path: root/frontend/frontend.icl
diff options
authordiederik2002-07-25 14:35:44 +0000
committerdiederik2002-07-25 14:35:44 +0000
commit639174cd88203f59269a1742a8820a11d9e2ade5 (patch)
treed5be331d0fa90a3a8bc78c368b4370d19f68e9db /frontend/frontend.icl
parentadd PR_Unused for unused function arguments (diff)
rename consumer classifications and add CUnused
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1170 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/frontend.icl')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
index e166dee..9ecb140 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.icl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ frontEndInterface options mod_ident search_paths cached_dcl_modules functions_an
= wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos options.feo_generics(hash_table /* ---> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)*/) error search_paths modtimefunction files
| not ok
= (No,{},{},0,0,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
# cached_module_idents = [dcl_mod.dcl_name \\ dcl_mod<-:cached_dcl_modules]
# (ok, mod, global_fun_range, mod_functions, optional_dcl_mod, modules, dcl_module_n_in_cache,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,hash_table, error, files)
= scanModule (mod -*-> "Scanning") cached_module_idents options.feo_generics hash_table error search_paths modtimefunction files
@@ -342,14 +341,16 @@ where
= file <<< "-:"
show_accumulating_arguments [ cc : ccs] file
- | cc == cPassive
+ | cc == CPassive
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'p')
- | cc == cActive
+ | cc == CActive
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'c')
- | cc == cAccumulating
+ | cc == CAccumulating
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'a')
- | cc == cVarOfMultimatchCase
+ | cc == CVarOfMultimatchCase
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'm')
+ | cc == CUnused
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'u')
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< '?')
show_accumulating_arguments [] file
= file