path: root/frontend/trans.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2010-02-08 16:35:20 +0000
committerjohnvg2010-02-08 16:35:20 +0000
commit52ba2c4bb4ceecc31b4f4613988a04a7d19dbc5c (patch)
treef9e52e44a0dd5e7454164d69351bf479f4750b29 /frontend/trans.icl
parentallow fusion in non linear arguments for some functions that (diff)
generate a new function if a non root case is used of
an application that can be fused, a function is created of the case, without the application (producer), and the new function and the application (producer) are fused later (if possible) git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1780 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/trans.icl')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 787d99d..cb1b07f 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -834,17 +834,58 @@ possibly_add_let zipped_ap_vars_and_args ap_expr not_unfoldable cons_type_args r
, ti_symbol_heap
+free_variables_of_expression expr ti
+ # ti_var_heap = clearVariables expr ti.ti_var_heap
+ fvi = {fvi_var_heap = ti_var_heap, fvi_expr_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap, fvi_variables = [], fvi_expr_ptrs = ti.ti_cleanup_info}
+ {fvi_var_heap, fvi_expr_heap, fvi_variables, fvi_expr_ptrs} = freeVariables expr fvi
+ ti = {ti & ti_var_heap = fvi_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = fvi_expr_heap, ti_cleanup_info = fvi_expr_ptrs}
+ = (fvi_variables,ti)
transform_active_non_root_case :: !Case !ActiveCaseInfo !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!Expression, !*TransformInfo)
+transform_active_non_root_case kees=:{case_info_ptr,case_expr = App {app_symb}} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti=:{ti_recursion_introduced=old_ti_recursion_introduced}
+ | not aci.aci_safe
+ = skip_over kees ro ti
+ | is_safe_producer app_symb.symb_kind ro ti.ti_fun_heap ti.ti_cons_args
+ // determine free variables
+ # (free_vars,ti) = free_variables_of_expression (Case {kees & case_expr=EE}) ti
+ // search function definition and consumer arguments
+ (outer_fun_def, outer_cons_args, ti_cons_args, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap)
+ = get_fun_def_and_cons_args ro.ro_tfi.tfi_root.symb_kind ti.ti_cons_args ti.ti_fun_defs ti.ti_fun_heap
+ outer_arguments
+ = case outer_fun_def.fun_body of
+ TransformedBody {tb_args} -> tb_args
+ Expanding args -> args
+ outer_info_ptrs = [ fv_info_ptr \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-outer_arguments]
+ free_var_info_ptrs = [ var_info_ptr \\ {var_info_ptr}<-free_vars ]
+ used_mask = [isMember fv_info_ptr free_var_info_ptrs \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-outer_arguments]
+ arguments_from_outer_fun = [ outer_argument \\ outer_argument<-outer_arguments & used<-used_mask | used ]
+ lifted_arguments
+ = [ { fv_def_level = undeff, fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_count = undeff}
+ \\ {var_ident, var_info_ptr} <- free_vars | not (isMember var_info_ptr outer_info_ptrs)]
+ all_args = lifted_arguments++arguments_from_outer_fun
+ | SwitchArityChecks (1+length all_args > 32) False
+ # ti = { ti & ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args, ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_recursion_introduced = No }
+ | ro.ro_transform_fusion
+ # ti = { ti & ti_error_file = ti.ti_error_file <<< "Possibly missed fusion oppurtunity: Case Arity > 32 " <<< ro.ro_tfi.tfi_root.symb_ident.id_name <<< "\n"}
+ = skip_over kees ro ti
+ = skip_over kees ro ti
+ # (fun_info_ptr, ti_fun_heap) = newPtr FI_Empty ti_fun_heap
+ fun_ident = { id_name = ro.ro_tfi.tfi_root.symb_ident.id_name+++"_case", id_info = nilPtr }
+ fun_ident = { symb_ident = fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr undeff }
+ # ti = { ti & ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args, ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
+// ---> ("lifted arguments",[fv_ident\\{fv_ident}<-lifted_arguments],outer_arguments,
+// '\n',kees.case_expr,kees.case_guards,kees.case_default)
+ # fun_index = ti.ti_next_fun_nr
+ # ti = { ti & ti_next_fun_nr = fun_index + 1 }
+ // JvG: why are dictionaries not the first arguments ?
+ # new_ro = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = RootCaseOfZombie, ro_tfi.tfi_case = fun_ident, ro_tfi.tfi_args = all_args }
+ = generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument fun_index case_info_ptr (Case kees) outer_fun_def outer_cons_args used_mask fun_ident all_args ti
transform_active_non_root_case kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti=:{ti_recursion_introduced=old_ti_recursion_introduced}
| not aci.aci_safe
= skip_over kees ro ti
// determine free variables
- # ti_var_heap = clearVariables (Case kees) ti.ti_var_heap
- fvi = { fvi_var_heap = ti_var_heap, fvi_expr_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap, fvi_variables = [], fvi_expr_ptrs = ti.ti_cleanup_info }
- {fvi_var_heap, fvi_expr_heap, fvi_variables, fvi_expr_ptrs}
- = freeVariables (Case kees) fvi
- ti = { ti & ti_var_heap = fvi_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = fvi_expr_heap, ti_cleanup_info = fvi_expr_ptrs }
- free_vars = fvi_variables
+ # (free_vars,ti) = free_variables_of_expression (Case kees) ti
// search function definition and consumer arguments
(outer_fun_def, outer_cons_args, ti_cons_args, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap)
= get_fun_def_and_cons_args ro.ro_tfi.tfi_root.symb_kind ti.ti_cons_args ti.ti_fun_defs ti.ti_fun_heap
@@ -958,6 +999,87 @@ generate_case_function fun_index case_info_ptr new_expr outer_fun_def outer_cons
app_args = free_vars_to_bound_vars tfi_args
= ( App {app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ti)
+generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument :: !Int !ExprInfoPtr !Expression FunDef .ConsClasses [.Bool] !SymbIdent ![FreeVar] !*TransformInfo
+ -> (!Expression,!*TransformInfo)
+generate_case_function_with_pattern_argument fun_index case_info_ptr
+ case_expr=:(Case kees=:{case_expr=old_case_expr}) outer_fun_def outer_cons_args used_mask
+ ro_fun=:{symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr _} ro_fun_args ti
+ # fun_arity = length ro_fun_args
+ # ti = arity_warning "generate_case_function" ro_fun.symb_ident fun_index fun_arity ti
+ (Yes {st_args,st_attr_env}) = outer_fun_def.fun_type
+ types_from_outer_fun = [ st_arg \\ st_arg <- st_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
+ nr_of_lifted_vars = fun_arity-(length types_from_outer_fun)
+ (lifted_types, ti_var_heap) = get_types_of_local_vars (take nr_of_lifted_vars ro_fun_args) ti.ti_var_heap
+ (EI_CaseType {ct_result_type,ct_pattern_type}, ti_symbol_heap) = readExprInfo case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ (form_vars, ti_var_heap) = mapSt bind_to_fresh_expr_var ro_fun_args ti_var_heap
+ arg_types = lifted_types++types_from_outer_fun
+ ti = {ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap}
+ (fun_type,ti) = determine_case_function_type fun_arity ct_result_type [ct_pattern_type:arg_types] st_attr_env ti
+ // unfold...
+ cs = { cs_var_heap = ti.ti_var_heap
+ , cs_symbol_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ , cs_opt_type_heaps = Yes ti.ti_type_heaps
+ , cs_cleanup_info = ti.ti_cleanup_info
+ }
+ (Case copied_kees, cs)
+ = copy (Case {kees & case_expr=EE}) {ci_handle_aci_free_vars = SubstituteAciFreeVars} cs
+ {cs_var_heap=ti_var_heap, cs_symbol_heap=ti_symbol_heap, cs_cleanup_info=ti_cleanup_info, cs_opt_type_heaps = Yes ti_type_heaps}
+ = cs
+ (new_info_ptr, ti_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty ti_var_heap
+ var_id = {id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr}
+ case_free_var = {fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = var_id, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = 0}
+ case_var = Var {var_ident = var_id, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+ copied_expr = Case {copied_kees & case_expr=case_var}
+ form_vars = [case_free_var:form_vars]
+ fun_arity = fun_arity+1
+ // generated function...
+ fun_def = { fun_ident = ro_fun.symb_ident
+ , fun_arity = fun_arity
+ , fun_priority = NoPrio
+ , fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = form_vars, tb_rhs = copied_expr}
+ , fun_type = Yes fun_type
+ , fun_pos = NoPos
+ , fun_kind = FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent
+ , fun_lifted = undeff
+ , fun_info = { fi_calls = []
+ , fi_group_index = outer_fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index
+ , fi_def_level = NotALevel
+ , fi_free_vars = []
+ , fi_local_vars = []
+ , fi_dynamics = []
+ , fi_properties = outer_fun_def.fun_info.fi_properties
+ }
+ }
+ # cc_args_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
+ cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits & used <- used_mask | used ]
+ new_cons_args =
+ { cc_size = fun_arity
+ , cc_args = [CActive : repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars CPassive ++ cc_args_from_outer_fun]
+ , cc_linear_bits = [True : repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars False ++ cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun]
+ , cc_producer = False
+ }
+ gf = { gf_fun_def = fun_def
+ , gf_instance_info = II_Empty
+ , gf_cons_args = new_cons_args
+ , gf_fun_index = fun_index
+ }
+ ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_info_ptr (FI_Function gf) ti.ti_fun_heap
+ ti = { ti & ti_new_functions = [fun_info_ptr:ti.ti_new_functions]
+ , ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap
+ , ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap
+ , ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap
+ , ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps
+ , ti_cleanup_info = ti_cleanup_info
+ }
+ app_symb = { ro_fun & symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr fun_index}
+ app_args = [old_case_expr : free_vars_to_bound_vars ro_fun_args]
+ = (App {app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ti)
get_types_of_local_vars n_vars var_heap
= mapSt get_type_of_local_var n_vars var_heap
@@ -4522,13 +4644,16 @@ copyVariable var=:{var_info_ptr} ci cs
\\ {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}<-vars],
app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
VI_Dictionary app_symb app_args class_type
- # (new_class_type, cs_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_class_types class_type cs.cs_opt_type_heaps
- (new_info_ptr, cs_symbol_heap) = newPtr (EI_DictionaryType new_class_type) cs.cs_symbol_heap
- app = App { app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }
- cs = { cs & cs_opt_type_heaps = cs_opt_type_heaps, cs_symbol_heap = cs_symbol_heap }
- -> copy app ci cs
+ -> copy_dictionary_variable app_symb app_args class_type ci cs
-> (Var var, cs)
+copy_dictionary_variable app_symb app_args class_type ci cs
+ # (new_class_type, cs_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_class_types class_type cs.cs_opt_type_heaps
+ (new_info_ptr, cs_symbol_heap) = newPtr (EI_DictionaryType new_class_type) cs.cs_symbol_heap
+ app = App { app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }
+ cs = { cs & cs_opt_type_heaps = cs_opt_type_heaps, cs_symbol_heap = cs_symbol_heap }
+ = copy app ci cs
substitute_class_types class_types No
= (class_types, No)