path: root/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2011-11-07 11:50:29 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-11-07 11:50:29 +0000
commit952a2752a14a792e53c0ac85b960b9e883db2556 (patch)
tree08e076100d9cb3f499348c6056812455528595ab /frontend/comparedefimp.icl
parentremove differences in layout between the compiler and the iTask compiler (diff)
remove differences in layout between the compiler and the iTask compiler
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2001 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/comparedefimp.icl')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
index 7124bab..a719ccb 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
@@ -40,20 +40,6 @@ where
compare_rhs_of_types (AlgType dclConstructors) (AlgType iclConstructors) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
= compare_constructor_lists dclConstructors iclConstructors dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
- where
- compare_constructor_lists [ dcl_cons : dcl_conses ][icl_cons : icl_conses] dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
- | dcl_cons.ds_index == icl_cons.ds_index
- # last_cons = isEmpty dcl_conses
- # (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) = compare_constructors last_cons dcl_cons.ds_index dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
- | ok
- | last_cons
- = (isEmpty icl_conses, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
- = compare_constructor_lists dcl_conses icl_conses dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
- = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
- = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
- compare_constructor_lists [ dcl_cons : dcl_conses ] [] dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
- = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
compare_rhs_of_types (SynType dclType) (SynType iclType) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
# (ok, comp_st) = compare dclType iclType comp_st
= (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
@@ -89,6 +75,19 @@ where
compare_rhs_of_types dcl_type icl_type dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
= (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
+ compare_constructor_lists [dcl_cons : dcl_conses] [icl_cons : icl_conses] dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
+ | dcl_cons.ds_index == icl_cons.ds_index
+ # last_cons = isEmpty dcl_conses
+ # (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) = compare_constructors last_cons dcl_cons.ds_index dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
+ | ok
+ | last_cons
+ = (isEmpty icl_conses, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
+ = compare_constructor_lists dcl_conses icl_conses dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
+ = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
+ = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
+ compare_constructor_lists [dcl_cons : dcl_conses] [] dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
+ = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
compare_constructors do_compare_result_types cons_index dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
# dcl_cons_def = dcl_cons_defs.[cons_index]
(icl_cons_def, icl_cons_defs) = icl_cons_defs![cons_index]
@@ -96,16 +95,16 @@ where
= (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
compare_cons_def_types do_compare_result_types icl_cons_def dcl_cons_def comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap}
+ | dcl_cons_def.cons_priority<>icl_cons_def.cons_priority
+ = (False,comp_st)
# dcl_cons_type = dcl_cons_def.cons_type
icl_cons_type = icl_cons_def.cons_type
comp_type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars dcl_cons_def.cons_exi_vars icl_cons_def.cons_exi_vars comp_type_var_heap
comp_st = { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap }
(ok, comp_st) = compare (dcl_cons_type.st_args,dcl_cons_type.st_args_strictness) (icl_cons_type.st_args,icl_cons_type.st_args_strictness) comp_st
- | dcl_cons_def.cons_priority == icl_cons_def.cons_priority
- | ok && do_compare_result_types
- = compare dcl_cons_type.st_result icl_cons_type.st_result comp_st
- = (ok, comp_st)
- = (False, comp_st)
+ | ok && do_compare_result_types
+ = compare dcl_cons_type.st_result icl_cons_type.st_result comp_st
+ = (ok, comp_st)
compareClassDefs :: !{#Int} {#Bool} !{# ClassDef} !{# MemberDef} !u:{# ClassDef} !v:{# MemberDef} !*CompareState
-> (!u:{# ClassDef}, !v:{# MemberDef}, !*CompareState)
@@ -229,8 +228,8 @@ where
(icl_generic_def, icl_generic_defs) = icl_generic_defs![generic_index]
# (ok1, comp_st) = compare dcl_generic_def.gen_type icl_generic_def.gen_type comp_st
- # (ok2, comp_st) = compare dcl_generic_def.gen_vars icl_generic_def.gen_vars comp_st
- | ok1 && ok2
+ # (ok2, comp_st) = compare dcl_generic_def.gen_vars icl_generic_def.gen_vars comp_st
+ | ok1 && ok2
= (icl_generic_defs, comp_st)
# comp_error = compareError generic_def_error (newPosition icl_generic_def.gen_ident icl_generic_def.gen_pos) comp_st.comp_error
= (icl_generic_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error })
@@ -286,25 +285,27 @@ where
compare (TV dclVar) (TV iclVar) comp_st
= compare dclVar iclVar comp_st
compare (TFA dclvars dcltype) (TFA iclvars icltype) comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap}
- # comp_type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars dclvars iclvars comp_type_var_heap
- (ok, comp_st) = compare dcltype icltype { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap }
- type_heaps = foldSt clear_type_var dclvars (comp_st.comp_type_var_heap, comp_st.comp_attr_var_heap)
- (comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap) = foldSt clear_type_var iclvars type_heaps
- = (ok, { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap = comp_attr_var_heap })
- where
- clear_type_var {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}, atv_attribute} (type_var_heap,attr_var_heap)
- = (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty), clear_attr_var atv_attribute attr_var_heap)
- clear_attr_var (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
- = attr_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)
- clear_attr_var (TA_RootVar {av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
- = attr_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)
- clear_attr_var attr attr_var_heap
- = attr_var_heap
+ # comp_type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars dclvars iclvars comp_type_var_heap
+ (ok, comp_st) = compare dcltype icltype {comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap}
+ type_heaps = clear_type_vars dclvars (comp_st.comp_type_var_heap, comp_st.comp_attr_var_heap)
+ (comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap) = clear_type_vars iclvars type_heaps
+ = (ok, {comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap = comp_attr_var_heap})
compare _ _ comp_st
= (False, comp_st)
+clear_type_vars vars type_and_attr_var_heaps
+ = foldSt clear_type_var vars type_and_attr_var_heaps
+ clear_type_var {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}, atv_attribute} (type_var_heap,attr_var_heap)
+ = (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty), clear_attr_var atv_attribute attr_var_heap)
+ clear_attr_var (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
+ = attr_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)
+ clear_attr_var (TA_RootVar {av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
+ = attr_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)
+ clear_attr_var attr attr_var_heap
+ = attr_var_heap
instance compare AType
compare at1 at2 comp_st