path: root/frontend/checksupport.icl
diff options
authormartinw2001-03-15 17:49:55 +0000
committermartinw2001-03-15 17:49:55 +0000
commitf04aac4054d0ad9b73c7edb66a18acb29a9ed3ad (patch)
tree4b189072505f0dc238b7559516dd552cdaad0e0a /frontend/checksupport.icl
parentFixes to compile with 2.0 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@333 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checksupport.icl')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.icl b/frontend/checksupport.icl
index 401a6c0..1a90e9f 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.icl
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ cNeedStdGeneric :== 8 // AA
:: CheckState = { cs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable, cs_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols, cs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin, cs_x :: !CheckStateX }
-:: CheckStateX = {x_needed_modules :: !BITVECT,x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int /* TD */, x_is_dcl_module :: !Bool, x_type_var_position :: !Int, directly_imported_dcl_modules :: [String] }
+:: CheckStateX = {x_needed_modules :: !BITVECT,x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int /* TD */, x_is_dcl_module :: !Bool, x_type_var_position :: !Int }
:: ConversionTable :== {# .{# Int }}
@@ -159,20 +159,20 @@ newPosition id NoPos
checkError :: !a !b !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin | <<< a & <<< b // PK
checkError id mess error=:{ea_file,ea_loc=[]}
- = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Check Error " <<< "\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n', ea_ok = False }
+ = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Error " <<< "\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n', ea_ok = False }
checkError id mess error=:{ea_file,ea_loc}
- = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Check Error " <<< hd ea_loc <<< ":\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n', ea_ok = False }
+ = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Error " <<< hd ea_loc <<< ":\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n', ea_ok = False }
checkWarning :: !a !b !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin | <<< a & <<< b // PK
checkWarning id mess error=:{ea_file,ea_loc=[]}
- = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Check Warning " <<< "\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n' }
+ = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Warning " <<< "\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n' }
checkWarning id mess error=:{ea_file,ea_loc}
- = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Check Warning " <<< hd ea_loc <<< ":\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n' }
+ = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Warning " <<< hd ea_loc <<< ":\"" <<< id <<< "\" " <<< mess <<< '\n' }
checkErrorWithIdentPos :: !IdentPos !a !*ErrorAdmin -> .ErrorAdmin | <<< a;
checkErrorWithIdentPos ident_pos mess error=:{ea_file}
- = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Check Error " <<< ident_pos <<< ":" <<< mess <<< '\n', ea_ok = False }
+ = { error & ea_file = ea_file <<< "Error " <<< ident_pos <<< ":" <<< mess <<< '\n', ea_ok = False }
class envLookUp a :: !a !(Env Ident .b) -> (!Bool,.b)