path: root/backend/backendconvert.icl
diff options
authorjohnvg2002-10-18 15:49:24 +0000
committerjohnvg2002-10-18 15:49:24 +0000
commitaeaa7c02e0d08e980964fb2b2470bb26f36fd33b (patch)
tree7e87a008cf2314c0cd4f251f4dab2c3dfad8801b /backend/backendconvert.icl
parentadd support_dynamics flag to scanModule call (diff)
added code for boxed records and lhs uniqueness attribute of
type definitions git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1245 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/backendconvert.icl')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index 2fe810d..e95566f 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ beAdjustArrayFunction backendId functionIndex moduleIndex
:== beApFunction0 (BEAdjustArrayFunction backendId functionIndex moduleIndex)
:== beFunction2 BEFlatType
+// :== beFunction3 BEFlatTypeX
:== beFunction0 BENoTypeVars
@@ -796,8 +798,9 @@ defineTypes :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} {#SelectorDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} -> BackEn
defineTypes moduleIndex constructors selectors types
= foldStateWithIndexA (defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors) types
-convertTypeLhs :: ModuleIndex Index [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BEFlatTypeP
-convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex args
+convertTypeLhs :: ModuleIndex Index TypeAttribute [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BEFlatTypeP
+convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex attribute args
+// = beFlatTypeX (beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex) (convertAttribution attribute) (convertTypeVars args)
= beFlatType (beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex) (convertTypeVars args)
convertTypeVars :: [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BETypeVarListP
@@ -809,18 +812,17 @@ convertTypeVar typeVar
= beTypeVarListElem (beTypeVar typeVar.atv_variable.tv_name.id_name) (convertAttribution typeVar.atv_attribute)
defineType :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} {#SelectorDef} Index CheckedTypeDef *BackEndState -> *BackEndState
-defineType moduleIndex constructors _ typeIndex {td_name, td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be
+defineType moduleIndex constructors _ typeIndex {td_name, td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be
# (flatType, be)
- = convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args be
+ = convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args be
# (constructors, be)
= convertConstructors typeIndex td_name.id_name moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols be
= appBackEnd (BEAlgebraicType flatType constructors) be
-defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields}} be
+defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields, rt_is_boxed_record}} be
// | trace_tn constructorDef.cons_symb
# (flatType, be)
- = convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args be
+ = convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args be
# (fields, be)
-// = convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors rt_fields be
= convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors rt_fields constructorDef.cons_type.st_args_strictness be
# (constructorType,be) = constructorTypeFunction be
# (constructorTypeNode, be)
@@ -829,6 +831,7 @@ defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=RecordT
(convertSymbolTypeArgs constructorType)
= appBackEnd (BERecordType moduleIndex flatType constructorTypeNode fields) be
+// = appBackEnd (BERecordTypeX moduleIndex flatType constructorTypeNode (if rt_is_boxed_record 1 0) fields) be
= rt_constructor.ds_index
@@ -841,10 +844,10 @@ defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=RecordT
-> (expandedType,be)
-> (constructorDef.cons_type,be))
-defineType moduleIndex _ _ typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=AbstractType _} be
- = beAbsType (convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args) be
-defineType moduleIndex _ _ typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=AbstractSynType _ _} be
- = beAbsType (convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args) be
+defineType moduleIndex _ _ typeIndex {td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=AbstractType _} be
+ = beAbsType (convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args) be
+defineType moduleIndex _ _ typeIndex {td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=AbstractSynType _ _} be
+ = beAbsType (convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args) be
defineType _ _ _ _ _ be
= be