path: root/frontend/scanner.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2010-05-25 12:44:57 +0000
committerjohnvg2010-05-25 12:44:57 +0000
commitfa3dce2db92db9e0107e82204e4c3b5485ec2bbd (patch)
tree7d2d936bd64b5b0e29f3aa49ae7726df3b9ffe30 /frontend/scanner.icl
parentallow shorted array and record updates after # or #! as: (diff)
scan 'ModuleName'.Symbol or 'ModuleName'. OperatorSymbol
as qualified identifiers git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1787 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/scanner.icl')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/scanner.icl b/frontend/scanner.icl
index 7983ab3..8d671fb 100644
--- a/frontend/scanner.icl
+++ b/frontend/scanner.icl
@@ -374,10 +374,6 @@ where
ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_scanOptions=ss_scanOptions
} -->> (token,pos)
- where
- mark_position {inp_stream=input=:(OldLine i _ _),inp_filename,inp_pos,inp_tabsize}
- = {inp_stream=input, inp_filename=inp_filename, inp_pos={inp_pos &fp_col=1}, inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize}
- mark_poistion input = input
nextToken _ _ = abort "Scanner: Error in nextToken"
class tokenBack state :: !*state -> *state
@@ -580,13 +576,11 @@ Scan '(' input co = (OpenToken, input)
Scan ')' input co = (CloseToken, input)
Scan '{' input CodeContext = ScanCodeBlock input
//Scan '{' input co = (CurlyOpenToken, input)
-// AA ...
Scan c0=:'{' input co
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (CurlyOpenToken, input)
| c1 == '|' = (GenericOpenToken, input)
= (CurlyOpenToken, charBack input)
-// ... AA
Scan '}' input co = (CurlyCloseToken, input)
Scan '[' input co = (SquareOpenToken, input)
Scan ']' input co = (SquareCloseToken, input)
@@ -737,7 +731,7 @@ Scan c0=:':' input co
// c1 <> '='
| isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (ColonToken, charBack input)
-Scan c0=:'\'' input co = ScanChar input [c0]
+Scan '\'' input co = ScanChar input
Scan c0=:'\"' input co = ScanString 0 [c0] input
Scan 'E' input TypeContext
@@ -1055,13 +1049,13 @@ ScanOctNumeral n input
| isOctDigit c = ScanOctNumeral (n*8+digitToInt c) input
= (IntToken (toString n), charBack input)
-ScanChar :: !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
-ScanChar input chars
+ScanChar :: !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
+ScanChar input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input // PK: was ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "End of file inside Char denotation", input)
- | '\'' == c = (CharListToken "", input)
- | '\\' == c = ScanBSChar 0 chars input ScanEndOfChar
- = ScanEndOfChar 1 [c: chars] input
+ | c=='\'' = (CharListToken "", input)
+ | c=='\\' = ScanBSChar 0 ['\''] input ScanEndOfChar
+ = ScanEndOfNoBSChar c input
ScanBSChar :: !Int ![Char] !Input (Int [Char] Input -> (!Token, !Input)) -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanBSChar n chars input cont
@@ -1129,7 +1123,118 @@ ScanEndOfChar n chars input
| '\'' == c = (CharToken (revCharListToString (n + 1) [c:chars]), input)
| '\\' == c = ScanBSChar n chars input ScanCharList
= ScanCharList (n+1) [c:chars] input
-// = (ErrorToken ScanErrCharErr, input)
+ScanEndOfNoBSChar :: !Char !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
+ScanEndOfNoBSChar c1 input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ | eof = (ErrorToken "End of file inside char denotation", input)
+ | c=='\''
+ | is_ident_char c1
+ = qualified_ident_or_CharToken c1 input
+ = (CharToken {'\'',c1,'\''}, input)
+ | c=='\\' = ScanBSChar 1 [c1,'\''] input ScanCharList
+ = scan_CharList_or_qualified_ident c1 c input
+ qualified_ident_or_CharToken :: !Char !Input -> (!Token,!Input)
+ qualified_ident_or_CharToken c input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos}
+ | i+1<size line && line.[i]=='.'
+ # c=line.[i+1]
+ | is_ident_char c
+ # end_i = scan_ident_chars_in_string (i+2) line
+ ident_name = line % (i+1,end_i-1)
+ pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + (end_i-i)}
+ input = {input & inp_stream=OldLine end_i line stream,inp_pos=pos}
+ = (QualifiedIdentToken {c} ident_name,input)
+ | c==' ' && i+2<size line && isSpecialChar line.[i+2]
+ # end_i = scan_special_chars_in_string (i+3) line
+ ident_name = line % (i+1,end_i-1)
+ pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + (end_i-i)}
+ input = {input & inp_stream=OldLine end_i line stream,inp_pos=pos}
+ = (QualifiedIdentToken {c} ident_name,input)
+ = scan_char c input
+ = scan_char c input
+ qualified_ident_or_CharToken c input
+ = scan_char c input
+ scan_CharList_or_qualified_ident :: !Char !Char !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
+ scan_CharList_or_qualified_ident c1 c2 input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line _}
+ | i>=3 && is_ident_char c1
+ | is_ident_char c2
+ # after_module_name_i = scan_rest_of_module_name_in_string i line
+ | after_module_name_i+2<size line && line.[after_module_name_i]=='\'' && line.[after_module_name_i+1]=='.'
+ # c=line.[after_module_name_i+2]
+ | is_ident_char c
+ = qualified_ident after_module_name_i input
+ | c==' ' && after_module_name_i+3<size line && isSpecialChar line.[after_module_name_i+3]
+ = qualified_special_ident after_module_name_i input
+ = scan_char_list c2 c1 input
+ = scan_char_list c2 c1 input
+ | c2=='.' && i<size line && is_ident_char line.[i]
+ # after_module_name_i = scan_rest_of_module_name_in_string (i+1) line
+ | after_module_name_i+2<size line && line.[after_module_name_i]=='\'' && line.[after_module_name_i+1]=='.'
+ # c=line.[after_module_name_i+2]
+ | is_ident_char c
+ = qualified_ident after_module_name_i input
+ | c==' ' && after_module_name_i+3<size line && isSpecialChar line.[after_module_name_i+3]
+ = qualified_special_ident after_module_name_i input
+ = scan_char_list c2 c1 input
+ = scan_char_list c2 c1 input
+ = scan_char_list c2 c1 input
+ = scan_char_list c2 c1 input
+ where
+ scan_rest_of_module_name_in_string :: !Int !{#Char} -> Int
+ scan_rest_of_module_name_in_string i s
+ | i<size s
+ # c=s.[i]
+ | is_ident_char c
+ = scan_rest_of_module_name_in_string (i+1) s
+ | c=='.' && i+1<size s && is_ident_char s.[i+1]
+ = scan_rest_of_module_name_in_string (i+2) s
+ = i
+ = i
+ qualified_ident :: !Int !Input -> (!Token,!Input)
+ qualified_ident after_module_name_i input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos}
+ # module_name = line % (i-2,after_module_name_i-1)
+ after_ident_i = scan_ident_chars_in_string (after_module_name_i+3) line
+ ident_name = line % (after_module_name_i+2,after_ident_i-1)
+ pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + (after_ident_i-i)}
+ input = {input & inp_stream=OldLine after_ident_i line stream,inp_pos=pos}
+ = (QualifiedIdentToken module_name ident_name,input)
+ qualified_special_ident :: !Int !Input -> (!Token,!Input)
+ qualified_special_ident after_module_name_i input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos}
+ # module_name = line % (i-2,after_module_name_i-1)
+ after_ident_i = scan_special_chars_in_string (after_module_name_i+4) line
+ ident_name = line % (after_module_name_i+3,after_ident_i-1)
+ pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + (after_ident_i-i)}
+ input = {input & inp_stream=OldLine after_ident_i line stream,inp_pos=pos}
+ = (QualifiedIdentToken module_name ident_name,input)
+ scan_char_list :: !Char !Char !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
+ scan_char_list c2 c1 input
+ = ScanCharList 2 [c2,c1,'\''] input
+ scan_CharList_or_qualified_ident c1 c2 input
+ = ScanCharList 2 [c2,c1,'\''] input
+ scan_ident_chars_in_string :: !Int !{#Char} -> Int
+ scan_ident_chars_in_string i line
+ | i<size line && is_ident_char line.[i]
+ = scan_ident_chars_in_string (i+1) line
+ = i
+ scan_special_chars_in_string :: !Int !{#Char} -> Int
+ scan_special_chars_in_string i line
+ | i<size line && isSpecialChar line.[i]
+ = scan_special_chars_in_string (i+1) line
+ = i
+ scan_char :: !Char !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
+ scan_char c input
+ = (CharToken {'\'',c,'\''}, input)
+ is_ident_char c
+ = isAlphanum c || c=='_' || c=='`'
ScanCharList :: !Int ![Char] !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanCharList n chars input