path: root/frontend/genericsupport.icl
diff options
authoralimarin2002-03-25 15:04:33 +0000
committeralimarin2002-03-25 15:04:33 +0000
commit5ed289050bba7924972700181478cb22e9d69c70 (patch)
tree43d0c8ebe33e14ad0d4f637ddae3de94acd7bf07 /frontend/genericsupport.icl
parentfix version number (diff)
new implementation of generics
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1062 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/genericsupport.icl')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/genericsupport.icl b/frontend/genericsupport.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9033e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/genericsupport.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+implementation module genericsupport
+import syntax, checksupport
+getGenericMember ::
+ !(Global Index) // generic
+ !TypeKind // kind argument
+ !{#CommonDefs} // modules
+ !*GenericHeap
+ ->
+ ( Optional (Global Index)
+ , !*GenericHeap
+ )
+getGenericMember {glob_module, glob_object} kind modules generic_heap
+ #! (gen_def=:{gen_info_ptr}) = modules.[glob_module].com_generic_defs.[glob_object]
+ #! ({gen_classes}, generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr generic_heap
+ = case lookupGenericClassInfo kind gen_classes of
+ No -> (No, generic_heap)
+ Yes {gci_module, gci_member}
+ #! member_glob = {glob_module = gci_module, glob_object = gci_member}
+ -> (Yes member_glob, generic_heap)
+lookupGenericClassInfo :: !TypeKind !GenericClassInfos -> !(Optional GenericClassInfo)
+lookupGenericClassInfo kind class_infos
+ #! hash_index = case kind of
+ KindConst -> 0
+ KindArrow kinds -> length kinds
+ = lookup kind class_infos.[hash_index]
+ lookup kind [] = No
+ lookup kind [gci:gcis]
+ | gci.gci_kind == kind = Yes gci
+ = lookup kind gcis
+addGenericClassInfo :: !GenericClassInfo !GenericClassInfos -> !GenericClassInfos
+addGenericClassInfo class_info=:{gci_kind} class_infos
+ #! hash_index = case gci_kind of
+ KindConst -> 0
+ KindArrow kinds -> length kinds
+ #! (class_infos1, class_infos) = class_infos ! [hash_index]
+ #! class_infos1 = [class_info:class_infos1]
+ = {{x\\x<-:class_infos} & [hash_index] = class_infos1 }
+// Ident Helpers
+makeIdent :: !String -> !Ident
+makeIdent str = {id_name = str, id_info = nilPtr}
+postfixIdent :: !Ident !String -> !Ident
+postfixIdent {id_name} postfix = makeIdent (id_name +++ postfix)
+genericIdentToClassIdent :: !Ident !TypeKind -> !Ident
+genericIdentToClassIdent gen_name kind
+ = postfixIdent gen_name ("_" +++ kind_to_str kind)
+ kind_to_str KindConst = "s"
+ kind_to_str (KindArrow kinds)
+ = kinds_to_str kinds +++ "s"
+ kinds_to_str [] = ""
+ kinds_to_str [KindConst:ks] = "s" +++ kinds_to_str ks
+ kinds_to_str [k:ks] = "o" +++ (kind_to_str k) +++ "c" +++ kinds_to_str ks
+genericIdentToMemberIdent :: !Ident !TypeKind -> !Ident
+genericIdentToMemberIdent gen_name kind
+ = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_name kind
+genericIdentToFunIdent :: !Ident !TypeCons -> !Ident
+genericIdentToFunIdent gen_name type_cons
+ = postfixIdent gen_name ("_" +++ type_cons_to_str type_cons)
+ type_cons_to_str (TypeConsSymb {type_name}) = toString type_name
+ type_cons_to_str (TypeConsBasic bt) = toString bt
+ type_cons_to_str TypeConsArrow = "ARROW"
+ type_cons_to_str (TypeConsVar tv) = tv.tv_name.id_name
+ \ No newline at end of file