path: root/backend/backendconvert.icl
diff options
authormartinw2000-06-21 13:53:24 +0000
committermartinw2000-06-21 13:53:24 +0000
commitd49a35b582b5ac2caa7dba1955a6e9cf522856eb (patch)
tree6dea032b4ba3ae8fa6aabbd98e04ea63cb18ced7 /backend/backendconvert.icl
parentbugfix: not only STE_Imported appears in dcls_explicit (and dcls_import?) but (diff)
solving the problem of strict aliases. Now a strict alias
#! x = y will be transformed into #! x = _dummyForStrictAlias y while checking. The new predefined symbol _dummyForStrictAlias has the type of the identity function. This application will be removed in the backend conversion phase. In this case x and y will simply get the same sequence number (see module backendpreprocess). Then the binding can be ignored. git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@177 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/backendconvert.icl')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index ff5a95c..df366c9 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -305,7 +305,10 @@ backEndConvertModules predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_
#! backEnd
= adjustArrayFunctions predefs fe_arrayInstances icl_functions fe_dcls varHeap (backEnd -*-> "adjustArrayFunctions")
#! (rules, backEnd)
- = convertRules [(index, icl_functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices] varHeap (backEnd -*-> "convertRules")
+// MW was: = convertRules [(index, icl_functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices] varHeap (backEnd -*-> "convertRules")
+ = convertRules predefs.[PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun].pds_ident
+ [(index, icl_functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices]
+ varHeap (backEnd -*-> "convertRules")
#! backEnd
= BEDefineRules rules (backEnd -*-> "BEDefineRules")
#! backEnd
@@ -407,7 +410,11 @@ reshuffleTypes nIclTypes dclIclConversions be
#! to` = if (to` >= nDclTypes) frm` to`
= (swap frm` to` p, swap frm to p`, swapTypes frm to be)
+/* MW changed into
+class declareVars a :: a !(!Ident, !VarHeap) -> Backender
+before it was:
class declareVars a :: a !VarHeap -> Backender
+non trivial changes are indicated with a comment
instance declareVars [a] | declareVars a where
declareVars :: [a] VarHeap -> Backender | declareVars a
@@ -476,6 +483,88 @@ instance declareVars BackendBody where
declareVars {bb_args, bb_rhs} varHeap
= declareVars bb_args varHeap
o` declareVars bb_rhs varHeap
+:: DeclVarsInput :== (!Ident, !VarHeap)
+class declareVars a :: a !DeclVarsInput -> Backender
+instance declareVars [a] | declareVars a where
+ declareVars :: [a] !DeclVarsInput -> Backender | declareVars a
+ declareVars list dvInput
+ = foldState (flip declareVars dvInput) list
+instance declareVars (Ptr VarInfo) where
+ declareVars varInfoPtr (_, varHeap)
+ = declareVariable BELhsNodeId varInfoPtr "_var???" varHeap // +++ name
+instance declareVars FreeVar where
+ declareVars :: FreeVar !DeclVarsInput -> Backender
+ declareVars freeVar (_, varHeap)
+ = declareVariable BELhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name varHeap
+// MW this rule was changed non trivially
+instance declareVars (Bind Expression FreeVar) where
+ declareVars :: (Bind Expression FreeVar) !DeclVarsInput -> Backender
+ declareVars {bind_src=App {app_symb, app_args=[Var _:_]}, bind_dst=freeVar} (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
+ | app_symb.symb_name==aliasDummyId
+ = identity // we have an alias. Don't declare the same variable twice
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name varHeap
+ declareVars {bind_dst=freeVar} (_, varHeap)
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name varHeap
+declareVariable :: Int (Ptr VarInfo) {#Char} !VarHeap -> Backender
+declareVariable lhsOrRhs varInfoPtr name varHeap
+ = beDeclareNodeId (getVariableSequenceNumber varInfoPtr varHeap) lhsOrRhs name
+instance declareVars (Optional a) | declareVars a where
+ declareVars :: (Optional a) !DeclVarsInput -> Backender | declareVars a
+ declareVars (Yes x) dvInput
+ = declareVars x dvInput
+ declareVars No _
+ = identity
+instance declareVars FunctionPattern where
+ declareVars :: FunctionPattern !DeclVarsInput -> Backender
+ declareVars (FP_Algebraic _ freeVars optionalVar) dvInput
+ = declareVars freeVars dvInput
+ o` declareVars optionalVar dvInput
+ declareVars (FP_Variable freeVar) dvInput
+ = declareVars freeVar dvInput
+ declareVars (FP_Basic _ optionalVar) dvInput
+ = declareVars optionalVar dvInput
+ declareVars FP_Empty dvInput
+ = identity
+instance declareVars Expression where
+ declareVars :: Expression !DeclVarsInput -> Backender
+ declareVars (Let {let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr}) dvInput
+ = declareVars let_strict_binds dvInput
+ o` declareVars let_lazy_binds dvInput
+ o` declareVars let_expr dvInput
+ declareVars (Conditional {if_then, if_else}) dvInput
+ = declareVars if_then dvInput
+ o` declareVars if_else dvInput
+// MW here was a non trivial change
+ declareVars (AnyCodeExpr _ outParams _) (_, varHeap)
+ = foldState (declVar varHeap) outParams
+ where
+ declVar varHeap {bind_dst=freeVar}
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name varHeap
+ declareVars _ _
+ = identity
+instance declareVars TransformedBody where
+ declareVars :: TransformedBody !DeclVarsInput -> Backender
+ declareVars {tb_args, tb_rhs} dvInput
+ = declareVars tb_args dvInput
+ o` declareVars tb_rhs dvInput
+instance declareVars BackendBody where
+ declareVars :: BackendBody !DeclVarsInput -> Backender
+ declareVars {bb_args, bb_rhs} dvInput
+ = declareVars bb_args dvInput
+ o` declareVars bb_rhs dvInput
:: ModuleIndex :== Index
@@ -830,8 +919,12 @@ convertRules rules varHeap
= foldl (flip beRules) beNoRules (map (flip convertRule varHeap) rules)
+/* MW was
convertRules :: [(Int, FunDef)] VarHeap *BackEnd -> (BEImpRuleP, *BackEnd)
convertRules rules varHeap be
+convertRules :: Ident [(Int, FunDef)] VarHeap *BackEnd -> (BEImpRuleP, *BackEnd)
+convertRules aliasDummyId rules varHeap be
# (null, be)
= BENoRules be
= convert rules varHeap null be
@@ -842,14 +935,22 @@ convertRules rules varHeap be
= (rulesP, be)
convert [h:t] varHeap rulesP be
# (ruleP, be)
- = convertRule h varHeap be
+// MW was = convertRule h varHeap be
+ = convertRule aliasDummyId h varHeap be
# (rulesP, be)
= BERules ruleP rulesP be
= convert t varHeap rulesP be
+/* MW was
convertRule :: (Int,FunDef) VarHeap -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP
convertRule (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_symb}) varHeap
- = beRule index (cafness fun_kind) (convertTypeAlt index cIclModIndex (type /* ->> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type) */)) (convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) body varHeap)
+convertRule :: Ident (Int,FunDef) VarHeap -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP
+convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_symb}) varHeap
+// MW was: = beRule index (cafness fun_kind) (convertTypeAlt index cIclModIndex (type /* ->> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type) */)) (convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) body varHeap)
+ = beRule index (cafness fun_kind)
+ (convertTypeAlt index cIclModIndex (type /* ->> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type) */))
+ (convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) aliasDummyId body varHeap)
cafness :: FunKind -> Int
cafness (FK_Function _)
@@ -869,9 +970,14 @@ convertRule (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_sy
positionToLineNumber _
= -1
+/* MW was
convertFunctionBody :: Int Int FunctionBody VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
convertFunctionBody functionIndex lineNumber (BackendBody bodies) varHeap
= convertBackendBodies functionIndex lineNumber bodies varHeap
+convertFunctionBody :: Int Int Ident FunctionBody VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
+convertFunctionBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId (BackendBody bodies) varHeap
+ = convertBackendBodies functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId bodies varHeap
convertTypeAlt :: Int ModuleIndex SymbolType -> BEMonad BETypeAltP
convertTypeAlt functionIndex moduleIndex symbol=:{st_result}
@@ -951,37 +1057,54 @@ convertTypeArgs :: [AType] -> BEMonad BETypeArgP
convertTypeArgs args
= foldr (beTypeArgs o convertAnnotTypeNode) beNoTypeArgs args
+/* MW was
convertBackendBodies :: Int Int [BackendBody] VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
convertBackendBodies functionIndex lineNumber bodies varHeap
= foldr (beRuleAlts o (flip (convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber)) varHeap) beNoRuleAlts bodies
+convertBackendBodies :: Int Int Ident [BackendBody] VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
+convertBackendBodies functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId bodies varHeap
+ = foldr (beRuleAlts o (flip (convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId)) varHeap)
+ beNoRuleAlts bodies
+/* MW was
convertBackendBody :: Int Int BackendBody VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs=ABCCodeExpr instructions inline} varHeap
+convertBackendBody :: Int Int Ident BackendBody VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
+convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs=ABCCodeExpr instructions inline} varHeap
= beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
- -> declareVars body varHeap
+// MW was -> declareVars body varHeap
+ -> declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
o` beCodeAlt
(convertLhsNodeDefs bb_args noNodeDefs varHeap)
(convertBackendLhs functionIndex bb_args varHeap)
(beAbcCodeBlock inline (convertStrings instructions))
-convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs=AnyCodeExpr inParams outParams instructions} varHeap
+// MW was:convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs=AnyCodeExpr inParams outParams instructions} varHeap
+convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs=AnyCodeExpr inParams outParams instructions} varHeap
= beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
- -> declareVars body varHeap
+// MW was -> declareVars body varHeap
+ -> declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
o` beCodeAlt
(convertLhsNodeDefs bb_args noNodeDefs varHeap)
(convertBackendLhs functionIndex bb_args varHeap)
(beAnyCodeBlock (convertCodeParameters inParams varHeap) (convertCodeParameters outParams varHeap) (convertStrings instructions))
-convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs} varHeap
+// MW was:convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs} varHeap
+convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs} varHeap
= beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
- -> declareVars body varHeap
+// MW was -> declareVars body varHeap
+ -> declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
o` beRuleAlt
(convertLhsNodeDefs bb_args noNodeDefs varHeap)
(convertBackendLhs functionIndex bb_args varHeap)
- (convertRhsNodeDefs bb_rhs varHeap)
+// MW was: (convertRhsNodeDefs bb_rhs varHeap)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId bb_rhs varHeap)
(convertRhsStrictNodeIds bb_rhs varHeap)
- (convertRootExpr bb_rhs varHeap)
+// MW was: (convertRootExpr bb_rhs varHeap)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId bb_rhs varHeap)
convertStrings :: [{#Char}] -> BEMonad BEStringListP
convertStrings strings
@@ -1049,6 +1172,7 @@ convertVars :: [VarInfoPtr] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEArgP
convertVars vars varHeap
= foldr (beArgs o flip convertVarPtr varHeap) beNoArgs vars
+/* MW was
convertRootExpr :: Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
convertRootExpr (Let {let_expr}) varHeap
= convertRootExpr let_expr varHeap
@@ -1057,24 +1181,41 @@ convertRootExpr (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=Yes else}) var
convertConditional :: Expression Expression Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
convertConditional cond then else varHeap
+convertRootExpr :: Ident Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
+convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Let {let_expr}) varHeap
+ = convertRootExpr aliasDummyId let_expr varHeap
+convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=Yes else}) varHeap
+ = convertConditional aliasDummyId cond then else varHeap
+ where
+ convertConditional :: Ident Expression Expression Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
+ convertConditional aliasDummyId cond then else varHeap
= beGuardNode
(convertExpr cond varHeap)
- (convertRhsNodeDefs then varHeap)
+// MW was: (convertRhsNodeDefs then varHeap)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId then varHeap)
(convertRhsStrictNodeIds then varHeap)
- (convertRootExpr then varHeap)
- (convertRhsNodeDefs else varHeap)
+// MW was: (convertRootExpr then varHeap)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId then varHeap)
+// MW was: (convertRhsNodeDefs else varHeap)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId else varHeap)
(convertRhsStrictNodeIds else varHeap)
- (convertRootExpr else varHeap)
-convertRootExpr (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=No}) varHeap
+// MW was: (convertRootExpr else varHeap)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId else varHeap)
+// MW was:convertRootExpr (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=No}) varHeap
+convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=No}) varHeap
= beGuardNode
(convertExpr cond varHeap)
- (convertRhsNodeDefs then varHeap)
+// MW was: (convertRhsNodeDefs then varHeap)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId then varHeap)
(convertRhsStrictNodeIds then varHeap)
- (convertRootExpr then varHeap)
+// MW was: (convertRootExpr then varHeap)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId then varHeap)
(beNormalNode (beBasicSymbol BEFailSymb) beNoArgs)
-convertRootExpr expr varHeap
+// MW was:convertRootExpr expr varHeap
+convertRootExpr _ expr varHeap
= convertExpr expr varHeap
// RWS +++ rewrite
@@ -1103,15 +1244,42 @@ defineLhsNodeDef freeVar pattern nodeDefs varHeap
(beNodeDef (getVariableSequenceNumber freeVar.fv_info_ptr varHeap) (convertPattern pattern varHeap))
(return nodeDefs)
+/* MW was
collectNodeDefs :: Expression -> [Bind Expression FreeVar]
collectNodeDefs (Let {let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds})
= let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds
-collectNodeDefs _
+collectNodeDefs :: Ident Expression -> [Bind Expression FreeVar]
+collectNodeDefs aliasDummyId (Let {let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds})
+// MW was: = let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds
+ = filterStrictAlias let_strict_binds let_lazy_binds
+ where
+ filterStrictAlias [] let_lazy_binds
+ = let_lazy_binds
+ filterStrictAlias [strict_bind=:{bind_src=App app}:strict_binds] let_lazy_binds
+ | app.app_symb.symb_name==aliasDummyId
+ // the compiled source was a strict alias like "#! x = y"
+ = case hd app.app_args of
+ Var _
+ // the node is still such an alias and must be ignored
+ -> filterStrictAlias strict_binds let_lazy_binds
+ hd_app_args
+ // the node is not an alias anymore: remove just the _dummyForStrictAlias call
+ -> [{ strict_bind & bind_src = hd_app_args } : filterStrictAlias strict_binds let_lazy_binds]
+ filterStrictAlias [strict_bind:strict_binds] let_lazy_binds
+ = [strict_bind: filterStrictAlias strict_binds let_lazy_binds]
+// MW was:collectNodeDefs _
+collectNodeDefs _ _
= []
+/* MW was
convertRhsNodeDefs :: Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeDefP
convertRhsNodeDefs expr varHeap
= convertNodeDefs (collectNodeDefs expr) varHeap
+convertRhsNodeDefs :: Ident Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeDefP
+convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId expr varHeap
+ = convertNodeDefs (collectNodeDefs aliasDummyId expr) varHeap
convertNodeDef :: !(Bind Expression FreeVar) VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeDefP
convertNodeDef {bind_src=expr, bind_dst=freeVar} varHeap
@@ -1305,10 +1473,19 @@ convertVar varInfo varHeap
= beNodeId (getVariableSequenceNumber varInfo varHeap)
getVariableSequenceNumber :: VarInfoPtr VarHeap -> Int
+/* MW was
getVariableSequenceNumber varInfoPtr varHeap
# (VI_SequenceNumber sequenceNumber)
= sreadPtr varInfoPtr varHeap
= sequenceNumber
+getVariableSequenceNumber varInfoPtr varHeap
+ # vi = sreadPtr varInfoPtr varHeap
+ = case vi of
+ VI_SequenceNumber sequenceNumber
+ -> sequenceNumber
+ VI_Alias {var_info_ptr}
+ -> getVariableSequenceNumber var_info_ptr varHeap
markExports :: DclModule {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} (Optional {#Int}) -> Backender
markExports {dcl_conversions = Yes conversionTable} dclClasses dclTypes iclClasses iclTypes (Yes functionConversions)