path: root/frontend/overloading.icl
diff options
authorronny2002-10-14 23:06:24 +0000
committerronny2002-10-14 23:06:24 +0000
commit4147cc9bb6a8589fb7a365894baa087aeb02df8b (patch)
tree9ce0561562f57d3e20d8abceb6d5f691209773ac /frontend/overloading.icl
parentbug fix convert root cases (diff)
new type code and type code constructor representation
clean-up and renamed functions from StdDynamic git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1234 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/overloading.icl')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index d2b7d24..291b864 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -87,12 +87,11 @@ where
compare_types (GTT_Basic bt1) (GTT_Basic bt2)
= bt1 =< bt2
- compare_types (GTT_Constructor cons1 _ _) (GTT_Constructor cons2 _ _)
+ compare_types (GTT_Constructor cons1 _) (GTT_Constructor cons2 _)
= cons1 =< cons2
compare_types _ _
= Equal
instanceError symbol types err
# err = errorHeading "Overloading error" err
format = { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No }
@@ -120,6 +119,12 @@ overloadingError op_symb err
-> str+++" [line "+++toString line_nr+++"]"
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " internal overloading of \"" <<< str <<< "\" could not be solved\n" }
+typeCodeInDynamicError err=:{ea_ok}
+ # err = errorHeading "Overloading error (warning for now)" err
+ err = {err & ea_ok=ea_ok}
+ = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< "TC context not allowed in dynamic" <<< '\n' }
As soon as all overloaded variables in an type context are instantiated, context reduction is carried out.
This reduction yields a type class instance (here represented by a an index) and a list of
@@ -532,19 +537,17 @@ where
reduce_TC_context type_code_class tc_type new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars var_heap
= reduce_tc_context type_code_class tc_type (new_contexts, special_instances, type_pattern_vars, var_heap)
- reduce_tc_context type_code_class (TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_module}} cons_args) (new_contexts, special_instances=:{si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances}, type_pattern_vars, var_heap)
- # defining_module_name
- = dcl_modules.[glob_module].dcl_name.id_name
+ reduce_tc_context type_code_class (TA cons_id=:{type_index} cons_args) (new_contexts, special_instances=:{si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances}, type_pattern_vars, var_heap)
+ # type_constructor = toTypeCodeConstructor type_index defs
# (inst_index, (si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances))
- = addGlobalTCInstance (GTT_Constructor cons_id defining_module_name False) (si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances)
+ = addGlobalTCInstance type_constructor (si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances)
(rc_red_contexts, instances) = reduce_TC_contexts type_code_class cons_args
(new_contexts, { special_instances & si_next_TC_member_index = si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances = si_TC_instances }, type_pattern_vars, var_heap)
= (CA_GlobalTypeCode { tci_index = inst_index, tci_contexts = rc_red_contexts }, instances)
- reduce_tc_context type_code_class (TAS cons_id=:{type_index={glob_module}} cons_args _) (new_contexts, special_instances=:{si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances}, type_pattern_vars, var_heap)
- # defining_module_name
- = dcl_modules.[glob_module].dcl_name.id_name
+ reduce_tc_context type_code_class (TAS cons_id=:{type_index} cons_args _) (new_contexts, special_instances=:{si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances}, type_pattern_vars, var_heap)
+ # type_constructor = toTypeCodeConstructor type_index defs
# (inst_index, (si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances))
- = addGlobalTCInstance (GTT_Constructor cons_id defining_module_name False) (si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances)
+ = addGlobalTCInstance type_constructor (si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances)
(rc_red_contexts, instances) = reduce_TC_contexts type_code_class cons_args
(new_contexts, { special_instances & si_next_TC_member_index = si_next_TC_member_index, si_TC_instances = si_TC_instances }, type_pattern_vars, var_heap)
= (CA_GlobalTypeCode { tci_index = inst_index, tci_contexts = rc_red_contexts }, instances)
@@ -1294,13 +1297,39 @@ getTCDictionary symb_name var_info_ptr (var_heap, error)
, tci_type_constructors_in_patterns :: ![Index]
+toTypeCodeConstructor type=:{glob_object=type_index, glob_module=module_index} common_defs
+ | module_index == cPredefinedModuleIndex
+ = GTT_PredefTypeConstructor type
+ // otherwise
+ # tc_type_index
+ = type_index + 1
+ # types
+ = common_defs.[module_index].com_type_defs
+ // sanity check ...
+ # type_name
+ = types.[type_index].td_name.id_name
+ # tc_type_name
+ = types.[tc_type_index].td_name.id_name
+ | "TC;" +++ type_name <> tc_type_name
+ = fatal "toTypeCodeConstructor" ("name mismatch (" +++ type_name +++ ", " +++ tc_type_name +++ ")")
+ // ... sanity check
+ # ({td_rhs=AlgType [{ds_ident, ds_index}:_]})
+ = types.[tc_type_index]
+ # type_constructor
+ = { symb_name = ds_ident
+ , symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module = module_index, glob_object = ds_index}
+ }
+ = GTT_Constructor type_constructor False
+fatal :: {#Char} {#Char} -> .a
+fatal function_name message
+ = abort ("overloading, " +++ function_name +++ ": " +++ message)
class toTypeCodeExpression type :: !Ident type !(!*TypeCodeInfo,!*VarHeap,!*ErrorAdmin) -> (!TypeCodeExpression, !(!*TypeCodeInfo,!*VarHeap,!*ErrorAdmin))
-instance toTypeCodeExpression Type
- toTypeCodeExpression symb_name type=:(TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_module}} type_args) (tci=:{tci_next_index,tci_instances,tci_dcl_modules,tci_common_defs},var_heap,error)
- # defining_module_name
- = tci_dcl_modules.[glob_module].dcl_name.id_name
+instance toTypeCodeExpression Type where
+ toTypeCodeExpression symb_name type=:(TA cons_id=:{type_index} type_args) (tci=:{tci_next_index,tci_instances,tci_dcl_modules,tci_common_defs},var_heap,error)
// RWS ...
# type_heaps
= {th_vars = tci.tci_type_var_heap, th_attrs = tci.tci_attr_var_heap}
@@ -1311,9 +1340,12 @@ where
| expanded
= toTypeCodeExpression symb_name type (tci,var_heap,error)
// ... RWS
+ # type_constructor
+ = toTypeCodeConstructor type_index tci_common_defs
# (inst_index, (tci_next_index, tci_instances))
- = addGlobalTCInstance (GTT_Constructor cons_id defining_module_name False) (tci_next_index, tci_instances)
- (type_code_args, tci) = mapSt (toTypeCodeExpression symb_name) type_args ({ tci & tci_next_index = tci_next_index, tci_instances = tci_instances },var_heap,error)
+ = addGlobalTCInstance type_constructor (tci_next_index, tci_instances)
+ (type_code_args, tci)
+ = mapSt (toTypeCodeExpression symb_name) type_args ({ tci & tci_next_index = tci_next_index, tci_instances = tci_instances },var_heap,error)
= (TCE_Constructor inst_index type_code_args, tci)
toTypeCodeExpression symb_name (TAS cons_id type_args _) state
= toTypeCodeExpression symb_name (TA cons_id type_args) state
@@ -1326,18 +1358,30 @@ where
= addGlobalTCInstance GTT_Function (tci_next_index, tci_instances)
(type_code_args, tci) = mapSt (toTypeCodeExpression symb_name) [arg_type, result_type] ({ tci & tci_next_index = tci_next_index, tci_instances = tci_instances },var_heap,error)
= (TCE_Constructor inst_index type_code_args, tci)
- toTypeCodeExpression symb_name (TV {tv_name,tv_info_ptr}) (tci=:{tci_type_var_heap}, var_heap, error)
+ toTypeCodeExpression symb_name (TV var) st
+ = toTypeCodeExpression symb_name var st
+ toTypeCodeExpression symb_name (TFA vars type) (tci=:{tci_type_var_heap}, var_heap, error)
+ # (new_vars, (tci_type_var_heap, var_heap)) = newTypeVariables vars (tci_type_var_heap, var_heap)
+ (type_code, tci) = toTypeCodeExpression symb_name type ({tci & tci_type_var_heap = tci_type_var_heap}, var_heap, error)
+ = (TCE_UniType new_vars type_code, tci)
+ toTypeCodeExpression symb_name (CV var :@: args) st
+ # (type_code_var, st)
+ = toTypeCodeExpression symb_name var st
+ (type_code_args, st)
+ = mapSt (toTypeCodeExpression symb_name) args st
+ = (foldl TCE_App type_code_var type_code_args, st)
+instance toTypeCodeExpression TypeVar where
+ toTypeCodeExpression symb_name {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} (tci=:{tci_type_var_heap}, var_heap, error)
# (type_info, tci_type_var_heap) = readPtr tv_info_ptr tci_type_var_heap
tci = { tci & tci_type_var_heap = tci_type_var_heap }
= case type_info of
TVI_TypeCode type_code
-> (type_code, (tci,var_heap,error))
- -> abort ("toTypeCodeExpression (TV)" ---> ((ptrToInt tv_info_ptr, tv_name)))
- toTypeCodeExpression symb_name (TFA vars type) (tci=:{tci_type_var_heap}, var_heap, error)
- # (new_vars, (tci_type_var_heap, var_heap)) = newTypeVariables vars (tci_type_var_heap, var_heap)
- (type_code, tci) = toTypeCodeExpression symb_name type ({tci & tci_type_var_heap = tci_type_var_heap}, var_heap, error)
- = (TCE_UniType new_vars type_code, tci)
+ -> abort ("toTypeCodeExpression (TypeVar)" ---> ((ptrToInt tv_info_ptr, tv_name)))
instance toTypeCodeExpression AType
toTypeCodeExpression symb_ident {at_type} tci_and_var_heap_and_error = toTypeCodeExpression symb_ident at_type tci_and_var_heap_and_error
@@ -1501,8 +1545,17 @@ where
# (expression, ui) = updateExpression group_index expression ui
(expressions, ui) = updateExpression group_index expressions ui
= (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions, ui)
- updateExpression group_index (DynamicExpr dyn=:{dyn_expr,dyn_info_ptr}) ui
- # (dyn_expr, ui) = updateExpression group_index dyn_expr ui
+ updateExpression group_index (DynamicExpr dyn=:{dyn_expr,dyn_info_ptr}) ui=:{ui_has_type_codes}
+ # (dyn_expr, ui) = updateExpression group_index dyn_expr {ui & ui_has_type_codes = False}
+ # ui = check_type_codes_in_dynamic ui
+ with
+ check_type_codes_in_dynamic ui=:{ui_has_type_codes, ui_error}
+ | ui_has_type_codes
+ # ui_error = typeCodeInDynamicError ui_error
+ = {ui & ui_error = ui_error}
+ // otherwise
+ = ui
+ # ui = {ui & ui_has_type_codes=ui_has_type_codes}
(EI_TypeOfDynamic uni_vars type_code, ui_symbol_heap) = readPtr dyn_info_ptr ui.ui_symbol_heap
ui = { ui & ui_symbol_heap = ui_symbol_heap }
= (DynamicExpr { dyn & dyn_expr = dyn_expr, dyn_type_code = type_code }, ui)
@@ -1615,25 +1668,31 @@ where
adjustClassExpression symb_name (Selection opt_type expr selectors) ui
# (expr, ui) = adjustClassExpression symb_name expr ui
= (Selection opt_type expr selectors, ui)
- adjustClassExpression symb_name tce=:(TypeCodeExpression type_code_expression) ui
- # ui = check_type_code type_code_expression ui
- = (tce, {ui & ui_has_type_codes = True})
+ adjustClassExpression symb_name tce=:(TypeCodeExpression type_code) ui
+ # (type_code, ui) = adjust_type_code type_code ui
+ = (TypeCodeExpression type_code, {ui & ui_has_type_codes = True})
- check_type_code (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) ui=:{ui_var_heap,ui_error}
- # (_, (ui_var_heap,ui_error))
+ adjust_type_code (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) ui=:{ui_var_heap,ui_error}
+ # (var_info_ptr, (ui_var_heap,ui_error))
= getTCDictionary symb_name var_info_ptr (ui_var_heap, ui_error)
- = { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error}
- check_type_code (TCE_Constructor index typecode_exprs)
+ # ui
+ = { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error}
+ = (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr, ui)
+ adjust_type_code (TCE_Constructor index typecode_exprs)
ui=:{ui_x={x_type_code_info={tci_type_constructors_in_patterns} }}
# ui
= { ui & ui_x.x_type_code_info.tci_type_constructors_in_patterns =
[index:tci_type_constructors_in_patterns] }
- = foldSt check_type_code typecode_exprs ui
- check_type_code (TCE_UniType uni_vars type_code) ui
- = check_type_code type_code ui
- check_type_code _ ui
- = ui
+ # (typecode_exprs, ui)
+ = mapSt adjust_type_code typecode_exprs ui
+ = (TCE_Constructor index typecode_exprs, ui)
+ adjust_type_code (TCE_UniType uni_vars type_code) ui
+ # (type_code, ui)
+ = adjust_type_code type_code ui
+ = (TCE_UniType uni_vars type_code, ui)
+ adjust_type_code type_code ui
+ = (type_code, ui)
adjustClassExpression symb_name (Let this_let=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr }) ui
# (let_strict_binds, ui) = adjust_let_binds symb_name let_strict_binds ui
(let_lazy_binds, ui) = adjust_let_binds symb_name let_lazy_binds ui