path: root/backend/backendconvert.icl
diff options
authorclean2000-07-04 09:07:05 +0000
committerclean2000-07-04 09:07:05 +0000
commit8890c01d9a26a5b7614746b6f43bba97198fca7d (patch)
tree0a77ea29cc8f4966b44bb4676f9bdac28f27b0e7 /backend/backendconvert.icl
parentremoving trace statement (diff)
labels global function names without ";n" extension
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@181 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/backendconvert.icl')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index df366c9..be93abc 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ import RWSDebug
:: Backender :== *BackEnd -> *BackEnd
+// foldr` :: (.a -> .(.b -> .b)) .b ![.a] -> .b // op e0 (op e1(...(op r e##)...)
+foldr` op r l :== foldr l
+ where
+ foldr [] = r
+ foldr [a:x] = op a (foldr x)
+flip` f x y
+ :== f y x
/* +++
:: *BackEndState = {bes_backEnd :: BackEnd, bes_varHeap :: *VarHeap}
@@ -32,7 +41,7 @@ accVarHeap f beState
= f beState.bes_varHeap
= (result, {beState & bes_varHeap = varHeap})
-appBackEnd f beState :== f beState
+appBackEnd f :== f
accVarHeap f beState :== f beState
beFunction0 f
@@ -231,8 +240,8 @@ notYetImplementedExpr
= (BasicExpr (BVS "\"error in compiler (something was not implemented by lazy Ronny)\"") BT_Int)
backEndConvertModules :: PredefinedSymbols FrontEndSyntaxTree VarHeap *BackEnd -> *BackEnd
-backEndConvertModules predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_common, icl_imported_objects}, fe_components, fe_dcls, fe_arrayInstances, fe_dclIclConversions, fe_iclDclConversions} varHeap backEnd
- // sanity check ...
+backEndConvertModules predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_common, icl_imported_objects}, fe_components, fe_dcls, fe_arrayInstances, fe_dclIclConversions, fe_iclDclConversions, fe_globalFunctions} varHeap backEnd
+// sanity check ...
// | cIclModIndex <> kIclModuleIndex || cPredefinedModuleIndex <> kPredefinedModuleIndex
// = undef <<- "backendconvert, backEndConvertModules: module index mismatch"
// ... sanity check
@@ -245,9 +254,9 @@ backEndConvertModules predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_
# backEnd
= abort "front end abort" backEnd
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= BEDeclareModules (size fe_dcls) backEnd
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= predefineSymbols fe_dcls.[cPredefinedModuleIndex] predefs backEnd
# currentDcl
@@ -277,32 +286,32 @@ backEndConvertModules predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_
, (rstypes, types)
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= declareCurrentDclModule fe_icl fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] (backEnd -*-> "declareCurrentDclModule")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= declareOtherDclModules fe_dcls (backEnd -*-> "declareOtherDclModules")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= defineDclModule varHeap cIclModIndex fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] (backEnd -*-> "defineDclModule(cIclMoIndex)")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= reshuffleTypes (size icl_common.com_type_defs) typeConversions (backEnd -*-> "reshuffleTypes")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= defineOtherDclModules fe_dcls varHeap (backEnd -*-> "defineOtherDclModules")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= BEDeclareIclModule icl_name.id_name (size icl_functions) (size icl_common.com_type_defs) (size icl_common.com_cons_defs) (size icl_common.com_selector_defs) (backEnd -*-> "BEDeclareIclModule")
- #! backEnd
- = declareFunctionSymbols icl_functions (getConversions fe_iclDclConversions) functionIndices (backEnd -*-> "declareFunctionSymbols")
+ # backEnd
+ = declareFunctionSymbols icl_functions (getConversions fe_iclDclConversions) functionIndices fe_globalFunctions (backEnd -*-> "declareFunctionSymbols")
getConversions :: (Optional {#Int}) -> {#Int}
getConversions No
= {}
getConversions (Yes conversions)
= conversions
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= declare cIclModIndex varHeap icl_common (backEnd -*-> "declare (cIclModIndex)")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= declareArrayInstances fe_arrayInstances icl_functions (backEnd -*-> "declareArrayInstances")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= adjustArrayFunctions predefs fe_arrayInstances icl_functions fe_dcls varHeap (backEnd -*-> "adjustArrayFunctions")
#! (rules, backEnd)
// MW was: = convertRules [(index, icl_functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices] varHeap (backEnd -*-> "convertRules")
@@ -311,12 +320,12 @@ backEndConvertModules predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_
varHeap (backEnd -*-> "convertRules")
#! backEnd
= BEDefineRules rules (backEnd -*-> "BEDefineRules")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= beDefineImportedObjsAndLibs
(convertStrings [imported.io_name \\ imported <- icl_imported_objects | not imported.io_is_library])
(convertStrings [imported.io_name \\ imported <- icl_imported_objects | imported.io_is_library])
(backEnd -*-> "beDefineImportedObjsAndLibs")
- #! backEnd
+ # backEnd
= markExports fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] dcl_common.com_class_defs dcl_common.com_type_defs icl_common.com_class_defs icl_common.com_type_defs fe_dclIclConversions (backEnd -*-> "markExports")
@@ -364,9 +373,9 @@ defineOtherDclModule varHeap moduleIndex dclModule
= defineDclModule varHeap moduleIndex dclModule
defineDclModule :: VarHeap ModuleIndex DclModule -> Backender
-defineDclModule varHeap moduleIndex {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions, dcl_is_system}
+defineDclModule varHeap moduleIndex {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_instances, dcl_functions, dcl_is_system}
= declare moduleIndex varHeap dcl_common
- o` declareFunTypes moduleIndex dcl_functions varHeap
+ o` declareFunTypes moduleIndex dcl_functions dcl_instances.ir_from varHeap
// move types from their dcl to icl positions
@@ -419,7 +428,7 @@ non trivial changes are indicated with a comment
instance declareVars [a] | declareVars a where
declareVars :: [a] VarHeap -> Backender | declareVars a
declareVars list varHeap
- = foldState (flip declareVars varHeap) list
+ = foldState (flip` declareVars varHeap) list
instance declareVars (Ptr VarInfo) where
declareVars varInfoPtr varHeap
@@ -582,13 +591,22 @@ instance declare {#a} | declareWithIndex a & Array {#} a where
declare moduleIndex varHeap array
= foldStateWithIndexA (\i -> declareWithIndex i moduleIndex varHeap) array
-declareFunctionSymbols :: {#FunDef} {#Int} [(Int, Int)] *BackEnd -> *BackEnd
-declareFunctionSymbols functions iclDclConversions functionIndices backEnd
- = foldr (declare iclDclConversions) backEnd [(functionIndex, componentIndex, functions.[functionIndex]) \\ (componentIndex, functionIndex) <- functionIndices]
+declareFunctionSymbols :: {#FunDef} {#Int} [(Int, Int)] IndexRange *BackEnd -> *BackEnd
+declareFunctionSymbols functions iclDclConversions functionIndices globalFunctions backEnd
+ = foldr` (declare iclDclConversions) backEnd [(functionIndex, componentIndex, functions.[functionIndex]) \\ (componentIndex, functionIndex) <- functionIndices]
declare :: {#Int} (Int, Int, FunDef) *BackEnd -> *BackEnd
declare iclDclConversions (functionIndex, componentIndex, function) backEnd
- = BEDeclareFunction (function.fun_symb.id_name +++ ";" +++ toString iclDclConversions.[functionIndex]) function.fun_arity functionIndex componentIndex backEnd
+ = BEDeclareFunction
+ (functionName function.fun_symb.id_name functionIndex iclDclConversions globalFunctions)
+ function.fun_arity functionIndex componentIndex backEnd
+ where
+ functionName :: {#Char} Int {#Int} IndexRange -> {#Char}
+ functionName name functionIndex iclDclConversions {ir_from, ir_to}
+ | functionIndex >= ir_to || functionIndex < ir_from
+ = (name +++ ";" +++ toString iclDclConversions.[functionIndex])
+ // otherwise
+ = name
// move to backendsupport
foldStateWithIndexRangeA function frm to array
@@ -621,18 +639,25 @@ instance declareWithIndex (TypeDef a) where
declareWithIndex typeIndex moduleIndex _ {td_name}
= BEDeclareType typeIndex moduleIndex td_name.id_name
-declareFunTypes :: ModuleIndex {#FunType} VarHeap -> Backender
-declareFunTypes moduleIndex funTypes varHeap
- = foldStateWithIndexA (declareFunType moduleIndex varHeap) funTypes
+declareFunTypes :: ModuleIndex {#FunType} Int VarHeap -> Backender
+declareFunTypes moduleIndex funTypes nrOfDclFunctions varHeap
+ = foldStateWithIndexA (declareFunType moduleIndex varHeap nrOfDclFunctions) funTypes
-declareFunType :: ModuleIndex VarHeap Index FunType -> Backender
-declareFunType moduleIndex varHeap functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr}
+declareFunType :: ModuleIndex VarHeap Index Int FunType -> Backender
+declareFunType moduleIndex varHeap nrOfDclFunctions functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr}
= case (sreadPtr ft_type_ptr varHeap) of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (ft_symb.id_name +++ ";" +++ toString functionIndex)
+ -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName ft_symb.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
o` beDefineRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (convertTypeAlt functionIndex moduleIndex expandedType)
-> identity
+ where
+ functionName :: {#Char} Int Int -> {#Char}
+ functionName name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions
+ | functionIndex < nrOfDclFunctions
+ = name
+ // otherwise
+ = name +++ ";" +++ toString functionIndex
currentModuleTypeConversions :: {#ClassDef} {#ClassDef} (Optional ConversionTable) -> {#Int}
currentModuleTypeConversions iclClasses dclClasses (Yes conversionTable)
@@ -703,7 +728,7 @@ convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex args
convertTypeVars :: [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BETypeVarListP
convertTypeVars typeVars
- = foldr (beTypeVars o convertTypeVar) beNoTypeVars typeVars
+ = foldr` (beTypeVars o convertTypeVar) beNoTypeVars typeVars
convertTypeVar :: ATypeVar -> BEMonad BETypeVarP
convertTypeVar typeVar
@@ -745,7 +770,7 @@ defineType _ _ _ _ _ _ be
convertConstructors :: Int {#Char} ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} [DefinedSymbol] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP
convertConstructors typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors symbols varHeap
- = foldr (beConstructors o convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors varHeap) beNoConstructors symbols
+ = foldr` (beConstructors o convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors varHeap) beNoConstructors symbols
convertConstructor :: Int {#Char} ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} VarHeap DefinedSymbol -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP
convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructorDefs varHeap {ds_index}
@@ -915,8 +940,8 @@ adjustArrayFunctions predefs arrayInstancesRange functions dcls varHeap
convertRules :: [(Int, FunDef)] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP
convertRules rules varHeap
-// = foldr (beRules o flip convertRule varHeap) beNoRules rules
- = foldl (flip beRules) beNoRules (map (flip convertRule varHeap) rules)
+// = foldr` (beRules o flip` convertRule varHeap) beNoRules rules
+ = foldl (flip` beRules) beNoRules (map (flip` convertRule varHeap) rules)
/* MW was
@@ -928,7 +953,7 @@ convertRules aliasDummyId rules varHeap be
# (null, be)
= BENoRules be
= convert rules varHeap null be
-// = foldr (beRules o flip convertRule varHeap) beNoRules rules
+// = foldr` (beRules o flip` convertRule varHeap) beNoRules rules
convert :: [(Int, FunDef)] VarHeap BEImpRuleP *BackEnd -> (BEImpRuleP, *BackEnd)
convert [] _ rulesP be
@@ -1055,7 +1080,7 @@ consVariableToType (TempQCV varId)
convertTypeArgs :: [AType] -> BEMonad BETypeArgP
convertTypeArgs args
- = foldr (beTypeArgs o convertAnnotTypeNode) beNoTypeArgs args
+ = foldr` (beTypeArgs o convertAnnotTypeNode) beNoTypeArgs args
/* MW was
convertBackendBodies :: Int Int [BackendBody] VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
@@ -1108,11 +1133,11 @@ convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs}
convertStrings :: [{#Char}] -> BEMonad BEStringListP
convertStrings strings
- = foldr (beStrings o beString) beNoStrings strings
+ = foldr` (beStrings o beString) beNoStrings strings
convertCodeParameters :: (CodeBinding a) VarHeap -> BEMonad BECodeParameterP | varInfoPtr a
convertCodeParameters codeParameters varHeap
- = foldr (beCodeParameters o flip convertCodeParameter varHeap) beNoCodeParameters codeParameters
+ = foldr` (beCodeParameters o flip` convertCodeParameter varHeap) beNoCodeParameters codeParameters
class varInfoPtr a :: a -> VarInfoPtr
@@ -1138,7 +1163,7 @@ convertBackendLhs functionIndex patterns varHeap
convertPatterns :: [FunctionPattern] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEArgP
convertPatterns patterns varHeap
- = foldr (beArgs o flip convertPattern varHeap) beNoArgs patterns
+ = foldr` (beArgs o flip` convertPattern varHeap) beNoArgs patterns
convertPattern :: FunctionPattern VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
convertPattern (FP_Variable freeVar) varHeap
@@ -1162,7 +1187,7 @@ convertFreeVarPattern freeVar varHeap
convertLhsArgs :: [FreeVar] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEArgP
convertLhsArgs freeVars varHeap
- = foldr (beArgs o (flip convertFreeVarPattern) varHeap) beNoArgs freeVars
+ = foldr` (beArgs o (flip` convertFreeVarPattern) varHeap) beNoArgs freeVars
convertVarPtr :: VarInfoPtr VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
convertVarPtr var varHeap
@@ -1170,7 +1195,7 @@ convertVarPtr var varHeap
convertVars :: [VarInfoPtr] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEArgP
convertVars vars varHeap
- = foldr (beArgs o flip convertVarPtr varHeap) beNoArgs vars
+ = foldr` (beArgs o flip` convertVarPtr varHeap) beNoArgs vars
/* MW was
convertRootExpr :: Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
@@ -1287,7 +1312,7 @@ convertNodeDef {bind_src=expr, bind_dst=freeVar} varHeap
convertNodeDefs :: [Bind Expression FreeVar] VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeDefP
convertNodeDefs binds varHeap
- = foldr (beNodeDefs o flip convertNodeDef varHeap) beNoNodeDefs binds
+ = foldr` (beNodeDefs o flip` convertNodeDef varHeap) beNoNodeDefs binds
collectStrictNodeIds :: Expression -> [FreeVar]
collectStrictNodeIds (Let {let_strict_binds, let_expr})
@@ -1301,7 +1326,7 @@ convertStrictNodeId freeVar varHeap
convertStrictNodeIds :: [FreeVar] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEStrictNodeIdP
convertStrictNodeIds freeVars varHeap
- = foldr (beStrictNodeIds o flip convertStrictNodeId varHeap) beNoStrictNodeIds freeVars
+ = foldr` (beStrictNodeIds o flip` convertStrictNodeId varHeap) beNoStrictNodeIds freeVars
convertRhsStrictNodeIds :: Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BEStrictNodeIdP
convertRhsStrictNodeIds expression varHeap
@@ -1321,7 +1346,7 @@ convertLiteralSymbol (BVS string)
convertArgs :: [Expression] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEArgP
convertArgs exprs varHeap
- = foldr (beArgs o flip convertExpr varHeap) beNoArgs exprs
+ = foldr` (beArgs o flip` convertExpr varHeap) beNoArgs exprs
convertSymbol :: !SymbIdent -> BEMonad BESymbolP
convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}}
@@ -1367,7 +1392,7 @@ convertExpr (Selection isUnique expression selections) varHeap
addKinds _ []
= []
convertExpr (RecordUpdate _ expr updates) varHeap
- = foldl (convertUpdate varHeap) (convertExpr expr varHeap) updates
+ = foldl (convertUpdate varHeap) (convertExpr expr varHeap) updates -*-> "be: RecordUpdate"
convertUpdate varHeap expr {bind_src=NoBind _}
= expr
@@ -1383,7 +1408,7 @@ convertExpr (RecordUpdate _ expr updates) varHeap
convertExpr (Update expr1 [singleSelection] expr2) varHeap
= case singleSelection of
RecordSelection _ _
- -> beUpdateNode (convertArgs [expr1, Selection No expr2 [singleSelection]] varHeap)
+ -> beUpdateNode (convertArgs [expr1, Selection No expr2 [singleSelection]] varHeap) -*-> "be: Update [single]"
ArraySelection {glob_object={ds_index}, glob_module} _ index
// RWS not used?, eleminate beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol?
-> beNormalNode