path: root/frontend/refmark.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2005-09-16 13:59:14 +0000
committerjohnvg2005-09-16 13:59:14 +0000
commit0ae58d602fa6d478d88f501ce77663a34c6334e7 (patch)
tree01b3c4afcef039e277ad1772615d8d74bd05692d /frontend/refmark.icl
parentmake function markPatternVariables recursive to report an error (diff)
make line number in the
"demanded attribute cannot be offered by shared object" error message more accurate, store position in CaseAlt (added field calt_position) git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1544 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/refmark.icl')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/refmark.icl b/frontend/refmark.icl
index 698e143..4bfefb5 100644
--- a/frontend/refmark.icl
+++ b/frontend/refmark.icl
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ emptyOccurrence type_info =
emptyObservingOccurrence =: VI_Occurrence (emptyOccurrence True)
emptyNonObservingOccurrence =: VI_Occurrence (emptyOccurrence False)
makeSharedReferencesNonUnique :: ![Int] !u:{# FunDef} !*Coercions !w:{! Type} !v:TypeDefInfos !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!u:{# FunDef}, !*Coercions, !w:{! Type}, !v:TypeDefInfos, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
makeSharedReferencesNonUnique [] fun_defs coercion_env subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap error
@@ -680,13 +680,13 @@ makeSharedReferencesNonUnique [fun : funs] fun_defs coercion_env subst type_def_
= make_shared_references_of_function_non_unique fun_def coercion_env subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap error
= makeSharedReferencesNonUnique funs fun_defs coercion_env subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap error
- make_shared_references_of_function_non_unique {fun_ident, fun_pos, fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_local_vars}}
+ make_shared_references_of_function_non_unique {fun_ident, fun_pos, fun_body = fun_body =: TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_local_vars}}
coercion_env subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap error
# variables = tb_args ++ fi_local_vars
(subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap) = clear_occurrences variables subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap
(_, {rms_var_heap}) = fullRefMark [tb_args] NotASelector No /* tb_rhs var_heap */ (tb_rhs ===> ("makeSharedReferencesNonUnique", fun_ident, tb_rhs)) var_heap
position = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
- (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) = make_shared_vars_non_unique variables coercion_env rms_var_heap expr_heap
+ (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) = make_shared_vars_non_unique variables fun_body coercion_env rms_var_heap expr_heap
(setErrorAdmin position error)
var_heap = empty_occurrences variables var_heap
= (coercion_env, subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap, error)
@@ -724,46 +724,40 @@ where
get_type _ = abort "has_observing_base_type (refmark.icl)"
- make_shared_vars_non_unique vars coercion_env var_heap expr_heap error
+ make_shared_vars_non_unique vars fun_body coercion_env var_heap expr_heap error
= foldl make_shared_var_non_unique (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) vars
- make_shared_var_non_unique (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}
- # (VI_Occurrence occ, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
- = case occ.occ_ref_count of
- RC_Used {rcu_multiply,rcu_selectively}
- # (coercion_env, expr_heap, error) = make_shared_occurrences_non_unique fv rcu_multiply (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
- (coercion_env, expr_heap, error) = foldSt (make_selection_non_unique fv) rcu_selectively (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
- -> (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error)
- _
- -> (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error)
-// ===> ("make_shared_var_non_unique", fv_ident)
- make_shared_occurrences_non_unique fv multiply (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
- = foldSt (make_shared_occurrence_non_unique fv) multiply (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
- make_shared_occurrence_non_unique free_var var_expr_ptr (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
- | isNilPtr var_expr_ptr
- = (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
- # (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr var_expr_ptr expr_heap
- = case expr_info of
- EI_Attribute sa_attr_nr
- # (succ, coercion_env) = tryToMakeNonUnique sa_attr_nr coercion_env
- | succ
- ===> ("make_shared_occurrence_non_unique", free_var, var_expr_ptr, sa_attr_nr)
- -> (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
- -> (coercion_env, expr_heap, uniquenessError (CP_Expression (FreeVar free_var)) " demanded attribute cannot be offered by shared object" error)
+ where
+ make_shared_var_non_unique (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}
+ # (VI_Occurrence occ, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
+ = case occ.occ_ref_count of
+ RC_Used {rcu_multiply,rcu_selectively}
+ # (coercion_env, expr_heap, error) = make_shared_occurrences_non_unique fv rcu_multiply (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
+ (coercion_env, expr_heap, error) = foldSt (make_selection_non_unique fv) rcu_selectively (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
+ -> (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error)
- -> abort ("make_shared_occurrence_non_unique" ===> ((free_var, var_expr_ptr) )) // <<- expr_info))
- make_selection_non_unique fv {su_multiply} cee
- = make_shared_occurrences_non_unique fv su_multiply cee
+ -> (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error)
+ // ===> ("make_shared_var_non_unique", fv_ident)
+ make_shared_occurrences_non_unique fv multiply (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
+ = foldSt (make_shared_occurrence_non_unique fv) multiply (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
+ make_shared_occurrence_non_unique free_var var_expr_ptr (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
+ | isNilPtr var_expr_ptr
+ = (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
+ # (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr var_expr_ptr expr_heap
+ = case expr_info of
+ EI_Attribute sa_attr_nr
+ # (succ, coercion_env) = tryToMakeNonUnique sa_attr_nr coercion_env
+ | succ
+ ===> ("make_shared_occurrence_non_unique", free_var, var_expr_ptr, sa_attr_nr)
+ -> (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
+ -> (coercion_env, expr_heap, uniquenessErrorVar free_var fun_body " demanded attribute cannot be offered by shared object" error)
+ _
+ -> abort ("make_shared_occurrence_non_unique" ===> ((free_var, var_expr_ptr) )) // <<- expr_info))
+ make_selection_non_unique fv {su_multiply} cee
+ = make_shared_occurrences_non_unique fv su_multiply cee
- has_observing_type type_def_infos TE
- = True
- has_observing_type type_def_infos (TB basic_type)
- = True
has_observing_type (TB basic_type) type_def_infos subst
= True
has_observing_type (TempV var_number) type_def_infos subst