path: root/frontend/convertcases.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2008-05-19 11:59:50 +0000
committerjohnvg2008-05-19 11:59:50 +0000
commit8c2c909904ee19fee28d563e77c381daafb012f5 (patch)
treeb8660e44b1618bb852eff94e66732a60dabb1c0e /frontend/convertcases.icl
parentremove unnecessary import from _aconcat (diff)
fix conversion of nested guards that may fail, incorrect code was generated
for: f True True = True; f _ _ = False git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1701 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/convertcases.icl')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/convertcases.icl b/frontend/convertcases.icl
index d63d735..e40cb86 100644
--- a/frontend/convertcases.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertcases.icl
@@ -1295,20 +1295,11 @@ is_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB False,bp_expr},{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr=true_expr
= is_then_or_else bp_expr && is_then_or_else true_expr
is_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB False,bp_expr}:patterns] case_default False case_expr
= then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case patterns case_default
- where
- then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case [ alt=:{bp_value=BVB sign_of_alt,bp_expr} : alts ] case_default
- | sign_of_alt
- = has_no_rooted_case bp_expr
- = then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case alts case_default
- then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case [ ] No
- = False
- then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case [ ] (Yes then_expr)
- = False // only when the first alt cannot fail use: has_no_rooted_case then_expr
is_guard_case _ _ _ _
= False
has_no_rooted_case (Case {case_guards=BasicPatterns BT_Bool patterns, case_default,case_explicit,case_expr})
- = is_guard_case patterns case_default case_explicit case_expr
+ = is_nested_guard_case patterns case_default case_explicit case_expr
has_no_rooted_case (Case {case_explicit})
= case_explicit
has_no_rooted_case (Let {let_expr})
@@ -1316,6 +1307,36 @@ has_no_rooted_case (Let {let_expr})
has_no_rooted_case _
= True
+then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case [ alt=:{bp_value=BVB sign_of_alt,bp_expr} : alts ] case_default
+ | sign_of_alt
+ = has_no_rooted_case bp_expr
+ = then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case alts case_default
+then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case [ ] No
+ = False
+then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case [ ] (Yes then_expr)
+ = False // only when the first alt cannot fail use: has_no_rooted_case then_expr
+is_nested_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr},{bp_value=BVB False,bp_expr=false_expr}] (Yes _) False case_expr
+ = is_then_or_else bp_expr && is_then_or_else false_expr
+is_nested_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr},{bp_value=BVB False,bp_expr=else_expr}] No True case_expr
+ = boolean_case_is_if case_expr bp_expr else_expr
+is_nested_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr}] case_default False case_expr
+ = has_no_rooted_case bp_expr && case case_default of Yes _ -> True; No-> False
+is_nested_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr=then_expr},{bp_value=BVB False,bp_expr=else_expr}] No False case_expr
+ = has_no_rooted_case then_expr && has_no_rooted_case else_expr
+is_nested_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr}:patterns] case_default False case_expr
+ = has_no_rooted_case bp_expr && is_nested_guard_case patterns case_default False case_expr
+is_nested_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr=then_expr}] (Yes else_expr) True case_expr
+ = boolean_case_is_if case_expr then_expr else_expr
+is_nested_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB False,bp_expr},{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr=true_expr}] (Yes _) False case_expr
+ = is_then_or_else bp_expr && is_then_or_else true_expr
+is_nested_guard_case [{bp_value=BVB False,bp_expr}:patterns] case_default False case_expr
+ = then_part_exists_and_has_no_rooted_case patterns case_default
+is_nested_guard_case _ _ _ _
+ = False
is_then_or_else (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default})
= is_if_case case_expr case_guards case_default
is_then_or_else (Let {let_expr})