path: root/frontend/checktypes.icl
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authorjohnvg2012-08-14 10:03:06 +0000
committerjohnvg2012-08-14 10:03:06 +0000
commit8f235418ef16fc1341fef9698688c3fdee20b79f (patch)
tree74da14decf5a0709f3254af5780a740f823a7c32 /frontend/checktypes.icl
parentremove VI_Expression pointer values after copying a case alternative in the f... (diff)
add extendable algebraic data types (merged from iTask branch)
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2149 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checktypes.icl')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index e4e46f0..6bb24d9 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ retrieveTypeDefinition type_ptr mod_index symbol_table used_types
retrieve_type_definition (STE_UsedQualifiedType uqt_mod_index uqt_index orig_kind)
| uqt_mod_index==mod_index && uqt_index==ste_index
- = (ste_index, mod_index, symbol_table, used_types)
+ = (ste_index, mod_index, symbol_table, used_types)
= retrieve_type_definition orig_kind
retrieve_type_definition (STE_Imported STE_Type ste_mod_index)
= (ste_index, ste_mod_index, symbol_table <:= (type_ptr, { entry & ste_kind = STE_UsedType ste_mod_index this_kind }), used_types)
@@ -376,9 +376,9 @@ where
# type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_ident td_arity)
[{at_attribute = atv_attribute,at_type = TV atv_variable} \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- td_args]}
- ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructors cti 0 [ atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args] attr_vars type_lhs conses ts_ti_cs
+ ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructors cti 0 (atype_vars_to_type_vars td_args) attr_vars type_lhs conses ts_ti_cs
= (td_rhs, ts_ti_cs)
- check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:RecordType {rt_constructor=rec_cons=:{ds_index,ds_arity}, rt_fields}}
+ check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:RecordType {rt_constructor={ds_index,ds_arity}, rt_fields}}
attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} (ts,ti,cs)
# type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_ident td_arity)
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ where
cs = if (ds_arity>32)
{ cs & cs_error = checkError ("Record has too many fields ("+++toString ds_arity+++",") "32 are allowed)" cs.cs_error }
- (ts, ti, cs) = bind_types_of_constructor cti 0 [ atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args] attr_vars type_lhs rec_cons (ts,ti,cs)
+ (ts, ti, cs) = bind_types_of_constructor cti 0 (atype_vars_to_type_vars td_args) attr_vars type_lhs ds_index (ts,ti,cs)
# (rec_cons_def, ts) = ts!ts_cons_defs.[ds_index]
# {cons_type = { st_vars,st_args,st_result,st_attr_vars }, cons_exi_vars} = rec_cons_def
# (ts_selector_defs, ti_var_heap, cs_error) = check_selectors 0 rt_fields cti_type_index st_args st_result st_vars st_attr_vars cons_exi_vars
@@ -429,33 +429,69 @@ where
# type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_ident td_arity)
[{at_attribute = atv_attribute,at_type = TV atv_variable} \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- td_args]}
- ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructor cti -2 [ atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args] attr_vars type_lhs cons ts_ti_cs
+ ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructor cti -2 (atype_vars_to_type_vars td_args) attr_vars type_lhs cons.ds_index ts_ti_cs
= (td_rhs, ts_ti_cs)
check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_rhs = AbstractSynType properties type} _ cti ts_ti_cs
# (type, type_attr, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti type ts_ti_cs
= (AbstractSynType properties type, ts_ti_cs)
+ check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:ExtendableAlgType conses} attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} class_defs_ts_ti_cs
+ # type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
+ at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent {glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index} td_ident td_arity)
+ [{at_attribute = atv_attribute,at_type = TV atv_variable} \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- td_args]}
+ class_defs_ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructors cti 0 (atype_vars_to_type_vars td_args) attr_vars type_lhs conses class_defs_ts_ti_cs
+ = (td_rhs, class_defs_ts_ti_cs)
+ check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:UncheckedAlgConses type_ext_ident conses} attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} ts_ti_cs
+ # (ts,ti,cs) = ts_ti_cs
+ (type_index, type_module, cs_symbol_table, ti_used_types) = retrieveTypeDefinition td_ident.id_info cti_module_index cs.cs_symbol_table ti.ti_used_types
+ ti & ti_used_types = ti_used_types
+ cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table
+ | type_index <> NotFound
+ # ts_ti_cs = (ts,ti,cs)
+ // to do check if ExtendableAlgType
+ # type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
+ at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module } td_ident td_arity)
+ [{at_attribute = atv_attribute,at_type = TV atv_variable} \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- td_args]}
+ ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_added_constructors cti (atype_vars_to_type_vars td_args) attr_vars type_lhs conses ts_ti_cs
+ = (AlgConses conses {gi_module=type_module,gi_index=type_index}, ts_ti_cs)
+ # cs & cs_error = checkError td_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error
+ = (td_rhs, (ts,ti,cs))
check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_rhs} _ _ ts_ti_cs
= (td_rhs, ts_ti_cs)
+ atype_vars_to_type_vars atype_vars
+ = [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- atype_vars]
bind_types_of_constructors :: !CurrentTypeInfo !Index ![TypeVar] ![AttributeVar] !AType ![DefinedSymbol] !(!*TypeSymbols,!*TypeInfo,!*CheckState)
-> (!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState)
bind_types_of_constructors cti cons_index free_vars free_attrs type_lhs [cons=:{ds_arity,ds_ident,ds_index}:conses] (ts,ti,cs)
# (ts,cs) = if (ds_arity>32)
(constructor_has_too_many_arguments ds_index ds_ident ds_arity ts cs)
- # ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructor cti cons_index free_vars free_attrs type_lhs cons (ts,ti,cs)
+ # ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructor cti cons_index free_vars free_attrs type_lhs ds_index (ts,ti,cs)
= bind_types_of_constructors cti (inc cons_index) free_vars free_attrs type_lhs conses ts_ti_cs
bind_types_of_constructors _ _ _ _ _ [] ts_ti_cs
= ts_ti_cs
+ bind_types_of_added_constructors :: !CurrentTypeInfo ![TypeVar] ![AttributeVar] !AType ![DefinedSymbol]
+ !(!*TypeSymbols,!*TypeInfo,!*CheckState)
+ -> (!*TypeSymbols,!*TypeInfo,!*CheckState)
+ bind_types_of_added_constructors cti free_vars free_attrs type_lhs [{ds_arity,ds_ident,ds_index}:conses] (ts,ti,cs)
+ # (ts,cs) = if (ds_arity>32)
+ (constructor_has_too_many_arguments ds_index ds_ident ds_arity ts cs)
+ (ts,cs);
+ # class_defs_ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructor cti -3 free_vars free_attrs type_lhs ds_index (ts,ti,cs)
+ = bind_types_of_added_constructors cti free_vars free_attrs type_lhs conses class_defs_ts_ti_cs
+ bind_types_of_added_constructors _ _ _ _ [] class_defs_ts_ti_cs
+ = class_defs_ts_ti_cs
constructor_has_too_many_arguments ds_index ds_ident ds_arity ts cs
# (cons_pos,ts2) = ts!ts_cons_defs.[ds_index].cons_pos
= (ts2, {cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithPosition ds_ident cons_pos ("Constructor has too many arguments ("+++toString ds_arity+++", 32 are allowed)") cs.cs_error})
- bind_types_of_constructor :: !CurrentTypeInfo !Index ![TypeVar] ![AttributeVar] !AType !DefinedSymbol !(!*TypeSymbols,!*TypeInfo,!*CheckState)
+ bind_types_of_constructor :: !CurrentTypeInfo !Index ![TypeVar] ![AttributeVar] !AType !Index !(!*TypeSymbols,!*TypeInfo,!*CheckState)
-> (!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState)
- bind_types_of_constructor cti=:{cti_lhs_attribute} cons_index free_vars free_attrs type_lhs {ds_index} (ts, ti=:{ti_type_heaps}, cs)
- # (cons_def, ts) = ts!ts_cons_defs.[ds_index]
+ bind_types_of_constructor cti=:{cti_lhs_attribute} cons_number free_vars free_attrs type_lhs cons_index (ts, ti=:{ti_type_heaps}, cs)
+ # (cons_def, ts) = ts!ts_cons_defs.[cons_index]
# (exi_vars, (ti_type_heaps, cs))
= addExistentionalTypeVariablesToSymbolTable cti_lhs_attribute cons_def.cons_exi_vars ti_type_heaps cs
(st_args, st_attr_env, (ts, ti, cs))
@@ -464,9 +500,9 @@ where
attr_vars = add_universal_attr_vars st_args free_attrs
cons_type = {cons_def.cons_type & st_vars = free_vars, st_args = st_args, st_result = type_lhs, st_attr_vars = attr_vars, st_attr_env = st_attr_env}
(new_type_ptr, ti_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty ti.ti_var_heap
- cons_def = { cons_def & cons_type = cons_type, cons_number = cons_index, cons_type_index = cti.cti_type_index, cons_exi_vars = exi_vars,
+ cons_def = { cons_def & cons_type = cons_type, cons_number = cons_number, cons_type_index = cti.cti_type_index, cons_exi_vars = exi_vars,
cons_type_ptr = new_type_ptr }
- = ({ts & ts_cons_defs.[ds_index] = cons_def}, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }, { cs & cs_symbol_table=symbol_table})
+ = ({ts & ts_cons_defs.[cons_index] = cons_def}, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }, { cs & cs_symbol_table=symbol_table})
bind_types_of_cons :: ![AType] !CurrentTypeInfo ![TypeVar] ![AttrInequality] !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (![AType], ![AttrInequality],!(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState))