path: root/frontend/checktypes.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2002-09-24 11:08:35 +0000
committerjohnvg2002-09-24 11:08:35 +0000
commit89c6fefdd6976bd17f09411cd284b2671005a51d (patch)
tree15011fa4f6eb82681576df3afd94df94c4f065f3 /frontend/checktypes.icl
parentremoved ignored ! (diff)
fix bug if a class is used in a type context before the class
declaration, or when both are in different modules on a cycle. git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1209 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checktypes.icl')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index 9489e3d..76961ea 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -1257,7 +1257,8 @@ createClassDictionaries is_dcl mod_index first_type_index first_selector_index f
= (type_def_list, sel_def_list, cons_def_list, dictionary_info, type_defs, selector_defs, cons_defs, class_defs, modules, type_var_heap, var_heap, symbol_table)
# (dcl_class_defs,modules) = modules![mod_index].dcl_common.com_class_defs
+ # class_defs = number_exported_icl_class_dictionaries 0 dcl_class_defs class_defs
+ # (class_defs,last_type_index_plus1) = number_icl_class_dictionaries 0 class_defs first_type_index
#! first_dcl_dictionary_cons_index = modules.[mod_index].dcl_sizes.[cConstructorDefs]
#! first_dcl_dictionary_selector_index = modules.[mod_index].dcl_sizes.[cSelectorDefs]
@@ -1267,13 +1268,29 @@ createClassDictionaries is_dcl mod_index first_type_index first_selector_index f
# indexes = { index_type = first_type_index, index_cons= first_cons_index, index_selector = first_selector_index }
# (class_defs, modules, rev_dictionary_list, indexes, type_var_heap, var_heap, symbol_table)
- = create_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index 0 class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
+ = create_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index 0 last_type_index_plus1 first_type_index class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
# (size_type_defs,type_defs) = usize type_defs
(type_def_list, sel_def_list, cons_def_list, selector_defs, cons_defs, symbol_table)
= foldSt (collect_type_def_in_icl_module size_type_defs) rev_dictionary_list ([], [], [], selector_defs, cons_defs, symbol_table)
# (dictionary_info,modules)=modules![mod_index].dcl_dictionary_info
= (type_def_list, sel_def_list, cons_def_list, dictionary_info, type_defs, selector_defs, cons_defs, class_defs, modules, type_var_heap, var_heap, symbol_table)
+ with
+ number_exported_icl_class_dictionaries dcl_class_index dcl_class_defs class_defs
+ | dcl_class_index < size dcl_class_defs
+ # icl_class_index = dcl_class_index
+ # dcl_dictionary_index = dcl_class_defs.[dcl_class_index].class_dictionary.ds_index
+ # class_defs = { class_defs & [icl_class_index].class_dictionary.ds_index = dcl_dictionary_index }
+ = number_exported_icl_class_dictionaries (inc dcl_class_index) dcl_class_defs class_defs
+ = class_defs
+ number_icl_class_dictionaries class_index class_defs index_type
+ | class_index < size class_defs
+ | class_defs.[class_index].class_dictionary.ds_index==NoIndex
+ # class_defs = { class_defs & [class_index].class_dictionary.ds_index = index_type }
+ = number_icl_class_dictionaries (inc class_index) class_defs (inc index_type)
+ = number_icl_class_dictionaries (inc class_index) class_defs index_type
+ = (class_defs,index_type)
collect_type_def type_ptr (type_defs, sel_defs, cons_defs, symbol_table)
# ({ ste_kind = STE_DictType type_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr type_ptr symbol_table
@@ -1329,15 +1346,16 @@ where
= create_exported_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index (inc dcl_class_index) dcl_class_defs type_defs class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
= (type_defs, class_defs, modules, rev_dictionary_list, indexes, type_var_heap, var_heap, symbol_table)
- create_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index class_index class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
+ create_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index class_index last_type_index_plus1 first_type_index class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
| class_index < size class_defs
- | class_defs.[class_index].class_dictionary.ds_index==NoIndex
+ # index=class_defs.[class_index].class_dictionary.ds_index
+ | index>=first_type_index && index<last_type_index_plus1
# (class_defs, modules, type_id_info, indexes, type_var_heap, var_heap, symbol_table)
= create_class_dictionary mod_index class_index class_defs modules indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
# rev_dictionary_list = [ type_id_info : rev_dictionary_list ]
- = create_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index (inc class_index) class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
- = create_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index (inc class_index) class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
- = (class_defs, modules, rev_dictionary_list, indexes, type_var_heap, var_heap, symbol_table)
+ = create_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index (inc class_index) last_type_index_plus1 first_type_index class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
+ = create_icl_class_dictionaries mod_index (inc class_index) last_type_index_plus1 first_type_index class_defs modules rev_dictionary_list indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
+ = (class_defs, modules, rev_dictionary_list, indexes, type_var_heap, var_heap, symbol_table)
create_class_dictionary :: !Index !Index !*{#ClassDef} !w:{#DclModule} !u:Indexes !*TypeVarHeap !*VarHeap !*SymbolTable
-> (!*{#ClassDef}, !w:{#DclModule}, !SymbolPtr, !u:Indexes, !*TypeVarHeap, !*VarHeap, !*SymbolTable)
@@ -1357,6 +1375,7 @@ where
field_type = makeAttributedType TA_Multi TE
(rev_fields, var_heap, symbol_table)
= build_fields 0 nr_of_members class_members rec_type field_type index_type index_selector [] var_heap symbol_table
(index_selector, rev_fields, rev_field_types, class_defs, modules, var_heap, symbol_table)
= build_context_fields mod_index nr_of_members class_context rec_type index_type (index_selector + nr_of_members) rev_fields
[ field_type \\ i <- [1..nr_of_members] ] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
@@ -1375,7 +1394,7 @@ where
, td_args = td_args
, td_attrs = []
, td_context = []
- , td_rhs = RecordType {rt_constructor = cons_symbol, rt_fields = { field \\ field <- reverse rev_fields }}
+ , td_rhs = RecordType {rt_constructor = cons_symbol, rt_fields = { field \\ field <- reverse rev_fields } /*, rt_is_boxed_record=False*/}
, td_attribute = TA_None
, td_pos = NoPos
, td_used_types = []
@@ -1401,7 +1420,7 @@ where
ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = abort "empty SymbolTableEntry" })
<:= (cons_id_info, { ste_kind = STE_DictCons cons_def, ste_index = index_cons,
ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = abort "empty SymbolTableEntry" }))
new_attributed_type_variable tv type_var_heap
# (new_tv_ptr, type_var_heap) = newPtr TVI_Empty type_var_heap
= ({atv_attribute = TA_Multi, atv_variable = { tv & tv_info_ptr = new_tv_ptr }}, type_var_heap)
@@ -1419,22 +1438,9 @@ where
# ({class_name, class_arity, class_dictionary = {ds_ident, ds_index}}, _, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ds_index glob_module mod_index class_defs modules
type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module } ds_ident class_arity
field_type = makeAttributedType TA_Multi (TA type_symb [makeAttributedType TA_Multi TE \\ i <- [1..class_arity]])
-/* RWS FIXME ...
- This is a patch for the case that the class has a context field which class
- has not yet been seen. For example (note the order of definitions):
- class C2 a | C1 a
- class C1 a :: a
- A proper solution would be to split this in two phases. For example
- 1) assign class indices
- 2) bind context fields
- This should then also work across (dcl) module boundaries.
- field_type = if (ds_index == NoIndex) (makeAttributedType TA_Multi TE) field_type
-// ... RWS
(field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_name.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
= build_context_fields mod_index (inc field_nr) tcs rec_type rec_type_index (inc next_selector_index) [ field : rev_fields ]
[field_type : rev_field_types] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
build_context_fields mod_index field_nr [{tc_class = TCGeneric {gtc_generic, gtc_kind}} :tcs] rec_type rec_type_index
next_selector_index rev_fields rev_field_types class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
// FIXME: We do not know the type before the generic phase.
@@ -1444,7 +1450,6 @@ where
# (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_name.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
= build_context_fields mod_index (inc field_nr) tcs rec_type rec_type_index (inc next_selector_index) [ field : rev_fields ]
[field_type : rev_field_types] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
build_context_fields mod_index field_nr [] rec_type rec_type_index next_selector_index rev_fields rev_field_types class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
= (next_selector_index, rev_fields, rev_field_types , class_defs, modules, var_heap, symbol_table)