path: root/frontend/trans.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2012-08-07 12:37:41 +0000
committerjohnvg2012-08-07 12:37:41 +0000
commit69b754ebc3f039274836cc05b9a92f28721409e4 (patch)
tree2e21e45c625f1b12eed793fe95e957fe8167ebf8 /frontend/trans.icl
parentfix fusion of a function that is both the consumer and the producer. (diff)
use an unboxed tail strict list for cc_linear_bits to reduce memory usage
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2136 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/trans.icl')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 21d6d59..e992280 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
implementation module trans
-import StdEnv
+import StdEnv, StdStrictLists
import syntax, transform, checksupport, compare_types, utilities, expand_types, unitype, type
import classify, partition
+from StdOverloadedList import RepeatnM,TakeM,++$
SwitchCaseFusion fuse dont_fuse :== fuse
SwitchGeneratedFusion fuse dont_fuse :== fuse
@@ -937,11 +938,11 @@ generate_case_function fun_index case_info_ptr new_expr outer_fun_def outer_cons
# cc_args_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
- cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits & used <- used_mask | used ]
+ cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun = [# cons_arg \\ cons_arg <|- outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits & used <- used_mask | used !]
new_cons_args =
{ cc_size = fun_arity
, cc_args = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars CPassive ++ cc_args_from_outer_fun
- , cc_linear_bits = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars False ++ cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun
+ , cc_linear_bits = RepeatnAppendM nr_of_lifted_vars False cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun
, cc_producer = False
gf = { gf_fun_def = fun_def
@@ -1017,11 +1018,11 @@ generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument fun_index case_info_ptr
# cc_args_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
- cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits & used <- used_mask | used ]
+ cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun = [# cons_arg \\ cons_arg <|- outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits & used <- used_mask | used !]
new_cons_args =
{ cc_size = fun_arity
, cc_args = [CActive : repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars CPassive ++ cc_args_from_outer_fun]
- , cc_linear_bits = [True : repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars False ++ cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun]
+ , cc_linear_bits = [#True : RepeatnAppendM nr_of_lifted_vars False cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun!]
, cc_producer = False
gf = { gf_fun_def = fun_def
@@ -1355,7 +1356,7 @@ compute_args_strictness new_arg_types_array = compute_args_strictness 0 0 NotStr
{ das_vars :: ![FreeVar]
, das_arg_types :: !*{#ATypesWithStrictness}
, das_next_attr_nr :: !Int
- , das_new_linear_bits :: ![Bool]
+ , das_new_linear_bits :: ![#Bool!]
, das_new_cons_args :: ![ConsClass]
, das_uniqueness_requirements :: ![UniquenessRequirement]
, das_AVI_Attr_TA_TempVar_info_ptrs :: ![[AttributeVar]]
@@ -1368,7 +1369,7 @@ compute_args_strictness new_arg_types_array = compute_args_strictness 0 0 NotStr
, das_predef :: !*PredefinedSymbols
-generateFunction :: !SymbIdent !FunDef ![ConsClass] ![Bool] !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !ReadOnlyTI !Int !*TransformInfo -> (!Index, !Int, !*TransformInfo)
+generateFunction :: !SymbIdent !FunDef ![ConsClass] ![#Bool!] !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !ReadOnlyTI !Int !*TransformInfo -> (!Index, !Int, !*TransformInfo)
generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi_group_index}}
cc_args cc_linear_bits prods fun_def_ptr ro n_extra
@@ -1430,7 +1431,7 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
# das = { das_vars = []
, das_arg_types = st_args_array st_args st_args_strictness
, das_next_attr_nr = next_attr_nr
- , das_new_linear_bits = []
+ , das_new_linear_bits = [#!]
, das_new_cons_args = []
, das_uniqueness_requirements = []
, das_AVI_Attr_TA_TempVar_info_ptrs = das_AVI_Attr_TA_TempVar_info_ptrs
@@ -1468,7 +1469,7 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
# new_gen_fd =
{ gf_fun_def = fd
, gf_instance_info = II_Empty
- , gf_cons_args = {cc_args = [], cc_size = 0, cc_linear_bits=[], cc_producer = False}
+ , gf_cons_args = {cc_args=[], cc_size=0, cc_linear_bits=[#!], cc_producer=False}
, gf_fun_index = -1
# ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function new_gen_fd)
@@ -1877,7 +1878,7 @@ get_producer_type {symb_kind=SK_Constructor {glob_module, glob_object}} ro fun_d
= (cons_type, fun_defs, fun_heap)
- :: ![Bool] ![ConsClass] !Index !{!Producer} ![OptionalProducerType] ![FreeVar] !ReadOnlyTI !*DetermineArgsState
+ :: ![#Bool!] ![ConsClass] !Index !{!Producer} ![OptionalProducerType] ![FreeVar] !ReadOnlyTI !*DetermineArgsState
-> *DetermineArgsState
determine_args _ [] prod_index producers prod_atypes forms _ das=:{das_var_heap}
# (vars, das_var_heap) = new_variables forms das_var_heap
@@ -1889,8 +1890,7 @@ where
# (vars, var_heap) = new_variables forms var_heap
(new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
= ([{ form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : vars], writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident new_info_ptr) var_heap)
-determine_args [linear_bit : linear_bits] [cons_arg : cons_args] prod_index producers [prod_atype:prod_atypes] [form : forms] input das
+determine_args [#linear_bit : linear_bits!] [cons_arg : cons_args] prod_index producers [prod_atype:prod_atypes] [form : forms] input das
# das = determine_args linear_bits cons_args (inc prod_index) producers prod_atypes forms input das
// # producer = if (cons_arg == CActive) (producers.[prod_index]) PR_Empty
# producer = case cons_arg of
@@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ determine_arg PR_Empty _ form=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} _ ((linear_bit,cons_arg),
# (new_info_ptr, das_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty das_var_heap
# das_var_heap = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident new_info_ptr) das_var_heap
= { das & das_vars = [{form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr} : das.das_vars]
- , das_new_linear_bits = [linear_bit : das.das_new_linear_bits]
+ , das_new_linear_bits = [#linear_bit : das.das_new_linear_bits!]
, das_new_cons_args = [cons_arg : das.das_new_cons_args]
, das_var_heap = das_var_heap }
@@ -1965,7 +1965,7 @@ determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars_and_types class_type) _ {fv_info_ptr
-> { fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 })
free_vars_and_types das.das_vars
, das_arg_types = {das_arg_types & [prod_index] = ws_arg_type` }
- , das_new_linear_bits = mapAppend (\_ -> True) free_vars_and_types das.das_new_linear_bits
+ , das_new_linear_bits = MapAppend (\_ -> True) free_vars_and_types das.das_new_linear_bits
, das_new_cons_args = mapAppend (\_ -> CActive) free_vars_and_types das.das_new_cons_args
, das_subst = das_subst
, das_type_heaps = das_type_heaps
@@ -2042,7 +2042,7 @@ determine_arg producer (ProducerType {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st
& das_vars = form_vars
, das_arg_types = das_arg_types
, das_next_attr_nr = das_next_attr_nr
- , das_new_linear_bits = cc_linear_bits ++ das.das_new_linear_bits
+ , das_new_linear_bits = cc_linear_bits ++$ das.das_new_linear_bits
, das_new_cons_args = cc_args ++ das.das_new_cons_args
, das_uniqueness_requirements = [new_uniqueness_requirement:das.das_uniqueness_requirements]
, das_AVI_Attr_TA_TempVar_info_ptrs = das_AVI_Attr_TA_TempVar_info_ptrs
@@ -2144,15 +2144,15 @@ where
-> ({ cc_size = symbol_arity
, cc_args = cc_args
, cc_linear_bits = if curried
- (repeatn symbol_arity linear_bit)
- (take symbol_arity cons_classes.cc_linear_bits)
+ (RepeatnM symbol_arity linear_bit)
+ (TakeM symbol_arity cons_classes.cc_linear_bits)
, cc_producer = False
, fun_heap, ti_cons_args)
-> ({ cc_size = symbol_arity
, cc_args = repeatn symbol_arity CPassive
- , cc_linear_bits = repeatn symbol_arity linear_bit
+ , cc_linear_bits = RepeatnM symbol_arity linear_bit
, cc_producer = False
, fun_heap, ti_cons_args)
@@ -2257,6 +2257,17 @@ freshAttrVar attr_var th_attrs
# (new_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
= ({ av_ident = NewAttrVarId attr_var, av_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }, th_attrs)
+RepeatnAppendM n a l :== repeatn_append_ n a l
+ where
+ repeatn_append_ 0 _ l = l
+ repeatn_append_ n a l = [|a:repeatn_append_ (dec n) a l]
+MapAppend f [|x : xs] tail
+ # x = f x
+ xs = MapAppend f xs tail
+ = [|x : xs]
+MapAppend f [|] tail
+ = tail
//@ max_group_index
@@ -2563,7 +2574,8 @@ is_cons_or_decons_of_UList_or_UTSList glob_object glob_module imported_funs
:== let type = imported_funs.[glob_module].[glob_object].ft_type;
in type.st_arity>0 && not (isEmpty type.st_context);
-determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs :: ![Expression] ![Expression] !Bool !{!.Producer} ![Int] ![Bool] !FunDef !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!Bool,![Expression],![Expression],!{!Producer},![Int],![Bool],!FunDef,!Int,!*TransformInfo)
+determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs :: ![Expression] ![Expression] !Bool !{!.Producer} ![Int] ![#Bool!] !FunDef !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo
+ -> *(!Bool,![Expression],![Expression],!{!Producer},![Int],![#Bool!],!FunDef,!Int,!*TransformInfo)
determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs new_args [] is_applied_to_macro_fun producers cc_args cc_linear_bits fun_def ro ti
= (False,new_args,[],producers,cc_args,cc_linear_bits,fun_def,0,ti)
determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs new_args extra_args is_applied_to_macro_fun producers cc_args cc_linear_bits fun_def ro ti
@@ -2585,7 +2597,7 @@ determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs new_args extra_args is_applied_to_macro_fun
# new_producers = arrayPlusList producers [PR_Empty \\ i<-[0..n_extra_args-1]]
# new_cc_args = cc_args ++ [CPassive \\ i<-[0..n_extra_args-1]]
- # new_cc_linear_bits = cc_linear_bits ++ [True \\ i<-[0..n_extra_args-1]]
+ # new_cc_linear_bits = cc_linear_bits ++$ [#True \\ i<-[0..n_extra_args-1]!]
= (True,new_args++extra_args,[],new_producers,new_cc_args,new_cc_linear_bits,fun_def,n_extra_args,ti)
get_new_args_types_from_result_type type 0
@@ -3033,10 +3045,10 @@ transformSelection selector_kind selectors expr ro ti
// XXX store linear_bits and cc_args together ?
-determineProducers :: !Bool !Bool !Bool !(Optional SymbolType) ![Bool] ![Int] ![Expression] !Int *{!Producer} !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!*{!Producer},![Expression],![(LetBind,AType)],!*TransformInfo);
+determineProducers :: !Bool !Bool !Bool !(Optional SymbolType) ![#Bool!] ![Int] ![Expression] !Int *{!Producer} !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!*{!Producer},![Expression],![(LetBind,AType)],!*TransformInfo);
determineProducers _ _ _ _ _ _ [] _ producers _ ti
= (producers, [], [], ti)
-determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer fun_type [linear_bit : linear_bits] [ cons_arg : cons_args ] [ arg : args ] prod_index producers ro ti
+determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer fun_type [#linear_bit : linear_bits!] [cons_arg : cons_args] [arg : args] prod_index producers ro ti
| cons_arg == CActive
# (producers, new_arg, ti) = determine_producer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer linear_bit arg [] prod_index producers ro ti
| isProducer producers.[prod_index]
@@ -4147,6 +4159,15 @@ where
instance <<< ConsClasses
(<<<) file {cc_args,cc_linear_bits,cc_producer} = file <<< cc_args <<< cc_linear_bits <<< cc_producer
+instance <<< [#a!] | UTSList,<<< a
+ (<<<) file [|] = file <<< "[]"
+ (<<<) file l = showTail (file <<< "[") l
+ where
+ showTail f [|x] = f <<< x <<< "] "
+ showTail f [|a:x] = showTail (f <<< a <<< ", ") x
+ showTail f [|] = f <<< "] "
instance <<< InstanceInfo