path: root/frontend/convertcases.icl
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authorjohnvg2011-03-31 15:26:26 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-03-31 15:26:26 +0000
commitad561c6f2055303bc355cc5e84dbf1e8b614f30e (patch)
treed51044322863053a4d19397bc8e4dfd6b871f5e3 /frontend/convertcases.icl
parentmake the following identical local functions of functions analyseGroups and r... (diff)
use type Component instead of Group in the fusion modules: partition, classify and trans,
because function pointers for generated functions are stored in the Component, they can be found without searching the new functions list git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1895 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/convertcases.icl')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/convertcases.icl b/frontend/convertcases.icl
index ac2d9dc..9dced2e 100644
--- a/frontend/convertcases.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertcases.icl
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ addLetVars [{lb_dst} : binds] [bind_type : bind_types] bound_vars
addLetVars [] [] bound_vars
= bound_vars
-convertCasesOfFunctions :: !*{!Group} !Int !{#{#FunType}} !{#CommonDefs}
+convertCasesOfFunctions :: !*{!Component} !Int !{#{#FunType}} !{#CommonDefs}
!*{#FunDef} !*{#{#CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
- -> (!ImportedFunctions, !*{!Group},
+ -> (!ImportedFunctions, !*{!Component},
convertCasesOfFunctions groups main_dcl_module_n dcl_functions common_defs fun_defs imported_types imported_conses var_heap type_heaps expr_heap
#! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
@@ -47,7 +47,16 @@ where
// otherwise
# (group, groups) = groups![group_nr]
= convert_groups (inc group_nr) groups dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n
- (foldSt (convert_function group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n) group.group_members fun_defs_and_ci)
+ (convert_functions group.component_members group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun_defs_and_ci)
+ convert_functions (ComponentMember member members) group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun_defs_and_ci
+ # fun_defs_and_ci = convert_function group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n member fun_defs_and_ci
+ = convert_functions members group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun_defs_and_ci
+ convert_functions (GeneratedComponentMember member _ members) group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun_defs_and_ci
+ # fun_defs_and_ci = convert_function group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n member fun_defs_and_ci
+ = convert_functions members group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun_defs_and_ci
+ convert_functions NoComponentMembers group_nr dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun_defs_and_ci
+ = fun_defs_and_ci
convert_function group_index dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun (fun_defs, collected_imports, cs)
# ({fun_body,fun_type}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
@@ -1231,14 +1240,14 @@ newFunctionWithType opt_id fun_bodies local_vars fun_type group_index (cs_next_f
cs_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function { gf_fun_def = fun_def, gf_instance_info = II_Empty,
gf_fun_index = cs_next_fun_nr, gf_cons_args = {cc_size=0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = [], cc_producer = False} })))
-addNewFunctionsToGroups :: !{#.CommonDefs} FunctionHeap ![FunctionInfoPtr] !Int !*{! Group} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedFunctions !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
- -> (!*{! Group}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
+addNewFunctionsToGroups :: !{#.CommonDefs} FunctionHeap ![FunctionInfoPtr] !Int !*{!Component} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedFunctions !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
+ -> (!*{!Component}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs fun_heap new_functions main_dcl_module_n groups imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= foldSt (add_new_function_to_group fun_heap common_defs) new_functions (groups, [], imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
add_new_function_to_group :: !FunctionHeap !{# CommonDefs} !FunctionInfoPtr
- !(!*{! Group}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
- -> (!*{! Group}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
+ !(!*{!Component}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
+ -> (!*{!Component}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
add_new_function_to_group fun_heap common_defs fun_ptr (groups, fun_defs, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def,gf_fun_index}) = sreadPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
{fun_type = Yes ft, fun_info = {fi_group_index, fi_properties}} = gf_fun_def
@@ -1246,7 +1255,7 @@ where
= convertSymbolType (fi_properties bitand FI_HasTypeSpec == 0) common_defs ft main_dcl_module_n
imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
# (group, groups) = groups![fi_group_index]
- = ({ groups & [fi_group_index] = { group & group_members = [gf_fun_index : group.group_members]} },
+ = ({ groups & [fi_group_index] = { group & component_members = ComponentMember gf_fun_index group.component_members} },
[ { gf_fun_def & fun_type = Yes ft }: fun_defs], imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
:: ConvertState =