path: root/frontend
diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-03-18 17:25:17 +0100
committerCamil Staps2017-03-18 17:25:17 +0100
commitc00ee2c2536c98841ef77755701395a1e2c0b8ec (patch)
tree20d075337eb2e379dd6827caa2ef9f1a9ddee552 /frontend
parentMore logical file name passing (diff)
Full path for parse warnings / errors (see #3)HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
6 files changed, 115 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
index 75bee80..b9ece94 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.icl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ frontEndInterface opt_file_dir_time options mod_ident search_paths cached_dcl_mo
= (No,{},{},0,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
# (Yes (mod_file,mod_dir,mod_time)) = opt_file_dir_time
# (ok,dynamic_type_used,mod,hash_table,error,files)
- = wantModule mod_file mod_time cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos options.feo_generics hash_table error files
+ = wantModule mod_file mod_dir mod_time cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos options.feo_generics hash_table error files
| not ok
= (No,{},{},0,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
# cached_module_idents = [dcl_mod.dcl_name \\ dcl_mod<-:cached_dcl_modules]
diff --git a/frontend/parse.dcl b/frontend/parse.dcl
index 6cecf2f..b00fcbd 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.dcl
+++ b/frontend/parse.dcl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import syntax, hashtable, scanner, predef
cWantIclFile :== True
cWantDclFile :== False
-wantModule :: !*File !{#Char} !Bool !Ident !Position !Bool !*HashTable !*File !*Files
+wantModule :: !*File !String !{#Char} !Bool !Ident !Position !Bool !*HashTable !*File !*Files
-> (!Bool,!Bool,!ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*Files)
moduleCouldNotBeImportedError :: !Bool !Ident !Position !*File -> *File
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 2776d36..3c72790 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ instance getFilename ParseState
getFilename pState = accScanState getFilename pState
+instance getFilepath ParseState
+ getFilepath pState = accScanState getFilepath pState
#! string_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_StringType]
=: TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent string_ident 0) []
@@ -271,10 +275,10 @@ isInstanceDefsContext parseContext :== parseContext bitand InstanceDefsConte
cWantIclFile :== True
cWantDclFile :== False
-wantModule :: !*File !{#Char} !Bool !Ident !Position !Bool !*HashTable !*File !*Files
+wantModule :: !*File !String !{#Char} !Bool !Ident !Position !Bool !*HashTable !*File !*Files
-> (!Bool,!Bool,!ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*Files)
-wantModule file modification_time iclmodule file_id=:{id_name} import_file_position support_generics hash_table error files
- # scanState = openScanner file file_name
+wantModule file path_to_file modification_time iclmodule file_id=:{id_name} import_file_position support_generics hash_table error files
+ # scanState = openScanner file path_to_file file_name
# hash_table=set_hte_mark (if iclmodule 1 0) hash_table
# (ok,dynamic_type_used,mod,hash_table,file,files) = initModule file_name modification_time scanState hash_table error files
hash_table=set_hte_mark 0 hash_table
@@ -5042,7 +5046,7 @@ parseWarningWithPosition act msg position pState
| pState.ps_flags bitand PS_SkippingMask<>0
= pState
| otherwise // not pState.ps_skipping
- # (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file,pea_ok}}) = getFilename pState
+ # (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file,pea_ok}}) = getFilepath pState
pea_file = pea_file
<<< "Parse warning ["
<<< filename <<< ","
@@ -5060,7 +5064,7 @@ parseWarning act msg pState
= pState
| otherwise // not pState.ps_skipping
# (pos,pState) = getPosition pState
- (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file,pea_ok}}) = getFilename pState
+ (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file,pea_ok}}) = getFilepath pState
pea_file = pea_file
<<< "Parse warning ["
<<< filename <<< ","
@@ -5078,7 +5082,7 @@ parseError act opt_token msg pState
= pState
| otherwise // not pState.ps_skipping
# (pos,pState) = getPosition pState
- (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file}}) = getFilename pState
+ (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file}}) = getFilepath pState
pea_file = pea_file
<<< "Parse error ["
<<< filename <<< ","
@@ -5102,7 +5106,7 @@ parseErrorSimple act msg pState
= pState
| otherwise // not pState.ps_skipping
# (pos,pState) = getPosition pState
- (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file}}) = getFilename pState
+ (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file}}) = getFilepath pState
pea_file = pea_file
<<< "Parse error ["
<<< filename <<< ","
@@ -5116,7 +5120,7 @@ parseErrorSimple act msg pState
getFileAndLineNr :: !ParseState -> (!String, !Int, !ParseState)
getFileAndLineNr pState =: {ps_scanState}
- # (filename,scanState) = getFilename ps_scanState
+ # (filename,scanState) = getFilepath ps_scanState
({fp_line},scanState) = getPosition scanState
= (filename, fp_line, {pState & ps_scanState = scanState} )
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.icl b/frontend/postparse.icl
index 0108f3d..bf5772c 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.icl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.icl
@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ parseAndScanDclModule dcl_module import_file_position parsed_modules cached_modu
= (False, [MakeEmptyModule dcl_module MK_None: parsed_modules],files, ca)
# (Yes (mod_file,mod_dir,mod_time)) = opt_file_dir_time
# (parse_ok,dynamic_type_used,mod, ca_hash_table, err_file, files)
- = wantModule mod_file mod_time cWantDclFile dcl_module import_file_position support_generics ca_hash_table ca_error.pea_file files
+ = wantModule mod_file "" mod_time cWantDclFile dcl_module import_file_position support_generics ca_hash_table ca_error.pea_file files // TODO
# ca = {ca & ca_hash_table=ca_hash_table, ca_error={pea_file=err_file,pea_ok=True} }
| parse_ok
= scan_dcl_module dcl_module mod parsed_modules searchPaths modtimefunction files ca
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ where
= (False, No,NoIndex, [],cached_modules, files, ca)
# (Yes (mod_file,mod_dir,mod_time)) = opt_file_dir_time
# (parse_ok,dynamic_type_used,mod, hash_table, err_file, files)
- = wantModule mod_file mod_time cWantDclFile mod_ident NoPos support_generics ca_hash_table ca_error.pea_file files
+ = wantModule mod_file "" mod_time cWantDclFile mod_ident NoPos support_generics ca_hash_table ca_error.pea_file files // TODO
# ca = {ca & ca_hash_table=hash_table, ca_error={pea_file=err_file,pea_ok=True}}
| not parse_ok
= (False, No,NoIndex, [],cached_modules, files, ca)
diff --git a/frontend/scanner.dcl b/frontend/scanner.dcl
index fc94622..243a5d4 100644
--- a/frontend/scanner.dcl
+++ b/frontend/scanner.dcl
@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ DefaultPriority :: Priority
class getFilename state :: !*state -> (!String,!*state)
instance getFilename ScanState
+class getFilepath state :: !*state -> (!String,!*state)
+instance getFilepath ScanState
class tokenBack state :: !*state -> *state
instance tokenBack ScanState
@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ instance getPosition ScanState
fopenInSearchPaths :: !{#Char} !{#Char} !SearchPaths !Int (ModTimeFunction *Files) !*Files -> (Optional (*File, {#Char}, {#Char}),!*Files)
-openScanner :: !*File !String -> ScanState
+openScanner :: !*File !String !String -> ScanState
closeScanner :: !ScanState !*Files -> *Files
setUseLayout :: !Bool !ScanState -> ScanState
diff --git a/frontend/scanner.icl b/frontend/scanner.icl
index 2739ea8..1b77337 100644
--- a/frontend/scanner.icl
+++ b/frontend/scanner.icl
@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ where
# (file_name,scan_state) = getFilename scan_state
= (file_name,ScanState scan_state)
+instance getFilepath ScanState
+ getFilepath (ScanState scan_state)
+ # (file_path,scan_state) = getFilepath scan_state
+ = (file_path,ScanState scan_state)
instance tokenBack ScanState
tokenBack (ScanState scan_state) = ScanState (tokenBack scan_state)
@@ -81,6 +87,7 @@ ScanOptionNoNewOffsideForSeqLetBit:==4;
:: * Input =
{ inp_stream :: ! * InputStream
, inp_filename :: !String
+ , inp_path :: !String
, inp_pos :: ! FilePosition
, inp_tabsize :: ! Int
@@ -248,6 +255,30 @@ where
# (filename,ss_input) = getFilename ss_input
= (filename,{scanState & ss_input = ss_input })
+instance getFilepath ScanInput
+ getFilepath (Input input)
+ # (filepath,input) = input!inp_path
+ # (filename,input) = input!inp_filename
+ = (filepath +++ replace_all_but_last '.' DirectorySeparator filename,Input input)
+ where
+ replace_all_but_last :: !Char !Char !{#Char} -> {#Char}
+ replace_all_but_last x y arr = {if (e==x && contains i x arr) y e \\ e <-: arr & i <- [1..]}
+ contains :: !Int !Char !{#Char} -> Bool
+ contains n c s
+ | n >= size s - 1 = False
+ | otherwise = s.[n] == c || contains (n+1) c s
+ getFilepath (PushedToken tok input)
+ # (filepath,input) = getFilepath input
+ = (filepath,PushedToken tok input)
+instance getFilepath RScanState
+ getFilepath scanState=:{ss_input}
+ # (filepath,ss_input) = getFilepath ss_input
+ = (filepath,{scanState & ss_input = ss_input })
class getPosition state :: !*state -> (!FilePosition,!*state) // Position of current Token (or Char)
instance getPosition RScanState
@@ -299,11 +330,12 @@ where
) -->> ("nextToken: pushed token", lt_token)
= token_back rest_inp
- token_back input=:(Input {inp_pos,inp_stream=OldLine currentIndex string stream,inp_filename,inp_tabsize}) // one old token in wrong context.
+ token_back input=:(Input {inp_pos,inp_stream=OldLine currentIndex string stream,inp_filename,inp_path,inp_tabsize}) // one old token in wrong context.
| inp_pos.fp_line == lt_position.fp_line
# old_input
= { inp_stream = OldLine (lt_index+1) string stream
, inp_filename = inp_filename
+ , inp_path = inp_path
, inp_pos = lt_position
, inp_tabsize = inp_tabsize
} -->> ("token_back in input", lt_token)
@@ -451,40 +483,46 @@ where
SkipWhites :: !Input -> (!Optional String, !Char, !Input)
-SkipWhites {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col},inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+SkipWhites {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col},inp_tabsize,inp_filename,inp_path}
| i<size line
- = skip_whites_in_line i fp_col fp_line line inp_tabsize stream inp_filename
+ = skip_whites_in_line i fp_col fp_line line inp_tabsize stream inp_path inp_filename
SkipWhites input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| eof = (No, NewLineChar, input)
| IsWhiteSpace c = SkipWhites input
= TryScanComment c input
-skip_whites_in_line :: !Int !Int !Int !{#Char} !Int !*InputStream !String -> *(!Optional String,!Char,!*Input);
-skip_whites_in_line i fp_col fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+skip_whites_in_line :: !Int !Int !Int !{#Char} !Int !*InputStream !String !String -> *(!Optional String,!Char,!*Input);
+skip_whites_in_line i fp_col fp_line line tabsize stream inp_path inp_filename
| i<size line
# c=line.[i]
| c==' ' || c == '\f' || c == '\v'
- = skip_whites_in_line (i+1) (fp_col+1) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ = skip_whites_in_line (i+1) (fp_col+1) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_path inp_filename
| c=='\t'
- = skip_whites_in_line (i+1) (tabsize * (fp_col / tabsize + 1)) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ = skip_whites_in_line (i+1) (tabsize * (fp_col / tabsize + 1)) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_path inp_filename
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar
# pos = {fp_line = fp_line + 1, fp_col = 0}
// # (c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i tabsize line stream
= SkipWhites {
- inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=tabsize,
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = pos
# pos = {fp_line=fp_line,fp_col = fp_col + 1}
= TryScanComment c {
- inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=tabsize,
inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
, inp_pos = pos
# pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col}
= SkipWhites {
- inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=tabsize,
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = pos
@@ -503,9 +541,9 @@ TryScanComment c input
= (No, c, input)
ScanComment :: !Input -> (!Optional String, !Input)
-ScanComment {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col},inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ScanComment {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col},inp_tabsize,inp_filename,inp_path}
| i<size line
- = scan_comment_in_line i fp_col fp_line line inp_tabsize stream inp_filename
+ = scan_comment_in_line i fp_col fp_line line inp_tabsize stream inp_path inp_filename
ScanComment input
# (eof1, c1, input) = ReadChar input
| eof1 = (Yes "end of file encountered inside comment", input)
@@ -536,29 +574,35 @@ ScanComment2 c1 input
= ScanComment input
| otherwise = ScanComment input
-scan_comment_in_line :: !Int !Int !Int !{#Char} !Int !*InputStream !String -> (!Optional String, !Input)
-scan_comment_in_line i fp_col fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+scan_comment_in_line :: !Int !Int !Int !{#Char} !Int !*InputStream !String !String -> (!Optional String, !Input)
+scan_comment_in_line i fp_col fp_line line tabsize stream inp_path inp_filename
| i<size line
# c=line.[i]
| c=='\t'
- = scan_comment_in_line (i+1) (tabsize * (fp_col / tabsize + 1)) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ = scan_comment_in_line (i+1) (tabsize * (fp_col / tabsize + 1)) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_path inp_filename
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar
# pos = {fp_line = fp_line + 1, fp_col = 0}
// # (c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i tabsize line stream
= ScanComment {
- inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=tabsize,
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = pos
| c=='/' || c=='*'
= ScanComment2 c {
- inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=tabsize,
inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
, inp_pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col+1}
- = scan_comment_in_line (i+1) (fp_col+1) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ = scan_comment_in_line (i+1) (fp_col+1) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_path inp_filename
= ScanComment {
- inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=tabsize,
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col}
@@ -1324,13 +1368,15 @@ EndOfInput input=:{inp_stream = InFile file}
EndOfInput input = (False, input)
ReadNormalChar :: !*Input -> (!Bool, !Char, !Input)
-ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename,inp_path}
| i<size line
# c=line.[i]
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
= ( True, NewLineChar
, {
- inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,
inp_pos = inp_pos
@@ -1338,13 +1384,15 @@ ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filen
# pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
= ( False, c
, {
- inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream,
inp_pos = pos
- = ReadNormalChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,inp_stream = stream}
-ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
+ = ReadNormalChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_path=inp_path,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,inp_stream = stream}
+ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename, inp_path}
#! (s, file) = freadline file
| size s==0
# c = NewLineChar
@@ -1353,40 +1401,49 @@ ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
, c
, {
// input &
- inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_pos = inp_pos
= ReadNormalChar {
- inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_pos=inp_pos,
+ inp_path=inp_path,
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_pos=inp_pos,
inp_stream = OldLine 0 s (InFile file)
ReadChar :: !*Input -> (!Bool, !Char, !Input) // Bool indicates end of file, we read always newlines in an empty file
-ReadChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ReadChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename,inp_path}
| i<size line
# c=line.[i]
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
# pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
(c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i inp_tabsize line stream
= ( False, c
- , { inp_filename = inp_filename, inp_tabsize = inp_tabsize
+ , { inp_path = inp_path
+ , inp_filename = inp_filename
+ , inp_tabsize = inp_tabsize
, inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = pos
# pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
= ( False, c
- , { inp_filename = inp_filename, inp_tabsize = inp_tabsize
+ , { inp_path = inp_path
+ , inp_filename = inp_filename
+ , inp_tabsize = inp_tabsize
, inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
, inp_pos = pos
- = ReadChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,
+ = ReadChar {inp_path=inp_path,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,
inp_stream = stream}
//ReadChar input=:{inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize}
-ReadChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
+ReadChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename, inp_path}
#! (s, file) = freadline file
| size s==0
# c = NewLineChar
@@ -1395,13 +1452,13 @@ ReadChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
, c
, {
// input &
- inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_path=inp_path,
inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_pos = pos
= ReadChar {
- inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_pos=inp_pos,
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_path=inp_path,inp_pos=inp_pos,
inp_stream = OldLine 0 s (InFile file)
@@ -1440,11 +1497,11 @@ correctNewline_OldLine c i tab_size line input
_ -> (c,OldLine (i+1) line input)
charBack :: !Input -> Input
-charBack {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+charBack {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename,inp_path}
= {
inp_stream = OldLine (i-1) line stream,
inp_pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col - 1},
- inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_path=inp_path
GetPreviousChar :: !Input -> (!Char,!Input)
@@ -1631,11 +1688,12 @@ where
toString RightAssoc = "infixr "
toString NoAssoc = "infix "
-openScanner :: !*File !String -> ScanState
-openScanner file file_name
+openScanner :: !*File !String !String -> ScanState
+openScanner file path file_name
= ScanState { ss_input = Input
{ inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_filename = file_name
+ , inp_path = path
, inp_pos = {fp_line = 1, fp_col = 0}
, inp_tabsize = 4