path: root/frontend/parse.icl
diff options
authoralimarin2002-04-11 10:01:50 +0000
committeralimarin2002-04-11 10:01:50 +0000
commit8a32b21c043f21cf197cdde3a02ead110302b008 (patch)
tree3711960083237a1e23b69a705e26d0a1f725d308 /frontend/parse.icl
parent- removed strictness annotations (diff)
support for generic type context like in
foo :: a a -> Bool | eq{|*|} a git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1073 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/parse.icl')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 53be8dd..84ff453 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -1381,7 +1381,8 @@ where
# (more_contexts, pState) = want_contexts pState
= (contexts ++ more_contexts, pState)
= (contexts, tokenBack pState)
want_context pState
# (class_names, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken TypeContext pState
(types, pState) = wantList "type arguments" tryBrackType pState // tryBrackAType ??
@@ -1394,7 +1395,57 @@ where
(class_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
tc_class = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol class_ident NoIndex (length types), glob_module = NoIndex }
= ([{ tc_class = tc_class, tc_types = types, tc_var = nilPtr } : contexts], pState)
+ want_context pState
+ # (tc_classes, pState) = wantSepList "classes" CommaToken TypeContext try_tc_class pState
+ # (types, pState) = wantList "type arguments" tryBrackType pState // tryBrackAType ??
+ # {ps_error} = pState
+ #! ok = ps_error.pea_ok
+ # pState = {pState & ps_error = ps_error}
+ | ok
+ = mapSt (build_context types (length types)) tc_classes pState
+ = ([], pState)
+ try_tc_class pState
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
+ = case token of
+ IdentToken name
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
+ -> case token of
+ GenericOpenToken
+ # (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Generic pState
+ # (kind, pState) = wantKind pState
+ # generic_global_ds = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol ident NoIndex 1, glob_module = NoIndex }
+ # class_global_ds = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol {id_name="<no class>",id_info=nilPtr} NoIndex 1, glob_module = NoIndex}
+ # gen_type_context =
+ { gtc_generic = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol ident NoIndex 1, glob_module = NoIndex }
+ , gtc_kind = kind
+ , gtc_class = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol {id_name="<no class>",id_info=nilPtr} NoIndex 1, glob_module = NoIndex}
+ , gtc_dictionary = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol {id_name="<no generic dictionary>",id_info=nilPtr} NoIndex 1, glob_module = NoIndex}
+ }
+ -> (True, TCGeneric gen_type_context, pState)
+ _
+ # pState = tokenBack pState
+ # (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Class pState
+ # class_global_ds = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol ident NoIndex (-1), glob_module = NoIndex }
+ -> (True, TCClass class_global_ds, pState)
+ _
+ -> (False, abort "no tc_class", tokenBack pState)
+ build_context types length_types (TCClass class_global_ds=:{glob_object}) pState
+ # tc_class = TCClass {class_global_ds & glob_object = {glob_object & ds_arity = length_types}}
+ = ({ tc_class = tc_class, tc_var = nilPtr, tc_types = types}, pState)
+ build_context types 1 (TCGeneric gtc=:{gtc_generic=gtc_generic=:{glob_object}}) pState
+ # gtc = { gtc & gtc_generic = {gtc_generic & glob_object = {glob_object & ds_arity = 1}}}
+ = ({ tc_class = TCGeneric gtc, tc_var = nilPtr, tc_types = types }, pState)
+ build_context types length_types tc_class=:(TCGeneric _) pState
+ # pState = parseErrorSimple "type context" "generic class can have only one class argument" pState
+ = (abort "No TypeContext", pState)
optionalCoercions :: !ParseState -> ([AttrInequality], ParseState)
optionalCoercions pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState