path: root/backend
diff options
authorronny2001-11-01 15:30:29 +0000
committerronny2001-11-01 15:30:29 +0000
commitb1de57220ddc6025e3731f2579549866b058f134 (patch)
treeb763d1a4973f25211579f296176278ce68e8eadd /backend
parentadded --dump-args and --restore-args options (diff)
pass strictness information from C to Clean, print strict exported and all types in Clean
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@877 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'backend')
-rw-r--r--backend/Clean System Files/backend_library3
5 files changed, 371 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Clean System Files/backend_library b/backend/Clean System Files/backend_library
index 780b1b4..6eb2ebe 100644
--- a/backend/Clean System Files/backend_library
+++ b/backend/Clean System Files/backend_library
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@@ -120,5 +121,7 @@ BEExportField
diff --git a/backend/backend.dcl b/backend/backend.dcl
index 932338d..9730e6a 100644
--- a/backend/backend.dcl
+++ b/backend/backend.dcl
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ BEGetVersion :: (!Int,!Int,!Int);
// void BEGetVersion (int* current,int* oldestDefinition,int* oldestImplementation);
BEInit :: !Int !UWorld -> (!BackEnd,!UWorld);
// BackEnd BEInit (int argc);
+BECloseFiles :: !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BECloseFiles ();
BEFree :: !BackEnd !UWorld -> UWorld;
// void BEFree (BackEnd backEnd);
BEArg :: !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
@@ -280,13 +282,17 @@ BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs :: !BEStringListP !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> BackEnd
// void BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs (BEStringListP objs,BEStringListP libs);
BESetMainDclModuleN :: !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
// void BESetMainDclModuleN (int main_dcl_module_n_parameter);
+BEStrictPositions :: !Int !BackEnd -> (!Int,!Int,!BackEnd);
+// void BEStrictPositions (int functionIndex,int* bits,int** positions);
+BECopyInts :: !Int !Int !Int -> Int;
+// int BECopyInts (int cLength,int* ints,int* cleanArray);
BEDeclareDynamicTypeSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
// void BEDeclareDynamicTypeSymbol (int typeIndex,int moduleIndex);
BEDynamicTempTypeSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
// BESymbolP BEDynamicTempTypeSymbol ();
diff --git a/backend/backend.icl b/backend/backend.icl
index 05ac802..3f914cb 100644
--- a/backend/backend.icl
+++ b/backend/backend.icl
@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ BEInit a0 a1 = code {
// BackEnd BEInit (int argc);
+BECloseFiles :: !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BECloseFiles a0 = code {
+ ccall BECloseFiles ":V:I"
+// void BECloseFiles ();
BEFree :: !BackEnd !UWorld -> UWorld;
BEFree a0 a1 = code {
ccall BEFree "I:V:I"
@@ -765,6 +771,18 @@ BESetMainDclModuleN a0 a1 = code {
// void BESetMainDclModuleN (int main_dcl_module_n_parameter);
+BEStrictPositions :: !Int !BackEnd -> (!Int,!Int,!BackEnd);
+BEStrictPositions a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEStrictPositions "I:VII:I"
+// void BEStrictPositions (int functionIndex,int* bits,int** positions);
+BECopyInts :: !Int !Int !Int -> Int;
+BECopyInts a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BECopyInts "III:I"
+// int BECopyInts (int cLength,int* ints,int* cleanArray);
BEDeclareDynamicTypeSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
BEDeclareDynamicTypeSymbol a0 a1 a2 = code {
ccall BEDeclareDynamicTypeSymbol "II:V:I"
@@ -776,9 +794,9 @@ BEDynamicTempTypeSymbol a0 = code {
ccall BEDynamicTempTypeSymbol ":I:I"
// BESymbolP BEDynamicTempTypeSymbol ();
diff --git a/backend/backendinterface.dcl b/backend/backendinterface.dcl
index 20dde99..b380398 100644
--- a/backend/backendinterface.dcl
+++ b/backend/backendinterface.dcl
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ definition module backendinterface
import frontend
-backEndInterface :: !{#Char} [{#Char}] !PredefinedSymbols !FrontEndSyntaxTree !Int !*VarHeap !*AttrVarHeap !*File !*Files -> (!Bool, !*VarHeap, !*AttrVarHeap, !*File, !*Files)
+backEndInterface :: !{#Char} [{#Char}] !ListTypesOption !{#Char} !PredefinedSymbols !FrontEndSyntaxTree !Int !*VarHeap !*AttrVarHeap !*File !*Files -> (!Bool, !*VarHeap, !*AttrVarHeap, !*File, !*Files)
diff --git a/backend/backendinterface.icl b/backend/backendinterface.icl
index d16fb84..504e19f 100644
--- a/backend/backendinterface.icl
+++ b/backend/backendinterface.icl
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import StdEnv
import frontend
import backend
import backendpreprocess, backendsupport, backendconvert
-import RWSDebug, Version
+import Version
checkVersion :: VersionsCompatability *File -> (!Bool, !*File)
checkVersion VersionsAreCompatible errorFile
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ checkVersion VersionObservedIsTooOld errorFile
= fwrites "[Backend] the back end library is too old\n" errorFile
= (False, errorFile)
-backEndInterface :: !{#Char} [{#Char}] !PredefinedSymbols !FrontEndSyntaxTree !Int !*VarHeap !*AttrVarHeap !*File !*Files -> (!Bool, !*VarHeap, !*AttrVarHeap, !*File, !*Files)
-backEndInterface outputFileName commandLineArgs predef_symbols syntaxTree=:{fe_icl,fe_components} main_dcl_module_n var_heap attrHeap errorFile files
+backEndInterface :: !{#Char} [{#Char}] !ListTypesOption !{#Char} !PredefinedSymbols !FrontEndSyntaxTree !Int !*VarHeap !*AttrVarHeap !*File !*Files -> (!Bool, !*VarHeap, !*AttrVarHeap, !*File, !*Files)
+backEndInterface outputFileName commandLineArgs listTypes typesPath predef_symbols syntaxTree=:{fe_icl,fe_components,fe_dcls} main_dcl_module_n var_heap attrHeap errorFile files
# (observedCurrent, observedOldestDefinition, observedOldestImplementation)
= BEGetVersion
observedVersion =
@@ -61,6 +61,342 @@ backEndInterface outputFileName commandLineArgs predef_symbols syntaxTree=:{fe_i
= backEndConvertModules predef_symbols syntaxTree main_dcl_module_n varHeap attrHeap backEnd
# (success, backEnd)
= BEGenerateCode outputFileName backEnd
+ # backEnd
+ = BECloseFiles backEnd
+ # (attrHeap, files, backEnd)
+ // FIXME: should be type file
+ = optionallyPrintFunctionTypes listTypes typesPath (DictionaryToClassInfo main_dcl_module_n fe_icl fe_dcls) fe_components fe_icl.icl_functions attrHeap files backEnd
# backEndFiles
= BEFree backEnd backEndFiles
= (backEndFiles == 0 && success, var_heap, attrHeap, errorFile, files)
+import typesupport
+optionallyPrintFunctionTypes :: ListTypesOption {#Char} DictionaryToClassInfo {!Group} {#FunDef} *AttrVarHeap *Files !*BackEnd -> (*AttrVarHeap, *Files, *BackEnd)
+optionallyPrintFunctionTypes {lto_listTypesKind, lto_showAttributes} typesPath info components functions attrHeap files backEnd
+ | lto_listTypesKind == ListTypesStrictExports || lto_listTypesKind == ListTypesAll
+ # (opened, typesFile, files)
+ = fopen typesPath FAppendText files
+ | not opened
+ = abort ("couldn't open types file \"" +++ typesPath +++ "\"\n")
+ # (attrHeap, typesFile, backEnd)
+ = printFunctionTypes (lto_listTypesKind == ListTypesAll) lto_showAttributes info components functions attrHeap typesFile backEnd
+ # (closed, files)
+ = fclose typesFile files
+ | not closed
+ = abort ("couldn't close types file \"" +++ typesPath +++ "\"\n")
+ = (attrHeap, files, backEnd)
+ // otherwise
+ = (attrHeap, files, backEnd)
+printFunctionTypes :: Bool Bool DictionaryToClassInfo {!Group} {#FunDef} *AttrVarHeap *File *BackEnd -> (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd)
+printFunctionTypes all attr info components functions attrHeap file backEnd
+ = foldSt (printFunctionType all attr info) [(index, functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices] (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
+ where
+ functionIndices
+ = flatten [[(componentIndex, member) \\ member <- group.group_members] \\ group <-: components & componentIndex <- [1..]]
+printFunctionType :: Bool Bool DictionaryToClassInfo (Int, FunDef) (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd) -> (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd)
+printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_symb,fun_type=Yes type}) (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
+ | not all && functionIndex > size info.dtic_dclModules.[info.dtci_iclModuleIndex].dcl_functions
+ = (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
+ # (strictnessAdded, type, backEnd)
+ = addStrictnessFromBackEnd functionIndex fun_symb.id_name backEnd type
+ | not strictnessAdded && not all
+ = (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
+ // FIXME: shouldn't have to repair the invariant here
+ # (type, attrHeap)
+ = collectSymbolTypeAttrVars type attrHeap
+ # type
+ = dictionariesToClasses info type
+ # (type, attrHeap)
+ = beautifulizeAttributes type attrHeap
+ # file
+ = file <<< fun_symb <<< " :: "
+ <:: ({ form_properties = (if attr cAttributed 0) bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }, type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n'
+ = (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
+addStrictnessFromBackEnd :: Int {#Char} *BackEnd SymbolType -> (Bool, SymbolType, *BackEnd)
+addStrictnessFromBackEnd functionIndex functionName backEnd type
+ # (bitSize, strictPositionsC, backEnd)
+ = BEStrictPositions functionIndex backEnd
+ | bitSize == 0 // short cut
+ = (False, type, backEnd)
+ # strictPositions
+ = copyInts ((bitSize+31)/32) strictPositionsC // assumes 32 bit ints
+ # strictnessInfo
+ = {si_robust_encoding = False, si_positions = strictPositions, si_size = bitSize, si_name = functionName}
+ offset
+ = 0
+ # (robust, offset)
+ = nextBit strictnessInfo offset
+ strictnessInfo
+ = {strictnessInfo & si_robust_encoding = robust}
+ # (anyStrictnessAdded, offset)
+ = nextBit strictnessInfo offset
+ # (type, offset)
+ = addStrictness strictnessInfo type offset
+ # type
+ = checkFinalOffset strictnessInfo offset type
+ = (anyStrictnessAdded, type, backEnd)
+:: StrictnessInfo =
+ { si_size :: !Int
+ , si_positions :: !LargeBitvect
+ , si_name :: {#Char}
+ , si_robust_encoding :: !Bool
+ }
+class addStrictness a :: !StrictnessInfo !a Int -> (!a, !Int)
+nextBit :: StrictnessInfo Int -> (Bool, Int)
+nextBit {si_size, si_positions, si_robust_encoding} offset
+ | offset < si_size
+ = (bitvectSelect offset si_positions, offset+1)
+ // otherwise
+ | si_robust_encoding
+ = abort "backendinterface, nextBit: bit vector too small"
+ // otherwise
+ = (False, offset)
+checkStrictness :: StrictnessInfo Bool Int -> Int
+checkStrictness info=:{si_robust_encoding} wasStrict offset
+ | si_robust_encoding
+ # (bit, offset)
+ = nextBit info offset
+ | bit <> wasStrict
+ = abort "backendinterface, checkStrictness: wrong info for strictness annotation"
+ = offset
+ // otherwise
+ = offset
+checkType :: StrictnessInfo Bool Int -> Int
+checkType info=:{si_robust_encoding} isTuple offset
+ | si_robust_encoding
+ # (bit, offset)
+ = nextBit info offset
+ | bit <> isTuple
+ = abort "backendinterface, checkType: wrong type"
+ = offset
+ // otherwise
+ = offset
+checkFinalOffset :: StrictnessInfo Int a -> a
+checkFinalOffset info=:{si_size, si_robust_encoding} offset value
+ | offset < si_size || (si_robust_encoding && offset > si_size)
+ = abort "backendinterface, checkFinalOffset: wrong offset"
+ // otherwise
+ = value
+instance addStrictness SymbolType where
+ addStrictness strictPositions=:{si_size} args offset
+ | offset >= si_size // short cut
+ = (args, offset)
+ addStrictness strictPositions type=:{st_args} offset
+ # (st_args, offset)
+ = addStrictness strictPositions st_args offset
+ = ({type & st_args = st_args}, offset)
+instance addStrictness [a] | addStrictness a where
+ addStrictness strictPositions l offset
+ = mapSt (addStrictness strictPositions) l offset
+instance addStrictness AType where
+ addStrictness strictPositions arg=:{at_annotation, at_type} offset
+ # (at_annotation, offset)
+ = addStrictness strictPositions at_annotation offset
+ # (at_type, offset)
+ = addStrictnessToType strictPositions (at_annotation == AN_Strict) at_type offset
+ = ({arg & at_annotation = at_annotation, at_type = at_type}, offset)
+instance addStrictness Annotation where
+ addStrictness info annotation offset
+ # offset
+ = checkStrictness info wasStrict offset
+ # (strictAdded, offset)
+ = nextBit info offset
+ | strictAdded
+ | wasStrict
+ = abort "backendinterface, addStrictness: already strict"
+ // otherwise
+ = (AN_Strict, offset)
+ // otherwise
+ = (annotation, offset)
+ where
+ wasStrict
+ = annotation == AN_Strict
+addStrictnessToType :: StrictnessInfo Bool Type Int -> (Type, Int)
+addStrictnessToType strictPositions isStrict type=:(TA ident=:{type_name,type_arity} args) offset
+ # offset
+ = checkType strictPositions isTuple offset
+ | isTuple && isStrict
+ # (args, offset)
+ = addStrictness strictPositions args offset
+ = (TA ident args, offset)
+ // otherwise
+ = (type, offset)
+ where
+ // FIXME: don't match on name but use predef info
+ isTuple
+ = type_name.id_name == "_Tuple" +++ toString type_arity
+addStrictnessToType strictPositions _ type offset
+ # offset
+ = checkType strictPositions False offset
+ = (type, offset)
+collectSymbolTypeAttrVars :: SymbolType *AttrVarHeap -> (SymbolType, *AttrVarHeap)
+collectSymbolTypeAttrVars type=:{st_attr_vars, st_result, st_args} attrVarHeap
+ # attrVarHeap
+ = foldSt markAttrVarCollected st_attr_vars attrVarHeap
+ # (st_attr_vars, attrVarHeap)
+ = collectAttrVars st_result (collectAttrVars st_args (st_attr_vars, attrVarHeap))
+ = ({type & st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars}, attrVarHeap)
+/* maybe should collect st_vars as well (these are not used currently) */
+class collectAttrVars a :: a ([AttributeVar], *AttrVarHeap) -> ([AttributeVar], *AttrVarHeap)
+instance collectAttrVars AType where
+ collectAttrVars {at_attribute, at_type} collect
+ = collectAttrVars at_attribute (collectAttrVars at_type collect)
+instance collectAttrVars TypeAttribute where
+ collectAttrVars (TA_Var attrVar) collect
+ = collectAttrVars attrVar collect
+ collectAttrVars (TA_RootVar attrVar) collect
+ = collectAttrVars attrVar collect
+ collectAttrVars (TA_List _ attribute) collect
+ = collectAttrVars attribute collect
+ collectAttrVars (TA_Locked attribute) collect
+ = collectAttrVars attribute collect
+ collectAttrVars _ collect
+ = collect
+instance collectAttrVars Type where
+ collectAttrVars (TA _ types) collect
+ = collectAttrVars types collect
+ collectAttrVars (type1 --> type2) collect
+ = collectAttrVars type1 (collectAttrVars type2 collect)
+ collectAttrVars (TArrow1 type) collect
+ = collectAttrVars type collect
+ collectAttrVars (_ :@: types) collect
+ = collectAttrVars types collect
+ collectAttrVars (TFA _ type) collect
+ = collectAttrVars type collect
+ collectAttrVars _ collect
+ = collect
+instance collectAttrVars AttributeVar where
+ collectAttrVars attrVar=:{av_info_ptr} (attrVars, attrVarHeap)
+ # (info, attrVarHeap)
+ = readPtr av_info_ptr attrVarHeap
+ = case info of
+ AVI_Collected
+ -> (attrVars, attrVarHeap)
+ _
+ -> ([attrVar : attrVars], markAttrVarCollected attrVar attrVarHeap)
+instance collectAttrVars [a] | collectAttrVars a where
+ collectAttrVars l collect
+ = foldSt collectAttrVars l collect
+markAttrVarCollected :: AttributeVar *AttrVarHeap -> *AttrVarHeap
+markAttrVarCollected {av_info_ptr} attrVarHeap
+ = writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_Collected attrVarHeap
+:: DictionaryToClassInfo =
+ { dtci_iclModuleIndex :: Int
+ , dtci_iclModule :: IclModule
+ , dtic_dclModules :: {#DclModule}
+ }
+DictionaryToClassInfo iclModuleIndex iclModule dclModules :==
+ { dtci_iclModuleIndex = iclModuleIndex
+ , dtci_iclModule = iclModule
+ , dtic_dclModules = dclModules
+ }
+dictionariesToClasses :: DictionaryToClassInfo SymbolType -> SymbolType
+dictionariesToClasses info type=:{st_args, st_arity, st_context=[]}
+ # (reversedTypes, reversedContexts)
+ = dictionaryArgsToClasses info st_args ([], [])
+ = {type & st_args = reverse reversedTypes, st_context = reverse reversedContexts,
+ st_arity = st_arity - length reversedContexts}
+dictionaryArgsToClasses :: DictionaryToClassInfo [AType] ([AType], [TypeContext]) -> ([AType], [TypeContext])
+dictionaryArgsToClasses info args result
+ = foldSt (dictionaryArgToClass info) args result
+dictionaryArgToClass :: DictionaryToClassInfo AType ([AType], [TypeContext]) -> ([AType], [TypeContext])
+dictionaryArgToClass info type=:{at_type=TA typeSymbol args} (reversedTypes, reversedContexts)
+ = case typeToClass info typeSymbol of
+ Yes klass
+ -> (reversedTypes, [context : reversedContexts])
+ with
+ context
+ = {tc_class = klass, tc_types = [at_type \\ {at_type} <- args], tc_var = nilPtr}
+ No
+ -> ([type : reversedTypes], reversedContexts)
+dictionaryArgToClass _ type (reversedTypes, reversedContexts)
+ = ([type : reversedTypes], reversedContexts)
+typeToClass :: DictionaryToClassInfo TypeSymbIdent -> Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)
+typeToClass info {type_name, type_arity, type_index={glob_module, glob_object}}
+ = case typeIndexToClassIndex info glob_module glob_object of
+ Yes classIndex
+ -> Yes {glob_module=glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident = type_name, ds_arity = type_arity, ds_index = glob_object}}
+ No
+ -> No
+ where
+ /*
+ This how the types are organised (#classes == #dictionaries)
+ com_classes
+ +--------(1)-------+--------(2)-------+
+ | dcl classes | icl classes |
+ +------------------+------------------+
+ nDclClasses nIclClasses
+ com_type_defs
+ +-----------+--------(1)-------+-----------+--------(2)-------+
+ | dcl types | dcl dictionaries | icl types | icl dictionaries |
+ +-----------+------------------+-----------+------------------+
+ nDclTypes nIclTypes
+ */
+ typeIndexToClassIndex :: DictionaryToClassInfo Int Int -> Optional Int
+ typeIndexToClassIndex {dtci_iclModuleIndex, dtci_iclModule, dtic_dclModules} moduleIndex typeIndex
+ | moduleIndex <> dtci_iclModuleIndex || typeIndex < nDclTypes
+ = toClassIndex typeIndex nDclTypes nDclClasses 0
+ // otherwise
+ = toClassIndex (typeIndex-nDclTypes) (nIclTypes-nDclTypes) (nIclClasses-nDclClasses) nDclClasses
+ where
+ dclModule
+ = dtic_dclModules.[moduleIndex]
+ nDclTypes
+ = size dclModule.dcl_common.com_type_defs
+ nDclClasses
+ = size dclModule.dcl_common.com_class_defs
+ nIclTypes
+ = size dtci_iclModule.icl_common.com_type_defs
+ nIclClasses
+ = size dtci_iclModule.icl_common.com_class_defs
+ toClassIndex :: Int Int Int Int -> Optional Int
+ toClassIndex typeIndex nTypes nClasses offset
+ | classIndex < 0
+ = No
+ // otherwise
+ = Yes (classIndex + offset)
+ where
+ classIndex
+ = typeIndex - (nTypes - nClasses)
+copyInts :: !Int !Int -> {#Int}
+copyInts length cArray
+ = code {
+ push_b 0
+ create_array_ INT 0 1
+ push_a 0
+ ccall BECopyInts "IIA-I"
+ pop_b 1
+ }