path: root/frontend/genericsupport.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2010-07-02 14:25:22 +0000
committerjohnvg2010-07-02 14:25:22 +0000
commit38098c81804942ff27f3c47e5d7920ad8655e517 (patch)
tree4bdf689df4f7435265978067bed6ee9edff9b494 /frontend/genericsupport.icl
parentremove use of icl_functions by call of checkExplicitImportCompleteness (diff)
pass Ident name instead of Ident to functions to create generic idents
in genericsupport git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1790 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/genericsupport.icl')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/genericsupport.icl b/frontend/genericsupport.icl
index 8b62503..637bcff 100644
--- a/frontend/genericsupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/genericsupport.icl
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ addGenericClassInfo class_info=:{gci_kind} class_infos
makeIdent :: !String -> Ident
makeIdent str = {id_name = str, id_info = nilPtr}
-postfixIdent :: !Ident !String -> Ident
-postfixIdent {id_name} postfix = makeIdent (id_name +++ postfix)
+postfixIdent :: !String !String -> Ident
+postfixIdent id_name postfix = makeIdent (id_name +++ postfix)
-genericIdentToClassIdent :: !Ident !TypeKind -> Ident
-genericIdentToClassIdent gen_ident kind
- = postfixIdent gen_ident ("_" +++ kind_to_str kind)
+genericIdentToClassIdent :: !String !TypeKind -> Ident
+genericIdentToClassIdent id_name kind
+ = postfixIdent id_name ("_" +++ kind_to_str kind)
kind_to_str KindConst = "s"
kind_to_str (KindArrow kinds)
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ where
kinds_to_str [KindConst:ks] = "s" +++ kinds_to_str ks
kinds_to_str [k:ks] = "o" +++ (kind_to_str k) +++ "c" +++ kinds_to_str ks
-genericIdentToMemberIdent :: !Ident !TypeKind -> Ident
-genericIdentToMemberIdent gen_ident kind
- = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_ident kind
+genericIdentToMemberIdent :: !String !TypeKind -> Ident
+genericIdentToMemberIdent id_name kind
+ = genericIdentToClassIdent id_name kind
-genericIdentToFunIdent :: !Ident !TypeCons -> Ident
-genericIdentToFunIdent gen_ident type_cons
- = postfixIdent gen_ident ("_" +++ type_cons_to_str type_cons)
+genericIdentToFunIdent :: !String !TypeCons -> Ident
+genericIdentToFunIdent id_name type_cons
+ = postfixIdent id_name ("_" +++ type_cons_to_str type_cons)
type_cons_to_str (TypeConsSymb {type_ident}) = toString type_ident
type_cons_to_str (TypeConsBasic bt) = toString bt