path: root/frontend/checksupport.icl
diff options
authormartinw2001-01-19 10:48:10 +0000
committermartinw2001-01-19 10:48:10 +0000
commitc3a59ece66a9f8b91ebfdf3fbd556ffd241b528c (patch)
treef9792c858af73c71c67e6238cdacb0893efbfd0f /frontend/checksupport.icl
parentexploiting "reuse unique nodes" option (diff)
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@290 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checksupport.icl')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.icl b/frontend/checksupport.icl
index 1510546..dabd555 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.icl
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import RWSDebug
:: VarHeap :== Heap VarInfo
+cUndef :== -1
CS_NotChecked :== -1
NotFound :== -1
@@ -235,60 +236,7 @@ retrieveGlobalDefinition {ste_kind,ste_def_level,ste_index} requ_kind mod_index
= (NotFound, mod_index)
-updateExplImpForMarkedSymbol :: !Index Declaration !SymbolTableEntry !u:{#DclModule} !{!{!*ExplImpInfo}} !*SymbolTable
- -> (!u:{#DclModule}, !{!{!.ExplImpInfo}}, !.SymbolTable)
-updateExplImpForMarkedSymbol mod_index decl {ste_kind=STE_ExplImpComponentNrs component_numbers inst_indices}
- dcl_modules expl_imp_infos cs_symbol_table
- = foldSt (addExplImpInfo mod_index decl inst_indices) component_numbers
- (dcl_modules, expl_imp_infos, cs_symbol_table)
-updateExplImpForMarkedSymbol _ decl {ste_kind=STE_Instance class_ident} dcl_modules expl_imp_infos cs_symbol_table
- // this alternative is only for old syntax (cs_symbol_table argument is not necessary for new syntax)
- # cs_symbol_table
- = checkExplImpForInstance decl class_ident cs_symbol_table
- = (dcl_modules, expl_imp_infos, cs_symbol_table)
-updateExplImpForMarkedSymbol _ decl {ste_kind=STE_Imported (STE_Instance class_ident) _} dcl_modules expl_imp_infos cs_symbol_table
- // this alternative is only for old syntax (cs_symbol_table argument is not necessary for new syntax)
- # cs_symbol_table
- = checkExplImpForInstance decl class_ident cs_symbol_table
- = (dcl_modules, expl_imp_infos, cs_symbol_table)
-updateExplImpForMarkedSymbol _ _ entry dcl_modules expl_imp_infos cs_symbol_table
- = (dcl_modules, expl_imp_infos, cs_symbol_table)
-addExplImpInfo :: !Index Declaration ![Declaration] !ComponentNrAndIndex !(!u:{#DclModule}, !{!{!*ExplImpInfo}}, !v:SymbolTable)
- -> (!u:{#DclModule}, !{!{!.ExplImpInfo}}, !v:SymbolTable)
-addExplImpInfo mod_index decl instances { cai_component_nr, cai_index } (dcl_modules, expl_imp_infos, cs_symbol_table)
- # (ExplImpInfo eii_ident eii_declaring_modules, expl_imp_infos)
- = replaceTwoDimArrElt cai_component_nr cai_index TemporarilyFetchedAway expl_imp_infos
- (di_belonging, dcl_modules, cs_symbol_table)
- = get_belonging_symbol_nrs decl dcl_modules cs_symbol_table
- di
- = { di_decl = decl, di_instances = instances, di_belonging = di_belonging }
- new_expl_imp_info
- = ExplImpInfo eii_ident (ikhInsert` False mod_index di eii_declaring_modules)
- = (dcl_modules, { expl_imp_infos & [cai_component_nr,cai_index] = new_expl_imp_info }, cs_symbol_table)
- where
- get_belonging_symbol_nrs :: !Declaration !{#x:DclModule} !u:(Heap SymbolTableEntry)
- -> (!.NumberSet,!{#x:DclModule},!u:Heap SymbolTableEntry)
- get_belonging_symbol_nrs decl dcl_modules cs_symbol_table
- # (all_belonging_symbols, dcl_modules)
- = getBelongingSymbols decl dcl_modules
- nr_of_belongs
- = nrOfBelongingSymbols all_belonging_symbols
- (_, belonging_bitvect, cs_symbol_table)
- = foldlBelongingSymbols set_bit all_belonging_symbols (0, bitvectCreate nr_of_belongs, cs_symbol_table)
- = (bitvectToNumberSet belonging_bitvect, dcl_modules, cs_symbol_table)
- set_bit {id_info} (bit_nr, bitvect, cs_symbol_table)
- # ({ste_kind}, cs_symbol_table)
- = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
- = ( bit_nr+1
- , case ste_kind of
- STE_Empty -> bitvect
- _ -> bitvectSet bit_nr bitvect
- , cs_symbol_table
- )
-getBelongingSymbols :: !Declaration !{#x:DclModule} -> (!.BelongingSymbols, !{#x:DclModule})
+getBelongingSymbols :: !Declaration !v:{#DclModule} -> (!BelongingSymbols, !v:{#DclModule})
getBelongingSymbols {dcl_kind=STE_Imported STE_Type def_mod_index, dcl_index} dcl_modules
# ({td_rhs}, dcl_modules)
= dcl_modules![def_mod_index].dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index]
@@ -322,55 +270,12 @@ nrOfBelongingSymbols BS_Nothing
| BS_Members !{#DefinedSymbol}
| BS_Nothing
-foldlBelongingSymbols f bs st
- :== case bs of
- BS_Constructors constructors
- -> foldSt (\{ds_ident} st -> f ds_ident st) constructors st
- BS_Fields fields
- -> foldlArraySt (\{fs_name} st -> f fs_name st) fields st
- BS_Members members
- -> foldlArraySt (\{ds_ident} st -> f ds_ident st) members st
- BS_Nothing
- -> st
-checkExplImpForInstance decl class_ident cs_symbol_table
- // this function is only for old syntax
- | switch_import_syntax False True
- = cs_symbol_table
- # (class_ste, cs_symbol_table)
- = readPtr class_ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
- = case class_ste.ste_kind of
- STE_ExplImpComponentNrs component_numbers inst_indices_accu
- -> writePtr class_ident.id_info
- { class_ste & ste_kind = STE_ExplImpComponentNrs component_numbers [decl:inst_indices_accu]}
- cs_symbol_table
- _
- -> cs_symbol_table
removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: !Declarations !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry
-removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable {dcls_import,dcls_local} symbol_table
+removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable {dcls_import,dcls_local_for_import} symbol_table
# symbol_table = remove_declared_symbols_in_array 0 dcls_import symbol_table
- = remove_declared_symbols dcls_local symbol_table
+ = remove_declared_symbols_in_array 0 dcls_local_for_import symbol_table
- remove_declared_symbols :: ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> !*SymbolTable
- remove_declared_symbols [symbol=:{dcl_ident={id_info},dcl_index}:symbols] symbol_table
- #! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
- # {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
- | ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
- = remove_declared_symbols symbols symbol_table
- # symbol_table = symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)
- = case ste_kind of
- STE_Field selector_id
- -> remove_declared_symbols symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
- STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
- -> remove_declared_symbols symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
- _
- -> remove_declared_symbols symbols symbol_table
- remove_declared_symbols [] symbol_table
- = symbol_table
remove_declared_symbols_in_array :: !Int !{!Declaration} !*SymbolTable -> !*SymbolTable
remove_declared_symbols_in_array symbol_index symbols symbol_table
| symbol_index<size symbols
@@ -414,49 +319,62 @@ addDefToSymbolTable level def_index def_ident=:{id_info} def_kind symbol_table e
= (symbol_table <:= (id_info,entry), error)
= (symbol_table, checkError def_ident " already defined" error)
-addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 :: .Bool .Int !{!Declaration} !{!Declaration} !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
-addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 is_dcl_mod ste_index locals imported cs
- # cs=add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table 0 is_dcl_mod imported cs
+addDeclarationsOfDclModToSymbolTable :: .Int !{!Declaration} !{!Declaration} !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addDeclarationsOfDclModToSymbolTable ste_index locals imported cs
+ # cs=add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table 0 imported cs
= addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable 0 locals ste_index cs
-add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table symbol_index is_dcl_mod symbols cs=:{cs_x}
- | symbol_index<size symbols
- #! ({dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind},symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
- = case dcl_kind of
- STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
- | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ where
+ add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table symbol_index symbols cs=:{cs_x}
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ #! ({dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind},symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ = case dcl_kind of
+ STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
#! dcl_index= symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
- -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols (addIndirectlyImportedSymbolOld dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
- -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols cs
- STE_FunctionOrMacro _
+ (_, cs)
+ = addSymbol No dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind
+ def_kind dcl_index def_mod cUndef cs
+ -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) symbols cs
+ STE_FunctionOrMacro _
#! dcl_index= symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
- -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
- = cs
-addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable :: !Int !{!Declaration} Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
-addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable symbol_index symbols mod_index cs
- | symbol_index<size symbols
- # ({dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index},symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
- = case dcl_kind of
- STE_FunctionOrMacro _
- -> addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable (symbol_index+1) symbols mod_index
- (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
- STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
- -> addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable (symbol_index+1) symbols mod_index
- (addIndirectlyImportedSymbolOld dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind def_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
- = cs
-addImportedFunctionOrMacro :: !Ident .Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
-addImportedFunctionOrMacro ident=:{id_info} def_index cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ (_, cs)
+ = addImportedFunctionOrMacro No dcl_ident dcl_index cs
+ -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) symbols cs
+ = cs
+ addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable :: !Int !{!Declaration} Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+ addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable symbol_index symbols mod_index cs
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ # ({dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index},symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ = case dcl_kind of
+ STE_FunctionOrMacro _
+ # (_, cs)
+ = addImportedFunctionOrMacro No dcl_ident dcl_index cs
+ -> addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable (symbol_index+1) symbols mod_index cs
+ STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
+ # (_, cs)
+ = addSymbol No dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind
+ def_kind dcl_index mod_index cUndef cs
+ -> addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable (symbol_index+1) symbols mod_index cs
+ = cs
+addImportedFunctionOrMacro :: !(Optional IndexRange) !Ident !Int !*CheckState -> (!Bool, !.CheckState)
+addImportedFunctionOrMacro opt_dcl_macro_range ident=:{id_info} def_index cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
#! entry = sreadPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
= case entry.ste_kind of
- -> { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs.cs_symbol_table id_info (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) def_index cModuleScope entry}
+ -> (True, { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs.cs_symbol_table id_info (STE_FunctionOrMacro [])
+ def_index cModuleScope entry})
STE_FunctionOrMacro _
- | entry.ste_index == def_index
- -> cs
+ | entry.ste_index == def_index || within_opt_range opt_dcl_macro_range def_index
+ -> (False, cs)
- -> { cs & cs_error = checkError ident " multiply imported" cs.cs_error}
+ -> (False, { cs & cs_error = checkError ident "multiply defined" cs.cs_error})
+ where
+ within_opt_range (Yes {ir_from, ir_to}) i
+ = ir_from<=i && i<ir_to
+ within_opt_range No _
+ = False
addFieldToSelectorDefinition :: !Ident (Global .Int) !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addFieldToSelectorDefinition {id_info} glob_field_index cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
@@ -468,28 +386,8 @@ addFieldToSelectorDefinition {id_info} glob_field_index cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
-> { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs.cs_symbol_table id_info (STE_Selector [glob_field_index]) NoIndex cModuleScope entry }
-addIndirectlyImportedSymbolOld :: !Ident !Position !STE_Kind !STE_Kind !.Int !.Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
-addIndirectlyImportedSymbolOld ident pos dcl_kind def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
- = add_indirectly_imported_symbol entry ident pos def_kind def_index def_mod { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- where
- add_indirectly_imported_symbol /*entry=:*/{ste_kind = STE_Empty} {id_name,id_info} _ def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- // JVG: read the entry again, because it is boxed
- # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
- # cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs_symbol_table id_info dcl_kind def_index cModuleScope entry}
- = case def_kind of
- STE_Field selector_id
- -> addFieldToSelectorDefinition selector_id { glob_module = def_mod, glob_object = def_index } cs
- _
- -> cs
- add_indirectly_imported_symbol /*entry=:*/{ste_kind = STE_Imported kind mod_index, ste_index} ident=:{id_info} _ def_kind def_index def_mod cs
- | kind == def_kind && mod_index == def_mod && ste_index == def_index
- = cs
- add_indirectly_imported_symbol entry ident pos def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_error}
- = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition ident pos) " multiply imported" cs_error}
-mw_addIndirectlyImportedSymbol :: !(Optional a) !Ident !Position !STE_Kind !STE_Kind !.Int !.Int !Int !*CheckState -> (!Bool, !.CheckState)
-mw_addIndirectlyImportedSymbol yes_for_icl_module ident pos dcl_kind def_kind def_index def_mod importing_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+addSymbol :: !(Optional a) !Ident !Position !STE_Kind !STE_Kind !.Int !.Int !Int !*CheckState -> (!Bool, !.CheckState)
+addSymbol yes_for_icl_module ident pos dcl_kind def_kind def_index def_mod importing_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
= add_indirectly_imported_symbol yes_for_icl_module entry ident pos def_kind def_index def_mod
importing_mod { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -547,9 +445,9 @@ where
removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable :: ![Declaration] !Int !*SymbolTable -> *SymbolTable
removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable decls scope symbol_table
- = unsafeFold2St (remove_declaration scope) decls [1..] symbol_table
+ = foldSt (remove_declaration scope) decls symbol_table
- remove_declaration scope decl=:{dcl_ident={id_info}, dcl_index} decl_nr symbol_table
+ remove_declaration scope decl=:{dcl_ident={id_info}, dcl_index} symbol_table
# ({ste_kind,ste_previous}, symbol_table)
= readPtr id_info symbol_table
= case ste_kind of
@@ -723,4 +621,4 @@ restoreHeap {id_info} cs_symbol_table
= readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
= writePtr id_info ste_previous cs_symbol_table
-temp_try_a_new_thing_XXX yes no :== no
+expand_syn_types_late_XXX yes no :== no