path: root/frontend/main.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2001-03-27 15:54:51 +0000
committerjohnvg2001-03-27 15:54:51 +0000
commit6b8957b10a9fd22ae5c890839645b01c99cf4244 (patch)
tree57756ac99b2c64e853360f1a9dc754b1f74e465d /frontend/main.icl
parentallow 'else fail' for all if nodes on root or in (diff)
unfold all macros and local functions in macros
changed Declaration type fixed crash when macro appears only in dcl module added make with caching in 'main' use BoxedIdent in hashtable git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@344 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/main.icl')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/main.icl b/frontend/main.icl
index f653f88..a796406 100644
--- a/frontend/main.icl
+++ b/frontend/main.icl
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Start world
(ms.ms_out, ms.ms_files))) world
= fclose ms_out world
CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
# (answer, ms_io) = freadline (ms_io <<< "> ")
(command, argument) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace (fromString answer))
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
-:: *MainState funs funtypes types conses classes instances members selectors =
+:: *MainState =
{ ms_io :: !*File
, ms_error :: !*File
, ms_out :: !*File
@@ -51,48 +50,68 @@ CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
, ms_files :: !*Files
-:: ModuleTree = ModuleNode !InterMod !ModuleTree !ModuleTree | NoModules
+:: InterMod =
+ { inter_name :: !String
+ , inter_modules :: !{# String}
+/* , inter_fun_defs :: !{# FunDef}
+ , inter_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Optional {# Index}
+ }
+:: ModuleTree = ModuleNode !String !ModuleTree !ModuleTree | NoModules
-containsModule name (ModuleNode {inter_name = {id_name}} left right)
- # cmp = id_name =< name
- | cmp == Equal
+containsModule name (ModuleNode inter_name left right)
+ | inter_name == name
= True
- | cmp == Smaller
+ | inter_name < name
= containsModule name right
= containsModule name left
containsModule name NoModules
= False
-addModule name mod tree=:(ModuleNode this_mod=:{inter_name = {id_name}} left right)
- # cmp = id_name =< name
- | cmp == Equal
+addModule name mod tree=:(ModuleNode this_mod left right)
+ | this_mod == name
= tree
- | cmp == Smaller
+ | this_mod < name
= ModuleNode this_mod left (addModule name mod right)
= ModuleNode this_mod (addModule name mod left) right
addModule _ mod NoModules
= ModuleNode mod NoModules NoModules
+:: DclCache = {
+ dcl_modules::!{#DclModule},
+ functions_and_macros::!{#FunDef},
+ predef_symbols::!.PredefinedSymbols,
+ hash_table::!.HashTable,
+ heaps::!.Heaps
+ };
:: Project =
- { proj_main_module :: !Ident
- , proj_hash_table :: !.HashTable
- , proj_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols
+ { proj_main_module :: !String
, proj_modules :: !ModuleTree
+ , proj_cache :: !.DclCache
-:: InterMod =
- { inter_name :: Ident
- , inter_modules :: !{# Ident}
- , inter_fun_defs :: !{# FunDef}
- , inter_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Optional {# Index}
- , inter_dcl_icl_conversions :: !Optional {# Index}
- }
+empty_cache :: *DclCache
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap = newHeap, hp_expression_heap = newHeap, hp_type_heaps = {th_vars = newHeap, th_attrs = newHeap}}
+ # (predef_symbols, hash_table) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable
+ = {dcl_modules={},functions_and_macros={},predef_symbols=predef_symbols,hash_table=hash_table,heaps=heaps}
DoCommand ['c':_] argument proj ms
# (file_name, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace argument)
- (opt_mod, ms) = compileModule (toString file_name) ms
+ (opt_mod,dcl_cache,ms) = compileModule (toString file_name) empty_cache ms
= (False, proj, ms)
+DoCommand ['m':_] argument proj ms
+ # (file_name, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace argument)
+ # mod_name = toString file_name
+ # dcl_cache=empty_cache
+ # (opt_mod, ms) = makeProject { proj_main_module=mod_name,
+ proj_modules=NoModules,
+ proj_cache=dcl_cache} ms
+ = (False, proj, ms)
DoCommand ['s':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_io, ms_files}
# (file_name, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace argument)
file_name = toString (file_name++['.icl'])
@@ -100,26 +119,33 @@ DoCommand ['s':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_io, ms_files}
(lines,file) = freadlines file
(ok,files) = fclose file files
= (False, proj, {ms & ms_io = ms_io <<< ("file "+++file_name+++" "+++toString (length lines)+++" lines\n") <<< lines <<< "\n", ms_files = files})
DoCommand ['t':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_files, ms_io}
# (file_names, ms_files, ms_io) = converFileToListOfStrings "testfiles" ms_files ms_io
- = (False, proj, foldSt check_module file_names { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_io = ms_io })
+ # (dcl_cache,ms) = foldSt check_module file_names (empty_cache,{ ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_io = ms_io })
+ = (False, proj, ms)
- check_module file_name ms
- # (opt_mod, ms) = compileModule file_name (ms ---> file_name)
+ check_module file_name (dcl_cache,ms)
+ # ms = {ms & ms_io = ms.ms_io <<< "Compiling " <<< file_name <<< "\n"}
+ # (opt_mod, dcl_cache,ms) = compileModule file_name dcl_cache ms
= case opt_mod of
- -> { ms & ms_io = ms.ms_io <<< file_name <<< " is not OK\n" }
+ -> (dcl_cache,{ ms & ms_io = ms.ms_io <<< file_name <<< " is not OK\n" })
- -> ms
+ -> (dcl_cache,ms)
DoCommand ['p':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_io, ms_files}
# (file_name, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace argument)
(predef_symbols, hash_table) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable
(mod_ident, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable (toString file_name) IC_Module hash_table
- = (False, Yes { proj_main_module = mod_ident.boxed_ident, proj_hash_table = hash_table, proj_predef_symbols = predef_symbols, proj_modules = NoModules }, ms)
+ = (False, Yes { proj_main_module = mod_ident.boxed_ident.id_name,proj_modules = NoModules,proj_cache=empty_cache }, ms)
DoCommand ['q':_] argument proj ms
= (True, proj, ms)
DoCommand ['h':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_io}
= (False, proj, {ms & ms_io = ms_io <<< "No help available. Sorry.\n"})
DoCommand command argument proj ms=:{ms_io}
= (False, proj, {ms & ms_io = ms_io <<< toString command <<< "?\n"})
@@ -139,79 +165,111 @@ SplitAtLayoutChar [x:xs]
(word, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar xs
-compileModule mod_name ms
- # (predef_symbols, hash_table) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable
- (mod_ident, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable mod_name IC_Module hash_table
- (opt_module, predef_symbols, hash_table, ms) = loadModule mod_ident.boxed_ident predef_symbols hash_table ms
- = (opt_module, ms)
-loadModule mod_ident predef_symbols hash_table ms=:{ms_files,ms_error,ms_io,ms_out,ms_paths}
- # heaps = { hp_var_heap = newHeap, hp_expression_heap = newHeap, hp_type_heaps = { th_vars = newHeap, th_attrs = newHeap }}
- # (optional_syntax_tree,_,_,_,predef_symbols, hash_table, ms_files, ms_error, ms_io, ms_out,_,_)
- = frontEndInterface FrontEndPhaseAll mod_ident {sp_locations = [], sp_paths = ms_paths} {} {} No predef_symbols hash_table ms_files ms_error ms_io ms_out No heaps
+compileModule :: String *DclCache *MainState -> *(!Optional InterMod,!*DclCache,!*MainState);
+compileModule mod_name dcl_cache ms
+ # (mod_ident, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable mod_name IC_Module dcl_cache.hash_table
+ dcl_cache = {dcl_cache & hash_table=hash_table}
+ = loadModule mod_ident.boxed_ident dcl_cache ms
+loadModule :: Ident *DclCache *MainState -> *(!Optional InterMod,!*DclCache,!*MainState);
+loadModule mod_ident {dcl_modules,functions_and_macros,predef_symbols,hash_table,heaps} ms=:{ms_files,ms_error,ms_io,ms_out,ms_paths}
+ # (optional_syntax_tree,cached_functions_and_macros,_,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols, hash_table, ms_files, ms_error, ms_io, ms_out,_,heaps)
+ = frontEndInterface FrontEndPhaseAll mod_ident {sp_locations = [], sp_paths = ms_paths} dcl_modules functions_and_macros No predef_symbols hash_table ms_files ms_error ms_io ms_out No heaps
# ms = {ms & ms_files=ms_files, ms_error=ms_error,ms_io=ms_io,ms_out=ms_out}
= case optional_syntax_tree of
- Yes {fe_icl={icl_functions}, fe_dcls, fe_dclIclConversions, fe_iclDclConversions}
- -> (Yes (buildInterMod mod_ident fe_dcls icl_functions fe_dclIclConversions fe_iclDclConversions), predef_symbols, hash_table, ms)
+ Yes {fe_icl={/*icl_functions,*/icl_used_module_numbers}, fe_dcls, fe_dclIclConversions, fe_iclDclConversions}
+ # dcl_modules={{dcl_module \\ dcl_module<-:fe_dcls} & [main_dcl_module_n].dcl_conversions=No}
+ # var_heap = remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_modules 0 dcl_modules icl_used_module_numbers heaps.hp_var_heap
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_var_heap = var_heap }
+ -> (Yes (buildInterMod mod_ident icl_used_module_numbers fe_dcls /*icl_functions fe_dclIclConversions fe_iclDclConversions*/),
+ {dcl_modules=dcl_modules,functions_and_macros=cached_functions_and_macros,predef_symbols=predef_symbols,hash_table=hash_table,heaps=heaps}, ms)
- -> (No, predef_symbols, hash_table, ms)
+ -> (No, {dcl_modules=dcl_modules,functions_and_macros=cached_functions_and_macros,predef_symbols=predef_symbols,hash_table=hash_table,heaps=heaps},ms)
-makeProject (Yes proj=:{proj_main_module,proj_hash_table,proj_predef_symbols}) ms
- # (main_mod, proj_predef_symbols, proj_hash_table, ms) = loadModule proj_main_module proj_predef_symbols proj_hash_table ms
- proj = { proj & proj_hash_table = proj_hash_table, proj_predef_symbols = proj_predef_symbols }
+remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_modules :: Int {#DclModule} NumberSet *VarHeap -> *VarHeap
+remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_modules module_n dcls used_module_numbers var_heap
+ | module_n<size dcls
+ | module_n==cPredefinedModuleIndex || not (inNumberSet module_n used_module_numbers)
+ = remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_modules (module_n+1) dcls used_module_numbers var_heap
+ # var_heap = remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_module 0 dcls.[module_n].dcl_functions var_heap
+ with
+ remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_module :: Int {#FunType} *VarHeap -> *VarHeap
+ remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_module function_n dcl_functions var_heap
+ | function_n<size dcl_functions
+ # {ft_type_ptr} = dcl_functions.[function_n]
+ # (ft_type,var_heap) = readPtr ft_type_ptr var_heap
+ = case ft_type of
+ VI_ExpandedType expandedType
+ # var_heap = writePtr ft_type_ptr VI_Empty var_heap
+ -> remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_module (function_n+1) dcl_functions var_heap
+ _
+ -> remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_module (function_n+1) dcl_functions var_heap
+ = var_heap
+ = remove_expanded_types_from_dcl_modules (module_n+1) dcls used_module_numbers var_heap
+ = var_heap
+choose_random_module random_n modules
+ # n_modules = length modules;
+ # module_n = toInt (random_n*toReal n_modules)
+ # module_n = if (module_n<0) 0 (if (module_n>=n_modules) (n_modules-1) module_n)
+ # r = find_and_remove_module 0 modules;
+ with
+ find_and_remove_module n [modjule:modules]
+ | n==module_n
+ = (modjule,modules);
+ # (found_module,modules) = find_and_remove_module (n+1) modules;
+ = (found_module,[modjule:modules]);
+ = r;
+//import MersenneTwister
+makeProject :: *Project *MainState -> *(!Optional Project,!*MainState);
+makeProject proj=:{proj_main_module,proj_cache} ms
+ # (main_mod,dcl_cache,ms) = compileModule proj_main_module proj_cache ms
+ # proj = {proj & proj_cache=dcl_cache}
= case main_mod of
Yes main_mod=:{inter_modules}
- # (proj_modules, ms) = collect_modules [ mod \\ mod <-: inter_modules ] (ModuleNode main_mod NoModules NoModules) ms
+// # random_numbers = genRandReal 100;
+ # random_numbers = []
+ # (proj_modules,proj,ms) = collect_modules [ mod \\ mod <-: inter_modules ] (ModuleNode main_mod.inter_name NoModules NoModules) random_numbers proj ms
-> (Yes { proj & proj_modules = proj_modules }, ms)
- -> (Yes proj, ms)
+ -> (Yes proj,ms)
- collect_modules [{id_name} : modules] collected_modules ms
+ collect_modules :: [String] ModuleTree [Real] *Project *MainState -> *(!ModuleTree,!*Project,!*MainState);
+ collect_modules [] collected_modules random_numbers proj ms
+ = (collected_modules,proj,ms)
+ collect_modules [id_name : modules] collected_modules random_numbers proj ms
+// collect_modules modules collected_modules [random_number:random_numbers] proj ms
+// # (id_name,modules) = choose_random_module random_number modules
+ | id_name=="_predefined"
+ = collect_modules modules collected_modules random_numbers proj ms
| containsModule id_name collected_modules
- = collect_modules modules collected_modules ms
- # (this_mod, ms) = compileModule id_name ms
+ = collect_modules modules collected_modules random_numbers proj ms
+ # ms = {ms & ms_io = ms.ms_io <<< "Compiling " <<< id_name <<< "\n"}
+ # dcl_cache = proj.proj_cache
+// # dcl_cache = empty_cache
+ # (this_mod,dcl_cache,ms) = compileModule id_name dcl_cache ms
+ # proj = {proj & proj_cache=dcl_cache}
= case this_mod of
Yes new_mod
- -> collect_modules (modules ++ [ mod \\ mod <-: new_mod.inter_modules ]) (addModule id_name new_mod collected_modules) ms
+ # collected_modules = addModule id_name new_mod.inter_name collected_modules
+ # modules = modules ++ [ mod \\ mod <-: new_mod.inter_modules | not (containsModule mod collected_modules) && not (isMember mod modules)]
+ -> collect_modules modules collected_modules random_numbers proj ms
- -> (NoModules, ms)
- collect_modules [{id_name} : modules] collected_modules ms
- = (collected_modules, ms)
+ # ms = {ms & ms_io = ms.ms_io <<< "Compiling " <<< id_name <<< " failed \n"}
+ -> collect_modules modules collected_modules random_numbers proj ms
+// -> (NoModules, ms)
-buildInterMod name dcl_modules fun_defs dcl_icl_conversions /* RWS ... */ icl_dcl_conversions /* ... RWS */
- = { inter_name = name
- , inter_modules = { dcl_name \\ {dcl_name} <-: dcl_modules }
+buildInterMod name icl_used_module_numbers dcl_modules // fun_defs dcl_icl_conversions icl_dcl_conversions
+ # used_dcl_modules = [modjule \\ modjule <-: dcl_modules & module_n<-[0..] | inNumberSet module_n icl_used_module_numbers ]
+ = { inter_name = name.id_name
+ , inter_modules = { dcl_name.id_name \\ {dcl_name} <- used_dcl_modules }
, inter_fun_defs = fun_defs
-/* RWS ...
- , inter_icl_dcl_conversions = build_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) dcl_icl_conversions
, inter_icl_dcl_conversions = icl_dcl_conversions
-/* ... RWS */
- , inter_dcl_icl_conversions = dcl_icl_conversions
- }
-/* RWS
- build_icl_dcl_conversions table_size (Yes conversion_table)
- # dcl_table_size = size conversion_table
- icl_dcl_conversions = update_conversion_array 0 dcl_table_size conversion_table (createArray table_size NoIndex)
- = Yes (fill_empty_positions 0 table_size dcl_table_size icl_dcl_conversions)
- build_icl_dcl_conversions table_size No
- = No
- update_conversion_array dcl_index dcl_table_size conversion_table icl_conversions
- | dcl_index < dcl_table_size
- # icl_index = conversion_table.[dcl_index]
- = update_conversion_array (inc dcl_index) dcl_table_size conversion_table
- { icl_conversions & [icl_index] = dcl_index }
- = icl_conversions
- fill_empty_positions next_index table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
- | next_index < table_size
- | icl_conversions.[next_index] == NoIndex
- = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size (inc next_new_index) { icl_conversions & [next_index] = next_new_index }
- = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
- = icl_conversions
+ }
/* RWS
showComponents :: !*{! Group} !Int !Bool !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
@@ -231,7 +289,6 @@ where
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def)
// = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb)
showComponents2 :: !{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !{! ConsClasses} !*File -> (!*{# FunDef},!*File)
showComponents2 comps comp_index fun_defs acc_args file
| comp_index >= (size comps)