path: root/frontend/checktypes.icl
diff options
authoralimarin2001-07-19 09:09:30 +0000
committeralimarin2001-07-19 09:09:30 +0000
commit6f59e1c9fb72a901c13f51d1e28b321ac1ff66a1 (patch)
treefa62504d1af91f0a5c0fb5d864ec8231776772d3 /frontend/checktypes.icl
parentremove bug with numbering strict alias node defs (diff)
Added "curried" arrow types (->) and ((->) a)
Fixed some bugs in generics git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@559 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checktypes.icl')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index 8688713..3d26a06 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -120,6 +120,11 @@ where
# (arg_type, _, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti arg_type ts_ti_cs
(res_type, _, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti res_type ts_ti_cs
= (arg_type --> res_type, TA_Multi, ts_ti_cs)
+ bindTypes cti (TArrow1 type) ts_ti_cs
+ # (type, _, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti type ts_ti_cs
+ = (TArrow1 type, TA_Multi, ts_ti_cs)
bindTypes cti (CV tv :@: types) ts_ti_cs
# (tv, type_attr, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti tv ts_ti_cs
(types, _, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti types ts_ti_cs
@@ -320,6 +325,11 @@ where
# (arg_type, expst) = expand module_index arg_type expst
(res_type, expst) = expand module_index res_type expst
= (arg_type --> res_type, expst)
+// AA..
+ expand module_index (TArrow1 type) expst
+ # (type, expst) = expand module_index type expst
+ = (TArrow1 type, expst)
+// ..AA
expand module_index (CV tv :@: types) expst
# (type, expst) = expandTypeVariable tv expst
(types, expst) = expand module_index types expst
@@ -367,6 +377,10 @@ where
= look_for_cycles module_index types expst
look_for_cycles module_index (arg_type --> res_type) expst
= look_for_cycles module_index res_type (look_for_cycles module_index arg_type expst)
+ look_for_cycles module_index (TArrow1 arg_type) expst
+ = look_for_cycles module_index arg_type expst
look_for_cycles module_index (type :@: types) expst
= look_for_cycles module_index types expst
look_for_cycles module_index type expst
@@ -545,6 +559,16 @@ getClassDef class_index type_module module_index class_defs modules
class_index = convertIndex class_index (toInt STE_Class) dcl_conversions
= (class_def, class_index, class_defs, modules)
+getGenericDef :: !Index !Index !Index !u:{# GenericDef} !v:{# DclModule} -> (!GenericDef, !Index , !u:{# GenericDef}, !v:{# DclModule})
+getGenericDef generic_index type_module module_index generic_defs modules
+ | type_module == module_index
+ #! si = size generic_defs
+ # (generic_def, generic_defs) = generic_defs![generic_index]
+ = (generic_def, generic_index, generic_defs, modules)
+ # ({dcl_common={com_generic_defs},dcl_conversions}, modules) = modules![type_module]
+ generic_def = com_generic_defs.[generic_index]
+ generic_index = convertIndex generic_index (toInt STE_Generic) dcl_conversions
+ = (generic_def, generic_index, generic_defs, modules)
checkTypeVar :: !Level !DemandedAttributeKind !TypeVar !TypeAttribute !(!*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (! TypeVar, !TypeAttribute, !(!*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState))
@@ -681,6 +705,12 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = arg_type --> result_typ
(result_type, (ots, oti, cs)) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None result_type cot_state
(new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute dem_attr "-->" at_attribute oti cs
= ({ type & at_type = arg_type --> result_type, at_attribute = new_attr }, (ots, oti, cs))
+checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = TArrow1 arg_type, at_attribute} cot_state
+ # (arg_type, (ots, oti, cs)) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None arg_type cot_state
+ (new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute dem_attr "TArrow1" at_attribute oti cs
+ = ({ type & at_type = TArrow1 arg_type, at_attribute = new_attr }, (ots, oti, cs))
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = CV tv :@: types, at_attribute} (ots, oti, cs)
# (cons_var, _, (oti, cs)) = checkTypeVar scope DAK_None tv TA_Multi (oti, cs)
(types, (ots, oti, cs)) = mapSt (checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None) types (ots, oti, cs)
@@ -740,6 +770,12 @@ checkInstanceType mod_index ins_class it=:{it_types,it_context} specials type_de
= ti1==ti2 && are_equal_accu
compare_context_and_instance_type (_ --> _) (_ --> _) are_equal_accu
= are_equal_accu
+ compare_context_and_instance_type TArrow TArrow are_equal_accu
+ = are_equal_accu
+ compare_context_and_instance_type (TArrow1 _) (TArrow1 _) are_equal_accu
+ = are_equal_accu
compare_context_and_instance_type (CV tv1 :@: _) (CV tv2 :@: _) are_equal_accu
= tv1==tv2 && are_equal_accu
compare_context_and_instance_type (TB bt1) (TB bt2) are_equal_accu
@@ -863,7 +899,61 @@ checkTypeContext mod_index tc=:{tc_class=tc_class=:{glob_object=class_name=:{ds_
= (tc, (class_defs, ots, oti, cs))
= (tc, (class_defs, ots, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
= ({tc & tc_types = []}, (class_defs, ots, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "undefined" cs.cs_error }))
+ check_context_types tc_class [] cs=:{cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_error = checkError tc_class "type context should contain one or more type variables" cs_error}
+ check_context_types tc_class [((CV {tv_name}) :@: _):_] cs=:{cs_error}
+ = cs
+// = { cs & cs_error = checkError tv_name "not allowed as higher order type variable in context" cs_error}
+ check_context_types tc_class [TV _ : types] cs
+ = cs
+ check_context_types tc_class [type : types] cs
+ = check_context_types tc_class types cs
+checkTypeContext1 :: !Index !TypeContext !(!v:{# ClassDef}, !x:{# GenericDef}, !u:OpenTypeSymbols, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
+ -> (!TypeContext,!(!v:{# ClassDef}, !x:{# GenericDef}, !u:OpenTypeSymbols, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState))
+checkTypeContext1 mod_index tc (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, cs)
+ # (entry, cs) = get_entry tc cs
+ = check_context mod_index entry tc (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, cs)
+ get_entry tc cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr tc.tc_class.glob_object.ds_ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
+ = (entry, {cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table})
+ check_context
+ mod_index
+ entry
+ tc=:{tc_class=tc_class=:{glob_object=class_name=:{ds_ident=ds_ident=:{id_name,id_info},ds_arity}},tc_types}
+ (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, cs)
+ # (class_index, class_module) = retrieveGlobalDefinition entry STE_Class mod_index
+ | class_index <> NotFound
+ # (class_def, class_index, class_defs, ots_modules) = getClassDef class_index class_module mod_index class_defs ots.ots_modules
+ ots = { ots & ots_modules = ots_modules }
+ (tc_types, (ots, oti, cs)) = checkOpenTypes mod_index cGlobalScope DAK_Ignore tc_types (ots, oti, cs)
+ cs = check_context_types class_def.class_name tc_types cs
+ tc = { tc & tc_class = { tc_class & glob_object = { class_name & ds_index = class_index }, glob_module = class_module }, tc_types = tc_types}
+ | class_def.class_arity == ds_arity
+ = (tc, (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, cs))
+ = (tc, (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
+ = ({tc & tc_types = []}, (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "class undefined" cs.cs_error }))
+ check_context
+ mod_index
+ entry
+ tc=:{tc_class=tc_class=:{glob_object=class_name=:{ds_ident=ds_ident=:{id_name,id_info},ds_arity}},tc_types}
+ (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, cs)
+ # (generic_index, generic_module) = retrieveGlobalDefinition entry STE_Generic mod_index
+ | generic_index <> NotFound
+ # (generic_def, generic_index, generic_defs, ots_modules) = getGenericDef generic_index generic_module mod_index generic_defs ots.ots_modules
+ ots = { ots & ots_modules = ots_modules }
+ (tc_types, (ots, oti, cs)) = checkOpenTypes mod_index cGlobalScope DAK_Ignore tc_types (ots, oti, cs)
+ //cs = check_context_types generic_def.gen_name tc_types cs
+ tc = { tc & tc_class = { tc_class & glob_object = { class_name & ds_index = generic_index }, glob_module = generic_module }, tc_types = tc_types}
+ | ds_arity == 1
+ = (tc, (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, cs))
+ = (tc, (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
+ = ({tc & tc_types = []}, (class_defs, generic_defs, ots, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "generic undefined" cs.cs_error }))
check_context_types tc_class [] cs=:{cs_error}
= { cs & cs_error = checkError tc_class "type context should contain one or more type variables" cs_error}
check_context_types tc_class [((CV {tv_name}) :@: _):_] cs=:{cs_error}