path: root/frontend/parse.icl
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authoralimarin2002-06-03 09:49:30 +0000
committeralimarin2002-06-03 09:49:30 +0000
commit4505f798844949021d529670dde91dcd0d22f9cd (patch)
treebe3742504873d11df0bbecae502e609935c3fe84 /frontend/parse.icl
parent- improved handling of equivalent types within one application to share a (diff)
added constructor/type/field information to generics
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1079 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/parse.icl')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 84ff453..6462d47 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -495,10 +495,18 @@ where
= case token of
GenericOpenToken // generic function
# (type, pState) = wantType pState
+ # (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name (IC_GenericCase type) pState
+ # (type_CONS_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "CONS" IC_Type pState
+ # (type_FIELD_ident, pState)= stringToIdent "FIELD" IC_Type pState
+ # (generic_ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Generic pState
# (type_cons, pState) = get_type_cons type pState
- get_type_cons (TA type_symb []) pState
- = (TypeConsSymb type_symb, pState)
+ get_type_cons (TA type_symb []) pState
+ = (TypeConsSymb type_symb, pState)
+ get_type_cons (TA type_symb _) pState
+ # pState = parseError "generic type, no constructor arguments allowed" No " |}" pState
+ = (abort "no TypeCons", pState)
get_type_cons (TB tb) pState
= (TypeConsBasic tb, pState)
get_type_cons TArrow pState
@@ -506,19 +514,48 @@ where
get_type_cons (TV tv) pState
= (TypeConsVar tv, pState)
get_type_cons _ pState
- # pState = parseError "generic type" No " invalid" pState
+ # pState = parseError "generic type" No " |}" pState
= (abort "no TypeCons", pState)
- # pState = wantToken FunctionContext "type argument" GenericCloseToken pState
- # (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name (IC_GenericCase type) pState
- # (generic_ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Generic pState
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken GenericContext pState
+ # (geninfo_arg, pState) = case token of
+ GenericOfToken
+ # (ok, geninfo_arg, pState) = trySimpleLhsExpression pState
+ # pState = wantToken FunctionContext "type argument" GenericCloseToken pState
+ | ok
+ -> case type_cons of
+ (TypeConsSymb {type_name})
+ | type_name == type_CONS_ident
+ # (cons_CONS_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "GenericConsInfo" IC_Expression pState
+ -> (PE_List [PE_Ident cons_CONS_ident, geninfo_arg], pState)
+ | type_name == type_FIELD_ident
+ # (cons_FIELD_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "GenericFieldInfo" IC_Expression pState
+ -> (PE_List [PE_Ident cons_FIELD_ident, geninfo_arg], pState) _
+ | otherwise
+ -> (geninfo_arg, pState)
+ | otherwise
+ # pState = parseError "generic case" No "simple lhs expression" pState
+ -> (PE_Empty, pState)
+ GenericCloseToken
+ # (geninfo_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "geninfo" IC_Expression pState
+ -> (PE_Ident geninfo_ident, pState)
+ _
+ # pState = parseError "generic type" (Yes token) "of or |}" pState
+ # (geninfo_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "geninfo" IC_Expression pState
+ -> (PE_Ident geninfo_ident, pState)
+ //# pState = wantToken FunctionContext "type argument" GenericCloseToken pState
# (args, pState) = parseList trySimpleLhsExpression pState
+ //# (geninfo_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "geninfo" IC_Expression pState
+ # args = SwitchGenericInfo [geninfo_arg : args] args
// must be EqualToken or HashToken or ???
//# pState = wantToken FunctionContext "generic definition" EqualToken pState
//# pState = tokenBack pState
- #(ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
+ # (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
# localsExpected = isNotEmpty args || isGlobalContext parseContext || ~ ss_useLayout
# (rhs, _, pState) = wantRhs localsExpected (ruleDefiningRhsSymbol parseContext) pState
@@ -1511,11 +1548,6 @@ wantGenericDefinition parseContext pos pState
, gen_vars = arg_vars
, gen_pos = pos
, gen_info_ptr = nilPtr
- , gen_bimap =
- { ds_ident = {id_name = "", id_info = nilPtr}
- , ds_index = NoIndex
- , ds_arity = 0
- }
= (PD_Generic gen_def, pState)