path: root/frontend/overloading.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2013-04-02 15:26:26 +0000
committerjohnvg2013-04-02 15:26:26 +0000
commitd4e397a35be100674c23b2c863210136d5b5d35c (patch)
treee314addf40d5e1b8ea31701a80dc2435d7ac2b90 /frontend/overloading.icl
parentin function adjust_type_code, add alternative for TCE_Selector, (diff)
add type constraints in constructors and function arguments with universal quantifier (from iTask branch)
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2218 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/overloading.icl')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index 57d2848..753401f 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
implementation module overloading
-import StdEnv, compare_types
+import StdEnv,StdOverloadedList,compare_types
import syntax, type, expand_types, utilities, unitype, predef, checktypes
import genericsupport, type_io_common
@@ -60,6 +60,15 @@ overloadingError op_symb err
-> str+++" [line "+++toString line_nr+++"]"
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " internal overloading of \"" <<< str <<< "\" could not be solved\n" }
+sub_class_error op_symb err
+ # err = errorHeading "Overloading error" err
+ str = case optBeautifulizeIdent op_symb.id_name of
+ No
+ -> op_symb.id_name
+ Yes (str, line_nr)
+ -> str+++" [line "+++toString line_nr+++"]"
+ = {err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " internal overloading could not be solved, because subclass of \"" <<< str <<< "\" used\n"}
abstractTypeInDynamicError td_ident err=:{ea_ok}
# err = errorHeading "Implementation restriction" err
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< (" derived abstract type '" +++ toString td_ident +++ "' not permitted in a dynamic") <<< '\n' }
@@ -540,6 +549,10 @@ types_are_reducible [type : types] first_type tc_class predef_symbols
-> is_lazy_or_strict_array_or_list_context
_ :@: _
-> is_lazy_or_strict_array_or_list_context
+ TempQV _
+ -> is_lazy_or_strict_array_or_list_context
+ TempQDV _
+ -> is_lazy_or_strict_array_or_list_context
-> is_reducible types tc_class predef_symbols
@@ -820,6 +833,83 @@ where
os = {os & os_type_heaps=os_type_heaps, os_symbol_heap=os_symbol_heap, os_var_heap=os_var_heap,
os_special_instances=os_special_instances, os_error=os_error, os_predef_symbols=os_predef_symbols}
-> ([(oc_symbol,fun_index,over_info_ptr,class_applications):reduced_calls],new_contexts,coercion_env,type_pattern_vars,os)
+ (EI_OverloadedWithVarContexts {ocvc_symbol,ocvc_context,ocvc_var_contexts},os_symbol_heap)
+ # rs_state = { rs_new_contexts=new_contexts, rs_special_instances = os_special_instances,
+ rs_type_pattern_vars=type_pattern_vars,rs_var_heap=os_var_heap,
+ rs_type_heaps=os_type_heaps, rs_coercions=coercion_env,
+ rs_predef_symbols=os_predef_symbols, rs_error=os_error}
+ info = {ri_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n, ri_defs=defs, ri_instance_info=instance_info}
+ (class_applications, rs_state) = reduceContexts info ocvc_context rs_state
+ {rs_new_contexts=new_contexts, rs_special_instances = os_special_instances,
+ rs_type_pattern_vars=type_pattern_vars, rs_var_heap=os_var_heap, rs_type_heaps=os_type_heaps,
+ rs_coercions=coercion_env, rs_predef_symbols=os_predef_symbols, rs_error=os_error}
+ = rs_state
+ (new_contexts,os_var_heap) = add_var_contexts ocvc_var_contexts new_contexts os_var_heap
+ os = {os & os_type_heaps=os_type_heaps, os_symbol_heap=os_symbol_heap, os_var_heap=os_var_heap,
+ os_special_instances=os_special_instances, os_error=os_error, os_predef_symbols=os_predef_symbols}
+ ocvc_symbol = {ocvc_symbol & symb_kind = case ocvc_symbol.symb_kind of
+ SK_TypeCode
+ -> SK_TypeCodeAndContexts ocvc_var_contexts
+ _
+ -> SK_VarContexts ocvc_var_contexts
+ }
+ -> ([(ocvc_symbol,fun_index,over_info_ptr,class_applications):reduced_calls],new_contexts,coercion_env,type_pattern_vars,os)
+ (EI_CaseTypeWithContexts case_type constructor_contexts,os_symbol_heap)
+ # (new_contexts,constructor_contexts,os_predef_symbols,os_var_heap) = add_constructor_contexts constructor_contexts new_contexts os_predef_symbols os_var_heap
+ os_symbol_heap = writePtr over_info_ptr (EI_CaseTypeWithContexts case_type constructor_contexts) os_symbol_heap
+ os = {os & os_symbol_heap=os_symbol_heap,os_var_heap=os_var_heap,os_predef_symbols=os_predef_symbols}
+ -> (reduced_calls,new_contexts,coercion_env,type_pattern_vars,os)
+ where
+ add_var_contexts NoVarContexts new_contexts var_heap
+ = (new_contexts,var_heap)
+ add_var_contexts (VarContext arg_n contexts arg_atype var_contexts) new_contexts var_heap
+ # (new_contexts,var_heap) = add_contexts contexts new_contexts var_heap
+ = add_var_contexts var_contexts new_contexts var_heap
+ add_constructor_contexts [(constructor_symbol,constructor_context):constructor_contexts] new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ # (new_contexts,constructor_context,predef_symbols,var_heap) = add_contexts_of_constructor constructor_context new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ # (new_contexts,constructor_contexts,predef_symbols,var_heap) = add_constructor_contexts constructor_contexts new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ = (new_contexts,[(constructor_symbol,constructor_context):constructor_contexts],predef_symbols,var_heap)
+ add_constructor_contexts [] new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ = (new_contexts,[],predef_symbols,var_heap)
+ add_contexts_of_constructor [constructor_context:constructor_contexts] new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ | context_is_reducible constructor_context predef_symbols
+ # (new_contexts,constructor_contexts,predef_symbols,var_heap)
+ = add_contexts_of_constructor constructor_contexts new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ = (new_contexts,[constructor_context:constructor_contexts],predef_symbols,var_heap)
+ # (found,found_context=:{tc_var}) = lookup_context constructor_context new_contexts
+ | found
+ # var_heap
+ = case readPtr tc_var var_heap of
+ (VI_Empty,var_heap)
+ -> writePtr tc_var VI_EmptyConstructorClassVar var_heap
+ (VI_EmptyConstructorClassVar,var_heap)
+ -> var_heap
+ (new_contexts,constructor_contexts,predef_symbols,var_heap)
+ = add_contexts_of_constructor constructor_contexts new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ constructor_context = {constructor_context & tc_var=tc_var}
+ = (new_contexts,[constructor_context:constructor_contexts],predef_symbols,var_heap)
+ # var_heap
+ = case readPtr constructor_context.tc_var var_heap of
+ (VI_Empty,var_heap)
+ -> writePtr constructor_context.tc_var VI_EmptyConstructorClassVar var_heap
+ (VI_EmptyConstructorClassVar,var_heap)
+ -> var_heap
+ new_contexts = [constructor_context : new_contexts]
+ (new_contexts,constructor_contexts,predef_symbols,var_heap)
+ = add_contexts_of_constructor constructor_contexts new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ = (new_contexts,[constructor_context:constructor_contexts],predef_symbols,var_heap)
+ where
+ lookup_context :: !TypeContext ![TypeContext] -> (!Bool,!TypeContext)
+ lookup_context new_tc [tc : tcs]
+ | new_tc==tc
+ = (True,tc)
+ = lookup_context new_tc tcs
+ lookup_context new_tc []
+ = (False,new_tc)
+ add_contexts_of_constructor [] new_contexts predef_symbols var_heap
+ = (new_contexts,[],predef_symbols,var_heap)
add_specified_contexts (Yes spec_context, expr_ptrs, pos, index) (contexts,var_heap)
= add_contexts spec_context contexts var_heap
@@ -939,6 +1029,19 @@ convertOverloadedCall defs contexts symbol=:{symb_ident, symb_kind = SK_Generic
convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_ident,symb_kind = SK_TypeCode} expr_info_ptr class_appls (heaps, ptrs, error)
# (class_expressions, (heaps, ptrs)) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts class_appls (heaps, ptrs)
= ({heaps & hp_expression_heap = heaps.hp_expression_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_TypeCodes (map expressionToTypeCodeExpression class_expressions))}, ptrs, error)
+convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_kind=SK_TFACVar var_expr_ptr,symb_ident} expr_info_ptr appls (heaps,ptrs, error)
+ # (class_expressions, (heaps, ptrs)) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts appls (heaps,ptrs)
+ = ({heaps & hp_expression_heap = heaps.hp_expression_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_FPContext class_expressions var_expr_ptr)}, ptrs, error)
+convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_kind=SK_VarContexts var_contexts} expr_info_ptr appls (heaps,ptrs, error)
+ # (var_contexts,error) = get_var_contexts var_contexts defs contexts error
+ (class_expressions, (heaps, ptrs)) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts appls (heaps,ptrs)
+ expr_info = EI_ContextWithVarContexts class_expressions var_contexts
+ = ({heaps & hp_expression_heap = writePtr expr_info_ptr expr_info heaps.hp_expression_heap}, [expr_info_ptr:ptrs], error)
+convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_ident,symb_kind = SK_TypeCodeAndContexts univ_contexts} expr_info_ptr class_appls (heaps, ptrs, error)
+ # (univ_contexts,error) = get_var_contexts univ_contexts defs contexts error
+ (class_expressions, (heaps, ptrs)) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts class_appls (heaps, ptrs)
+ expr_info = EI_TypeCodesWithContexts (expressionsToTypeCodeExpressions class_expressions) univ_contexts
+ = ({heaps & hp_expression_heap = writePtr expr_info_ptr expr_info heaps.hp_expression_heap}, ptrs, error)
convertOverloadedCall defs contexts symbol expr_info_ptr appls (heaps,ptrs, error)
# (class_expressions, (heaps, ptrs)) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts appls (heaps,ptrs)
= ({heaps & hp_expression_heap = heaps.hp_expression_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_Context class_expressions)}, ptrs, error)
@@ -946,6 +1049,34 @@ convertOverloadedCall defs contexts symbol expr_info_ptr appls (heaps,ptrs, erro
expressionsToTypeCodeExpressions class_expressions
= map expressionToTypeCodeExpression class_expressions
+get_var_contexts (VarContext arg_n context arg_atype var_contexts) defs contexts error
+ # (cs,error) = get_var_context context contexts error
+ cs = [convert_TypeContext_to_DictionaryAndClassType c defs \\ c <- cs]
+ (var_contexts,error) = get_var_contexts var_contexts defs contexts error
+ = (VarContext arg_n cs arg_atype var_contexts,error)
+ get_var_context [] contexts error
+ = ([],error)
+ get_var_context [var_context:var_contexts] contexts error
+ # (var_contexts,error) = get_var_context var_contexts contexts error
+ = get_context var_context var_contexts contexts error
+ get_context context var_contexts [c:cs] error
+ | context==c
+ = ([c:var_contexts],error)
+ = get_context context var_contexts cs error
+ get_context {tc_class=TCClass {glob_object={ds_ident}}} var_contexts [] error
+ # error = sub_class_error ds_ident error
+ = (var_contexts,error)
+ convert_TypeContext_to_DictionaryAndClassType {tc_var,tc_class=TCClass {glob_module,glob_object={ds_ident,ds_index}},tc_types} defs
+ # {class_dictionary} = defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index]
+ dict_type_symbol = MakeTypeSymbIdent {glob_module=glob_module,glob_object=class_dictionary.ds_index} class_dictionary.ds_ident class_dictionary.ds_arity
+ class_type = TA dict_type_symbol [AttributedType type \\ type <- tc_types]
+ = {dc_var=tc_var,dc_class_type=AttributedType class_type}
+get_var_contexts NoVarContexts defs contexts error
+ = (NoVarContexts,error)
expressionToTypeCodeExpression (TypeCodeExpression texpr)
= texpr
expressionToTypeCodeExpression (ClassVariable var_info_ptr)
@@ -1128,8 +1259,11 @@ where
remove_overloaded_function type_pattern_vars fun_index (ok, fun_defs, fun_env, symbol_heap, type_code_info, var_heap, error, predef_symbols)
| ok
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
- (CheckedType st=:{st_context}, fun_env) = fun_env![fun_index]
+ (CheckedType st=:{st_context,st_args}, fun_env) = fun_env![fun_index]
{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info,fun_arity,fun_ident,fun_pos} = fun_def
+ var_heap = mark_FPC_arguments st_args tb_args var_heap
error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) error
(rev_variables,var_heap,error) = foldSt determine_class_argument st_context ([],var_heap,error)
(type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
@@ -1158,6 +1292,12 @@ where
mark_type_codes _ info
= info
+ mark_FPC_arguments :: ![AType] ![FreeVar] !*VarHeap -> *VarHeap
+ mark_FPC_arguments st_args tb_args var_heap
+ | has_TFAC st_args
+ = mark_FPC_vars st_args tb_args var_heap
+ = var_heap
determine_class_argument {tc_class, tc_var} (variables,var_heap,error)
# (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr tc_var var_heap
= case var_info of
@@ -1166,12 +1306,16 @@ where
-> case var_info of
-> add_class_var var_info_ptr tc_class var_heap error
+ VI_EmptyConstructorClassVar
+ -> add_class_var var_info_ptr tc_class var_heap error
VI_ClassVar _ _ _
# error = errorHeading "Overloading error" error
error = {error & ea_file = error.ea_file <<< " a type context occurs multiple times in the specified type\n" }
-> ([var_info_ptr : variables],var_heap,error)
-> add_class_var tc_var tc_class var_heap error
+ VI_EmptyConstructorClassVar
+ -> add_class_var tc_var tc_class var_heap error
add_class_var var tc_class var_heap error
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
@@ -1185,6 +1329,18 @@ where
# (VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr count, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
= ([{fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = count } : args], var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Empty))
+has_TFAC [{at_type=TFAC _ _ _}:_] = True
+has_TFAC [_:atypes] = has_TFAC atypes
+has_TFAC [] = False
+mark_FPC_vars [{at_type=TFAC _ _ _}:atypes] [{fv_info_ptr}:args] var_heap
+ # var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr VI_FPC var_heap
+ = mark_FPC_vars atypes args var_heap
+mark_FPC_vars [_:atypes] [_:args] var_heap
+ = mark_FPC_vars atypes args var_heap
+mark_FPC_vars [] [] var_heap
+ = var_heap
convertDynamicTypes :: [ExprInfoPtr]
-> *(*TypeCodeInfo,*ExpressionHeap,[LocalTypePatternVariable],*VarHeap,*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -1211,6 +1367,14 @@ where
({ type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }, var_heap, error)
expr_heap = expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic type_code_expr)
-> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
+ EI_TypeCodesWithContexts type_codes univ_contexts=:(VarContext _ dictionaries_and_contexts _ _)
+ # (type_var_heap, var_heap, error)
+ = bind_type_vars_to_type_codes symb_ident dt_global_vars type_codes type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap var_heap error
+ (uni_vars, (type_var_heap, var_heap)) = newTypeVariables dt_uni_vars (type_var_heap, var_heap)
+ (type_code_expr, (type_code_info,var_heap,error)) = toTypeCodeExpression (add_universal_vars_to_type dt_uni_vars dt_type)
+ ({ type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }, var_heap, error)
+ expr_heap = expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamicWithContexts type_code_expr univ_contexts)
+ -> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
EI_TempDynamicType No loc_dynamics _ _ expr_ptr {symb_ident}
# (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
-> case expr_info of
@@ -1439,6 +1603,19 @@ where
-> (select_expr, { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
-> (select_expr @ all_args, examine_calls context_args
{ ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
+ EI_ContextWithVarContexts context_args var_contexts
+ # (app_args,ui) = add_class_vars_for_var_contexts_and_update_expressions var_contexts app_args 0 group_index ui
+ # (app_args, ui) = adjustClassExpressions symb_ident context_args app_args ui
+ #! main_dcl_module_n = ui.ui_x.UpdateInfoX.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ #! fun_index = get_recursive_fun_index group_index symb_kind main_dcl_module_n ui.ui_fun_defs
+ | fun_index == NoIndex
+ # app = {app & app_args = app_args}
+ -> (App app, examine_calls context_args ui)
+ # (CheckedType {st_context}, ui) = ui!ui_fun_env.[fun_index]
+ nr_of_context_args = length context_args
+ nr_of_lifted_contexts = length st_context - nr_of_context_args
+ (app_args, (ui_var_heap, ui_error)) = mapAppendSt (build_context_arg symb_ident) (take nr_of_lifted_contexts st_context) app_args (ui.ui_var_heap,ui.ui_error)
+ -> (App {app & app_args = app_args}, examine_calls context_args {ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
build_context_arg symb tc=:{tc_var} (var_heap, error)
# (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr tc_var var_heap
@@ -1454,6 +1631,37 @@ where
-> (Var { var_ident = symb, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr },
(var_heap <:= (tc_var, VI_ClassVar symb new_info_ptr 1), overloadingError symb error))
+ add_class_vars_for_var_contexts_and_update_expressions var_contexts=:(VarContext arg_n context arg_atype var_contexts_t) [app_arg:app_args] app_arg_n group_index ui
+ | app_arg_n<arg_n
+ # (app_arg,ui) = updateExpression group_index app_arg ui
+ (app_args,ui) = add_class_vars_for_var_contexts_and_update_expressions var_contexts app_args (app_arg_n+1) group_index ui
+ = ([app_arg:app_args],ui)
+ | app_arg_n==arg_n
+ # (old_var_infos,var_heap) = add_class_vars_for_var_context context ui.ui_var_heap
+ (app_arg,ui) = updateExpression group_index app_arg {ui & ui_var_heap=var_heap}
+ (free_vars_and_types,local_vars,var_heap)
+ = restore_old_var_infos_and_retrieve_class_vars context old_var_infos ui.ui_local_vars ui.ui_var_heap
+ ui = {ui & ui_local_vars=local_vars,ui_var_heap=var_heap}
+ = case app_arg of
+ expr @ args
+ | same_args args free_vars_and_types
+ # app_arg = expr
+ (app_args,ui) = add_class_vars_for_var_contexts_and_update_expressions var_contexts_t app_args (app_arg_n+1) group_index ui
+ -> ([app_arg:app_args],ui)
+ _
+ # app_arg = DictionariesFunction free_vars_and_types app_arg arg_atype
+ (app_args,ui) = add_class_vars_for_var_contexts_and_update_expressions var_contexts_t app_args (app_arg_n+1) group_index ui
+ -> ([app_arg:app_args],ui)
+ add_class_vars_for_var_contexts_and_update_expressions NoVarContexts app_args app_arg_n group_index ui
+ = updateExpression group_index app_args ui
+ same_args [] []
+ = True
+ same_args [Var {var_info_ptr}:args] [({fv_info_ptr},_):free_vars_and_types]
+ = var_info_ptr==fv_info_ptr && same_args args free_vars_and_types
+ same_args _ _
+ = False
get_recursive_fun_index :: !Index !SymbKind Int !{# FunDef} -> Index
get_recursive_fun_index group_index (SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}) main_dcl_module_n fun_defs
| glob_module == main_dcl_module_n
@@ -1484,6 +1692,30 @@ where
# (let_strict_binds, ui) = updateExpression group_index let_strict_binds ui
# (let_expr, ui) = updateExpression group_index let_expr ui
= (Let {lad & let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds, let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_expr = let_expr}, ui)
+ updateExpression group_index (Case kees=:{case_guards=case_guards=:AlgebraicPatterns type patterns,case_expr,case_default,case_info_ptr}) ui
+ # (case_info, ui_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr ui.ui_symbol_heap
+ ui = {ui & ui_symbol_heap = ui_symbol_heap}
+ = case case_info of
+ EI_CaseTypeWithContexts case_type=:{ct_cons_types} constructorcontexts
+ # (case_expr,ui) = updateExpression group_index case_expr ui
+ (patterns,ct_cons_types,ui) = update_constructors_with_contexts_patterns constructorcontexts patterns ct_cons_types group_index ui
+ case_guards = AlgebraicPatterns type patterns
+ (case_default,ui) = updateExpression group_index case_default ui
+ ui_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr (EI_CaseType {case_type & ct_cons_types=ct_cons_types}) ui.ui_symbol_heap
+ ui = {ui & ui_symbol_heap = ui_symbol_heap}
+ -> (Case {kees & case_expr = case_expr, case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default}, ui)
+ EI_CaseType {ct_cons_types}
+ | Any has_TFAC ct_cons_types
+ # (case_expr,ui) = updateExpression group_index case_expr ui
+ (patterns, ui) = update_algebraic_patterns patterns ct_cons_types group_index ui
+ case_guards = AlgebraicPatterns type patterns
+ (case_default, ui) = updateExpression group_index case_default ui
+ -> (Case {kees & case_expr = case_expr, case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default}, ui)
+ _
+ # ((case_expr,(case_guards,case_default)), ui) = updateExpression group_index (case_expr,(case_guards,case_default)) ui
+ -> (Case {kees & case_expr = case_expr, case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default}, ui)
updateExpression group_index case_expr=:(Case {case_guards=NewTypePatterns _ _}) ui
= remove_NewTypePatterns_case_and_update_expression case_expr group_index ui
updateExpression group_index (Case kees=:{case_expr,case_guards,case_default}) ui
@@ -1503,7 +1735,21 @@ where
(expressions, ui) = updateExpression group_index expressions ui
= (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions, ui)
updateExpression group_index (DynamicExpr dyn=:{dyn_expr,dyn_info_ptr}) ui=:{ui_has_type_codes}
- # (dyn_expr, ui) = updateExpression group_index dyn_expr {ui & ui_has_type_codes = False}
+ # (dyn_info, ui_symbol_heap) = readPtr dyn_info_ptr ui.ui_symbol_heap
+ ui = {ui & ui_has_type_codes = False, ui_symbol_heap = ui_symbol_heap}
+ (dyn_expr,type_code,ui)
+ = case dyn_info of
+ EI_TypeOfDynamic type_code
+ # (dyn_expr, ui) = updateExpression group_index dyn_expr ui
+ -> (dyn_expr,type_code,ui)
+ EI_TypeOfDynamicWithContexts type_code (VarContext _ context dynamic_expr_type NoVarContexts)
+ # (old_var_infos,var_heap) = add_class_vars_for_var_context context ui.ui_var_heap
+ (dyn_expr,ui) = updateExpression group_index dyn_expr {ui & ui_var_heap=var_heap}
+ (free_vars_and_types,local_vars,var_heap)
+ = restore_old_var_infos_and_retrieve_class_vars context old_var_infos ui.ui_local_vars ui.ui_var_heap
+ ui = {ui & ui_local_vars=local_vars,ui_var_heap=var_heap}
+ dyn_expr = DictionariesFunction free_vars_and_types dyn_expr dynamic_expr_type
+ -> (dyn_expr,type_code,ui)
ui = check_type_codes_in_dynamic ui
check_type_codes_in_dynamic ui=:{ui_has_type_codes, ui_error}
@@ -1512,8 +1758,6 @@ where
= {ui & ui_error = ui_error}
= ui
ui = {ui & ui_has_type_codes=ui_has_type_codes}
- (EI_TypeOfDynamic type_code, ui_symbol_heap) = readPtr dyn_info_ptr ui.ui_symbol_heap
- ui = { ui & ui_symbol_heap = ui_symbol_heap }
= (DynamicExpr { dyn & dyn_expr = dyn_expr, dyn_type_code = type_code }, ui)
updateExpression group_index (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) ui
# (expr, ui) = updateExpression group_index expr ui
@@ -1529,7 +1773,7 @@ where
= (IsConstructor expr cons_symbol cons_arity global_type_index case_ident position, ui)
updateExpression group_index (TypeSignature _ expr) ui
= updateExpression group_index expr ui
- updateExpression group_index expr=:(Var {var_info_ptr}) ui
+ updateExpression group_index expr=:(Var {var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr,var_ident}) ui
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ui.ui_var_heap
# ui = {ui & ui_var_heap = var_heap}
= case var_info of
@@ -1537,6 +1781,14 @@ where
# (var_info2,var_heap) = readPtr var2.var_info_ptr ui.ui_var_heap
# ui = { ui & ui_var_heap = var_heap }
-> skip_aliases var_info2 var2 var_info_ptr ui
+ # (expr_info,ui_symbol_heap) = readPtr var_expr_ptr ui.ui_symbol_heap
+ # ui = {ui & ui_symbol_heap=ui_symbol_heap}
+ -> case expr_info of
+ EI_FPContext context_args var_expr_ptr
+ # (app_args, ui) = adjustClassExpressions var_ident context_args [] ui
+ # ui = examine_calls context_args ui
+ -> (expr @ app_args,ui)
-> (expr,ui)
@@ -1552,6 +1804,83 @@ where
updateExpression group_index expr ui
= (expr, ui)
+update_constructors_with_contexts_patterns [constructor_context:constructor_contexts] patterns cons_types group_index ui
+ = update_constructor_with_contexts_patterns constructor_context constructor_contexts patterns cons_types group_index ui
+ update_constructor_with_contexts_patterns constructor_context=:(constructor_symbol,context) constructor_contexts [pattern:patterns] [cons_type:cons_types] group_index ui
+ | constructor_symbol==pattern.ap_symbol.glob_object
+ # (old_var_infos,var_heap) = make_class_vars context ui.ui_var_heap
+ ui = {ui & ui_var_heap=var_heap}
+ (expr,ui) = updateExpression group_index pattern.ap_expr ui
+ vars = pattern.ap_vars
+ arity = pattern.ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_arity
+ (vars,arity,local_vars,var_heap) = add_class_vars_to_pattern_and_restore_old_var_infos context old_var_infos vars arity ui.ui_local_vars ui.ui_var_heap
+ ui = {ui & ui_local_vars=local_vars,ui_var_heap=var_heap}
+ pattern = {pattern & ap_vars=vars,ap_expr=expr,ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_arity=arity}
+ (patterns,cons_types,ui) = update_constructors_with_contexts_patterns constructor_contexts patterns cons_types group_index ui
+ (common_defs,ui) = ui!ui_x.x_type_code_info.tci_common_defs
+ cons_type = addTypesOfDictionaries common_defs context cons_type
+ = ([pattern:patterns],[cons_type:cons_types],ui)
+ # (pattern,ui) = updateExpression group_index pattern ui
+ (patterns,cons_types,ui) = update_constructor_with_contexts_patterns constructor_context constructor_contexts patterns cons_types group_index ui
+ = ([pattern:patterns],[cons_type:cons_types],ui)
+ make_class_vars [tc=:{tc_class,tc_var}:contexts] var_heap
+ # (old_var_infos,var_heap) = make_class_vars contexts var_heap
+ (old_var_info,var_heap) = readPtr tc_var var_heap
+ (var_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
+ ident = {id_name = "_v" +++ toString tc_class, id_info = nilPtr}
+ (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
+ var_heap = writePtr tc_var (VI_ClassVar ident new_info_ptr 0) var_heap
+ = ([old_var_info:old_var_infos],var_heap)
+ make_class_vars [] var_heap
+ = ([],var_heap)
+ add_class_vars_to_pattern_and_restore_old_var_infos [{tc_var}:contexts] [old_var_info:old_var_infos] vars arity local_vars var_heap
+ # (vars,arity,local_vars,var_heap) = add_class_vars_to_pattern_and_restore_old_var_infos contexts old_var_infos vars arity local_vars var_heap
+ (VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr count, var_heap) = readPtr tc_var var_heap
+ free_var = {fv_ident=var_ident, fv_info_ptr=new_info_ptr, fv_def_level=NotALevel, fv_count=count}
+ var_heap = writePtr tc_var old_var_info var_heap
+ = ([free_var:vars],arity+1,[free_var:local_vars],var_heap)
+ add_class_vars_to_pattern_and_restore_old_var_infos [] [] vars arity local_vars var_heap
+ = (vars,arity,local_vars,var_heap)
+update_constructors_with_contexts_patterns [] patterns cons_types group_index ui
+ # (patters,ui) = updateExpression group_index patterns ui
+ = (patters,cons_types,ui)
+update_algebraic_patterns [pattern=:{ap_expr,ap_vars}:patterns] [cons_arg_types:conses_args_types] group_index ui
+ # ui & ui_var_heap = mark_FPC_vars cons_arg_types ap_vars ui.ui_var_heap
+ # (ap_expr,ui) = updateExpression group_index ap_expr ui
+ # (patterns,ui) = update_algebraic_patterns patterns conses_args_types group_index ui
+ = ([{pattern & ap_expr=ap_expr}:patterns],ui)
+update_algebraic_patterns [] [] group_index ui
+ = ([],ui)
+add_class_vars_for_var_context [{dc_var}:contexts] var_heap
+ # (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr dc_var var_heap
+ symb = {id_name = "_d", id_info = nilPtr}
+ (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
+ var_heap = writePtr dc_var (VI_ClassVar symb new_info_ptr 0) var_heap
+ (old_var_infos,var_heap) = add_class_vars_for_var_context contexts var_heap
+ = ([var_info:old_var_infos],var_heap)
+add_class_vars_for_var_context [] var_heap
+ = ([],var_heap)
+restore_old_var_infos_and_retrieve_class_vars [{dc_var,dc_class_type}:contexts] [old_var_info:old_var_infos] local_vars var_heap
+ # (VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr count, var_heap) = readPtr dc_var var_heap
+ free_var = {fv_ident=var_ident, fv_info_ptr=new_info_ptr, fv_def_level=NotALevel, fv_count=count}
+ var_heap = writePtr dc_var old_var_info var_heap
+ (free_vars_and_types,local_vars,var_heap)
+ = restore_old_var_infos_and_retrieve_class_vars contexts old_var_infos local_vars var_heap
+ = ([(free_var,dc_class_type):free_vars_and_types],[free_var:local_vars],var_heap)
+restore_old_var_infos_and_retrieve_class_vars [] [] local_vars var_heap
+ = ([],local_vars,var_heap)
examine_calls [expr : exprs] ui
= examine_calls exprs (examine_calls_in_expr expr ui)