path: root/backend/backendconvert.icl
diff options
authorronny2001-05-08 10:08:00 +0000
committerronny2001-05-08 10:08:00 +0000
commit2da6980c4c132561e37655862c95b7de62470f23 (patch)
tree17de347a7f272014313d8353be08047203d64a67 /backend/backendconvert.icl
parentsupport for cases in backend (diff)
support for cases in backend
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@395 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/backendconvert.icl')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index 401f824..f769ce1 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import frontend
import backend
import backendsupport, backendpreprocess
import RWSDebug
+import StdDebug
// trace macro
(-*->) infixl
@@ -26,6 +27,11 @@ sfoldr op r l s
foldr [] = r
foldr [a:x] = op a (foldr x)
+// fix spelling, this will be removed when cases are implemented in the back end
+:: BackEndBody :== BackendBody
+BackEndBody x :== BackendBody x
:: BEMonad a :== St !*BackEndState !a
:: BackEnder :== *BackEndState -> *BackEndState
@@ -180,8 +186,8 @@ beFieldSymbol fieldIndex moduleIndex
:== beFunction0 (BEFieldSymbol fieldIndex moduleIndex)
beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex
:== beFunction0 (BETypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex)
-beBasicSymbol typeSymbolIndex
- :== beFunction0 (BEBasicSymbol typeSymbolIndex)
+beBasicSymbol symbolIndex
+ :== beFunction0 (BEBasicSymbol symbolIndex)
:== beFunction0 BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol
@@ -304,6 +310,20 @@ beDefineImportedObjsAndLibs
:== beApFunction2 BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs
:== beApFunction1 BEAbsType
+ :== beFunction2 BESwitchNode
+beCaseNode symbolArity
+ :== beFunction4 (BECaseNode symbolArity)
+bePushNode symbolArity
+ :== beFunction3 (BEPushNode symbolArity)
+ :== beFunction3 BEDefaultNode
+ :== beFunction0 BENoNodeIds
+ :== beFunction2 BENodeIds
+ :== beFunction1 BENodeIdListElem
// temporary hack
:== beFunction0 BEDynamicTempTypeSymbol
@@ -335,8 +355,7 @@ backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl
= backEnd
# backEnd
= abort "front end abort" backEnd
- #! backEnd = appBackEnd (BESetMainDclModuleN main_dcl_module_n) backEnd
+*/ #! backEnd = appBackEnd (BESetMainDclModuleN main_dcl_module_n) backEnd
#! backEnd
= appBackEnd (BEDeclareModules (size fe_dcls)) backEnd
#! backEnd
@@ -589,6 +608,8 @@ instance declareVars Expression where
declareVars (Conditional {if_then, if_else}) dvInput
= declareVars if_then dvInput
o` declareVars if_else dvInput
+ declareVars (Case caseExpr) dvInput
+ = declareVars caseExpr dvInput
declareVars (AnyCodeExpr _ outParams _) (_, varHeap)
= foldState (declVar varHeap) outParams
@@ -609,6 +630,26 @@ instance declareVars BackendBody where
= declareVars bb_args dvInput
o` declareVars bb_rhs dvInput
+instance declareVars Case where
+ declareVars {case_expr, case_guards, case_default} dvInput
+ = declareVars case_guards dvInput
+ o` declareVars case_default dvInput
+instance declareVars CasePatterns where
+ declareVars (AlgebraicPatterns _ patterns) dvInput
+ = declareVars patterns dvInput
+ declareVars (BasicPatterns _ patterns) dvInput
+ = declareVars patterns dvInput
+instance declareVars AlgebraicPattern where
+ declareVars {ap_vars, ap_expr} dvInput
+ = declareVars ap_vars dvInput
+ o` declareVars ap_expr dvInput
+instance declareVars BasicPattern where
+ declareVars {bp_expr} dvInput
+ = declareVars bp_expr dvInput
:: ModuleIndex :== Index
class declare a :: ModuleIndex !VarHeap a -> BackEnder
@@ -972,6 +1013,7 @@ adjustArrayFunctions predefs arrayInstancesRange main_dcl_module_n functions dcl
-> identity) be
adjustIclArrayInstances :: IndexRange {#BEArrayFunKind} {#FunDef} -> BackEnder
adjustIclArrayInstances {ir_from, ir_to} mapping instances
= foldStateWithIndexRangeA (adjustIclArrayInstance mapping) ir_from ir_to instances
@@ -1009,7 +1051,7 @@ convertRules rules main_dcl_module_n aliasDummyId varHeap be
convertRule :: Ident (Int,FunDef) Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP
convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_symb}) main_dcl_module_n varHeap
= beRule index (cafness fun_kind)
- (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n (type /* ->> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type) */))
+ (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n (type -*-> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type)))
(convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
cafness :: DefOrImpFunKind -> Int
@@ -1036,7 +1078,9 @@ convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun
convertTypeAlt :: Int ModuleIndex SymbolType -> BEMonad BETypeAltP
convertTypeAlt functionIndex moduleIndex symbol=:{st_result}
- = beTypeAlt (beNormalTypeNode (beFunctionSymbol functionIndex moduleIndex) (convertSymbolTypeArgs symbol)) (convertAnnotTypeNode st_result)
+ = beTypeAlt
+ (beNormalTypeNode (beFunctionSymbol functionIndex moduleIndex) (convertSymbolTypeArgs symbol))
+ (convertAnnotTypeNode st_result)
convertSymbolTypeArgs :: SymbolType -> BEMonad BETypeArgP
convertSymbolTypeArgs {st_args}
@@ -1093,13 +1137,10 @@ convertAnnotTypeNode {at_type, at_annotation, at_attribute}
convertTypeNode :: Type -> BEMonad BETypeNodeP
convertTypeNode (TB (BT_String type))
= convertTypeNode type
-// tempory hack
convertTypeNode (TB BT_Dynamic)
= beNormalTypeNode beDynamicTempTypeSymbol beNoTypeArgs
convertTypeNode (TB basicType)
= beNormalTypeNode (beBasicSymbol (convertBasicTypeKind basicType)) beNoTypeArgs
-convertTypeNode (TB basicType)
- = beNormalTypeNode (beBasicSymbol (convertBasicTypeKind basicType)) beNoTypeArgs
convertTypeNode (TA typeSymbolIdent typeArgs)
= beNormalTypeNode (convertTypeSymbolIdent typeSymbolIdent) (convertTypeArgs typeArgs)
convertTypeNode (TV {tv_name})
@@ -1115,7 +1156,7 @@ convertTypeNode (a :@: b)
convertTypeNode TE
= beNormalTypeNode beDontCareDefinitionSymbol beNoTypeArgs
convertTypeNode typeNode
- = undef <<- ("backendconvert, convertTypeNode: unknown type node", typeNode)
+ = abort "convertTypeNode" <<- ("backendconvert, convertTypeNode: unknown type node", typeNode)
consVariableToType :: ConsVariable -> Type
consVariableToType (CV typeVar)
@@ -1129,45 +1170,96 @@ convertTypeArgs :: [AType] -> BEMonad BETypeArgP
convertTypeArgs args
= sfoldr (beTypeArgs o convertAnnotTypeNode) beNoTypeArgs args
+convertTransformedBody :: Int Int Ident TransformedBody Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
+convertTransformedBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ | isCodeBlock body.tb_rhs
+ = declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
+ o` convertCodeBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ // otherwise
+ = declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
+ o` convertBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId (map FP_Variable body.tb_args) body.tb_rhs main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+isCodeBlock :: Expression -> Bool
+isCodeBlock (Case {case_expr=Var _, case_guards=AlgebraicPatterns _ [{ap_expr}]})
+ = isCodeBlock ap_expr
+isCodeBlock (ABCCodeExpr _ _)
+ = True
+isCodeBlock (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _)
+ = True
+isCodeBlock expr
+ = False
convertFunctionBody :: Int Int Ident FunctionBody Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
-convertFunctionBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId (BackendBody bodies) main_dcl_module_n varHeap
- = convertBackendBodies functionIndex lineNumber bodies varHeap
+convertFunctionBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId (BackEndBody bodies) main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = convertBackEndBodies functionIndex lineNumber bodies main_dcl_module_n varHeap
- convertBackendBodies :: Int Int [BackendBody] VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
- convertBackendBodies functionIndex lineNumber bodies varHeap
- = sfoldr (beRuleAlts o (flip (convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber)) varHeap) beNoRuleAlts bodies
+ convertBackEndBodies :: Int Int [BackEndBody] Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
+ convertBackEndBodies functionIndex lineNumber bodies main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = sfoldr (beRuleAlts o convertBackEndBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n varHeap) beNoRuleAlts bodies
+ where
+ convertBackEndBody :: Int Int Ident Int VarHeap BackEndBody -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
+ convertBackEndBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n varHeap body
+ = declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
+ o` convertBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body.bb_args body.bb_rhs main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+convertFunctionBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId (TransformedBody body) main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = convertTransformedBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+convertCodeBody :: Int Int Ident TransformedBody Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
+convertCodeBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = convertBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId patterns expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap
- convertBackendBody :: Int Int BackendBody VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
- convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs=ABCCodeExpr instructions inline} varHeap
- = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
- -> declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
- o` beCodeAlt
- lineNumber
- (convertLhsNodeDefs bb_args noNodeDefs varHeap)
- (convertBackendLhs functionIndex bb_args varHeap)
- (beAbcCodeBlock inline (convertStrings instructions))
- convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs=AnyCodeExpr inParams outParams instructions} varHeap
- = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
- -> declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
- o` beCodeAlt
- lineNumber
- (convertLhsNodeDefs bb_args noNodeDefs varHeap)
- (convertBackendLhs functionIndex bb_args varHeap)
- (beAnyCodeBlock (convertCodeParameters inParams varHeap) (convertCodeParameters outParams varHeap) (convertStrings instructions))
- convertBackendBody functionIndex lineNumber body=:{bb_args, bb_rhs} varHeap
- = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
- -> declareVars body (aliasDummyId, varHeap)
- o` beRuleAlt
- lineNumber
- (convertLhsNodeDefs bb_args noNodeDefs varHeap)
- (convertBackendLhs functionIndex bb_args varHeap)
- (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId bb_rhs main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
- (convertRhsStrictNodeIds bb_rhs varHeap)
- (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId bb_rhs main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
- convertBackendLhs :: Int [FunctionPattern] VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
- convertBackendLhs functionIndex patterns varHeap
- = beNormalNode (beFunctionSymbol functionIndex main_dcl_module_n) (convertPatterns patterns varHeap)
+ patterns
+ = map (lookUpVar body.tb_rhs) body.tb_args
+ expr
+ = codeBlock body.tb_rhs
+ lookUpVar :: Expression FreeVar -> FunctionPattern
+ lookUpVar (Case {case_expr=Var boundVar, case_guards=AlgebraicPatterns _ [ap]}) freeVar
+ | freeVar.fv_info_ptr == boundVar.var_info_ptr
+ = FP_Algebraic ap.ap_symbol subPatterns No
+ with
+ subPatterns
+ = map (lookUpVar ap.ap_expr) ap.ap_vars
+ // otherwise
+ = lookUpVar ap.ap_expr freeVar
+ lookUpVar _ freeVar
+ = FP_Variable freeVar
+ codeBlock :: Expression -> Expression
+ codeBlock (Case {case_expr=Var (var_infoPtr), case_guards=AlgebraicPatterns _ [{ap_expr}]})
+ = codeBlock ap_expr
+ codeBlock expr
+ = expr
+convertBody :: Int Int Ident [FunctionPattern] Expression Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BERuleAltP
+convertBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId args (ABCCodeExpr instructions inline) main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
+ -> beCodeAlt
+ lineNumber
+ (convertLhsNodeDefs args noNodeDefs varHeap)
+ (convertBackEndLhs functionIndex args main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ (beAbcCodeBlock inline (convertStrings instructions))
+convertBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId args (AnyCodeExpr inParams outParams instructions) main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
+ -> beCodeAlt
+ lineNumber
+ (convertLhsNodeDefs args noNodeDefs varHeap)
+ (convertBackEndLhs functionIndex args main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ (beAnyCodeBlock (convertCodeParameters inParams varHeap) (convertCodeParameters outParams varHeap) (convertStrings instructions))
+convertBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId args rhs main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs
+ -> beRuleAlt
+ lineNumber
+ (convertLhsNodeDefs args noNodeDefs varHeap)
+ (convertBackEndLhs functionIndex args main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId rhs main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ (convertRhsStrictNodeIds rhs varHeap)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId rhs main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+convertBackEndLhs :: Int [FunctionPattern] Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
+convertBackEndLhs functionIndex patterns main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = beNormalNode (beFunctionSymbol functionIndex main_dcl_module_n) (convertPatterns patterns varHeap)
convertStrings :: [{#Char}] -> BEMonad BEStringListP
convertStrings strings
@@ -1253,6 +1345,11 @@ convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=N
(beNormalNode (beBasicSymbol BEFailSymb) beNoArgs)
+convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Case {case_expr, case_guards, case_default}) main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = beSwitchNode (convertVar var.var_info_ptr varHeap) (convertCases case_guards aliasDummyId var case_default main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ where
+ var
+ = caseVar case_expr
convertRootExpr _ expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap
= convertExpr expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap
@@ -1356,14 +1453,14 @@ convertRhsStrictNodeIds expression varHeap
= convertStrictNodeIds (collectStrictNodeIds expression) varHeap
convertLiteralSymbol :: BasicValue -> BEMonad BESymbolP
-convertLiteralSymbol (BVI string)
- = beLiteralSymbol BEIntDenot string
+convertLiteralSymbol (BVI intString)
+ = beLiteralSymbol BEIntDenot intString
convertLiteralSymbol (BVB bool)
= beBoolSymbol bool
-convertLiteralSymbol (BVC string)
- = beLiteralSymbol BECharDenot string
-convertLiteralSymbol (BVR string)
- = beLiteralSymbol BERealDenot string
+convertLiteralSymbol (BVC charString)
+ = beLiteralSymbol BECharDenot charString
+convertLiteralSymbol (BVR realString)
+ = beLiteralSymbol BERealDenot realString
convertLiteralSymbol (BVS string)
= beLiteralSymbol BEStringDenot string
@@ -1391,7 +1488,7 @@ where
convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_Constructor {glob_module, glob_object}}
= beConstructorSymbol glob_module glob_object // ->> ("convertSymbol", (glob_module, glob_object))
convertSymbol symbol
- = undef <<- ("backendconvert, convertSymbol: unknown symbol", symbol)
+ = undef <<- ("backendconvert, convertSymbol: unknown symbol") // , symbol)
convertExpr (Var var) varHeap
= beNodeIdNode (convertVar var.var_info_ptr varHeap) beNoArgs
convertExpr (f @ [a]) varHeap
@@ -1481,12 +1578,12 @@ where
= beIfNode (convertExpr cond varHeap) (convertExpr if_then varHeap) (convertExpr else varHeap)
convertExpr expr _
- = undef <<- ("backendconvert, convertExpr: unknown expression", expr)
+ = undef <<- ("backendconvert, convertExpr: unknown expression" , expr)
convertArgs :: [Expression] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEArgP
convertArgs exprs varHeap
= sfoldr (beArgs o flip convertExpr varHeap) beNoArgs exprs
convertSelections :: (BEMonad BENodeP) VarHeap [(BESelectorKind, Selection)] -> (BEMonad BENodeP)
convertSelections expression varHeap selections
= foldl (convertSelection varHeap) expression selections
@@ -1512,6 +1609,75 @@ where
= convertExpr (Selection No (Var dictionaryVar) dictionarySelections) varHeap
+caseVar :: Expression -> BoundVar
+caseVar (Var var)
+ = var
+caseVar expr
+ = undef <<- ("backendconvert, caseVar: unknown expression", expr)
+class convertCases a :: a Ident BoundVar (Optional Expression) Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BEArgP
+instance convertCases CasePatterns where
+ convertCases (AlgebraicPatterns _ patterns) aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = convertCases patterns aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ convertCases (BasicPatterns _ patterns) aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = convertCases patterns aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ // +++ other patterns ???
+instance convertCases [a] | convertCase a where
+ convertCases patterns aliasDummyId var optionalCase main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = sfoldr (beArgs o convertCase main_dcl_module_n varHeap aliasDummyId var) (convertDefaultCase optionalCase aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n varHeap) patterns
+class convertCase a :: Int VarHeap Ident BoundVar a -> BEMonad BENodeP
+instance convertCase AlgebraicPattern where
+ convertCase main_dcl_module_n varHeap aliasDummyId var {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr}
+ | symbolArity == 0
+ = beCaseNode 0
+ (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr varHeap)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ // otherwise
+ = beCaseNode symbolArity
+ (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr varHeap)
+ (bePushNode symbolArity
+ (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index)
+ (beArgs (convertExpr (Var var) main_dcl_module_n varHeap) (beArgs (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap) beNoArgs))
+ (convertPatternVars ap_vars varHeap))
+ where
+ symbolArity
+ = length ap_vars // curried patterns ???
+instance convertCase BasicPattern where
+ convertCase main_dcl_module_n varHeap aliasDummyId _ {bp_value, bp_expr}
+ = beCaseNode 0
+ (convertLiteralSymbol bp_value)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId bp_expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ (convertRhsStrictNodeIds bp_expr varHeap)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId bp_expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+convertPatternVars :: [FreeVar] VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeIdListP
+convertPatternVars vars varHeap
+ = sfoldr (beNodeIds o flip convertPatternVar varHeap) beNoNodeIds vars
+convertPatternVar :: FreeVar VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeIdListP
+convertPatternVar freeVar varHeap
+ = beNodeIdListElem (convertVar freeVar.fv_info_ptr varHeap)
+convertDefaultCase :: (Optional Expression) Ident Int VarHeap -> BEMonad BEArgP
+convertDefaultCase No _ _ varHeap
+ = beNoArgs
+convertDefaultCase (Yes expr) aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n varHeap
+ = beArgs
+ (beDefaultNode
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap)
+ (convertRhsStrictNodeIds expr varHeap)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId expr main_dcl_module_n varHeap))
+ beNoArgs
selectionKindToArrayFunKind BESelector
= BEArraySelectFun
selectionKindToArrayFunKind BESelector_U
@@ -1536,6 +1702,8 @@ getVariableSequenceNumber varInfoPtr varHeap be
-> (sequenceNumber,be)
VI_Alias {var_info_ptr}
-> getVariableSequenceNumber var_info_ptr varHeap be
+ vi
+ -> abort "getVariableSequenceNumber" <<- vi
markExports :: DclModule {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} (Optional {#Int}) -> BackEnder
markExports {dcl_conversions = Yes conversionTable} dclClasses dclTypes iclClasses iclTypes (Yes functionConversions)