path: root/frontend/parse.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2007-02-14 13:18:39 +0000
committerjohnvg2007-02-14 13:18:39 +0000
commit8b59654a1bf1e661ba6c2d6729ed11b307efbbed (patch)
tree322af14a86221be5c439c05a8983942a21e147df /frontend/parse.icl
parentadd space before and after @ (diff)
implement qualified explicit imports
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1649 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/parse.icl')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index aa3afb0..21fd4c7 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -1081,7 +1081,9 @@ wantImports pState
# (names, pState) = wantModuleIdents FunctionContext IC_Module pState
(file_name, line_nr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
pState = wantEndOfDefinition "imports" pState
- = (map (\name -> { import_module = name, import_symbols = [], import_file_position = LinePos file_name line_nr}) names, pState)
+ position = LinePos file_name line_nr
+ = ([ { import_module = name, import_symbols = [], import_file_position = position, import_qualified = False }
+ \\ name<-names], pState)
wantFromImports :: !ParseState -> (!ParsedImport, !ParseState)
wantFromImports pState
@@ -1089,9 +1091,28 @@ wantFromImports pState
(mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_name IC_Module pState
pState = wantToken GeneralContext "from imports" ImportToken pState
(file_name, line_nr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
- (import_symbols, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken GeneralContext pState
+ (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
+ | case token of IdentToken "qualified" -> True ; _ -> False
+ # (import_symbols, pState) = wantImportDeclarations pState
+ pState = wantEndOfDefinition "from imports" pState
+ = ( { import_module = mod_ident, import_symbols = import_symbols,
+ import_file_position = LinePos file_name line_nr, import_qualified = True }, pState)
+ # (import_symbols, pState) = wantImportDeclarationsT token pState
pState = wantEndOfDefinition "from imports" pState
- = ( { import_module = mod_ident, import_symbols = import_symbols, import_file_position = LinePos file_name line_nr }, pState)
+ = ( { import_module = mod_ident, import_symbols = import_symbols,
+ import_file_position = LinePos file_name line_nr, import_qualified = False }, pState)
+ wantImportDeclarations pState
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
+ = wantImportDeclarationsT token pState
+ wantImportDeclarationsT token pState
+ # (first, pState) = wantImportDeclarationT token pState
+ (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
+ | token == CommaToken
+ # (rest, pState) = wantImportDeclarations pState
+ = ([first : rest], pState)
+ = ([first], tokenBack pState)
instance want ImportedObject where
want pState
@@ -1117,74 +1138,77 @@ instance want ImportDeclaration
want pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
- = case token of
- DoubleColonToken
- # (name, pState) = wantConstructorName "import type" pState
- (type_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
- (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
- | token == OpenToken
- # (conses, pState) = want_names (wantConstructorName "import type (..)") IC_Expression CloseToken pState
- -> (ID_Type { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes conses), pState)
- | token == CurlyOpenToken
- # (fields, pState) = want_names (wantLowerCaseName "import record fields") (IC_Field type_id) CurlyCloseToken pState
- -> (ID_Record { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes fields), pState)
- -> (ID_Type { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
- ClassToken
- # (name, pState) = want pState
- (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Class pState
- (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
- | token == OpenToken
- # (members, pState) = want_names want IC_Expression CloseToken pState
- -> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes members), pState)
- -> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
- InstanceToken
- # (class_name, pState) = want pState
-// (ii_extended, pState) = optional_extension pState // MW: removed but still not ok
- ii_extended = False
- (types, pState) = wantList "instance types" tryBrackType pState
- (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
- (inst_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance types) pState
- (context, pState) = optionalContext pState
- -> (ID_Instance { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } inst_id (types,context), pState)
- IdentToken fun_name
- # (fun_id, pState) = stringToIdent fun_name IC_Expression pState
- (ii_extended, pState) = optional_extension pState
- -> (ID_Function { ii_ident = fun_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }, pState)
- token
- # (fun_id, pState) = stringToIdent "dummy" IC_Expression pState
- -> ( ID_Function { ii_ident = fun_id, ii_extended = False }
- , parseError "from import" (Yes token) "imported item" pState
- )
- where
- want_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | token == DotDotToken
- = ([], wantToken FunctionContext "import declaration" close_token pState)
- = want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token (tokenBack pState)
- want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
- # (name, pState) = want_fun pState
- (name_id, pState) = stringToIdent name ident_kind pState
- (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
- | token == CommaToken
- # (names, pState) = want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
- = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } : names], pState)
- | token == close_token
- = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }], pState)
- = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }], parseError "ImportDeclaration" (Yes token) ")" pState)
- optional_extension pState
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | token == DotDotToken
- = (True, pState)
- = (False, tokenBack pState)
- optional_extension_with_next_token pState
+ = wantImportDeclarationT token pState
+wantImportDeclarationT token pState
+ = case token of
+ DoubleColonToken
+ # (name, pState) = wantConstructorName "import type" pState
+ (type_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
+ (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
+ | token == OpenToken
+ # (conses, pState) = want_names (wantConstructorName "import type (..)") IC_Expression CloseToken pState
+ -> (ID_Type { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes conses), pState)
+ | token == CurlyOpenToken
+ # (fields, pState) = want_names (wantLowerCaseName "import record fields") (IC_Field type_id) CurlyCloseToken pState
+ -> (ID_Record { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes fields), pState)
+ -> (ID_Type { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
+ ClassToken
+ # (name, pState) = want pState
+ (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Class pState
+ (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
+ | token == OpenToken
+ # (members, pState) = want_names want IC_Expression CloseToken pState
+ -> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes members), pState)
+ -> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
+ InstanceToken
+ # (class_name, pState) = want pState
+// (ii_extended, pState) = optional_extension pState // MW: removed but still not ok
+ ii_extended = False
+ (types, pState) = wantList "instance types" tryBrackType pState
+ (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
+ (inst_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance types) pState
+ (context, pState) = optionalContext pState
+ -> (ID_Instance { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } inst_id (types,context), pState)
+ IdentToken fun_name
+ # (fun_id, pState) = stringToIdent fun_name IC_Expression pState
+ (ii_extended, pState) = optional_extension pState
+ -> (ID_Function { ii_ident = fun_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }, pState)
+ token
+ # (fun_id, pState) = stringToIdent "dummy" IC_Expression pState
+ -> ( ID_Function { ii_ident = fun_id, ii_extended = False }
+ , parseError "from import" (Yes token) "imported item" pState
+ )
+ want_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ | token == DotDotToken
+ = ([], wantToken FunctionContext "import declaration" close_token pState)
+ = want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token (tokenBack pState)
+ want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
+ # (name, pState) = want_fun pState
+ (name_id, pState) = stringToIdent name ident_kind pState
+ (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
+ | token == CommaToken
+ # (names, pState) = want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
+ = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } : names], pState)
+ | token == close_token
+ = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }], pState)
+ = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }], parseError "ImportDeclaration" (Yes token) ")" pState)
+ optional_extension pState
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ | token == DotDotToken
+ = (True, pState)
+ = (False, tokenBack pState)
+ optional_extension_with_next_token pState
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ | token == DotDotToken
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | token == DotDotToken
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- = (True, token, pState)
- = (False, token, pState)
+ = (True, token, pState)
+ = (False, token, pState)
Classes and instances
@@ -1430,19 +1454,23 @@ where
-> (True, TCGeneric gen_type_context, pState)
# pState = tokenBack pState
- # (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Class pState
+ # (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Class pState
# class_global_ds = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol ident NoIndex (-1), glob_module = NoIndex }
-> (True, TCClass class_global_ds, pState)
- _
+ QualifiedIdentToken module_name ident_name
+ # (module_ident, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ -> (True, TCQualifiedIdent module_ident ident_name, pState)
+ _
-> (False, abort "no tc_class", tokenBack pState)
build_context types length_types (TCClass class_global_ds=:{glob_object}) pState
# tc_class = TCClass {class_global_ds & glob_object = {glob_object & ds_arity = length_types}}
= ({ tc_class = tc_class, tc_var = nilPtr, tc_types = types}, pState)
+ build_context types length_types tc_class=:(TCQualifiedIdent module_name ident_name) pState
+ = ({ tc_class = tc_class, tc_var = nilPtr, tc_types = types}, pState)
build_context types 1 (TCGeneric gtc=:{gtc_generic=gtc_generic=:{glob_object}}) pState
# gtc = { gtc & gtc_generic = {gtc_generic & glob_object = {glob_object & ds_arity = 1}}}
= ({ tc_class = TCGeneric gtc, tc_var = nilPtr, tc_types = types }, pState)
build_context types length_types tc_class=:(TCGeneric _) pState
# pState = parseErrorSimple "type context" "generic class can have only one class argument" pState
= (abort "No TypeContext", pState)
@@ -1571,6 +1599,7 @@ where
, gc_kind = KindError
= (derive_def, pState)
get_type_cons :: Type !*ParseState -> (TypeCons, !*ParseState)
get_type_cons (TA type_symb []) pState
= (TypeConsSymb type_symb, pState)
@@ -1979,6 +2008,13 @@ where
(context, pState) = optionalContext (tokenBack pState)
(attr_env, pState) = optionalCoercions pState
= (makeSymbolType [] type context attr_env, pState)
+ want_rest_of_symbol_type token [{sp_type=type=:{at_type = TQualifiedIdent module_ident type_name [] },sp_annotation} : types] pState
+ # pState = warnIfStrictAnnot sp_annotation pState
+ # (atypes,pState) = atypes_from_sptypes_and_warn_if_strict types pState
+ # type = { type & at_type = TQualifiedIdent module_ident type_name atypes }
+ (context, pState) = optionalContext (tokenBack pState)
+ (attr_env, pState) = optionalCoercions pState
+ = (makeSymbolType [] type context attr_env, pState)
want_rest_of_symbol_type token types pState
= (makeSymbolType [] (MakeAttributedType TE) [] [], parseError "symbol type" (Yes token) "->" pState) -->> types
@@ -2230,14 +2266,14 @@ where
= (TA { sym & type_arity = length types } types, pState)
convert_list_of_types (TV tv) types pState
= (CV tv :@: types, pState)
convert_list_of_types TArrow [type1, type2] pState
= (type1 --> type2, pState)
convert_list_of_types TArrow [type1] pState
= (TArrow1 type1, pState)
convert_list_of_types (TArrow1 type1) [type2] pState
= (type1 --> type2, pState)
+ convert_list_of_types (TQualifiedIdent module_ident type_name []) types pState
+ = (TQualifiedIdent module_ident type_name types, pState)
convert_list_of_types _ types pState
= (TE, parseError "Type" No "ordinary type variable" pState)
// ... Sjaak
@@ -2400,6 +2436,11 @@ trySimpleTypeT CurlyOpenToken attr pState
trySimpleTypeT StringTypeToken attr pState
# type = makeStringType
= (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
+trySimpleTypeT (QualifiedIdentToken module_name ident_name) attr pState
+ | not (isLowerCaseName ident_name)
+ # (module_id, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ # type = TQualifiedIdent module_id ident_name []
+ = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT token attr pState
# (bt, pState) = try token pState
= case bt of
@@ -2644,13 +2685,13 @@ where
wantSelectors :: Token *ParseState -> *(![ParsedSelection], !*ParseState)
wantSelectors token pState
- # (selector, pState) = want_selector token pState
- (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | token == DotToken
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- (selectors, pState) = wantSelectors token pState
- = (selector ++ selectors, pState)
- = (selector, tokenBack pState)
+ # (selector, pState) = want_selector token pState
+ (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ | token == DotToken
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ (selectors, pState) = wantSelectors token pState
+ = (selector ++ selectors, pState)
+ = (selector, tokenBack pState)
want_selector :: !Token !*ParseState -> *(![ParsedSelection], !*ParseState)
want_selector SquareOpenToken pState
@@ -2666,18 +2707,37 @@ where
# (selectors, pState) = want_array_selectors pState
= ([selector : selectors], pState)
= ([selector], tokenBack pState)
want_selector (IdentToken name) pState
| isUpperCaseName name
- # (field_name, pState) = want (wantToken FunctionContext "array selector" DotToken pState)
- (field_id, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
- (type_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
- = ([PS_Record field_id (Yes type_id)], pState)
- # (field_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Selector pState
- = ([PS_Record field_id No], pState)
+ # pState = wantToken FunctionContext "record selector" DotToken pState
+ (type_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
+ = want_field_after_record_type (RecordNameIdent type_id) pState
+ # (selector_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Selector pState
+ = ([PS_Record selector_id NoRecordName], pState)
+ want_selector (QualifiedIdentToken module_name ident_name) pState
+ | isUpperCaseName ident_name
+ # pState = wantToken FunctionContext "record selector" DotToken pState
+ (module_id, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ = want_field_after_record_type (RecordNameQualifiedIdent module_id ident_name) pState
+ # (module_id, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ = ([PS_QualifiedRecord module_id ident_name NoRecordName], pState)
want_selector token pState
= ([PS_Erroneous], parseError "simple RHS expression" (Yes token) "<selector>" pState)
+ want_field_after_record_type record_name pState
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
+ = case token of
+ IdentToken field_name
+ | isLowerCaseName field_name
+ # (selector_id, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
+ -> ([PS_Record selector_id record_name], pState)
+ QualifiedIdentToken module_name field_name
+ | isLowerCaseName field_name
+ # (module_id, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ -> ([PS_QualifiedRecord module_id field_name record_name], pState)
+ _
+ -> ([PS_Erroneous], parseError "record field" (Yes token) "lower case ident" pState)
trySimpleExpression :: !Bool !ParseState -> (!Bool, !ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
trySimpleExpression is_pattern pState
| is_pattern
@@ -2777,6 +2837,10 @@ trySimpleExpressionT (CharToken char) is_pattern pState
= (True, PE_Basic (BVC char), pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (RealToken real) is_pattern pState
= (True, PE_Basic (BVR real), pState)
+trySimpleExpressionT (QualifiedIdentToken module_name ident_name) is_pattern pState
+ | not is_pattern || not (isLowerCaseName ident_name)
+ # (module_id, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ = (True, PE_QualifiedIdent module_id ident_name, pState)
trySimpleExpressionT token is_pattern pState
| is_pattern
| token == WildCardToken
@@ -3280,19 +3344,17 @@ wantRecordOrArrayExp is_pattern pState
= (PE_ArrayDenot [], pState)
# (opt_type, pState) = try_type_specification token pState
= case opt_type of
- Yes _
- -> want_record opt_type pState
- _
+ NoRecordName
# (succ, field, pState) = try_field_assignment token pState
| succ
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == CommaToken
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(fields, pState) = want_field_assignments cIsNotAPattern token pState
- -> (PE_Record PE_Empty No [ field : fields ], wantToken FunctionContext "record or array" CurlyCloseToken pState)
+ -> (PE_Record PE_Empty NoRecordName [ field : fields ], wantToken FunctionContext "record or array" CurlyCloseToken pState)
| token == CurlyCloseToken
- -> (PE_Record PE_Empty No [ field ], pState)
- -> (PE_Record PE_Empty No [ field ], parseError "record or array" (Yes token) "}" pState)
+ -> (PE_Record PE_Empty NoRecordName [ field ], pState)
+ -> (PE_Record PE_Empty NoRecordName [ field ], parseError "record or array" (Yes token) "}" pState)
# (expr, pState) = wantRhsExpressionT token pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == AndToken
@@ -3302,6 +3364,8 @@ wantRecordOrArrayExp is_pattern pState
-> wantArrayComprehension expr pState
# (elems, pState) = want_array_elems token pState
-> (PE_ArrayDenot [expr : elems], pState)
+ opt_type
+ -> want_record opt_type pState
want_array_elems CurlyCloseToken pState
= ([], pState)
@@ -3319,23 +3383,38 @@ where
(type_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(fields, pState) = want_field_assignments cIsAPattern token pState
- = (PE_Record PE_Empty (Yes type_id) fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" CurlyCloseToken pState)
+ = (PE_Record PE_Empty (RecordNameIdent type_id) fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" CurlyCloseToken pState)
+ want_record_pattern (QualifiedIdentToken module_name record_name) pState
+ | isUpperCaseName record_name
+ # pState = wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" BarToken pState
+ (module_id, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ (fields, pState) = want_field_assignments cIsAPattern token pState
+ = (PE_Record PE_Empty (RecordNameQualifiedIdent module_id record_name) fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" CurlyCloseToken pState)
want_record_pattern token pState
# (fields, pState) = want_field_assignments cIsAPattern token pState
- = (PE_Record PE_Empty No fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" CurlyCloseToken pState)
+ = (PE_Record PE_Empty NoRecordName fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" CurlyCloseToken pState)
try_type_specification (IdentToken type_name) pState
| isUpperCaseName type_name || isFunnyIdName type_name
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == BarToken
# (type_id, pState) = stringToIdent type_name IC_Type pState
- = (Yes type_id, pState)
- = (No, tokenBack pState)
- = (No, pState)
+ = (RecordNameIdent type_id, pState)
+ = (NoRecordName, tokenBack pState)
+ = (NoRecordName, pState)
+ try_type_specification (QualifiedIdentToken module_name record_name) pState
+ | isUpperCaseName record_name || isFunnyIdName record_name
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ | token == BarToken
+ # (module_ident, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ = (RecordNameQualifiedIdent module_ident record_name, pState)
+ = (NoRecordName, tokenBack pState)
+ = (NoRecordName, pState)
try_type_specification _ pState
- = (No, pState)
+ = (NoRecordName, pState)
- want_updates :: !(Optional Ident) Token ParseState -> ([NestedUpdate], ParseState)
+ want_updates :: !OptionalRecordName Token ParseState -> ([NestedUpdate], ParseState)
want_updates type token pState
# (updates, pState)
= parse_updates token pState
@@ -3362,7 +3441,7 @@ where
= ({nu_selectors = selectors, nu_update_expr = expr}, pState)
= ({nu_selectors = selectors, nu_update_expr = PE_Empty}, parseError "field assignment" (Yes token) "=" pState)
- transform_record_or_array_update :: !(Optional Ident) ParsedExpr [NestedUpdate] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
+ transform_record_or_array_update :: !OptionalRecordName ParsedExpr [NestedUpdate] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
transform_record_or_array_update type expr updates level pState
| is_record_update sortedUpdates
= transform_record_update type expr groupedUpdates level pState
@@ -3380,8 +3459,16 @@ where
smaller_selector :: ParsedSelection ParsedSelection -> Bool
smaller_selector (PS_Record ident1 _) (PS_Record ident2 _)
= ident1.id_name < ident2.id_name
+ smaller_selector (PS_Record ident1 _) (PS_QualifiedRecord _ field_name2 _)
+ = ident1.id_name < field_name2
smaller_selector (PS_Record _ _) _
= True
+ smaller_selector (PS_QualifiedRecord _ field_name1 _) (PS_QualifiedRecord _ field_name2 _)
+ = field_name1 < field_name2
+ smaller_selector (PS_QualifiedRecord _ field_name1 _) (PS_Record ident2 _)
+ = field_name1 < ident2.id_name
+ smaller_selector (PS_QualifiedRecord _ _ _) _
+ = True
smaller_selector _ _
= False
@@ -3396,6 +3483,8 @@ where
equal_selectors :: [ParsedSelection] [ParsedSelection] -> Bool
equal_selectors [PS_Record ident1 _ ,_ : _] [PS_Record ident2 _ ,_: _]
= ident1.id_name == ident2.id_name
+ equal_selectors [PS_QualifiedRecord _ field_name1 _ ,_ : _] [PS_QualifiedRecord _ field_name2 _ ,_: _]
+ = field_name1 == field_name2
equal_selectors _ _
= False
@@ -3406,10 +3495,12 @@ where
is_record_select (PS_Record _ _)
= True
+ is_record_select (PS_QualifiedRecord _ _ _)
+ = True
is_record_select _
= False
- transform_record_update :: (Optional Ident) ParsedExpr ![[NestedUpdate]] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
+ transform_record_update :: OptionalRecordName ParsedExpr ![[NestedUpdate]] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
transform_record_update record_type expr groupedUpdates level pState
= (updateExpr, pState2)
@@ -3422,47 +3513,54 @@ where
// for example: f.g1 = e1, f.g2 = e2 -> f = {id.f & g1 = e1, g2 = e2},
// (id is ident to shared expression that's being updated)
- transform_update :: !Int [NestedUpdate] (Optional Ident,Optional Ident,ParseState) -> (FieldAssignment, !(!Optional Ident,!Optional Ident,ParseState))
+ transform_update :: !Int [NestedUpdate] (Optional Ident,OptionalRecordName,ParseState) -> (FieldAssignment, !(!Optional Ident,OptionalRecordName,ParseState))
transform_update _ [{nu_selectors=[PS_Record fieldIdent field_record_type], nu_update_expr}] (shareIdent,record_type,pState)
# (record_type,pState) = check_field_and_record_types field_record_type record_type pState;
- = ({bind_dst = fieldIdent, bind_src = nu_update_expr},(shareIdent,record_type,pState))
+ = ({bind_dst = FieldName fieldIdent, bind_src = nu_update_expr},(shareIdent,record_type,pState))
+ transform_update _ [{nu_selectors=[PS_QualifiedRecord module_id field_name field_record_type], nu_update_expr}] (shareIdent,record_type,pState)
+ # (record_type,pState) = check_field_and_record_types field_record_type record_type pState;
+ = ({bind_dst = QualifiedFieldName module_id field_name, bind_src = nu_update_expr},(shareIdent,record_type,pState))
transform_update level updates=:[{nu_selectors=[PS_Record fieldIdent field_record_type : _]} : _] (optionalIdent,record_type,pState)
# (record_type,pState) = check_field_and_record_types field_record_type record_type pState;
- # (shareIdent, pState)
- = make_ident optionalIdent level pState
- select
- = PE_Selection ParsedNormalSelector (PE_Ident shareIdent) [PS_Record fieldIdent final_record_type]
+ (shareIdent, pState) = make_ident optionalIdent level pState
+ select = PE_Selection ParsedNormalSelector (PE_Ident shareIdent) [PS_Record fieldIdent final_record_type]
(update_expr, pState)
- = transform_record_or_array_update No select (map sub_update updates) (level+1) pState
- = ({bind_dst = fieldIdent, bind_src = update_expr}, (Yes shareIdent,record_type,pState))
- where
- make_ident :: (Optional Ident) !Int ParseState -> (Ident, ParseState)
- make_ident (Yes ident) _ pState
- = (ident, pState)
- make_ident No level pState
- = internalIdent ("s" +++ toString level +++ ";") pState
- sub_update :: NestedUpdate -> NestedUpdate
- sub_update update=:{nu_selectors}
- = {update & nu_selectors = tl nu_selectors}
+ = transform_record_or_array_update NoRecordName select (map sub_update updates) (level+1) pState
+ = ({bind_dst = FieldName fieldIdent, bind_src = update_expr}, (Yes shareIdent,record_type,pState))
+ transform_update level updates=:[{nu_selectors=[PS_QualifiedRecord module_id field_name field_record_type : _]} : _] (optionalIdent,record_type,pState)
+ # (record_type,pState) = check_field_and_record_types field_record_type record_type pState;
+ (shareIdent, pState) = make_ident optionalIdent level pState
+ select = PE_Selection ParsedNormalSelector (PE_Ident shareIdent) [PS_QualifiedRecord module_id field_name final_record_type]
+ (update_expr, pState)
+ = transform_record_or_array_update NoRecordName select (map sub_update updates) (level+1) pState
+ = ({bind_dst = QualifiedFieldName module_id field_name, bind_src = update_expr}, (Yes shareIdent,record_type,pState))
transform_update _ _ (_, record_type,pState)
- # pState
- = parseError "record or array" No "field assignments mixed with array assignments not" pState
- = ({bind_dst = errorIdent, bind_src = PE_Empty}, (No,record_type,pState))
+ # pState = parseError "record or array" No "field assignments mixed with array assignments not" pState
+ = ({bind_dst = FieldName errorIdent, bind_src = PE_Empty}, (No,record_type,pState))
+ make_ident :: (Optional Ident) !Int ParseState -> (Ident, ParseState)
+ make_ident (Yes ident) _ pState
+ = (ident, pState)
+ make_ident No level pState
+ = internalIdent ("s" +++ toString level +++ ";") pState
- build_update :: !(Optional Ident) !(Optional Ident) !ParsedExpr ![FieldAssignment] -> ParsedExpr
+ sub_update :: NestedUpdate -> NestedUpdate
+ sub_update update=:{nu_selectors}
+ = {update & nu_selectors = tl nu_selectors}
+ build_update :: !OptionalRecordName !(Optional Ident) !ParsedExpr ![FieldAssignment] -> ParsedExpr
build_update record_type No expr assignments
= PE_Record expr record_type assignments
build_update record_type (Yes ident) expr assignments
= PE_Let False (LocalParsedDefs [buildNodeDef (PE_Ident ident) expr])
(PE_Record (PE_Ident ident) record_type assignments)
- check_field_and_record_types :: (Optional Ident) (Optional Ident) ParseState -> (!Optional Ident,!ParseState);
- check_field_and_record_types No record_type pState
+ check_field_and_record_types :: OptionalRecordName OptionalRecordName ParseState -> (!OptionalRecordName,!ParseState);
+ check_field_and_record_types NoRecordName record_type pState
= (record_type,pState);
- check_field_and_record_types field_record_type=:(Yes _) No pState
+ check_field_and_record_types field_record_type=:(RecordNameIdent _) NoRecordName pState
= (field_record_type,pState);
- check_field_and_record_types (Yes field_record_type_name) record_type=:(Yes record_type_name) pState
+ check_field_and_record_types (RecordNameIdent field_record_type_name) record_type=:(RecordNameIdent record_type_name) pState
| field_record_type_name==record_type_name
= (record_type,pState);
# error_message = "record type in update: "+++field_record_type_name.id_name+++" where "+++record_type_name.id_name+++" was"
@@ -3505,45 +3603,62 @@ where
(PE_Tuple [PE_Ident element_id, PE_Ident array_id])
(PE_Selection (ParsedUniqueSelector True) expr (reverse [PS_Array (PE_Ident index_id) : initial_selectors]))
(updated_element, pState)
- = transform_record_update No
+ = transform_record_update NoRecordName
(PE_Ident element_id)
[[{nu_selectors=(reverse record_selectors), nu_update_expr=update_expr}]] (level+1) pState
= (PE_Let False
(LocalParsedDefs [index_def, select_def])
(PE_Update (PE_Ident array_id) (reverse [PS_Array (PE_Ident index_id) : initial_selectors]) updated_element), pState)
- want_field_assignments is_pattern token=:(IdentToken ident) pState
- | isLowerCaseName ident
- # (field, pState) = want_field_expression is_pattern ident pState
- (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | token == CommaToken
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- (fields, pState) = want_field_assignments is_pattern token pState
- = ([ field : fields ], pState)
- = ([ field ], tokenBack pState)
- where
- want_field_expression is_pattern field_name pState
+ want_field_assignments is_pattern token=:(IdentToken field_name) pState
+ | isLowerCaseName field_name
# (field_id, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
- (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | token == EqualToken
- # (field_expr, pState) = wantExpression is_pattern pState
- = ({ bind_src = field_expr, bind_dst = field_id}, pState)
- = ({ bind_src = PE_Empty, bind_dst = field_id}, tokenBack pState)
+ = want_more_field_assignments (FieldName field_id) is_pattern pState
+ want_field_assignments is_pattern token=:(QualifiedIdentToken module_name field_name) pState
+ | isLowerCaseName field_name
+ # (module_id, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ = want_more_field_assignments (QualifiedFieldName module_id field_name) is_pattern pState
want_field_assignments is_pattern token pState
= ([], parseError "record or array field assignments" (Yes token) "field name" pState)
+ want_more_field_assignments field_name_or_qualified_field_name is_pattern pState
+ # (field_expr, pState) = want_field_expression is_pattern pState
+ field = { bind_src = field_expr, bind_dst = field_name_or_qualified_field_name}
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ | token == CommaToken
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ (fields, pState) = want_field_assignments is_pattern token pState
+ = ([ field : fields ], pState)
+ = ([ field ], tokenBack pState)
try_field_assignment (IdentToken field_name) pState
| isLowerCaseName field_name
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == EqualToken
# (field_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
(field_id, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
- = (True, { bind_src = field_expr, bind_dst = field_id}, pState)
+ = (True, { bind_src = field_expr, bind_dst = FieldName field_id}, pState)
+ = (False, abort "no field", tokenBack pState)
+ = (False, abort "no field", pState)
+ try_field_assignment (QualifiedIdentToken module_name field_name) pState
+ | isLowerCaseName field_name
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ | token == EqualToken
+ # (field_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
+ (module_id, pState) = stringToIdent module_name IC_Module pState
+ = (True, { bind_src = field_expr, bind_dst = QualifiedFieldName module_id field_name}, pState)
= (False, abort "no field", tokenBack pState)
= (False, abort "no field", pState)
try_field_assignment _ pState
= (False, abort "no field", pState)
+ want_field_expression is_pattern pState
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
+ | token == EqualToken
+ = wantExpression is_pattern pState
+ = (PE_Empty, tokenBack pState)
+ want_record :: !OptionalRecordName !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr,!ParseState)
want_record type pState
# (token1, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(token2, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
@@ -3552,14 +3667,14 @@ where
= (PE_Record PE_Empty type fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record" CurlyCloseToken pState)
= want_record_update type token1 (tokenBack pState)
- want_record_update :: !(Optional Ident) !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
+ want_record_update :: !OptionalRecordName !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
want_record_update type token pState
# (expr, pState) = wantRhsExpressionT token pState
pState = wantToken FunctionContext "record update" AndToken pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
= want_update type expr token pState
- want_update :: !(Optional Ident) !ParsedExpr !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
+ want_update :: !OptionalRecordName !ParsedExpr !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
want_update type expr token pState
# (position, pState) = getPosition pState
(updates, pState) = want_updates type token pState
@@ -3590,7 +3705,7 @@ where
= PE_UpdateComprehension expr update_expr ident_expr qualifiers
want_record_or_array_update token expr pState
- = want_update No expr token pState
+ = want_update NoRecordName expr token pState
want_array_assignments is_pattern pState
# (assign, pState) = want_array_assignment is_pattern pState