path: root/frontend/partition.icl
diff options
authordiederik2002-09-30 08:44:33 +0000
committerdiederik2002-09-30 08:44:33 +0000
commit69c65ffd378166cd852473105360b5c2f1e06a99 (patch)
tree548dc2ff8da77279c921d3681aee6846245512ac /frontend/partition.icl
parentintroduce functions for fail expressions on non-root positions (diff)
add 'safe' to active case info for casefun generation
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1212 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/partition.icl')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/partition.icl b/frontend/partition.icl
index 78634ea..c8ffcad 100644
--- a/frontend/partition.icl
+++ b/frontend/partition.icl
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ where
visit_functions [MacroCall module_index fc_index _:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
= abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_symb+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
+ visit_functions [DclFunCall module_index fc_index:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
+ = visit_functions funs min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
visit_functions [] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
= (min_dep, fun_defs, pi)
= try_to_close_group fun_index pi_next_num min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
@@ -77,19 +80,25 @@ where
try_to_close_group fun_index fun_nr min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi=:{pi_marks, pi_deps, pi_groups, pi_next_group}
| fun_nr <= min_dep
# (pi_deps, pi_marks, group, fun_defs)
- = close_group fun_index pi_deps pi_marks [] max_fun_nr pi_next_group fun_defs
+ = close_group False False fun_index pi_deps pi_marks [] max_fun_nr pi_next_group fun_defs
pi = { pi & pi_deps = pi_deps, pi_marks = pi_marks, pi_next_group = inc pi_next_group, pi_groups = [group : pi_groups] }
= (max_fun_nr, fun_defs, pi)
= (min_dep, fun_defs, pi)
- close_group :: !Int ![Int] !*{# Int} ![Int] !Int !Int !*{# FunDef} -> (![Int], !*{# Int}, ![Int], !*{# FunDef})
- close_group fun_index [d:ds] marks group max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs
+ close_group :: !Bool !Bool !Int ![Int] !*{# Int} ![Int] !Int !Int !*{# FunDef} -> (![Int], !*{# Int}, ![Int], !*{# FunDef})
+ close_group n_r_known non_recursive fun_index [d:ds] marks group max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs
# marks = { marks & [d] = max_fun_nr }
# (fd,fun_defs) = fun_defs![d]
- # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
+ # non_recursive = case n_r_known of
+ True -> non_recursive
+ _ -> case fun_index == d of
+ True -> isEmpty [fc \\ fc <- fd.fun_info.fi_calls | case fc of FunCall idx _ -> idx == d; _ -> False]
+ _ -> False
+ # fd = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number, fun_info.fi_properties = set_rec_prop non_recursive fd.fun_info.fi_properties}
+ # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = fd}
| d == fun_index
= (ds, marks, [d : group], fun_defs)
- = close_group fun_index ds marks [d : group] max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs
+ = close_group True non_recursive fun_index ds marks [d : group] max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs
:: PartitioningInfo` =
@@ -164,6 +173,7 @@ where
, fun_index=fun_index
} fd.fun_body {fun_calls = []}
fi_calls = fc_state.fun_calls
+ fd = {fd & fun_info.fi_calls = fi_calls}
# fun_defs = {fun_defs & [fun_index] = fd}
pi = push_on_dep_stack fun_index pi
@@ -180,6 +190,9 @@ where
visit_functions [MacroCall module_index fc_index _:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
= abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_symb+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
+ visit_functions [DclFunCall module_index fc_index:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
+ = visit_functions funs min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
visit_functions [] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
= (min_dep, fun_defs, pi)
= try_to_close_group fun_index pi_next_num` min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
@@ -203,19 +216,25 @@ where
try_to_close_group fun_index fun_nr min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi=:{pi_marks`, pi_deps`, pi_groups`, pi_next_group`}
| fun_nr <= min_dep
# (pi_deps`, pi_marks`, group, fun_defs)
- = close_group fun_index pi_deps` pi_marks` [] max_fun_nr pi_next_group` fun_defs
+ = close_group False False fun_index pi_deps` pi_marks` [] max_fun_nr pi_next_group` fun_defs
pi = { pi & pi_deps` = pi_deps`, pi_marks` = pi_marks`, pi_next_group` = inc pi_next_group`, pi_groups` = [group : pi_groups`] }
= (max_fun_nr, fun_defs, pi)
= (min_dep, fun_defs, pi)
- close_group :: !Int ![Int] !*{# Int} ![Int] !Int !Int !*{# FunDef} -> (![Int], !*{# Int}, ![Int], !*{# FunDef})
- close_group fun_index [d:ds] marks group max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs
+ close_group :: !Bool !Bool !Int ![Int] !*{# Int} ![Int] !Int !Int !*{# FunDef} -> (![Int], !*{# Int}, ![Int], !*{# FunDef})
+ close_group n_r_known non_recursive fun_index [d:ds] marks group max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs
# marks = { marks & [d] = max_fun_nr }
# (fd,fun_defs) = fun_defs![d]
- # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
+ # non_recursive = case n_r_known of
+ True -> non_recursive
+ _ -> case fun_index == d of
+ True -> isEmpty [fc \\ fc <- fd.fun_info.fi_calls | case fc of FunCall idx _ -> idx == d; _ -> False]
+ _ -> False
+ # fd = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number, fun_info.fi_properties = set_rec_prop non_recursive fd.fun_info.fi_properties}
+ # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = fd}
| d == fun_index
= (ds, marks, [d : group], fun_defs)
- = close_group fun_index ds marks [d : group] max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs
+ = close_group True non_recursive fun_index ds marks [d : group] max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs
:: PartitioningInfo`` =
{ pi_marks`` :: !.Marks
@@ -223,6 +242,7 @@ where
, pi_next_group`` :: !Int
, pi_groups`` :: ![[Int]]
, pi_deps`` :: ![Int]
+ , pi_collect`` :: !.CollectState
//:: Marks :== {# Int}
@@ -244,21 +264,29 @@ set_mark marks fun val
// :== { if (m_fun==fun) {m & m_mark = val} m \\ m=:{m_fun=m_fun} <-: marks}
:== { if (m.m_fun==fun) {m & m_mark = val} m \\ m <-: marks}
-partitionateFunctions`` :: !Int !Int ![FunctionInfoPtr] !*{# FunDef} ![Int] !Index !Int !Int !*FunctionHeap
- -> (!Int, ![Group], !*{# FunDef}, !*FunctionHeap)
-partitionateFunctions`` max_fun_nr next_group new_functions fun_defs functions main_dcl_module_n def_min def_max fun_heap
+partitionateFunctions`` :: !Int !Int ![FunctionInfoPtr] !*{# FunDef} ![Int] !Index !Int !Int !*FunctionHeap !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!Int, ![Group], !*{# FunDef}, !*FunctionHeap, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
+partitionateFunctions`` max_fun_nr next_group new_functions fun_defs functions main_dcl_module_n def_min def_max fun_heap predef_symbols var_heap sym_heap error_admin
# marks = create_marks max_fun_nr functions
+ # (cs_predef,predef_symbols) = get_predef_symbols_for_transform predef_symbols
+ # collect_state =
+ { cos_predef_symbols_for_transform = cs_predef
+ , cos_var_heap = var_heap
+ , cos_symbol_heap = sym_heap
+ , cos_error = error_admin
+ }
# partitioning_info =
{ pi_marks`` = marks
, pi_deps`` = []
, pi_next_num`` = 0
, pi_next_group`` = next_group
, pi_groups`` = []
+ , pi_collect`` = collect_state
- (fun_defs, fun_heap, {pi_groups``,pi_next_group``}) =
+ (fun_defs, fun_heap, {pi_groups``,pi_next_group``,pi_collect``}) =
foldSt (partitionate_functions max_fun_nr) functions (fun_defs, fun_heap, partitioning_info)
groups = [ {group_members = group} \\ group <- reverse pi_groups`` ]
- = (pi_next_group``,groups, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ = (pi_next_group``,groups, fun_defs, fun_heap, predef_symbols, pi_collect``.cos_var_heap, pi_collect``.cos_symbol_heap, pi_collect``.cos_error)
partitionate_functions :: !Index !Int !(!*{# FunDef}, !*FunctionHeap, !*PartitioningInfo``) -> (!*{# FunDef}, !*FunctionHeap, !*PartitioningInfo``)
partitionate_functions max_fun_nr fun (fun_defs, fun_heap, pi=:{pi_marks``})
@@ -268,9 +296,11 @@ where
= (fun_defs, fun_heap, pi)
partitionate_function :: !Int !Int !*{# FunDef} !*FunctionHeap !*PartitioningInfo`` -> *(!Int, !*{# FunDef}, !*FunctionHeap, !*PartitioningInfo``)
- partitionate_function fun_index max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi=:{pi_next_num``}
+ partitionate_function fun_index max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi=:{pi_next_num``,pi_collect``}
// # (fd, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
# (fd, fun_defs, fun_heap) = get_fun_def fun_index new_functions fun_defs fun_heap
+ # (fd,pi_collect``) = ref_null fd pi_collect``
+ # pi = {pi & pi_collect`` = pi_collect``}
# fc_state = find_calls
{ main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n
, def_min=def_min
@@ -278,6 +308,8 @@ where
, fun_index=fun_index
} fd.fun_body {fun_calls = []}
fi_calls = fc_state.fun_calls
+ fd = {fd & fun_info.fi_calls = fi_calls}
+ # (fun_defs, fun_heap) = set_fun_def fun_index fd new_functions fun_defs fun_heap
pi = push_on_dep_stack fun_index pi
(min_dep, fun_defs, fun_heap, pi) = visit_functions fi_calls max_fun_nr max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
@@ -292,6 +324,9 @@ where
visit_functions [MacroCall module_index fc_index _:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
= abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_symb+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
+ visit_functions [DclFunCall module_index fc_index:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
+ = visit_functions funs min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
visit_functions [] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
= (min_dep, fun_defs, fun_heap, pi)
= try_to_close_group fun_index pi_next_num`` min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
@@ -309,22 +344,25 @@ where
try_to_close_group fun_index fun_nr min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi=:{pi_marks``, pi_deps``, pi_groups``, pi_next_group``}
| fun_nr <= min_dep
# (pi_deps``, pi_marks``, group, fun_defs, fun_heap)
- = close_group fun_index pi_deps`` pi_marks`` [] max_fun_nr pi_next_group`` fun_defs fun_heap
+ = close_group False False fun_index pi_deps`` pi_marks`` [] max_fun_nr pi_next_group`` fun_defs fun_heap
pi = { pi & pi_deps`` = pi_deps``, pi_marks`` = pi_marks``, pi_next_group`` = inc pi_next_group``, pi_groups`` = [group : pi_groups``] }
= (max_fun_nr, fun_defs, fun_heap, pi)
= (min_dep, fun_defs, fun_heap, pi)
- close_group :: !Int ![Int] !*Marks ![Int] !Int !Int !*{# FunDef} !*FunctionHeap -> (![Int], !*Marks, ![Int], !*{# FunDef}, !*FunctionHeap)
- close_group fun_index [d:ds] marks group max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs fun_heap
+ close_group :: !Bool !Bool !Int ![Int] !*Marks ![Int] !Int !Int !*{# FunDef} !*FunctionHeap -> (![Int], !*Marks, ![Int], !*{# FunDef}, !*FunctionHeap)
+ close_group n_r_known non_recursive fun_index [d:ds] marks group max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs fun_heap
# marks = set_mark marks d max_fun_nr
-// # (fd,fun_defs) = fun_defs![d]
# (fd, fun_defs, fun_heap) = get_fun_def d new_functions fun_defs fun_heap
-// # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
- # fd = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }
+ # non_recursive = case n_r_known of
+ True -> non_recursive
+ _ -> case fun_index == d of
+ True -> isEmpty [fc \\ fc <- fd.fun_info.fi_calls | case fc of FunCall idx _ -> idx == d; _ -> False]
+ _ -> False
+ # fd = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number, fun_info.fi_properties = set_rec_prop non_recursive fd.fun_info.fi_properties}
# (fun_defs, fun_heap) = set_fun_def d fd new_functions fun_defs fun_heap
| d == fun_index
= (ds, marks, [d : group], fun_defs, fun_heap)
- = close_group fun_index ds marks [d : group] max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs fun_heap
+ = close_group True non_recursive fun_index ds marks [d : group] max_fun_nr group_number fun_defs fun_heap
get_fun_def fun new_functions fun_defs fun_heap
| fun < size fun_defs
@@ -440,6 +478,8 @@ where
= fc_state //abort "EE"
find_calls fc_info (NoBind _) fc_state
= fc_state
+ find_calls fc_info (FailExpr _) fc_state
+ = fc_state
find_calls _ u _ = abort ("Undefined pattern in Expression\n")
instance find_calls App
@@ -451,7 +491,7 @@ where
get_index (SK_Function {glob_object,glob_module}) fc_state
| fc_info.main_dcl_module_n == glob_module && (glob_object < fc_info.def_max || glob_object >= fc_info.def_min)
= {fc_state & fun_calls = [FunCall glob_object 0: fc_state.fun_calls]}
- = fc_state
+ = {fc_state & fun_calls = [DclFunCall glob_module glob_object: fc_state.fun_calls]}
get_index (SK_Constructor idx) fc_state
= fc_state
get_index (SK_Unknown) fc_state
@@ -470,6 +510,8 @@ where
get_index (SK_GeneratedFunction _ idx) fc_state
= {fc_state & fun_calls = [FunCall idx 0: fc_state.fun_calls]}
// = fc_state
+// get_index (SK_GeneratedCaseFunction _ idx) fc_state
+// = {fc_state & fun_calls = [FunCall idx 0: fc_state.fun_calls]}
get_index (SK_Generic _ _) fc_state
= abort "SK_Generic"
get_index (SK_TypeCode) fc_state
@@ -538,7 +580,7 @@ import StdDebug
ref_null fd=:{fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}} pi_collect
// | not (fst (ferror (stderr <<< fd)))
-// # tb_args = tb_args ---> ("ref_null",tb_args)
+// # tb_args = tb_args ---> ("ref_null",fd.fun_symb,tb_args,tb_rhs)
# (new_rhs, new_args, _, _, pi_collect) = determineVariablesAndRefCounts tb_args tb_rhs pi_collect
# fd = {fd & fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args=new_args,tb_rhs=new_rhs}}
= (fd,pi_collect)
@@ -566,3 +608,12 @@ dummy_predef_symbols =
, predef_and = dummy_predef_symbol
, predef_or = dummy_predef_symbol
+///// FI_IsNonRecursive
+FI_IsNonRecursive :== 4
+set_rec_prop non_recursive fi_properties
+ = case non_recursive of
+ True -> fi_properties bitor FI_IsNonRecursive
+ _ -> fi_properties bitand (bitnot FI_IsNonRecursive)