path: root/frontend/postparse.icl
diff options
authorronny2002-10-14 23:06:24 +0000
committerronny2002-10-14 23:06:24 +0000
commit4147cc9bb6a8589fb7a365894baa087aeb02df8b (patch)
tree9ce0561562f57d3e20d8abceb6d5f691209773ac /frontend/postparse.icl
parentbug fix convert root cases (diff)
new type code and type code constructor representation
clean-up and renamed functions from StdDynamic git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1234 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/postparse.icl')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.icl b/frontend/postparse.icl
index 71d9392..8ecb45f 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.icl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.icl
@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ where
scan_dcl_module :: ParsedModule [ScannedModule] !SearchPaths (ModTimeFunction *Files) *Files *CollectAdmin -> (Bool, [ScannedModule],*Files, *CollectAdmin)
scan_dcl_module mod=:{mod_defs = pdefs} parsed_modules searchPaths modtimefunction files ca
# (_, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca)
- = reorganiseDefinitions False pdefs 0 0 0 0 ca
+ = reorganiseDefinitionsAndAddTypes False pdefs 0 0 0 0 ca
(def_macros, ca) = collectFunctions defs.def_macros False {ca & ca_fun_count=0,ca_rev_fun_defs=[]}
(range, ca) = addFunctionsRange def_macros ca
(rev_fun_defs,ca) = ca!ca_rev_fun_defs
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ scanModule mod=:{mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} cached_modules support_gene
, ca_rev_fun_defs = []
, ca_hash_table = hash_table
- (fun_defs, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganiseDefinitions True pdefs 0 0 0 0 ca
+ (fun_defs, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganiseDefinitionsAndAddTypes True pdefs 0 0 0 0 ca
(reorganise_icl_ok, ca) = ca!ca_error.pea_ok
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ where
| not parse_ok
= (False, No,NoIndex, [],cached_modules, files, ca)
# pdefs = mod.mod_defs
- # (_, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganiseDefinitions False pdefs 0 0 0 0 ca
+ # (_, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganiseDefinitionsAndAddTypes False pdefs 0 0 0 0 ca
# mod = { mod & mod_imports = imports, mod_imported_objects = imported_objects, mod_defs = defs}
# cached_modules = [mod.mod_name:cached_modules]
# (import_ok, parsed_modules,files, ca) = scanModules imports [] cached_modules searchPaths support_generics modtimefunction files ca
@@ -1452,6 +1452,54 @@ reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [] _ _ _ _ ca
def_instances = [], def_funtypes = [],
def_generics = [], def_generic_cases = []}, [], [], ca)
+reorganiseDefinitionsAndAddTypes icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count type_count ca
+ # (rev_defs, ca)
+ = addTypeConstructors defs [] ca
+ = reorganiseDefinitions icl_module (reverse rev_defs) cons_count sel_count mem_count type_count ca
+ where
+ addTypeConstructors [] rev_defs ca
+ = (rev_defs, ca)
+ addTypeConstructors [PD_Type type_def : defs] rev_defs ca
+ # (type_def, tc_def, ca)
+ = addTypeConstructor type_def ca
+ = addTypeConstructors defs [PD_Type tc_def, PD_Type type_def : rev_defs] ca
+ addTypeConstructors [def : defs] rev_defs ca
+ = addTypeConstructors defs [def : rev_defs] ca
+addTypeConstructor def=:{td_name, td_attribute, td_attrs, td_args, td_arity, td_pos} ca=:{ca_hash_table}
+ # tc_name = "TC;" +++ td_name.id_name
+ # ({boxed_ident=tc_cons_ident}, ca_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable tc_name IC_Expression ca_hash_table
+ # ({boxed_ident=tc_type_ident}, ca_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable tc_name IC_Type ca_hash_table
+ = (def, type_tc_def tc_type_ident tc_cons_ident td_name td_attribute td_attrs td_args
+ td_arity td_pos, { ca & ca_hash_table = ca_hash_table })
+ where
+ type_tc_def type_ident cons_ident type_name attr attrs args arity position
+ = { td_name = type_ident
+ , td_index = NoIndex
+ , td_arity = arity
+ , td_args = args
+ , td_attrs = attrs
+ , td_context = []
+ , td_rhs = ConsList [type_tc_cons cons_ident type_name args arity position]
+ , td_attribute = attr
+ , td_pos = position
+ , td_used_types = []
+ }
+ type_tc_cons cons_ident type_name args arity position
+ = { pc_cons_name = cons_ident
+ , pc_cons_arity = 1
+ , pc_exi_vars = []
+ , pc_arg_types = [type type_name args arity]
+ , pc_args_strictness = NotStrict
+ , pc_cons_prio = NoPrio
+ , pc_cons_pos = position
+ }
+ type type_name args arity
+ = { at_attribute = TA_None
+ , at_type = TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent type_name arity)
+ [{at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = TV arg.atv_variable} \\ arg <- args]
+ }
belongsToTypeSpec name prio new_name is_infix :==
name == new_name && sameFixity prio is_infix