ns var_heap
+ = (0,os,ns,var_heap)
+ # (n_args2n,resto,restn,var_heap) = take2 resto restn var_heap
+ with
+ take2 [] [] var_heap
+ = (0,[],[],var_heap)
+ take2 os ns var_heap
+ # (os`,var_heap) = extend os var_heap
+ # os`` = map fst os`
+ # ns`` = map (\{fv_info_ptr}->fv_info_ptr) ns
+ # condO = \(o,_) -> not (isMember o ns``)
+ # condN = \{fv_info_ptr} -> not (isMember fv_info_ptr os``)
+ # ro` = dropWhile condO os`
+ # an = takeWhile condN ns
+ # rn = dropWhile condN ns
+ # ro = shrink ro`
+ = (length an,ro,rn,var_heap)
+ where
+ extend os uvh = mapSt ext os uvh
+ where
+ ext o uvh
+ # (vi,uvh) = readVarInfo o.fv_info_ptr uvh
+ = case vi of
+ VI_Variable _ fip -> ((fip,o),uvh)
+ _ -> ((nilPtr,o),uvh)
+ shrink as = map snd as
+ isMember x [hd:tl]
+ | isNilPtr x = False
+ | isNilPtr hd = isMember x tl
+ = hd==x || isMember x tl
+ isMember x [] = False
+ # var_heap = take3 resto restn var_heap
+ with
+ take3 [o:os] [n:ns] var_heap
+ # (vi,var_heap) = readVarInfo o.fv_info_ptr var_heap
+ = case vi of
+ VI_Variable _ fip
+ | fip == n.fv_info_ptr
+ = take3 os ns var_heap
+ take3 [] [] var_heap
+ = var_heap
+ = (n_args1,n_args2n,var_heap)
// get_producer_type retrieves the type of symbol
get_producer_type :: !SymbIdent !.ReadOnlyTI !*{#FunDef} !*FunctionHeap -> (!SymbolType,!*{#FunDef},!*FunctionHeap)
get_producer_type {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}} ro fun_defs fun_heap
@@ -2342,8 +2342,6 @@ where
# (FI_Function generated_function, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
= (max generated_function.gf_fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index current_max, fun_defs, fun_heap)
-//@ replaceIntegers
class replaceIntegers a :: !a !({!TypeVar}, !{!TypeAttribute}, !AttributePartition) !*{#Bool} -> (!a, !.{#Bool})
// get rid of all those TempV and TA_Var things
@@ -2476,7 +2474,7 @@ transformFunctionApplication fun_def instances cc=:{cc_size, cc_args, cc_linear_
| containsProducer cc_size producers || arity_changed
# (is_new, fun_def_ptr, instances, ti_fun_heap) = tryToFindInstance producers instances ti.ti_fun_heap
| is_new
- # ti = update_instance_info app_symb.symb_kind instances { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
+ # ti = update_instance_info app_symb.symb_kind instances { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
# (fun_index, fun_arity, ti) = generateFunction app_symb fun_def cc_args cc_linear_bits producers fun_def_ptr ro n_extra ti
| fun_index == (-1)
= (build_application { app & app_args = app_args } extra_args, ti) // ---> ("failed instance")
@@ -3446,8 +3444,6 @@ add_let_binds free_vars rhss original_binds
= [{ original_bind & lb_dst = lb_dst, lb_src = lb_src}
\\ lb_dst <- free_vars & lb_src <- rhss & original_bind <- original_binds]
-//@ transformGroups
transformGroups :: !CleanupInfo !Int !Int !Int !Int !*{!Component} !*{#FunDef} !*{!.ConsClasses} !{# CommonDefs} !{# {# FunType} }
!*ImportedTypes !*TypeDefInfos !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap !Bool !*File !*PredefinedSymbols
-> (!*{!Component}, !*{#FunDef}, !*ImportedTypes, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols)