path: root/frontend/parse.icl
diff options
authorronny2001-12-12 15:49:53 +0000
committerronny2001-12-12 15:49:53 +0000
commit8d25550ded061c2f5a2774cb212cc8db18e0534e (patch)
tree174fee8f34ec1316fa6317a164ceb2809f6e6816 /frontend/parse.icl
parentremoved RWSDebug import (diff)
enforce consistency of defining symbols in rhs
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@926 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/parse.icl')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index f81991b..7ff0b12 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ Conventions:
- Functions with names containing the character '_' are local functions.
- All functions should consume the tokens taken form the state or given as argument,
or put these tokens back themselves.
:: *ParseErrorAdmin =
@@ -543,7 +542,7 @@ where
# pState = want_node_def_token pState token
# (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
localsExpected = ~ ss_useLayout
- (rhs, pState) = wantRhs (isRhsStartToken parseContext) localsExpected (tokenBack pState)
+ (rhs, _, pState) = wantRhs localsExpected (ruleDefiningRhsSymbol parseContext) (tokenBack pState)
| isGlobalContext parseContext
= (PD_NodeDef pos (combine_args args) rhs, parseError "RHS" No "<global definition>" pState)
= (PD_NodeDef pos (combine_args args) rhs, pState)
@@ -557,22 +556,24 @@ where
want_rhs_of_def parseContext (Yes (name, False), []) token pos pState
| isIclContext parseContext && isLocalContext parseContext && (token == EqualToken || token == DefinesColonToken) &&
/* PK isLowerCaseName name.id_name && */ not (isClassOrInstanceDefsContext parseContext)
- # (rhs, pState) = wantRhs (\_ -> True) False (tokenBack pState)
+ # (rhs, _, pState) = wantRhs False (RhsDefiningSymbolExact token) (tokenBack pState)
= (PD_NodeDef pos (PE_Ident name) rhs, pState)
want_rhs_of_def parseContext (Yes (name, is_infix), args) token pos pState
- # (fun_kind, code_allowed, pState) = token_to_fun_kind pState token
+ # code_allowed = code_block_allowed token
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| isIclContext parseContext && token == CodeToken
# (rhs, pState) = wantCodeRhs pState
| code_allowed
- = (PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind, pState)
+ = (PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs (FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent), pState)
// otherwise // ~ code_allowed
- = (PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind, parseError "rhs of def" No "no code" pState)
+ = (PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs (FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent), parseError "rhs of def" No "no code" pState)
# pState = tokenBack (tokenBack pState)
(ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
localsExpected = isNotEmpty args || isGlobalContext parseContext || ~ ss_useLayout
- (rhs, pState) = wantRhs (isRhsStartToken parseContext) localsExpected pState
+ (rhs, defining_symbol, pState)
+ = wantRhs localsExpected (ruleDefiningRhsSymbol parseContext) pState
+ fun_kind = definingSymbolToFunKind defining_symbol
= case fun_kind of
FK_Function _ | isDclContext parseContext
-> (PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind, parseError "RHS" No "<type specification>" pState)
@@ -580,13 +581,8 @@ where
-> (PD_Function pos name is_infix [] rhs fun_kind, parseError "CAF" No "No arguments for a CAF" pState)
_ -> (PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind, pState)
- token_to_fun_kind s BarToken = (FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent, False, s)
- token_to_fun_kind s (SeqLetToken _) = (FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent, False, s)
- token_to_fun_kind s EqualToken = (FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent, True, s)
- token_to_fun_kind s ColonDefinesToken = (FK_Macro, False, s)
- token_to_fun_kind s DoubleArrowToken = (FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent, True, s)
- token_to_fun_kind s DefinesColonToken = (FK_Caf, False, s)
- token_to_fun_kind s token = (FK_Unknown, False, parseError "RHS" (Yes token) "defines token (=, => or =:) or argument" s)
+ code_block_allowed token
+ = token == EqualToken || token == DoubleArrowToken
check_name_and_fixity No hasprio pState
= (erroneousIdent, False, parseError "Definition" No "identifier" pState)
@@ -594,17 +590,19 @@ where
| not is_infix && hasprio
= (name, False, parseError "Definition" No "Infix operator should be inside parentheses; no infix" pState)
= (name, is_infix, pState)
isEqualToken :: !Token -> Bool
isEqualToken EqualToken = True
isEqualToken _ = False
isRhsStartToken :: !ParseContext !Token -> Bool
isRhsStartToken parseContext EqualToken = True
isRhsStartToken parseContext ColonDefinesToken = isGlobalOrClassOrInstanceDefsContext parseContext
isRhsStartToken parseContext DefinesColonToken = True
isRhsStartToken parseContext DoubleArrowToken = True // PK
isRhsStartToken parseContext _ = False
optionalSpecials :: !ParseState -> (!Specials, !ParseState)
optionalSpecials pState
@@ -751,27 +749,75 @@ where
ExprWithLocals = [ LetBefore ] sep RootExpression endOfDefinition [ LocalFunctionDefs ]
-wantRhs :: !(!Token -> Bool) !Bool !ParseState -> (Rhs, !ParseState) // FunctionAltDefRhs
-wantRhs separator localsExpected pState
- # (alts, pState) = want_LetsFunctionBody pState
+isRhsStartToken :: !ParseContext !Token -> Bool
+isRhsStartToken parseContext EqualToken = True
+isRhsStartToken parseContext ColonDefinesToken = isGlobalOrClassOrInstanceDefsContext parseContext
+isRhsStartToken parseContext DefinesColonToken = True
+isRhsStartToken parseContext DoubleArrowToken = True // PK
+isRhsStartToken parseContext _ = False
+:: RhsDefiningSymbol
+ = RhsDefiningSymbolExact Token
+ | RhsDefiningSymbolCase // '->' or '='
+ | RhsDefiningSymbolRule // '=', '=:', '=>'
+ | RhsDefiningSymbolRuleOrMacro // '=', '=:', '=>', ':=='
+ruleDefiningRhsSymbol :: !ParseContext -> RhsDefiningSymbol
+ruleDefiningRhsSymbol parseContext
+ | isGlobalOrClassOrInstanceDefsContext parseContext
+ = RhsDefiningSymbolRuleOrMacro
+ // otherwise
+ = RhsDefiningSymbolRule
+isDefiningSymbol :: RhsDefiningSymbol Token -> Bool
+isDefiningSymbol (RhsDefiningSymbolExact wanted) observed
+ = wanted == observed
+isDefiningSymbol RhsDefiningSymbolCase observed
+ = observed == EqualToken || observed == ArrowToken
+isDefiningSymbol RhsDefiningSymbolRule observed
+ = observed == EqualToken || observed == DefinesColonToken || observed == DoubleArrowToken
+isDefiningSymbol RhsDefiningSymbolRuleOrMacro observed
+ = observed == ColonDefinesToken || isDefiningSymbol RhsDefiningSymbolRule observed
+definingSymbolToFunKind :: RhsDefiningSymbol -> FunKind
+definingSymbolToFunKind (RhsDefiningSymbolExact defining_token)
+ = token_to_fun_kind defining_token
+ where
+ token_to_fun_kind ColonDefinesToken
+ = FK_Macro
+ token_to_fun_kind EqualToken
+ = FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent
+ token_to_fun_kind DoubleArrowToken
+ = FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent
+ token_to_fun_kind DefinesColonToken
+ = FK_Caf
+ token_to_fun_kind _
+ = FK_Unknown
+definingSymbolToFunKind _
+ = FK_Unknown
+wantRhs :: !Bool !RhsDefiningSymbol !ParseState -> (!Rhs, !RhsDefiningSymbol, !ParseState) // FunctionAltDefRhs
+wantRhs localsExpected definingSymbol pState
+ # (alts, definingSymbol, pState) = want_LetsFunctionBody definingSymbol pState
(locals, pState) = optionalLocals WhereToken localsExpected pState
- = ({ rhs_alts = alts, rhs_locals = locals}, pState)
+ = ({ rhs_alts = alts, rhs_locals = locals}, definingSymbol, pState)
- want_LetsFunctionBody :: !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !ParseState)
- want_LetsFunctionBody pState
+ want_LetsFunctionBody :: !RhsDefiningSymbol !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !RhsDefiningSymbol, !ParseState)
+ want_LetsFunctionBody definingSymbol pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(nodeDefs, token, pState) = want_LetBefores token pState
- = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [] pState
+ = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [] definingSymbol pState
- want_FunctionBody :: !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] ![GuardedExpr] !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !ParseState)
- want_FunctionBody BarToken nodeDefs alts pState
+ want_FunctionBody :: !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] ![GuardedExpr] !RhsDefiningSymbol !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !RhsDefiningSymbol, !ParseState)
+ want_FunctionBody BarToken nodeDefs alts definingSymbol pState
// # (lets, pState) = want_StrictLet pState // removed from 2.0
# (file_name, line_nr, pState)= getFileAndLineNr pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == OtherwiseToken
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(nodeDefs2, token, pState) = want_LetBefores token pState
- = want_FunctionBody token (nodeDefs ++ nodeDefs2) alts pState // to allow | otherwise | c1 = .. | c2 = ..
+ = want_FunctionBody token (nodeDefs ++ nodeDefs2) alts definingSymbol pState // to allow | otherwise | c1 = .. | c2 = ..
/* PK ???
= case token of
@@ -780,60 +826,63 @@ where
_ -> root_expression True token (nodeDefs ++ nodeDefs2) (reverse alts) sep pState
*/ | token == LetToken True
# pState = parseError "RHS" No "No 'let!' in this version of Clean" pState
- = root_expression True token nodeDefs (reverse alts) pState
+ = root_expression True token nodeDefs (reverse alts) definingSymbol pState
# (guard, pState) = wantRhsExpressionT token pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(nodeDefs2, token, pState) = want_LetBefores token pState
| token == BarToken // nested guard
# (position, pState) = getPosition pState
offside = position.fp_col
- (expr, pState) = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs2 [] pState
+ (expr, definingSymbol, pState)
+ = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs2 [] definingSymbol pState
pState = wantEndNestedGuard (default_found expr) offside pState
alt = { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr,
alt_ident = guard_ident line_nr, alt_position = LinePos file_name line_nr }
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(nodeDefs, token, pState) = want_LetBefores token pState
- = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [alt:alts] pState
+ = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [alt:alts] definingSymbol pState
// otherwise
- # (expr, pState) = root_expression True token nodeDefs2 [] pState
+ # (expr, definingSymbol, pState)
+ = root_expression True token nodeDefs2 [] definingSymbol pState
alt = { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr,
alt_ident = guard_ident line_nr, alt_position = LinePos file_name line_nr }
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(nodeDefs, token, pState) = want_LetBefores token pState
- = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [alt:alts] pState
+ = want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [alt:alts] definingSymbol pState
guard_ident line_nr
= { id_name = "_g;" +++ toString line_nr +++ ";", id_info = nilPtr }
- want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs alts pState
- = root_expression localsExpected token nodeDefs (reverse alts) pState
- root_expression :: !Bool !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] ![GuardedExpr] !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !ParseState)
- root_expression withExpected token nodeDefs alts pState
- # (optional_expr,pState) = want_OptExprWithLocals withExpected token nodeDefs pState
- = build_root token optional_expr alts nodeDefs pState
+ want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs alts definingSymbol pState
+ = root_expression localsExpected token nodeDefs (reverse alts) definingSymbol pState
+ root_expression :: !Bool !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] ![GuardedExpr] !RhsDefiningSymbol !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !RhsDefiningSymbol, !ParseState)
+ root_expression withExpected token nodeDefs alts definingSymbol pState
+ # (optional_expr,definingSymbol,pState) = want_OptExprWithLocals withExpected token nodeDefs definingSymbol pState
+ = build_root token optional_expr alts nodeDefs definingSymbol pState
- build_root :: !Token !(Optional ExprWithLocalDefs) ![GuardedExpr] ![NodeDefWithLocals] !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !ParseState)
- build_root _ (Yes expr) [] _ pState
- = ( UnGuardedExpr expr, pState)
- build_root _ No alts=:[_:_] [] pState
- = (GuardedAlts alts No, pState)
- build_root _ optional_expr alts=:[_:_] _ pState
- = (GuardedAlts alts optional_expr, pState)
- build_root token _ _ _ pState
+ build_root :: !Token !(Optional ExprWithLocalDefs) ![GuardedExpr] ![NodeDefWithLocals] !RhsDefiningSymbol !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !RhsDefiningSymbol, !ParseState)
+ build_root _ (Yes expr) [] _ definingSymbol pState
+ = ( UnGuardedExpr expr, definingSymbol, pState)
+ build_root _ No alts=:[_:_] [] definingSymbol pState
+ = (GuardedAlts alts No, definingSymbol, pState)
+ build_root _ optional_expr alts=:[_:_] _ definingSymbol pState
+ = (GuardedAlts alts optional_expr, definingSymbol, pState)
+ build_root token _ _ _ definingSymbol pState
# (file_name, line_nr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
= (UnGuardedExpr {ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = PE_Empty, ewl_locals = LocalParsedDefs [],
ewl_position = LinePos file_name line_nr}
+ , definingSymbol
, parseError "RHS: root expression" (Yes token) "= <ExprWithLocals>" pState
default_found (GuardedAlts _ No) = False
default_found _ = True
- want_OptExprWithLocals :: !Bool !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] !ParseState -> (!Optional !ExprWithLocalDefs, !ParseState)
+ want_OptExprWithLocals :: !Bool !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] !RhsDefiningSymbol !ParseState -> (!Optional !ExprWithLocalDefs, !RhsDefiningSymbol, !ParseState)
// want_OptExprWithLocals withExpected DoubleArrowToken nodeDefs pState
// = want_OptExprWithLocals True EqualToken nodeDefs (replaceToken EqualToken pState)
- want_OptExprWithLocals withExpected token nodeDefs pState
- | separator token
+ want_OptExprWithLocals withExpected token nodeDefs definingSymbol pState
+ | isDefiningSymbol definingSymbol token
# (file_name, line_nr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
(expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
pState = wantEndRootExpression pState
@@ -843,10 +892,12 @@ where
, ewl_locals = locals
, ewl_position = LinePos file_name line_nr
+ , RhsDefiningSymbolExact token
, pState
- = (No, tokenBack pState)
+ = (No, definingSymbol, tokenBack pState)
/* want_StrictLet :: !ParseState -> ([NodeDefWithLocals] , !ParseState) // Removed from the language !?
want_StrictLet pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
@@ -2659,38 +2710,40 @@ wantCaseExp pState
(case_exp, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
pState = wantToken FunctionContext "case expression" OfToken pState
pState = wantBeginGroup "case" pState
- (case_alts, pState) = parseList tryCaseAlt pState
- (found, alt, pState) = tryLastCaseAlt pState
+ (case_alts, (definingSymbol,pState))
+ = parseList tryCaseAlt (RhsDefiningSymbolCase, pState)
+ (found, alt, pState) = tryLastCaseAlt definingSymbol pState
| found
= (PE_Case case_ident case_exp (case_alts++[alt]), wantEndCase pState)
= (PE_Case case_ident case_exp case_alts, wantEndCase pState)
- tryCaseAlt :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, CaseAlt, !ParseState)
- tryCaseAlt pState
+ tryCaseAlt :: (!RhsDefiningSymbol, !ParseState) -> (!Bool, CaseAlt, (!RhsDefiningSymbol, !ParseState))
+ tryCaseAlt (definingSymbol, pState)
# (succ, pattern, pState) = try_pattern pState
| succ
- # (rhs, pState) = wantRhs caseSeperator True pState
- = (True, { calt_pattern = pattern, calt_rhs = rhs }, pState)
+ # (rhs, definingSymbol, pState) = wantRhs True definingSymbol pState
+ = (True, { calt_pattern = pattern, calt_rhs = rhs }, (definingSymbol, pState))
// otherwise // ~ succ
- = (False, abort "no case alt", pState)
+ = (False, abort "no case alt", (definingSymbol, pState))
- tryLastCaseAlt :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, CaseAlt, !ParseState)
- tryLastCaseAlt pState
+ tryLastCaseAlt :: !RhsDefiningSymbol !ParseState -> (!Bool, CaseAlt, !ParseState)
+ tryLastCaseAlt definingSymbol pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | caseSeperator token
+ | isDefiningSymbol definingSymbol token
# pState = tokenBack pState
- (rhs, pState) = wantRhs caseSeperator True pState
+ (rhs, _, pState)
+ = wantRhs True definingSymbol pState
= (True, { calt_pattern = PE_WildCard, calt_rhs = rhs }, pState)
| token == OtherwiseToken
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
pState = tokenBack pState
- | caseSeperator token
- # (rhs, pState) = wantRhs caseSeperator True pState
+ | isDefiningSymbol definingSymbol token
+ # (rhs, _, pState) = wantRhs True definingSymbol pState
= (True, { calt_pattern = PE_WildCard, calt_rhs = rhs }, pState)
= (False, abort "no case alt", pState)
= (False, abort "no case alt", tokenBack pState)
- caseSeperator t = t == EqualToken || t == ArrowToken // to enable Clean 1.3.x case expressions
+// caseSeperator t = t == EqualToken || t == ArrowToken // to enable Clean 1.3.x case expressions
try_pattern :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
try_pattern pState