path: root/frontend/scanner.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2012-10-08 12:37:41 +0000
committerjohnvg2012-10-08 12:37:41 +0000
commit73470625e3651f773b0c4cdbe7db714fc3491804 (patch)
tree5e69eb572290b36288278f66f856cf00a410ad0e /frontend/scanner.icl
parentadd tsvn:logminsize 1 property (diff)
search and open file before calling wantModule
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2184 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/scanner.icl')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/scanner.icl b/frontend/scanner.icl
index 6b1e550..000988e 100644
--- a/frontend/scanner.icl
+++ b/frontend/scanner.icl
@@ -1629,26 +1629,20 @@ where
toString RightAssoc = "infixr "
toString NoAssoc = "infix "
-openScanner :: !String !String !SearchPaths (ModTimeFunction *Files) !*Files -> (!Optional (ScanState, {#Char}), !*Files) // state, file time
-openScanner file_name file_name_extension searchPaths modtimefunction files
- = case fopenInSearchPaths file_name file_name_extension searchPaths FReadData modtimefunction files of
- (No, files)
- -> (No, files)
- (Yes (file, time), files)
- -> (Yes (ScanState { ss_input = Input
- { inp_stream = InFile file
- , inp_filename = file_name +++ file_name_extension
- , inp_pos = {fp_line = 1, fp_col = 0}
- , inp_tabsize = 4
- }
- , ss_offsides = [(1,False)] // to generate offsides between global definitions
- , ss_scanOptions = 0
- , ss_tokenBuffer = Buffer0
- }, time)
- , files
- )
+openScanner :: !*File !String !String -> ScanState
+openScanner file file_name file_name_extension
+ = ScanState { ss_input = Input
+ { inp_stream = InFile file
+ , inp_filename = file_name +++ file_name_extension
+ , inp_pos = {fp_line = 1, fp_col = 0}
+ , inp_tabsize = 4
+ }
+ , ss_offsides = [(1,False)] // to generate offsides between global definitions
+ , ss_scanOptions = 0
+ , ss_tokenBuffer = Buffer0
+ }
-fopenInSearchPaths :: !{#Char} !{#Char} !SearchPaths !Int (ModTimeFunction *f) !*f -> (Optional (*File, {#Char}),!*f) | FileSystem f
+fopenInSearchPaths :: !{#Char} !{#Char} !SearchPaths !Int (ModTimeFunction *Files) !*Files -> (Optional (*File, {#Char}, {#Char}),!*Files)
fopenInSearchPaths moduleName fileNameExtension searchPaths mode modtimefunction f
# fileName = replace_dots_by_directory_separators moduleName +++ fileNameExtension
= case [path \\ (moduleName,path)<-searchPaths.sp_locations | moduleName == fileName] of
@@ -1656,25 +1650,25 @@ fopenInSearchPaths moduleName fileNameExtension searchPaths mode modtimefunction
# fullFileName = path +++ fileName
# (opened, file, f) = fopen fullFileName mode f
| opened
- -> getModificationTime file fullFileName modtimefunction f
+ -> getModificationTime file path fullFileName modtimefunction f
-> (No, f)
-> fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths fileName searchPaths.sp_paths mode modtimefunction f
- fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths :: !{#Char} ![{#Char}] !Int (ModTimeFunction *f) *f -> (Optional (*File, {#Char}),!*f) | FileSystem f
+ fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths :: !{#Char} ![{#Char}] !Int (ModTimeFunction *f) *f -> (Optional (*File, {#Char}, {#Char}),!*f) | FileSystem f
fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths fileName [path : paths] mode modtimefunction f
# fullFileName = path +++ fileName
# (opened, file, f) = fopen fullFileName mode f
| opened
- = getModificationTime file fullFileName modtimefunction f
+ = getModificationTime file path fullFileName modtimefunction f
= fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths fileName paths mode modtimefunction f
fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths fileName [] _ _ f
= (No, f)
- getModificationTime :: *File {#Char} (ModTimeFunction *f) *f -> (Optional (*File, {#Char}),!*f) | FileSystem f
- getModificationTime file fullFileName modtimefunction f
+ getModificationTime :: *File {#Char} {#Char} (ModTimeFunction *f) *f -> (Optional (*File, {#Char}, {#Char}),!*f) | FileSystem f
+ getModificationTime file path fullFileName modtimefunction f
# (time, f) = modtimefunction fullFileName f
- = (Yes (file, time), f)
+ = (Yes (file, path, time), f)
replace_dots_by_directory_separators :: !{#Char} -> *{#Char}
replace_dots_by_directory_separators file_name