path: root/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
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authorjohnvg2011-04-21 15:11:27 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-04-21 15:11:27 +0000
commitf7606c4eb8c45033db41b2ec1fc3e446b375fa87 (patch)
tree44cbef3708b26726f93f20a966c853a9ff896d5b /frontend/comparedefimp.icl
parentuse unique array select and update instead of replace (diff)
use strictness annotations in instance member types,
add instance member types in definition modules git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1932 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/comparedefimp.icl')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
index 5a70a1c..7124bab 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ where
= (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
# comp_error = compareError type_def_error (newPosition icl_type_def.td_ident icl_type_def.td_pos) comp_st.comp_error
= (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error })
-// ---> ("compare_type_defs", dcl_type_def.td_ident, dcl_type_def.td_rhs, icl_type_def.td_ident, icl_type_def.td_rhs)
= (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
compare_rhs_of_types (AlgType dclConstructors) (AlgType iclConstructors) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
@@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ where
| not copied_from_dcl.[class_index]
# dcl_class_def = dcl_class_defs.[class_index]
(icl_class_def, icl_class_defs) = icl_class_defs![class_index]
- # (ok, icl_member_defs, comp_st) = compare_classes dcl_class_def dcl_member_defs icl_class_def icl_member_defs comp_st
+ (ok, icl_member_defs, comp_st) = compare_classes dcl_class_def dcl_member_defs icl_class_def icl_member_defs comp_st
| ok
= (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
# comp_error = compareError class_def_error (newPosition icl_class_def.class_ident icl_class_def.class_pos) comp_st.comp_error
@@ -154,20 +153,69 @@ where
= (False, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
= (False, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
-compareInstanceDefs :: !{# Int} !{# ClassInstance} !u:{# ClassInstance} !*CompareState -> (!u:{# ClassInstance}, !*CompareState)
-compareInstanceDefs dcl_sizes dcl_instance_defs icl_instance_defs comp_st
+compareInstanceDefs :: !{# Int} !{# ClassInstance} !u:{# ClassInstance} !*{#FunDef} !*CompareState
+ -> (!u:{# ClassInstance},!*{#FunDef},!*CompareState)
+compareInstanceDefs dcl_sizes dcl_instance_defs icl_instance_defs icl_functions comp_st
# nr_of_dcl_instances = dcl_sizes.[cInstanceDefs]
- = iFoldSt (compare_instance_defs dcl_instance_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_instances (icl_instance_defs, comp_st)
+ = iFoldSt (compare_instance_defs dcl_instance_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_instances (icl_instance_defs,icl_functions,comp_st)
- compare_instance_defs :: !{# ClassInstance} !Index (!u:{# ClassInstance}, !*CompareState) -> (!u:{# ClassInstance}, !*CompareState)
- compare_instance_defs dcl_instance_defs instance_index (icl_instance_defs, comp_st)
+ compare_instance_defs :: !{# ClassInstance} !Index !(!u:{# ClassInstance},!*{#FunDef},!*CompareState)
+ -> (!u:{# ClassInstance},!*{#FunDef},!*CompareState)
+ compare_instance_defs dcl_instance_defs instance_index (icl_instance_defs,icl_functions,comp_st)
# dcl_instance_def = dcl_instance_defs.[instance_index]
(icl_instance_def, icl_instance_defs) = icl_instance_defs![instance_index]
(ok, comp_st) = compare dcl_instance_def.ins_type icl_instance_def.ins_type comp_st
- | ok
- = (icl_instance_defs, comp_st)
- # comp_error = compareError instance_def_error (newPosition icl_instance_def.ins_ident icl_instance_def.ins_pos) comp_st.comp_error
- = (icl_instance_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error })
+ | not ok
+ # comp_st = instance_def_conflicts_error icl_instance_def.ins_ident icl_instance_def.ins_pos comp_st
+ = (icl_instance_defs,icl_functions, comp_st)
+ # (icl_functions,comp_st)
+ = member_types_equal dcl_instance_def.ins_member_types icl_instance_def.ins_members 0 icl_functions comp_st
+ = (icl_instance_defs,icl_functions,comp_st)
+ member_types_equal :: [FunType] {#ClassInstanceMember} Int *{#FunDef} *CompareState -> (!*{#FunDef},!*CompareState)
+ member_types_equal [] icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st
+ | icl_member_n<size icl_instance_members
+ # function_index = icl_instance_members.[icl_member_n].cim_index
+ | icl_functions.[function_index].fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_MemberInstanceRequiresTypeInDefMod<>0
+ # ({fun_ident,fun_pos},icl_functions) = icl_functions![function_index]
+ # comp_st = instance_def_conflicts_error fun_ident fun_pos comp_st
+ = member_types_equal [] icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st
+ = member_types_equal [] icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st
+ = (icl_functions,comp_st)
+ member_types_equal [instance_member_type:instance_member_types] icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st
+ = member_type_and_types_equal instance_member_type instance_member_types icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st
+ where
+ member_type_and_types_equal instance_member_type=:{ft_ident,ft_type,ft_pos} instance_member_types icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st
+ | icl_member_n<size icl_instance_members
+ # {cim_ident,cim_index} = icl_instance_members.[icl_member_n]
+ | ft_ident.id_name<>cim_ident.id_name
+ | icl_functions.[cim_index].fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_MemberInstanceRequiresTypeInDefMod<>0
+ # ({fun_ident,fun_pos},icl_functions) = icl_functions![cim_index]
+ # comp_st = instance_def_conflicts_error fun_ident fun_pos comp_st
+ = member_type_and_types_equal instance_member_type instance_member_types icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st
+ = member_type_and_types_equal instance_member_type instance_member_types icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st
+ # ({fun_type},icl_functions) = icl_functions![cim_index]
+ # (Yes icl_instance_member_type) = fun_type
+ # tc_state = { tc_type_vars = initial_hwn comp_st.comp_type_var_heap
+ , tc_attr_vars = initial_hwn comp_st.comp_attr_var_heap
+ , tc_strictness_flags = 0
+ }
+ # tc_state = init_symbol_type_vars ft_type icl_instance_member_type tc_state
+ # (corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds ft_type icl_instance_member_type tc_state
+ # comp_st = {comp_st & comp_type_var_heap=tc_state.tc_type_vars.hwn_heap,
+ comp_attr_var_heap=tc_state.tc_attr_vars.hwn_heap }
+ # comp_st = if (not corresponds)
+ (instance_def_conflicts_error ft_ident ft_pos comp_st)
+ comp_st
+ = member_types_equal instance_member_types icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st
+ # comp_st = instance_def_conflicts_error ft_ident ft_pos comp_st
+ = member_types_equal instance_member_types icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st
+ instance_def_conflicts_error ident pos comp_st
+ = {comp_st & comp_error = compareError instance_def_error (newPosition ident pos) comp_st.comp_error }
compareGenericDefs :: !{# Int} !{#Bool} !{# GenericDef} !u:{# GenericDef} !*CompareState -> (!u:{# GenericDef}, !*CompareState)
compareGenericDefs dcl_sizes copied_from_dcl dcl_generic_defs icl_generic_defs comp_st
@@ -188,11 +236,9 @@ where
= (icl_generic_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error })
| otherwise
= (icl_generic_defs, comp_st)
class compare a :: !a !a !*CompareState -> (!Bool, !*CompareState)
instance compare (a,b) | compare a & compare b
compare (x1, y1) (x2, y2) comp_st
@@ -376,13 +422,16 @@ initialyseAttributeVars [] [{av_info_ptr}:icl_type_vars] type_var_heap
= initialyseAttributeVars [] icl_type_vars (type_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty));
initialyseAttributeVars [] [] type_var_heap
= type_var_heap
:: TypesCorrespondState =
{ tc_type_vars :: !.HeapWithNumber TypeVarInfo
, tc_attr_vars :: !.HeapWithNumber AttrVarInfo
- , tc_ignore_strictness :: !Bool
+ , tc_strictness_flags :: !Int
:: TypesCorrespondMonad
:== *TypesCorrespondState -> *(!Bool, !*TypesCorrespondState)
@@ -414,9 +463,10 @@ initialyseAttributeVars [] [] type_var_heap
// arg n not ok: n
CEC_ResultNotOK :== 0
CEC_Ok :== -1
-CEC_ArgNrNotOk :== -2
-CEC_ContextNotOK :== -3
-CEC_AttrEnvNotOK :== -4
+CEC_NrArgsNotOk :== -2
+CEC_StrictnessOfArgsNotOk :== -3
+CEC_ContextNotOK :== -4
+CEC_AttrEnvNotOK :== -5
class t_corresponds a :: !a !a -> *TypesCorrespondMonad
// whether two types correspond
@@ -460,8 +510,8 @@ compareDefImp main_dcl_module_n main_dcl_module (Yes macro_conversion_table) {co
= compareClassDefs main_dcl_module.dcl_sizes copied_class_defs dcl_common.com_class_defs dcl_common.com_member_defs
icl_com_class_defs icl_com_member_defs comp_st
- (icl_com_instance_defs, comp_st)
- = compareInstanceDefs main_dcl_module.dcl_sizes dcl_common.com_instance_defs icl_com_instance_defs comp_st
+ (icl_com_instance_defs, icl_functions, comp_st)
+ = compareInstanceDefs main_dcl_module.dcl_sizes dcl_common.com_instance_defs icl_com_instance_defs icl_functions comp_st
(icl_com_generic_defs, comp_st)
= compareGenericDefs
@@ -473,7 +523,7 @@ compareDefImp main_dcl_module_n main_dcl_module (Yes macro_conversion_table) {co
= { tc_type_vars = initial_hwn th_vars
, tc_attr_vars = initial_hwn th_attrs
- , tc_ignore_strictness = False
+ , tc_strictness_flags = 0
(icl_functions, macro_defs, hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareMacrosWithConversion main_dcl_module_n macro_conversion_table dcl_macros icl_functions macro_defs hp_var_heap hp_expression_heap tc_state error_admin
@@ -494,9 +544,9 @@ compareDefImp main_dcl_module_n main_dcl_module (Yes macro_conversion_table) {co
compareFunctionTypes n_exported_global_functions dcl_fun_types icl_functions tc_state error_admin
= iFoldSt (compareTwoFunctionTypes dcl_fun_types) 0 n_exported_global_functions (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
-compareTwoFunctionTypes :: /*!{#Int}*/ !{#FunType} !Int !*(!u:{#FunDef},!*TypesCorrespondState,!*ErrorAdmin)
- -> (!v:{#FunDef},!.TypesCorrespondState,!.ErrorAdmin) , [u <= v]
-compareTwoFunctionTypes /*conversions*/ dcl_fun_types dclIndex (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
+compareTwoFunctionTypes :: !{#FunType} !Int !*(!u:{#FunDef},!*TypesCorrespondState,!*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!v:{#FunDef},!.TypesCorrespondState,!.ErrorAdmin) , [u <= v]
+compareTwoFunctionTypes dcl_fun_types dclIndex (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
# (fun_def=:{fun_type, fun_priority}, icl_functions) = icl_functions![dclIndex]
= case fun_type of
No -> generate_error "type of exported function is missing" fun_def icl_functions tc_state error_admin
@@ -504,40 +554,43 @@ compareTwoFunctionTypes /*conversions*/ dcl_fun_types dclIndex (icl_functions, t
# {ft_type=dcl_symbol_type, ft_priority,ft_ident} = dcl_fun_types.[dclIndex]
# tc_state = init_symbol_type_vars dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type tc_state
(corresponds, tc_state)
- = t_corresponds dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type tc_state // --->("comparing:", dcl_symbol_type ,icl_symbol_type)
+ = t_corresponds dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type tc_state
| corresponds && fun_priority==ft_priority
-> (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
-> generate_error ErrorMessage fun_def icl_functions tc_state error_admin
-symbolTypesCorrespond :: !SymbolType !SymbolType !*TypeHeaps -> (!ComparisionErrorCode, !.TypeHeaps)
-symbolTypesCorrespond symbol_type_1 symbol_type_2 type_heaps=:{th_vars, th_attrs}
- | length symbol_type_1.st_args<>length symbol_type_2.st_args
- = (CEC_ArgNrNotOk, type_heaps)
- # tc_state
- = { tc_type_vars = initial_hwn th_vars
- , tc_attr_vars = initial_hwn th_attrs
- , tc_ignore_strictness = True
- }
- tc_state
- = init_symbol_type_vars symbol_type_1 symbol_type_2 tc_state
+compare_specified_and_derived_instance_types :: !SymbolType !SymbolType !*TypeHeaps -> (!ComparisionErrorCode, !*TypeHeaps)
+compare_specified_and_derived_instance_types specified_instance_type derived_symbol_type type_heaps=:{th_vars, th_attrs}
+ | length specified_instance_type.st_args<>length derived_symbol_type.st_args
+ = (CEC_NrArgsNotOk, type_heaps)
+ # tc_state = { tc_type_vars = initial_hwn th_vars
+ , tc_attr_vars = initial_hwn th_attrs
+ , tc_strictness_flags = AllowFirstMoreStrictness
+ }
+ tc_state = init_symbol_type_vars specified_instance_type derived_symbol_type tc_state
(correspond_list, tc_state)
= map2St t_corresponds
- [symbol_type_1.st_result:symbol_type_1.st_args]
- [symbol_type_2.st_result:symbol_type_2.st_args]
+ [specified_instance_type.st_result:specified_instance_type.st_args]
+ [derived_symbol_type.st_result:derived_symbol_type.st_args]
- err_code
- = firstIndex not correspond_list
+ err_code = firstIndex not correspond_list
| err_code<>CEC_Ok
= (err_code, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state)
+ # (arg_strictness_corresponds, tc_state)
+ = t_corresponds specified_instance_type.st_args_strictness derived_symbol_type.st_args_strictness tc_state
+ | not arg_strictness_corresponds
+ = (CEC_StrictnessOfArgsNotOk, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state)
# (context_corresponds, tc_state)
- = t_corresponds symbol_type_1.st_context symbol_type_2.st_context tc_state
+ = t_corresponds specified_instance_type.st_context derived_symbol_type.st_context tc_state
| not context_corresponds
= (CEC_ContextNotOK, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state)
# (attr_env_corresponds, tc_state)
- = t_corresponds symbol_type_1.st_attr_env symbol_type_2.st_attr_env tc_state
+ = t_corresponds specified_instance_type.st_attr_env derived_symbol_type.st_attr_env tc_state
| not attr_env_corresponds
= (CEC_AttrEnvNotOK, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state)
- = (CEC_Ok, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state)
+ | tc_state.tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0
+ = (CEC_OkWithFirstMoreStrictness, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state)
+ = (CEC_Ok, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state)
tc_state_to_type_heaps {tc_type_vars, tc_attr_vars}
= { th_vars = tc_type_vars.hwn_heap, th_attrs = tc_attr_vars.hwn_heap}
@@ -760,16 +813,36 @@ instance t_corresponds Annotation where
t_corresponds dcl_annotation icl_annotation
= t_corresponds` dcl_annotation icl_annotation
- t_corresponds` dcl_annotation icl_annotation tc_state=:{tc_ignore_strictness}
- = (tc_ignore_strictness || dcl_annotation==icl_annotation, tc_state)
+ t_corresponds` AN_Strict AN_Strict tc_state
+ = (True, tc_state)
+ t_corresponds` AN_Strict AN_None tc_state=:{tc_strictness_flags}
+ | tc_strictness_flags bitand AllowFirstMoreStrictness==0
+ = (False,tc_state)
+ | tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0
+ = (True,tc_state)
+ # tc_state = {tc_state & tc_strictness_flags = tc_strictness_flags bitor FirstHasMoreStrictness}
+ = (True,tc_state)
+ t_corresponds` AN_None AN_None tc_state
+ = (True, tc_state)
+ t_corresponds` AN_None AN_Strict tc_state
+ = (False, tc_state)
instance t_corresponds StrictnessList where
t_corresponds dcl_strictness icl_strictness
= t_corresponds` dcl_strictness icl_strictness
- t_corresponds` dcl_strictness icl_strictness tc_state=:{tc_ignore_strictness}
- = (tc_ignore_strictness || equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness, tc_state)
+ t_corresponds` dcl_strictness icl_strictness tc_state=:{tc_strictness_flags}
+ | tc_strictness_flags bitand AllowFirstMoreStrictness==0
+ = (equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness, tc_state)
+ | tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0
+ = (more_or_equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness, tc_state)
+ | equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness
+ = (True,tc_state)
+ | more_or_equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness
+ # tc_state = {tc_state & tc_strictness_flags = tc_strictness_flags bitor FirstHasMoreStrictness}
+ = (True,tc_state)
+ = (False,tc_state)
instance t_corresponds AType where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
= t_corresponds dclDef.at_attribute iclDef.at_attribute
@@ -804,25 +877,45 @@ instance t_corresponds AttributeVar where
= (unifiable, { tc_state & tc_attr_vars = tc_attr_vars })
instance t_corresponds Type where
- t_corresponds (TA dclIdent dclArgs) icl_type=:(TA iclIdent iclArgs)
+ t_corresponds (TA dclIdent dclArgs) (TA iclIdent iclArgs)
= equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident
&&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module
&&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs
- t_corresponds (TA dclIdent dclArgs) icl_type=:(TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness)
+ t_corresponds (TA dclIdent dclArgs) (TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness)
= equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident
&&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module
- &&& return (equal_strictness_lists NotStrict iclStrictness)
+ &&& return (is_not_strict iclStrictness)
&&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs
- t_corresponds (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) icl_type=:(TA iclIdent iclArgs)
+ t_corresponds (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) (TA iclIdent iclArgs)
= equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident
&&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module
- &&& return (equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness NotStrict)
+ &&& compare_strictness dclStrictness
&&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs
- t_corresponds (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) icl_type=:(TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness)
+ where
+ compare_strictness dclStrictness tc_state=:{tc_strictness_flags}
+ | tc_strictness_flags bitand AllowFirstMoreStrictness==0
+ = (equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness NotStrict, tc_state)
+ | tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0 || equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness NotStrict
+ = (True, tc_state)
+ # tc_state = {tc_state & tc_strictness_flags = tc_strictness_flags bitor FirstHasMoreStrictness}
+ = (True, tc_state)
+ t_corresponds (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) (TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness)
= equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident
&&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module
- &&& return (equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness)
+ &&& compare_strictness dclStrictness iclStrictness
&&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs
+ where
+ compare_strictness dclStrictness iclStrictness tc_state=:{tc_strictness_flags}
+ | tc_strictness_flags bitand AllowFirstMoreStrictness==0
+ = (equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness, tc_state)
+ | tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0
+ = (more_or_equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness, tc_state)
+ | equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness
+ = (True, tc_state)
+ | more_or_equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness
+ # tc_state = {tc_state & tc_strictness_flags = tc_strictness_flags bitor FirstHasMoreStrictness}
+ = (True, tc_state)
+ = (False, tc_state)
t_corresponds (dclFun --> dclArg) (iclFun --> iclArg)
= t_corresponds dclFun iclFun
&&& t_corresponds dclArg iclArg
@@ -941,19 +1034,6 @@ instance t_corresponds MemberDef where
&&& equal dclDef.me_priority iclDef.me_priority
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.me_type iclDef.me_type
-instance t_corresponds ClassInstance where
- t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- = t_corresponds` dclDef.ins_type iclDef.ins_type
- where
- t_corresponds` dclDef iclDef tc_state
- # tc_state = init_attr_vars dclDef.it_attr_vars iclDef.it_attr_vars tc_state
- tc_state = init_type_vars dclDef.it_vars iclDef.it_vars tc_state
- (corresponds, tc_state)
- = t_corresponds dclDef.it_types iclDef.it_types tc_state
- | not corresponds
- = (corresponds, tc_state)
- = t_corresponds dclDef.it_context iclDef.it_context tc_state
instance t_corresponds DynamicType where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
= t_corresponds dclDef.dt_type iclDef.dt_type