path: root/frontend/overloading.icl
diff options
authorronny2003-09-15 13:05:26 +0000
committerronny2003-09-15 13:05:26 +0000
commit874ac1e69ff1b1219bc4532d5733e456d9e3f91a (patch)
tree7dde0603ddb25098b1e5cf0e6867b4d70e4f242d /frontend/overloading.icl
parentalso expand synonym types in dynamics for TAS by reusing the TA code (diff)
removed exported type definitions from icl module
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1373 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/overloading.icl')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index bad8def..16ad7b0 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ import StdEnv
import syntax, check, type, typesupport, utilities, unitype, predef, checktypes, convertDynamics
import genericsupport, compilerSwitches, type_io_common
-:: InstanceTree = IT_Node !(Global Index) !InstanceTree !InstanceTree | IT_Empty
-:: ClassInstanceInfo :== {# {! .InstanceTree}}
+:: LocalTypePatternVariable =
+ { ltpv_var :: !Int
+ , ltpv_new_var :: !VarInfoPtr
+ }
:: ReducedContext =
{ rc_class :: !Global DefinedSymbol
@@ -33,37 +34,6 @@ import genericsupport, compilerSwitches, type_io_common
| CA_GlobalTypeCode !TypeCodeInstance /* for (global) type constructors */
-:: ArrayInstance =
- { ai_record :: !TypeSymbIdent
- , ai_members :: !{# DefinedSymbol}
- }
-:: GlobalTCInstance =
- { gtci_type :: !GlobalTCType
- , gtci_index :: !Index
- }
-:: SpecialInstances =
- { si_next_array_member_index :: !Index
- , si_array_instances :: ![ArrayInstance]
- , si_list_instances :: ![ArrayInstance]
- , si_tail_strict_list_instances :: ![ArrayInstance]
- }
-:: LocalTypePatternVariable =
- { ltpv_var :: !Int
- , ltpv_new_var :: !VarInfoPtr
- }
-:: OverloadingState =
- { os_type_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps
- , os_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
- , os_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
- , os_generic_heap :: !.GenericHeap
- , os_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols
- , os_special_instances :: !.SpecialInstances
- , os_error :: !.ErrorAdmin
- }
instanceError symbol types err
@@ -743,8 +713,6 @@ where
specialized_types_in_context_match _ _ type_var_heap
= (False,type_var_heap);
-:: DictionaryTypes :== [(Index, [ExprInfoPtr])]
tryToSolveOverloading :: ![(Optional [TypeContext], [ExprInfoPtr], IdentPos, Index)] !Int !{# CommonDefs } !ClassInstanceInfo !*Coercions !*OverloadingState !{# DclModule}
-> (![TypeContext], !*Coercions, ![LocalTypePatternVariable], DictionaryTypes, !*OverloadingState)
tryToSolveOverloading ocs main_dcl_module_n defs instance_info coercion_env os dcl_modules
@@ -1262,14 +1230,6 @@ getTCDictionary symb_ident var_info_ptr (var_heap, error)
-> (var_info_ptr, (var_heap, overloadingError symb_ident error))
-:: TypeCodeInfo =
- { tci_type_var_heap :: !.TypeVarHeap
- , tci_attr_var_heap :: !.AttrVarHeap
- , tci_dcl_modules :: !{# DclModule}
- , tci_common_defs :: !{# CommonDefs }
- }
toTypeCodeConstructor type=:{glob_object=type_index, glob_module=module_index} common_defs
| module_index == cPredefinedModuleIndex
= GTT_PredefTypeConstructor type