path: root/frontend/classify.icl
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authorjohnvg2012-07-16 13:51:44 +0000
committerjohnvg2012-07-16 13:51:44 +0000
commit137a72201dcf0a4550e7f80f01be72e1a32c7671 (patch)
treee4020a3a66e7a63a6e0a3f1321f61a4a79ec82c4 /frontend/classify.icl
parentfix fusion of functions thats only permute the arguments (diff)
optimize consumer analysis of cases,
don't create a list of arrays with variable references for each case alternative, instead allocate a few arrays and reuse these, unify and combine the reference counts after each alternative, optimize functions unify_counts and combine_counts, don't sort the case alternatives twice git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2118 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/classify.icl')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/classify.icl b/frontend/classify.icl
index c8aaea8..0d04014 100644
--- a/frontend/classify.icl
+++ b/frontend/classify.icl
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ where
:: RefCounts :== {!RefCount}
-:: RefCount
+:: RefCount
= Par !Int !.[!.RefCount!]
| Seq !Int !.[!.RefCount!]
| Dep !FunIndex !ArgIndex
@@ -183,8 +183,6 @@ n_twos_counts n
:== createArray n (Seq 2 [|])
inc_ref_count :: !RefCount -> RefCount
-//inc_ref_count (RC ref_count deps)
-// :== RC (min (ref_count+1) 2) deps
inc_ref_count rc
= case rc of
Par i d -> if (i > 0) (Seq 2 [|]) (Par (i+1) d)
@@ -192,36 +190,129 @@ inc_ref_count rc
_ -> abort "classify:inc_ref_count: unexpected Dep\n"
add_dep_count :: !(!Int,!Int) !RefCount -> RefCount
-//add_dep_count dep (RC ref_count deps)
-// :== RC ref_count (map (\l->[dep:l]) deps)
add_dep_count (fi,ai) rc
= case rc of
Par i d -> Par i [|Dep fi ai:d]
Seq i d -> Seq i [|Dep fi ai:d]
_ -> abort "classify:add_dep_count: unexpected Dep\n"
-combine_counts :: !RefCounts !RefCounts -> .RefCounts
+combine_counts :: !RefCounts !*RefCounts -> *RefCounts
combine_counts c1 c2
- = {combine rc1 rc2 \\ rc1 <-: c1 & rc2 <-: c2}
+ # s2 = size c2
+ | s2==0
+ = c2
+ = combine1 c1.[0] 1 c2 c1
- combine (Seq 0 [|]) rc2 = rc2
- combine rc1 (Seq 0 [|]) = rc1
- combine (Seq i1 [|]) (Seq i2 l) = Seq (i1+i2) l
- combine (Seq i1 l) (Seq i2 [|]) = Seq (i1+i2) l
- combine rc1 rc2 = Seq 0 [|rc1,rc2]
-unify_counts :: !RefCounts !RefCounts -> RefCounts
+ combine1 :: !RefCount !Int !*RefCounts !RefCounts -> *RefCounts
+ combine1 (Seq 0 [|]) i a c1
+ | i<size a
+ = combine1 c1.[i] (i+1) a c1
+ = a
+ combine1 rc1 i a c1
+ #! c2i = a.[i-1]
+ = combine2 rc1 c2i i a c1
+ combine2 :: !RefCount !RefCount !Int !*RefCounts !RefCounts -> *RefCounts
+ combine2 rc1 (Seq 0 [|]) i a c1
+ | i<size a
+ = combine1 c1.[i] (i+1) {a & [i-1]=rc1} c1
+ = {a & [i-1]=rc1}
+ combine2 (Seq i1 [|]) (Seq i2 l) i a c1
+ | i<size a
+ = combine1 c1.[i] (i+1) {a & [i-1]=Seq (i1+i2) l} c1
+ = {a & [i-1]=Seq (i1+i2) l}
+ combine2 (Seq i1 l) (Seq i2 [|]) i a c1
+ | i<size a
+ = combine1 c1.[i] (i+1) {a & [i-1]=Seq (i1+i2) l} c1
+ = {a & [i-1]=Seq (i1+i2) l}
+ combine2 rc1 rc2 i a c1
+ | i<size a
+ = combine1 c1.[i] (i+1) {a & [i-1]=Seq 0 [|rc1,rc2]} c1
+ = {a & [i-1]=Seq 0 [|rc1,rc2]}
+unify_counts :: !RefCounts !*RefCounts -> *RefCounts
unify_counts c1 c2
- = {unify rc1 rc2 \\ rc1 <-: c1 & rc2 <-: c2}
+ # s2 = size c2
+ | s2==0
+ = c2
+ = unify1 c1.[0] 1 c2 c1
+ unify1 :: !RefCount !Int !*RefCounts !RefCounts -> *RefCounts
+ unify1 (Seq 0 [|]) i a c1
+ | i<size a
+ = unify1 c1.[i] (i+1) a c1
+ = a
+ unify1 rc1 i a c1
+ #! c2i = a.[i-1]
+ = unify2 rc1 c2i i a c1
+ unify2 :: !RefCount !RefCount !Int !*RefCounts !RefCounts -> *RefCounts
+ unify2 rc1 (Seq 0 [|]) i a c1
+ | i<size a
+ = unify1 c1.[i] (i+1) {a & [i-1]=rc1} c1
+ = {a & [i-1]=rc1}
+ unify2 rc1=:(Seq i1 [|]) rc2=:(Seq i2 [|]) i a c1
+ | i1>=i2
+ | i<size a
+ = unify1 c1.[i] (i+1) {a & [i-1]=rc1} c1
+ = {a & [i-1]=rc1}
+ | i<size a
+ = unify1 c1.[i] (i+1) a/*{a & [i-1]=rc2}*/ c1
+ = a//{a & [i-1]=rc2}
+ unify2 rc1 rc2 i a c1
+ | i<size a
+ = unify1 c1.[i] (i+1) {a & [i-1]=Par 0 [|rc1,rc2]} c1
+ = {a & [i-1]=Par 0 [|rc1,rc2]}
+unify_and_zero_counts :: !*RefCounts !*RefCounts -> (!*RefCounts,!*RefCounts)
+unify_and_zero_counts c1 c2
+ # s2 = size c2
+ | s2==0
+ = (c1,c2)
+ #! c10 = c1.[0]
+ = unify1 c10 1 c2 c1 (Seq 0 [|])
- unify (Seq 0 [|]) rc2 = rc2
- unify rc1 (Seq 0 [|]) = rc1
- unify rc1=:(Seq i1 [|]) rc2=:(Seq i2 [|])
+ unify1 :: !RefCount !Int !*RefCounts !*RefCounts !RefCount -> (!*RefCounts,!*RefCounts)
+ unify1 (Seq 0 [|]) i a c1 rc0
+ | i<size a
+ #! c1i = c1.[i]
+ = unify1 c1i (i+1) a c1 rc0
+ = (c1,a)
+ unify1 rc1 i a c1 rc0
+ #! c2i = a.[i-1]
+ = unify2 rc1 c2i i a c1 rc0
+ unify2 :: !RefCount !RefCount !Int !*RefCounts !*RefCounts !RefCount -> (!*RefCounts,!*RefCounts)
+ unify2 rc1 (Seq 0 [|]) i a c1 rc0
+ | i<size a
+ # c1 & [i-1] = rc0
+ #! c1i = c1.[i]
+ = unify1 c1i (i+1) {a & [i-1]=rc1} c1 rc0
+ # c1 & [i-1] = rc0
+ = (c1,{a & [i-1]=rc1})
+ unify2 rc1=:(Seq i1 [|]) rc2=:(Seq i2 [|]) i a c1 rc0
| i1>=i2
- = rc1
- = rc2
- unify rc1 rc2 = Par 0 [|rc1,rc2]
+ | i<size a
+ # c1 & [i-1] = rc0
+ #! c1i = c1.[i]
+ = unify1 c1i (i+1) {a & [i-1]=rc1} c1 rc0
+ # c1 & [i-1] = rc0
+ = (c1,{a & [i-1]=rc1})
+ | i<size a
+ # c1 & [i-1] = rc0
+ #! c1i = c1.[i]
+ = unify1 c1i (i+1) a/*{a & [i-1]=rc2}*/ c1 rc0
+ # c1 & [i-1] = rc0
+ = (c1,a/*{a & [i-1]=rc2}*/)
+ unify2 rc1 rc2 i a c1 rc0
+ | i<size a
+ # c1 & [i-1] = rc0
+ #! c1i = c1.[i]
+ = unify1 c1i (i+1) {a & [i-1]=Par 0 [|rc1,rc2]} c1 rc0
+ # c1 & [i-1] = rc0
+ = (c1,{a & [i-1]=Par 0 [|rc1,rc2]})
show_counts component_members group_counts
# (_,group_counts) = foldSt show component_members (0,group_counts)
= group_counts
@@ -235,7 +326,7 @@ where
, [is_non_zero rc \\ rc <-: fun_counts]
, fun_counts
instance <<< [!a!] | <<< a
(<<<) s a = s <<< [e \\ e <|- a]
@@ -299,8 +390,6 @@ cNope :== -1
not_an_unsafe_pattern (cc, _, ai) = (cc, False, ai)
-//@ consumerRequirements
class consumerRequirements a :: !a !ConsumerAnalysisRO !AnalyseInfo -> (!ConsClass, !UnsafePatternBool, !AnalyseInfo)
instance consumerRequirements BoundVar
@@ -541,12 +630,16 @@ instance consumerRequirements Case where
zero_array = n_zero_counts s
ai = {ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = zero_array}
(ccd, default_is_unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements case_default ro ai
- # (ccgs, unsafe_bits, guard_counts, ai)
- = consumer_requirements_of_guards case_guards ro ai
- # default_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
- # (every_constructor_appears_in_safe_pattern, may_be_active)
- = inspect_patterns common_defs_parameter has_default case_guards unsafe_bits
- ref_counts = combine_pattern_counts has_default case_guards unsafe_bits guard_counts default_counts
+ # (pattern_exprs,ai) = get_pattern_exprs_and_bind_pattern_vars case_guards ai
+ (ok_pattern_type,sorted_constructors_and_pattern_exprs)
+ = sort_pattern_constructors_and_exprs pattern_exprs case_guards
+ (ccgs, constructors_and_unsafe_bits, ai)
+ = caseAltsConsumerRequirements has_default ok_pattern_type sorted_constructors_and_pattern_exprs case_guards ro ai
+ ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ (every_constructor_appears_in_safe_pattern, may_be_active)
+ = inspect_patterns common_defs_parameter has_default case_guards constructors_and_unsafe_bits
ref_counts = combine_counts ref_counts env_counts
ai = {ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = ref_counts }
safe = case_explicit || (has_default && not default_is_unsafe) || every_constructor_appears_in_safe_pattern
@@ -566,18 +659,6 @@ instance consumerRequirements Case where
-> { ai & ai_cases_of_vars_for_function=[(safe,kees):ai.ai_cases_of_vars_for_function] }
-> ai
// ...N-WAY
-/* # ai = case case_guards of
- OverloadedListPatterns (OverloadedList _ _ _ _) decons_expr=:(App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function _},app_args=[app_arg]}) patterns
- // decons_expr will be optimized to a decons_u Selector in transform
- # (cc, _, ai) = consumerRequirements app_arg ro ai
- # ai = aiUnifyClassifications CActive cc ai
- -> ai
- OverloadedListPatterns _ decons_expr _
- # (_,_,ai) = consumerRequirements decons_expr ro ai
- -> ai
- _
- -> ai
# ai = handle_overloaded_list_patterns case_guards ai
= (combineClasses ccgs ccd, not safe, ai)
@@ -600,42 +681,33 @@ instance consumerRequirements Case where
Yes _ -> True
_ -> False
- inspect_patterns :: !{#.CommonDefs} !.Bool !.CasePatterns ![.Bool] -> (!.Bool,!Bool)
- inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (AlgebraicPatterns {glob_object, glob_module} algebraic_patterns) unsafe_bits
+ inspect_patterns :: !{#CommonDefs} !Bool !CasePatterns ![(Int,Bool)] -> (!Bool,!Bool)
+ inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (AlgebraicPatterns {glob_object,glob_module} _) constructors_and_unsafe_bits
# type_def = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
defined_symbols = case type_def.td_rhs of
AlgType defined_symbols -> defined_symbols
RecordType {rt_constructor} -> [rt_constructor]
all_constructors = [ ds_index \\ {ds_index}<-defined_symbols ]
- pattern_constructors = [ glob_object.ds_index \\ {ap_symbol={glob_object}}<-algebraic_patterns]
- sorted_pattern_constructors = sort pattern_constructors unsafe_bits
all_sorted_constructors = if (is_sorted all_constructors)
(sortBy (<) all_constructors)
- = ( appearance_loop all_sorted_constructors sorted_pattern_constructors
- , not (multimatch_loop has_default sorted_pattern_constructors)
- )
- inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (BasicPatterns BT_Bool basic_patterns) unsafe_bits
- # bools_indices = [ if bool 1 0 \\ {bp_value=BVB bool}<-basic_patterns ]
- sorted_pattern_constructors = sort bools_indices unsafe_bits
- = (appearance_loop [0,1] sorted_pattern_constructors,
- not (multimatch_loop has_default sorted_pattern_constructors))
- inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (OverloadedListPatterns overloaded_list _ algebraic_patterns) unsafe_bits
+ = (appearance_loop all_sorted_constructors constructors_and_unsafe_bits, not (multimatch_loop has_default constructors_and_unsafe_bits))
+ inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (BasicPatterns BT_Bool _) constructors_and_unsafe_bits
+ = (appearance_loop [0,1] constructors_and_unsafe_bits, not (multimatch_loop has_default constructors_and_unsafe_bits))
+ inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (OverloadedListPatterns overloaded_list _ _) constructors_and_unsafe_bits
# type_def = case overloaded_list of
- UnboxedList {glob_object, glob_module} _ _ _
+ UnboxedList {glob_module,glob_object} _ _ _
-> common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
- UnboxedTailStrictList {glob_object, glob_module} _ _ _
+ UnboxedTailStrictList {glob_object,glob_module} _ _ _
-> common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
- OverloadedList {glob_object, glob_module} _ _ _
+ OverloadedList {glob_object,glob_module} _ _ _
-> common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
defined_symbols = case type_def.td_rhs of
AlgType defined_symbols -> defined_symbols
RecordType {rt_constructor} -> [rt_constructor]
all_constructors = [ ds_index \\ {ds_index}<-defined_symbols ]
- pattern_constructors = [ glob_object.ds_index \\ {ap_symbol={glob_object}}<-algebraic_patterns]
- sorted_pattern_constructors = sort pattern_constructors unsafe_bits
all_sorted_constructors = if (is_sorted all_constructors) all_constructors (sortBy (<) all_constructors)
- = (appearance_loop all_sorted_constructors sorted_pattern_constructors, not (multimatch_loop has_default sorted_pattern_constructors))
+ = (appearance_loop all_sorted_constructors constructors_and_unsafe_bits, not (multimatch_loop has_default constructors_and_unsafe_bits))
inspect_patterns _ _ _ _
= (False, False)
@@ -646,23 +718,11 @@ instance consumerRequirements Case where
is_sorted []
= True
- sort constr_indices unsafe_bits
- = sortBy smaller (zip3 constr_indices [0..] unsafe_bits)
- where
- smaller (i1,si1,_) (i2,si2,_)
- | i1<i2 = True
- | i1>i2 = False
- = si1<si2
- zip3 [h1:t1] [h2:t2] [h3:t3]
- = [(h1,h2,h3):zip3 t1 t2 t3]
- zip3 _ _ _
- = []
appearance_loop [] _
= True
appearance_loop _ []
= False
- appearance_loop l1=:[constructor_in_type:constructors_in_type] [(constructor_in_pattern,_,is_unsafe_pattern):constructors_in_pattern]
+ appearance_loop l1=:[constructor_in_type:constructors_in_type] [(constructor_in_pattern,is_unsafe_pattern):constructors_in_pattern]
| constructor_in_type < constructor_in_pattern
= False
// constructor_in_type==constructor_in_pattern
@@ -670,130 +730,85 @@ instance consumerRequirements Case where
// maybe there is another pattern that is safe for this constructor
= appearance_loop l1 constructors_in_pattern
// the constructor will match safely. Skip over patterns with the same constructor and test the following constructor
- = appearance_loop constructors_in_type (dropWhile (\(ds_index,_,_)->ds_index==constructor_in_pattern) constructors_in_pattern)
+ = appearance_loop constructors_in_type (dropWhile (\(ds_index,_)->ds_index==constructor_in_pattern) constructors_in_pattern)
multimatch_loop has_default []
= False
- multimatch_loop has_default [(cip, _, iup):t]
+ multimatch_loop has_default [(cip, iup):t]
= a_loop has_default cip iup t
a_loop has_default cip iup []
= iup && has_default
- a_loop has_default cip iup [(constructor_in_pattern, _, is_unsafe_pattern):constructors_in_pattern]
+ a_loop has_default cip iup [(constructor_in_pattern, is_unsafe_pattern):constructors_in_pattern]
| cip<constructor_in_pattern
| iup && has_default
= True
= a_loop has_default constructor_in_pattern is_unsafe_pattern constructors_in_pattern
| iup
= True
- = multimatch_loop has_default (dropWhile (\(ds_index,_,_)->ds_index==cip) constructors_in_pattern)
+ = multimatch_loop has_default (dropWhile (\(ds_index,_)->ds_index==cip) constructors_in_pattern)
-combine_pattern_counts :: !.Bool !.CasePatterns ![.Bool] ![RefCounts] !RefCounts -> *RefCounts
-combine_pattern_counts has_default patterns unsafe_bits guard_counts default_counts
+sort_pattern_constructors_and_exprs pattern_exprs case_guards
| not ok_pattern_type
- = n_twos_counts (size default_counts)
- # sorted_pattern_constructors` = sort3 pattern_constructors unsafe_bits guard_counts
- # initial_count = case has_default of
- True -> default_counts
- _ -> zero_array
- = count_loop default_counts initial_count sorted_pattern_constructors`
+ = (False,[(i,i,pattern_expr) \\ pattern_expr<-pattern_exprs & i<-[0..]])
+ = (True,sort pattern_constructors pattern_exprs)
- ok_pattern_type = case patterns of
- (AlgebraicPatterns _ _)
- -> True
- (BasicPatterns BT_Bool _)
- -> True
- (BasicPatterns BT_Int _)
- -> True
-// (BasicPatterns (BT_String _) basic_patterns)
-// -> [ string \\ {bp_value=BVS string}<-basic_patterns ] ---> ("BasicPatterns String")
- (OverloadedListPatterns overloaded_list _ algebraic_patterns)
- -> True
- _ -> False //---> ("not ok_pattern_type",patterns)
- pattern_constructors = case patterns of
- (AlgebraicPatterns _ algebraic_patterns)
- -> [ glob_object.ds_index \\ {ap_symbol={glob_object}}<-algebraic_patterns] //---> ("AlgebraicPatterns")
- (BasicPatterns BT_Bool basic_patterns)
- -> [ if bool 1 0 \\ {bp_value=BVB bool}<-basic_patterns ] //---> ("BasicPatterns Bool")
- (BasicPatterns BT_Int basic_patterns)
- -> [ int \\ {bp_value=BVInt int}<-basic_patterns ] //---> ("BasicPatterns Int")
-// (BasicPatterns (BT_String _) basic_patterns)
-// -> [ string \\ {bp_value=BVS string}<-basic_patterns ] ---> ("BasicPatterns String")
- (OverloadedListPatterns overloaded_list _ algebraic_patterns)
- -> [ glob_object.ds_index \\ {ap_symbol={glob_object}}<-algebraic_patterns] //---> ("OverloadedListPatterns")
- _ -> abort "unsupported?!" ---> ("pattern_constructors",patterns) //[] // ???
- count_size = size default_counts
- zero_array = n_zero_counts count_size
- sort3 :: !.[Int] !.[a] !.[b] -> .[(!Int,!Int,!a,!b)]
- sort3 constr_indices unsafe_bits counts
- = sortBy smaller (zip4 constr_indices [0..] unsafe_bits counts)
+ ok_pattern_type
+ = case case_guards of
+ AlgebraicPatterns _ _
+ -> True
+ BasicPatterns BT_Bool _
+ -> True
+ BasicPatterns BT_Int _
+ -> True
+// BasicPatterns (BT_String _) basic_patterns)
+// -> [ string \\ {bp_value=BVS string}<-basic_patterns ] ---> ("BasicPatterns String")
+ OverloadedListPatterns overloaded_list _ algebraic_patterns
+ -> True
+ _
+ -> False
+ pattern_constructors
+ = case case_guards of
+ AlgebraicPatterns _ algebraic_patterns
+ -> [glob_object.ds_index \\ {ap_symbol={glob_object}}<-algebraic_patterns]
+ BasicPatterns BT_Bool basic_patterns
+ -> [if bool 1 0 \\ {bp_value=BVB bool}<-basic_patterns ]
+ BasicPatterns BT_Int basic_patterns
+ -> [int \\ {bp_value=BVInt int}<-basic_patterns ]
+// BasicPatterns (BT_String _) basic_patterns
+// -> [string \\ {bp_value=BVS string}<-basic_patterns]
+ OverloadedListPatterns overloaded_list _ algebraic_patterns
+ -> [glob_object.ds_index \\ {ap_symbol={glob_object}}<-algebraic_patterns]
+ sort constr_indices pattern_exprs
+ = sortBy smaller [(e1,e2,e3) \\ e1<-constr_indices & e2<-[0..] & e3<-pattern_exprs]
- smaller (i1,si1,_,_) (i2,si2,_,_)
+ smaller (i1,si1,_) (i2,si2,_)
| i1<i2 = True
| i1>i2 = False
= si1<si2
- zip4 [h1:t1] [h2:t2] [h3:t3] [h4:t4]
- = [(h1,h2,h3,h4):zip4 t1 t2 t3 t4]
- zip4 _ _ _ _
- = []
- count_loop :: !RefCounts !RefCounts ![(!Int,!Int,!Bool,!RefCounts)] -> *RefCounts
- count_loop default_counts unified_counts []
- = {e \\ e <-: unified_counts}
- count_loop default_counts unified_counts [(c_index,p_index,unsafe,counts):patterns]
- # (same,next) = splitWhile (\(ds_index,_,_,_)->ds_index==c_index) patterns
- # ccount= case unsafe of
- True -> count_constructor default_counts counts same
- _ -> counts
- = count_loop default_counts (unify_counts ccount unified_counts) next
- where
- splitWhile :: !(a -> .Bool) !u:[a] -> (!.[a],!v:[a]), [u <= v];
- splitWhile f []
- = ([],[])
- splitWhile f cons=:[a:x]
- | f a
- # (t,d) = splitWhile f x
- = ([a:t],d)
- = ([],cons)
- count_constructor :: !RefCounts !RefCounts ![(!Int,!Int,!Bool,!RefCounts)] -> RefCounts
- count_constructor default_counts combined_counts []
- = combine_counts combined_counts default_counts
- count_constructor default_counts combined_counts [(_,_,unsafe,counts):patterns]
- | unsafe
- = count_constructor default_counts (combine_counts combined_counts counts) patterns
- = combine_counts combined_counts counts
-//consumer_requirements_of_guards :: !CasePatterns ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> (!Int,.[Bool],!*AnalyseInfo)
-consumer_requirements_of_guards :: !.CasePatterns !.ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> *(!Int,!.[Bool],![RefCounts],!*AnalyseInfo)
-consumer_requirements_of_guards (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) common_defs ai
- # pattern_exprs
- = [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr}<-patterns]
- pattern_vars
- = flatten [ ap_vars \\ {ap_vars}<-patterns]
+get_pattern_exprs_and_bind_pattern_vars :: !CasePatterns !*AnalyseInfo -> *(![Expression],!*AnalyseInfo)
+get_pattern_exprs_and_bind_pattern_vars (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) ai
+ # pattern_exprs = [ap_expr \\ {ap_expr}<-patterns]
+ pattern_vars = flatten [ ap_vars \\ {ap_vars}<-patterns]
(ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun, ai_var_heap)
= bindPatternVars pattern_vars ai.ai_next_var ai.ai_next_var_of_fun ai.ai_var_heap
- ai = { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap, ai_next_var=ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun = ai_next_var_of_fun }
- = independentConsumerRequirements pattern_exprs common_defs ai
-consumer_requirements_of_guards (BasicPatterns type patterns) common_defs ai
- # pattern_exprs
- = [ bp_expr \\ {bp_expr}<-patterns]
- = independentConsumerRequirements pattern_exprs common_defs ai
-consumer_requirements_of_guards (OverloadedListPatterns type _ patterns) common_defs ai
- # pattern_exprs
- = [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr}<-patterns]
- pattern_vars
- = flatten [ ap_vars \\ {ap_vars}<-patterns]
+ ai = { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap, ai_next_var=ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun = ai_next_var_of_fun }
+ = (pattern_exprs,ai)
+get_pattern_exprs_and_bind_pattern_vars (BasicPatterns type patterns) ai
+ # pattern_exprs = [bp_expr \\ {bp_expr}<-patterns]
+ = (pattern_exprs,ai)
+get_pattern_exprs_and_bind_pattern_vars (OverloadedListPatterns type _ patterns) ai
+ # pattern_exprs = [ap_expr \\ {ap_expr}<-patterns]
+ pattern_vars = flatten [ ap_vars \\ {ap_vars}<-patterns]
(ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun, ai_var_heap)
= bindPatternVars pattern_vars ai.ai_next_var ai.ai_next_var_of_fun ai.ai_var_heap
- ai = { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap, ai_next_var=ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun = ai_next_var_of_fun }
- = independentConsumerRequirements pattern_exprs common_defs ai
-consumer_requirements_of_guards NoPattern common_defs ai
- = independentConsumerRequirements [] common_defs ai
+ ai = { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap, ai_next_var=ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun = ai_next_var_of_fun }
+ = (pattern_exprs,ai)
+get_pattern_exprs_and_bind_pattern_vars NoPattern ai
+ = ([],ai)
bindPatternVars :: !.[FreeVar] !Int !Int !*VarHeap -> (!Int,!Int,!*VarHeap)
bindPatternVars [fv=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_count} : vars] next_var next_var_of_fun var_heap
@@ -806,23 +821,155 @@ bindPatternVars [fv=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_count} : vars] next_var next_var_of_fun var
bindPatternVars [] next_var next_var_of_fun var_heap
= (next_var, next_var_of_fun, var_heap)
-independentConsumerRequirements :: !.[Expression] !ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> (!ConsClass,!.[Bool],![RefCounts],!*AnalyseInfo)
-independentConsumerRequirements exprs info ai
- # ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
- # (count_size,ref_counts) = usize ref_counts
- # zero_array = n_zero_counts count_size
- # (counts_unsafe,(cc,ai)) = mapSt cons_reqs exprs (CPassive,{ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = zero_array})
- # (counts,unsafe) = unzip counts_unsafe
- = (cc,unsafe,counts,{ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = ref_counts})
+caseAltsConsumerRequirements :: !Bool !Bool ![(Int,Int,Expression)] !CasePatterns !ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo
+ -> (!ConsClass,![(Int,Bool)],!*AnalyseInfo)
+caseAltsConsumerRequirements _ ok_pattern_type=:False exprs case_guards info ai
+ # (constructors_and_unsafe_bits,(cc,ai))
+ = mapSt (cons_reqs_not_ok_pattern_type info) exprs (CPassive, ai)
+ cur_ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ ref_counts = n_twos_counts (size cur_ref_counts)
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = ref_counts
+ = (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai)
- cons_reqs :: !Expression !*(!.Int,!*AnalyseInfo) -> *(!.(!RefCounts,!Bool),!*(!Int,!*AnalyseInfo))
- cons_reqs expr (cc,ai)
- # (cce, unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements expr info ai
- # cc = combineClasses cce cc
- # ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
- # count_size = size ref_counts
- # zero_array = n_zero_counts count_size
- = ((ref_counts,unsafe),(cc, { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts=zero_array }))
+ cons_reqs_not_ok_pattern_type :: !ConsumerAnalysisRO !(Int,Int,Expression) !*(!Int,!*AnalyseInfo) -> *(!(!Int,!Bool),!*(!Int,!*AnalyseInfo))
+ cons_reqs_not_ok_pattern_type info (c_index,_,expr) (cc,ai)
+ # (cce, unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements expr info ai
+ # cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ # ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ #! count_size = size ref_counts
+ # seq_0 = Seq 0 [|]
+ # zero_array = {ref_counts & [i]=seq_0 \\ i<-[0..count_size-1]}
+ = ((c_index,unsafe),(cc, {ai & ai_cur_ref_counts=zero_array}))
+caseAltsConsumerRequirements has_default=:False True exprs case_guards info ai
+ = cons_reqs exprs CPassive info ai
+ cons_reqs :: ![(Int,Int,Expression)] !Int !ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> *(!Int,![(Int,Bool)],!*AnalyseInfo)
+ cons_reqs [(c_index,_,expr)] cc info ai
+ # (cce, unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements expr info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ = (cc, [(c_index,unsafe)], ai)
+ cons_reqs [(c_index,_,expr):exprs] cc info ai
+ # (cce, unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements expr info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ # (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs1 c_index cc unsafe exprs info ai
+ = (cc,[(c_index,unsafe):constructors_and_unsafe_bits],ai)
+ cons_reqs [] cc info ai
+ = (cc,[],ai)
+ // ai.ai_cur_ref_counts contains reference counts of previous alt(s) with same index
+ cons_reqs1 :: !Int !Int !Bool ![(Int,Int,Expression)] !ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> *(!Int,![(Int,Bool)],!*AnalyseInfo)
+ cons_reqs1 c_index cc unsafe [(c_index2,_,expr2)] info ai
+ # ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ #! count_size = size ref_counts
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = n_zero_counts count_size
+ (cce, unsafe2, ai) = consumerRequirements expr2 info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ | c_index<>c_index2
+ # ref_counts = unify_counts ai.ai_cur_ref_counts ref_counts
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = ref_counts
+ = (cc, [(c_index2,unsafe2)], ai)
+ | not unsafe
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = ref_counts
+ = (cc, [(c_index2,unsafe2)], ai)
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = combine_counts ai.ai_cur_ref_counts ref_counts
+ = (cc, [(c_index2,unsafe2)], ai)
+ cons_reqs1 c_index cc unsafe [(c_index2,_,expr2):exprs] info ai
+ # ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ #! count_size = size ref_counts
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = n_zero_counts count_size
+ (cce, unsafe2, ai) = consumerRequirements expr2 info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ | c_index<>c_index2
+ # (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs2 c_index2 cc unsafe2 exprs ref_counts info ai
+ = (cc,[(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits],ai)
+ | not unsafe
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = ref_counts
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs1 c_index cc unsafe exprs info ai
+ = (cc, [(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits], ai)
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = combine_counts ai.ai_cur_ref_counts ref_counts
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs1 c_index cc unsafe2 exprs info ai
+ = (cc, [(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits], ai)
+ // ai.ai_cur_ref_counts contains reference counts of previous alt(s) with same index
+ cons_reqs2 :: !Int !Int !Bool ![(Int,Int,Expression)] !*RefCounts !ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> *(!Int,![(Int,Bool)],!*AnalyseInfo)
+ cons_reqs2 c_index cc unsafe [] ref_counts info ai
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = unify_counts ai.ai_cur_ref_counts ref_counts
+ = (cc, [], ai)
+ cons_reqs2 c_index cc unsafe [(c_index2,_,expr2):exprs] ref_counts info ai
+ | c_index2<>c_index
+ # (zero_counts,ref_counts) = unify_and_zero_counts ai.ai_cur_ref_counts ref_counts
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = zero_counts
+ (cce, unsafe2, ai) = consumerRequirements expr2 info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs2 c_index2 cc unsafe2 exprs ref_counts info ai
+ = (cc,[(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits],ai)
+ # alt_ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ #! count_size = size ref_counts
+ # zero_array = n_zero_counts count_size
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = zero_array
+ (cce, unsafe2, ai) = consumerRequirements expr2 info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ | not unsafe
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = alt_ref_counts
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs2 c_index cc unsafe exprs ref_counts info ai
+ = (cc,[(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits],ai)
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = combine_counts ai.ai_cur_ref_counts alt_ref_counts
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs2 c_index cc unsafe2 exprs ref_counts info ai
+ = (cc,[(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits],ai)
+caseAltsConsumerRequirements has_default=:True True exprs case_guards info ai
+ # default_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ (initial_counts,default_counts) = arrayCopy default_counts
+ (count_size,default_counts) = usize default_counts
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = n_zero_counts count_size
+ = cons_reqs exprs CPassive initial_counts default_counts info ai
+ cons_reqs :: ![(Int,Int,Expression)] !Int !*RefCounts !RefCounts !ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> *(!Int,![(Int,Bool)],!*AnalyseInfo)
+ cons_reqs [(c_index,unsafe,expr)] cc ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ # (cce, unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements expr info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ alt_ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ alt_ref_counts = if unsafe (combine_counts default_counts alt_ref_counts) alt_ref_counts
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = unify_counts alt_ref_counts ref_counts
+ = (cc, [(c_index,unsafe)], ai)
+ cons_reqs [(c_index,_,expr):exprs] cc ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ # (cce, unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements expr info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs2 c_index cc unsafe exprs ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ = (cc, [(c_index,unsafe):constructors_and_unsafe_bits], ai)
+ cons_reqs [] cc ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = ref_counts
+ = (cc,[],ai)
+ // ai.ai_cur_ref_counts contains reference counts of previous alt(s) with same index
+ cons_reqs2 :: !Int !Int !Bool ![(Int,Int,Expression)] !*RefCounts !RefCounts !ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> *(!Int,![(Int,Bool)],!*AnalyseInfo)
+ cons_reqs2 c_index cc unsafe [] ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ # alt_ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ alt_ref_counts = if unsafe (combine_counts default_counts alt_ref_counts) alt_ref_counts
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = unify_counts alt_ref_counts ref_counts
+ = (cc, [], ai)
+ cons_reqs2 c_index cc unsafe [(c_index2,_,expr2):exprs] ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ | c_index2<>c_index
+ # alt_ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ alt_ref_counts = if unsafe (combine_counts default_counts alt_ref_counts) alt_ref_counts
+ (zero_ref_counts,ref_counts) = unify_and_zero_counts alt_ref_counts ref_counts
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = zero_ref_counts
+ (cce, unsafe2, ai) = consumerRequirements expr2 info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs2 c_index2 cc unsafe2 exprs ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ = (cc, [(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits], ai)
+ # alt_ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
+ #! count_size = size ref_counts
+ # zero_array = n_zero_counts count_size
+ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = zero_array
+ (cce, unsafe2, ai) = consumerRequirements expr2 info ai
+ cc = combineClasses cce cc
+ | not unsafe
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = alt_ref_counts
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs2 c_index cc unsafe exprs ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ = (cc, [(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits], ai)
+ # ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = combine_counts ai.ai_cur_ref_counts alt_ref_counts
+ (cc,constructors_and_unsafe_bits,ai) = cons_reqs2 c_index2 cc unsafe2 exprs ref_counts default_counts info ai
+ = (cc,[(c_index2,unsafe2):constructors_and_unsafe_bits],ai)
instance consumerRequirements DynamicExpr where
consumerRequirements {dyn_expr} common_defs ai
@@ -1450,8 +1597,6 @@ where
length_ComponentMembers (GeneratedComponentMember _ _ members) l = length_ComponentMembers members (l+1)
length_ComponentMembers NoComponentMembers l = l
-//@ producerRequirements
:: *PRState =
{ prs_group :: !ComponentMembers
, prs_cons_args :: !*{!ConsClasses}