path: root/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
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authorjohnvg2005-04-21 11:52:03 +0000
committerjohnvg2005-04-21 11:52:03 +0000
commitadb7dc12cf1567fe0dc4dbd1866b1b96e36ca219 (patch)
tree78b4f2b984b62b00d7bc8443d05fd12a0fbc746c /frontend/convertDynamics.icl
parentadd universal attributes in fields of a record type to the st_attr_vars of the (diff)
remove unused variable nr_of_funs
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1531 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/convertDynamics.icl')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
index df56c4e..977796f 100644
--- a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from type_io_common import PredefinedModuleName
extended_unify_and_coerce no yes :== no; // change also _unify and _coerce in StdDynamic
import type_io;
-//import pp;
:: TypeCodeVariableInfo = TCI_TypeVar !Expression | TCI_TypePatternVar !Expression
:: DynamicValueAliasInfo :== BoundVar
@@ -100,14 +99,13 @@ where
f (Yes tcl_file)
= tcl_file;
convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls :: !{# CommonDefs} !Int !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap (Optional *File) {# DclModule} !IclModule [String]
-> (!*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap, (Optional *File))
convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls common_defs main_dcl_module_n groups fun_defs predefined_symbols var_heap type_heaps expr_heap tcl_file dcl_mods icl_mod directly_imported_dcl_modules
#! (dynamic_representation,predefined_symbols)
= create_dynamic_and_selector_idents common_defs predefined_symbols
- #! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
# imported_types = {com_type_defs \\ {com_type_defs} <-: common_defs }
# (groups, (fun_defs, {ci_predef_symb, ci_var_heap, ci_expr_heap}))
= convert_groups 0 groups dynamic_representation (fun_defs, {