path: root/frontend/overloading.icl
diff options
authorronny2002-09-19 16:38:47 +0000
committerronny2002-09-19 16:38:47 +0000
commite88d20a22b5067e307d9faecfcc91c668e73dee3 (patch)
tree6a4aa26134ae91563028b37fb750ecbf7c875685 /frontend/overloading.icl
parentfixed bugs caused by sharing of case and let info ptrs and using incorrect ca... (diff)
bug fixed: check if overloading is solved in type codes, removed some unused code
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1199 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/overloading.icl')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index e517965..d2b7d24 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -1092,52 +1092,23 @@ where
# {fi_group_index, fi_dynamics, fi_local_vars} = fun_info
| isEmpty fi_dynamics
= update_dynamics funs type_pattern_vars fun_defs fun_env symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error predef_symbols
-// MV ...
-// # (_,module_id_app,predef_symbols)
-// = get_module_id_app predef_symbols
- # module_id_app = undef
-// ... MV
# (type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
= convertDynamicTypes fi_dynamics (type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
(TransformedBody tb) = fun_body
-// MV (WAS) ...
-// (tb_rhs, { ui_instance_calls, ui_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_error,
-// ui_x = {x_type_code_info, x_predef_symbols = predef_symbols}})
-// ... (WAS) MV
= updateExpression fi_group_index tb.tb_rhs
{ ui_instance_calls = [], ui_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, ui_fun_defs = fun_defs, ui_local_vars = fi_local_vars,
ui_fun_env = fun_env, ui_var_heap = var_heap, ui_error = error,
ui_has_type_codes = False,
-// MV ...
- ui_x = {x_type_code_info=type_code_info, x_predef_symbols=predef_symbols,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n,x_internal_type_id = module_id_app,x_module_id = No}}
-// ... MV
-// WAS: ui_x = {x_type_code_info=type_code_info, x_predef_symbols=predef_symbols,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}}
-// MV ...
- # (tb_rhs,{ ui_instance_calls, ui_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_error,
- ui_x = {x_type_code_info, x_predef_symbols = predef_symbols}})
- = build_type_identification tb_rhs ui
-// ... MV
+ ui_x = {x_type_code_info=type_code_info, x_predef_symbols=predef_symbols,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}}
+ # { ui_instance_calls, ui_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_error,
+ ui_x = {x_type_code_info, x_predef_symbols = predef_symbols}}
+ = ui
fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb & tb_rhs = tb_rhs}, fun_info = { fun_info & fi_local_vars = ui_local_vars}}
= update_dynamics funs type_pattern_vars ({ ui_fun_defs & [fun] = fun_def })
ui_fun_env ui_symbol_heap x_type_code_info ui_var_heap ui_error predef_symbols
-// MV ...
-build_type_identification dyn_type_code ui=:{ui_x={x_module_id=No}}
- = (dyn_type_code,ui)
-build_type_identification dyn_type_code ui=:{ui_x={x_module_id=Yes let_bind}}
- # (let_info_ptr, ui) = let_ptr 1 ui
- # letje
- = Let { let_strict_binds = [],
- let_lazy_binds = [let_bind],
- let_expr = dyn_type_code,
- let_info_ptr = let_info_ptr,
- let_expr_position = NoPos
- }
- = (letje,ui)
-// ... MV
removeOverloadedFunctions :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !Int !*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap
!*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin !*{#PredefinedSymbol}
@@ -1150,11 +1121,6 @@ removeOverloadedFunctions group type_pattern_vars main_dcl_module_n fun_defs fun
remove_overloaded_function type_pattern_vars fun_index (ok, fun_defs, fun_env, symbol_heap, type_code_info, var_heap, error, predef_symbols)
| ok
- // MV ...
-// # (_,module_id_app,predef_symbols)
-// = get_module_id_app predef_symbols
- # module_id_app = undef
- // ... MV
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
(CheckedType st=:{st_context}, fun_env) = fun_env![fun_index]
{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info,fun_arity,fun_symb,fun_pos} = fun_def
@@ -1167,15 +1133,12 @@ where
(tb_rhs, ui)
= updateExpression fun_info.fi_group_index tb_rhs { ui_instance_calls = [], ui_local_vars = fun_info.fi_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap = symbol_heap,
ui_var_heap = var_heap, ui_fun_defs = fun_defs, ui_fun_env = fun_env, ui_error = error,
- // MV ...
ui_has_type_codes = False,
- ui_x = {x_type_code_info=type_code_info, x_predef_symbols=predef_symbols,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n,x_internal_type_id = module_id_app,x_module_id = No}}
+ ui_x = {x_type_code_info=type_code_info, x_predef_symbols=predef_symbols,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}}
- # (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_has_type_codes, ui_error, ui_x = {x_type_code_info = type_code_info, x_predef_symbols = predef_symbols}})
- = build_type_identification tb_rhs ui
- #
- // ... MV
- (tb_args, var_heap) = foldSt retrieve_class_argument rev_variables (tb_args, ui_var_heap)
+ # {ui_instance_calls, ui_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_has_type_codes, ui_error, ui_x = {x_type_code_info = type_code_info, x_predef_symbols = predef_symbols}}
+ = ui
+ # (tb_args, var_heap) = foldSt retrieve_class_argument rev_variables (tb_args, ui_var_heap)
fun_info = mark_type_codes ui_has_type_codes fun_info
fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs}, fun_arity = length tb_args,
fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fun_info.fi_calls ++ ui_instance_calls, fi_local_vars = ui_local_vars } }
@@ -1395,10 +1358,6 @@ where
{ x_type_code_info :: !.TypeCodeInfo
, x_predef_symbols :: !.{#PredefinedSymbol}
, x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int
-// MV ...
- , x_internal_type_id :: Expression
- , x_module_id :: Optional LetBind
-// ... MV
class updateExpression e :: !Index !e !*UpdateInfo -> (!e, !*UpdateInfo)
@@ -1656,8 +1615,25 @@ where
adjustClassExpression symb_name (Selection opt_type expr selectors) ui
# (expr, ui) = adjustClassExpression symb_name expr ui
= (Selection opt_type expr selectors, ui)
- adjustClassExpression symb_name tce=:(TypeCodeExpression _) ui
+ adjustClassExpression symb_name tce=:(TypeCodeExpression type_code_expression) ui
+ # ui = check_type_code type_code_expression ui
= (tce, {ui & ui_has_type_codes = True})
+ where
+ check_type_code (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) ui=:{ui_var_heap,ui_error}
+ # (_, (ui_var_heap,ui_error))
+ = getTCDictionary symb_name var_info_ptr (ui_var_heap, ui_error)
+ = { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error}
+ check_type_code (TCE_Constructor index typecode_exprs)
+ ui=:{ui_x={x_type_code_info={tci_type_constructors_in_patterns} }}
+ # ui
+ = { ui & ui_x.x_type_code_info.tci_type_constructors_in_patterns =
+ [index:tci_type_constructors_in_patterns] }
+ = foldSt check_type_code typecode_exprs ui
+ check_type_code (TCE_UniType uni_vars type_code) ui
+ = check_type_code type_code ui
+ check_type_code _ ui
+ = ui
adjustClassExpression symb_name (Let this_let=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr }) ui
# (let_strict_binds, ui) = adjust_let_binds symb_name let_strict_binds ui
(let_lazy_binds, ui) = adjust_let_binds symb_name let_lazy_binds ui