diff options
authorpieter2000-03-09 12:06:42 +0000
committerpieter2000-03-09 12:06:42 +0000
commitf94d62ef00348adcf971c5d315d0ed309ea25c41 (patch)
parentbugfixes (diff)
optimized by John
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@109 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
2 files changed, 556 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/scanner.dcl b/frontend/scanner.dcl
index 2dae649..fccdac9 100644
--- a/frontend/scanner.dcl
+++ b/frontend/scanner.dcl
@@ -6,13 +6,10 @@ import StdEnv, general
:: * ScanState
-:: *Input
-:: * InputStream
-:: LongToken
-:: Buffer x
+//:: *Input
+//:: * InputStream
+//:: LongToken
+//:: Buffer x
:: FilePosition = {fp_line :: !Int, fp_col :: !Int}
diff --git a/frontend/scanner.icl b/frontend/scanner.icl
index 80e9975..bac5576 100644
--- a/frontend/scanner.icl
+++ b/frontend/scanner.icl
@@ -24,24 +24,21 @@ functions names starting with '->' require a ';' after the type. Solutions:
:: * ScanInput
- = Input Input
+ = Input Input
| PushedToken LongToken ScanInput
:: * Input =
- { inp_stream :: ! InputStream
+ { inp_stream :: ! * InputStream
, inp_filename :: String
, inp_pos :: ! FilePosition
, inp_tabsize :: ! Int
- , inp_charBuffer :: ! Buffer (Char,FilePosition)
- //, inp_curToken :: ! [ Char ]
:: * InputStream
- = InFile ! * File
- | InLOC ! [Char]
- | OldChar ! Char ! FilePosition ! InputStream
- | OldChars ! [Char] ! InputStream
- | OldToken ! LongToken ! InputStream
+ = InFile * File
+ | OldLine !Int !{#Char} !InputStream
+// | OldChar ! Char ! FilePosition ! InputStream
+// | OldChars ! *[Char] ! InputStream
:: FilePosition =
{ fp_line :: ! Int
@@ -220,16 +217,16 @@ class nextToken state :: !Context !*state -> (!Token, !*state)
instance nextToken ScanState
+// nextToken newContext {ss_input=PushedToken token=:{lt_position,lt_token} rest,ss_tokenBuffer,ss_offsides,ss_useLayout}
nextToken newContext scanState=:{ss_input=input=:PushedToken token=:{lt_position,lt_token/*,lt_context*/} rest,ss_tokenBuffer}
// | lt_context == newContext || ~ (contextDependent lt_token) || isGeneratedToken lt_token
-// | True
= ( lt_token
- , { scanState
- & ss_input = rest
- , ss_tokenBuffer = store token ss_tokenBuffer
- }
+ , { scanState & ss_input = rest , ss_tokenBuffer = store token ss_tokenBuffer }
+// , { ss_input = rest , ss_tokenBuffer = store token ss_tokenBuffer,ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout, ss_offsides=ss_offsides }
) //-->> ("nextToken: pushed token", lt_token)
-/* = nextToken newContext { scanState & ss_input = pushTokensBack input}
+ = nextToken newContext { scanState & ss_input = pushTokensBack input}
pushTokensBack input=:(Input _) = input
pushTokensBack (PushedToken token input)
@@ -238,12 +235,62 @@ where
{ input
& inp_stream = OldToken token inp_stream
} //-->> ("pushTokensBack",token)
-*/ nextToken context scanState=:{ss_input=Input inp,ss_tokenBuffer,ss_offsides,ss_useLayout}
+ nextToken context {ss_input=Input inp,ss_tokenBuffer,ss_offsides,ss_useLayout}
# (error, c, inp) = SkipWhites inp
- (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
- scanState = {scanState & ss_input = Input inp }
= case error of
- Yes string -> ( ErrorToken string
+ Yes string
+ #! (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
+ -> ( ErrorToken string
+ , { ss_tokenBuffer = store
+ { lt_position = pos
+ , lt_token = ErrorToken string
+ // , lt_chars = []
+ // , lt_context = context
+ }
+ ss_tokenBuffer,
+ ss_input=Input inp,
+ ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout
+ }
+ ) -->> ("Error token generated",string)
+ no
+ # (eof, inp) = EndOfInput inp
+ #! (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
+ | eof && c == NewLineChar
+ # newToken = EndOfFileToken
+ -> checkOffside pos newToken
+ { ss_tokenBuffer = store
+ { lt_position = pos
+ , lt_token = newToken
+ // , lt_chars = []
+ // , lt_context = context
+ }
+ ss_tokenBuffer
+ , ss_input = Input inp,
+ ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout
+ } // -->> ("Token", EndOfFileToken,pos)
+ // otherwise // ~ (eof && c == NewLineChar)
+ # (token, inp) = Scan c inp /* {inp & inp_curToken = [c]}*/ context
+ // # (chars, inp) = inp!inp_curToken
+ -> checkOffside pos token
+ { ss_input = Input inp
+ , ss_tokenBuffer = store
+ { lt_position = pos
+ , lt_token = token
+ // , lt_chars = reverse chars
+ // , lt_context = context
+ }
+ ss_tokenBuffer,
+ ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout
+ } //-->> (token,pos)
+ #! (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
+ #! scanState = {scanState & ss_input = Input inp }
+// #! scanState = {ss_input=Input inp, ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout, ss_tokenBuffer=ss_tokenBuffer }
+ = case error of
+ Yes string
+ -> ( ErrorToken string
, { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer = store
{ lt_position = pos
@@ -254,38 +301,40 @@ where
) -->> ("Error token generated",string)
- no -> determineToken c scanState
+ no
+ -> determineToken c pos scanState
- determineToken c scanState=:{ss_input=Input inp}
- # (eof, inp) = EndOfInput inp
- (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
- | eof && c == NewLineChar
- # newToken = EndOfFileToken
- = checkOffside pos newToken
+ determineToken c pos scanState=:{ss_input=Input inp}
+ # (eof, inp) = EndOfInput inp
+ // #! (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
+ | eof && c == NewLineChar
+ # newToken = EndOfFileToken
+ = checkOffside pos newToken
+ { scanState
+ & ss_tokenBuffer = store
+ { lt_position = pos
+ , lt_token = newToken
+ // , lt_chars = []
+ // , lt_context = context
+ }
+ scanState.ss_tokenBuffer
+ , ss_input = Input inp
+ } // -->> ("Token", EndOfFileToken,pos)
+ // otherwise // ~ (eof && c == NewLineChar)
+ # (token, inp) = Scan c inp /* {inp & inp_curToken = [c]}*/ context
+ // # (chars, inp) = inp!inp_curToken
+ = checkOffside pos token
{ scanState
- & ss_tokenBuffer = store
+ & ss_input = Input inp
+ , ss_tokenBuffer = store
{ lt_position = pos
- , lt_token = newToken
- // , lt_chars = []
+ , lt_token = token
+ // , lt_chars = reverse chars
// , lt_context = context
- scanState.ss_tokenBuffer
- , ss_input = Input inp
- } // -->> ("Token", EndOfFileToken,pos)
- // otherwise // ~ (eof && c == NewLineChar)
- # (token, inp) = Scan c inp /* {inp & inp_curToken = [c]}*/ context
- // # (chars, inp) = inp!inp_curToken
- = checkOffside pos token
- { scanState
- & ss_input = Input inp
- , ss_tokenBuffer = store
- { lt_position = pos
- , lt_token = token
- // , lt_chars = reverse chars
- // , lt_context = context
- }
- ss_tokenBuffer
- } //-->> (token,pos)
+ ss_tokenBuffer
+ } //-->> (token,pos)
nextToken _ _ = abort "Scanner: Error in nextToken"
class tokenBack state :: !*state -> !*state
@@ -298,8 +347,7 @@ where
= { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer = buf
, ss_input = PushedToken tok ss_input
- } // -->> ("tokenBack", tok, buf)
+ } // -->> ("tokenBack", tok, buf)
class currentToken state :: !*state -> (!Token, !*state)
@@ -346,36 +394,77 @@ where
SkipWhites :: !Input -> (!Optional String, !Char, !Input)
+SkipWhites {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col},inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ | i<size line
+ = skip_whites_in_line i fp_col fp_line line inp_tabsize stream inp_filename
SkipWhites input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| eof = (No, NewLineChar, input) // -->> "EOF in SkipWhites"
| IsWhiteSpace c = SkipWhites input
= TryScanComment c input
+skip_whites_in_line :: !Int !Int !Int !{#Char} !Int !*InputStream !String -> *(!Optional String,!Char,!*Input);
+skip_whites_in_line i fp_col fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ | i<size line
+ # c=line.[i]
+ | c==' ' || c == '\f' || c == '\v'
+ = skip_whites_in_line (i+1) (fp_col+1) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ | c=='\t'
+ = skip_whites_in_line (i+1) (tabsize * (fp_col / tabsize + 1)) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ | c==LFChar || c==CRChar
+ # pos = {fp_line = fp_line + 1, fp_col = 0}
+// # (c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i tabsize line stream
+ = SkipWhites {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_stream = stream
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ # pos = {fp_line=fp_line,fp_col = fp_col + 1}
+ = TryScanComment c {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ # pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col}
+ = SkipWhites {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_stream = stream
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
TryScanComment :: !Char !Input -> (!Optional String, !Char, !Input)
TryScanComment c1=:'/' input
- #! pos = input.inp_pos // MW++
- # (eof,c2, input) = ReadChar input
+// #! pos = input.inp_pos // MW++
+ # (eof,c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (No, c1, input)
= case c2 of
'/' -> SkipWhites (SkipToEndOfLine input)
'*' -> case ScanComment input of
(No,input) -> SkipWhites input
(er,input) -> (er, c1, input)
// MW..
# input = charBack input
-> (No, c1, { input & inp_pos = pos })
// ..MW
_ -> (No, c1, charBack input)
TryScanComment c input
= (No, c, input)
ScanComment :: !Input -> (!Optional String, !Input)
+ScanComment {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col},inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ | i<size line
+ = scan_comment_in_line i fp_col fp_line line inp_tabsize stream inp_filename
ScanComment input
# (eof1, c1, input) = ReadChar input
| eof1 = (Yes "end of file encountered inside comment", input)
+ = ScanComment2 c1 input;
+ScanComment2 :: !Char !Input -> (!Optional String, !Input)
+ScanComment2 c1 input
| c1 == '/'
# (eof2, c2, input) = ReadChar input
| eof2 = (Yes "end of file encountered inside comment", input)
@@ -386,27 +475,58 @@ ScanComment input
error -> error
_ -> ScanComment input
| c1 == '*'
- # (eof2, c2, input) = ReadChar input
- | eof2 = (Yes "end of file encountered inside comment", input)
+ # (eol2, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
+ | eol2
+ # (eof2, c2, input) = ReadChar input
+ | eof2
+ = (Yes "end of file encountered inside comment", input)
+ = ScanComment input
| c2 == '/' = (No, input)
- | c2 == '*' = ScanComment (charBack input)
+ | c2 == '*'
+// = ScanComment (charBack input)
+ = ScanComment2 c2 input
= ScanComment input
| otherwise = ScanComment input
+scan_comment_in_line :: !Int !Int !Int !{#Char} !Int !*InputStream !String -> (!Optional String, !Input)
+scan_comment_in_line i fp_col fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ | i<size line
+ # c=line.[i]
+ | c=='\t'
+ = scan_comment_in_line (i+1) (tabsize * (fp_col / tabsize + 1)) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ | c==LFChar || c==CRChar
+ # pos = {fp_line = fp_line + 1, fp_col = 0}
+// # (c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i tabsize line stream
+ = ScanComment {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_stream = stream
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ | c=='/' || c=='*'
+ = ScanComment2 c {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
+ , inp_pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col+1}
+ }
+ = scan_comment_in_line (i+1) (fp_col+1) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
+ = ScanComment {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=tabsize,
+ inp_stream = stream
+ , inp_pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col}
+ }
SkipToEndOfLine :: !Input -> !Input
+SkipToEndOfLine input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col}}
+ | i<size line
+ = {input & inp_stream=stream,inp_pos={fp_line=fp_line+1,fp_col=0}}
SkipToEndOfLine input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| eof = input
| c==NewLineChar = input
= SkipToEndOfLine input
-SkipToChar :: ! Char ! Input -> Input
-SkipToChar c input
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
- | eof || c1 == c = input
- = SkipToChar c input
Scan :: !Char !Input !Context -> (!Token, !Input)
Scan '(' input co = (OpenToken, input)
Scan ')' input co = (CloseToken, input)
Scan '{' input CodeContext = ScanCodeBlock input
@@ -415,7 +535,7 @@ Scan '}' input co = (CurlyCloseToken, input)
Scan '[' input co = (SquareOpenToken, input)
Scan ']' input co = (SquareCloseToken, input)
Scan c0=:'|' input co
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (BarToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (BarToken, charBack input)
@@ -426,7 +546,7 @@ Scan c0=:'#' input co
# (strict, input) = determineStrictness input
| strict
= (SeqLetToken strict, input)
- # (eof,c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof,c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof
= (SeqLetToken False, input)
| isSpecialChar c1
@@ -435,7 +555,7 @@ Scan c0=:'#' input co
= (SeqLetToken strict, charBack input)
Scan '*' input TypeContext = (AsteriskToken, input)
Scan c0=:'&' input co
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (AndToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (AndToken, charBack input)
@@ -443,10 +563,10 @@ Scan c0=:'.' input co
= case co of
-> (DotToken, input)
- _ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ _ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof -> (DotToken, input)
| c1 == '.'
- # (eof, c2, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof -> (DotDotToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c2
-> ScanOperator 2 input [c2, c1, c0] co
@@ -456,78 +576,95 @@ Scan c0=:'.' input co
-> (DotToken, charBack input)
Scan '!' input TypeContext = (ExclamationToken, input)
Scan '\\' input co
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (BackSlashToken, input)
| c == '\\' = (DoubleBackSlashToken, input)
= (BackSlashToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'_' input co
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (WildCardToken, input)
- | IsIdentChar c1 co = ScanIdent 1 input [c1, c0] co
+ | IsIdentChar c1 co
+// = ScanIdent 1 input [c1, c0] co
+ = ScanIdentFast 2 input co
// | isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (WildCardToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'<' input TypeContext
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "< just before end of file in TypeContext", input)
| c1 == '=' = (LessThanOrEqualToken, input)
= ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] TypeContext
Scan c0=:'<' input co
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "<", input)
| c1 <> '-' = ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] co
- # (eof, c2, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (LeftArrowToken, input)
| c2 == ':'
- # (eof, c3, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c3, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (LeftArrowColonToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c3 = ScanOperator 3 input [c3, c2, c1, c0] co
= (LeftArrowColonToken, charBack input)
| isSpecialChar c2 = ScanOperator 2 input [c2, c1, c0] co
= (LeftArrowToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'-' input co
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (previous_char,input) = GetPreviousChar input;
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "-", input)
- # new = newExp input.inp_charBuffer
- | IsDigit c1 && new = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
+// # new = newExp input.inp_charBuffer
+// | IsDigit c1 && new = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
+ | IsDigit c1 && new_exp_char previous_char
+ = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
| c1 <> '>' = ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] co
| co == TypeContext = (ArrowToken, input) // -> is a reserved symbol in a type context
// Can cause an error when token (like ->.) is read in wrong context
- # (eof, c2, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ArrowToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c2 = ScanOperator 2 input [c2, c1, c0] co
= (ArrowToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'+' input co
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (previous_char,input) = GetPreviousChar input;
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "+", input)
- # new = newExp input.inp_charBuffer
- | IsDigit c1 && new = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
+// # new = newExp input.inp_charBuffer
+// | IsDigit c1 && new = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
+ | IsDigit c1 && new_exp_char previous_char
+ = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
= ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] co
Scan c0=:'=' input co
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (EqualToken, input)
| c == ':' = (DefinesColonToken, input)
| c == '>' = (DoubleArrowToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c = ScanOperator 1 input [c, c0] co
= (EqualToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:':' input co
- # (eof,c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof,c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ColonToken, input)
| c1 == ':' = (DoubleColonToken, input)
| c1 <> '='
| isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (ColonToken, charBack input)
- # (eof, c2, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
| c2 == '=' = (ColonDefinesToken, input)
= ScanOperator 1 (charBack input) [c1, c0] co
Scan c0=:'\'' input co = ScanChar input [c0]
Scan c0=:'\"' input co = ScanString 0 input [c0]
Scan c input co
| IsDigit c = ScanNumeral 0 input [c]
- | IsIdentChar c co = ScanIdent 0 input [c] co
+ | IsIdentChar c co
+ = ScanIdentFast 1 input co
+// = ScanIdent 0 input [c] co
| isSpecialChar c = ScanOperator 0 input [c] co
= (ErrorToken ScanErrIllegal, input)
newExp :: !(Buffer (Char,FilePosition)) -> Bool
newExp buffer
# (c, _) = case buffer of
@@ -535,23 +672,36 @@ newExp buffer
_ -> (' ',{fp_line=0,fp_col=0})
= new_exp_char c
- new_exp_char ',' = True
- new_exp_char '[' = True
- new_exp_char '(' = True
- new_exp_char '/' = True // to handle end of comment symbol: */
- new_exp_char c = isSpace c
+new_exp_char ',' = True
+new_exp_char '[' = True
+new_exp_char '(' = True
+new_exp_char '/' = True // to handle end of comment symbol: */
+new_exp_char c = isSpace c
+ScanIdentFast :: !Int !Input !Context -> (!Token, !Input)
+ScanIdentFast n input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos} co
+ # end_i = ScanIdentCharsInString i line co
+ with
+ ScanIdentCharsInString :: !Int !{#Char} !Context -> Int
+ ScanIdentCharsInString i line co
+ | i<size line && IsIdentChar line.[i] co
+ = ScanIdentCharsInString (i+1) line co
+ = i
+ # pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + (end_i-i)}
+ # input = {input & inp_stream=OldLine end_i line stream,inp_pos=pos}
+ = CheckReserved co (line % (i-n,end_i-1)) input
ScanIdent :: !Int !Input ![Char] !Context -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanIdent n input token co
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = CheckReserved co (revCharListToString n token) input
| IsIdentChar c co = ScanIdent (n + 1) input [c:token] co
= CheckReserved co (revCharListToString n token) (charBack input)
ScanOperator :: !Int !Input ![Char] !Context -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanOperator n input token co
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken (revCharListToString n token), input)
| isSpecialChar c = ScanOperator (n + 1) input [c:token] co
= CheckReserved co (revCharListToString n token) (charBack input)
@@ -569,7 +719,6 @@ CheckGeneralContext s input
"definition" -> (DefModuleToken , input)
"implementation" -> (ImpModuleToken , input)
"system" -> (SysModuleToken , input)
- "import" -> (ImportToken , input)
"from" -> (FromToken , input)
"in" -> (InToken , input)
s -> CheckEveryContext s input
@@ -597,7 +746,8 @@ CheckEveryContext s input
-> case error of
Yes err -> (ErrorToken err , input) //-->> ("Error token generated: "+err)
No -> (PriorityToken (Prio NoAssoc n) , input)
- s -> (IdentToken s , input)
+ "import" -> (ImportToken,input)
+ s -> (IdentToken s , input)
CheckTypeContext :: !String !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
CheckTypeContext s input
@@ -623,7 +773,6 @@ CheckFunctContext s input
"case" -> (CaseToken , input)
"of" -> (OfToken , input)
"system" -> (SysModuleToken , input)
- "import" -> (ImportToken , input)
"from" -> (FromToken , input)
"let" # (strict, input) = determineStrictness input
-> (LetToken strict, input)
@@ -650,7 +799,7 @@ where defaultPrio = 0
determineStrictness :: !Input -> (!Bool, !Input)
determineStrictness input
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (False, input)
| c == '!' = (True, input)
= (False, charBack input)
@@ -686,15 +835,14 @@ stripNewline string
-> string%(0,size-3)
-> string%(0,size-2)
-> string
ScanNumeral :: !Int !Input [Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanNumeral n input chars=:['0':r]
| isEmpty r || r == ['+']
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| c == 'x'
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken "0", charBack input)
| isHexDigit c1 = ScanHexNumeral (hexDigitToInt c1) input
= (IntToken "0", charBack (charBack input))
@@ -702,10 +850,10 @@ ScanNumeral n input chars=:['0':r]
| c == '.' = TestFraction n input chars
= (IntToken "0", charBack input)
| r == ['-']
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| c == 'x'
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken "0", charBack input)
| isHexDigit c1 = ScanHexNumeral (~ (hexDigitToInt c1)) input
= (IntToken "0", charBack (charBack input))
@@ -713,7 +861,7 @@ ScanNumeral n input chars=:['0':r]
| c == '.' = TestFraction n input chars
= (IntToken "0", charBack input)
ScanNumeral n input chars
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| IsDigit c = ScanNumeral (n + 1) input [c:chars]
| c == 'E' = ScanExponentSign (n + 1) input [c:chars]
@@ -722,14 +870,14 @@ ScanNumeral n input chars
TestFraction :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
TestFraction n input chars
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken ("Incorrect Real at end of file: "+(revCharListToString (n+1) ['.':chars])), input)
| IsDigit c = ScanFraction (n + 2) input [c,'.':chars]
= (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), charBack (charBack input))
ScanFraction :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanFraction n input chars
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (RealToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| c == 'E' = case chars of
[c:_] | IsDigit c -> ScanExponentSign (n + 1) input [c:chars]
@@ -741,7 +889,7 @@ ScanFraction n input chars
ScanExponentSign :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanExponentSign n input chars
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (RealToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| c == '+' = ScanExponent n input chars
| c == '-' || IsDigit c = ScanExponent (n+1) input [c:chars]
@@ -749,7 +897,7 @@ ScanExponentSign n input chars
ScanExponent :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanExponent n input chars
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (RealToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| IsDigit c = ScanExponent (n + 1) input [c:chars]
= case chars of
@@ -758,21 +906,21 @@ ScanExponent n input chars
ScanHexNumeral :: !Int !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanHexNumeral n input
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (toString n), input)
| isHexDigit c = ScanHexNumeral (n*16+hexDigitToInt c) input
= (IntToken (toString n), charBack input)
ScanOctNumeral :: !Int !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanOctNumeral n input
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (toString n), input)
| isOctDigit c = ScanOctNumeral (n*8+digitToInt c) input
= (IntToken (toString n), charBack input)
ScanChar :: !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanChar input chars
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "End of file inside Char denotation", input)
| '\\' <> c = ScanEndOfChar 1 [c: chars] input
# (chars, n, input) = ScanBSChar 0 chars input
@@ -780,7 +928,7 @@ ScanChar input chars
ScanBSChar :: !Int ![Char] !Input -> (![Char], !Int, !Input)
ScanBSChar n chars input
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (chars, n, input)
= case c of
'n' -> (['n','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
@@ -808,7 +956,7 @@ where
ScanNumChar base valid 0 acc input
= (acc, input)
ScanNumChar base valid n acc input
- # (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
+ # (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (acc, input)
// RWS ... | valid c = ScanNumChar base valid (n-1) (base*acc+digitToInt c) input
| valid c = ScanNumChar base valid (n-1) (base*acc+hexDigitToInt c) input
@@ -960,6 +1108,16 @@ IsIdentChar '`' _ = True
IsIdentChar '^' TypeContext = True
IsIdentChar _ _ = False
+string_to_list ::!{#Char} -> .[Char]
+string_to_list s = stolacc s (size s - 1) []
+ stolacc :: !String !Int u:[Char] -> u:[Char]
+ stolacc s i acc
+ | i >= 0
+ #! si=s.[i];
+ = stolacc s (dec i) [si : acc]
+ = acc
Input functions
@@ -968,135 +1126,249 @@ EndOfInput :: !Input -> (!Bool, !Input)
EndOfInput input=:{inp_stream = InFile file}
# (endoffile, file) = fend file
= (endoffile, { input & inp_stream = InFile file })
-EndOfInput f=:{inp_stream = InLOC []} = (True, f)
EndOfInput input = (False, input)
-ReadChar :: !Input -> (!Bool, !Char, !Input) // Bool indicates end of file, we read always newlines in an empty file
-ReadChar input=:{inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_charBuffer /*, inp_curToken*/}
+ReadNormalChar :: !*Input -> (!Bool, !Char, !Input)
+ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ | i<size line
+ # c=line.[i]
+ | c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
+ = ( True, NewLineChar
+ , {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,
+ inp_pos = inp_pos
+ }
+ )
+ # pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
+ = ( False, c
+ , {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream,
+ inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ = ReadNormalChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,inp_stream = stream}
+ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
#! (s, file) = freadline file
- eof = s == ""
- | eof
+ | size s==0
# c = NewLineChar
- pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
- = ( eof
+// pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
+ = ( True
, c
- , { input
- & inp_stream = InFile file
- , inp_pos = pos
- , inp_charBuffer = store (c,pos) inp_charBuffer
- // , inp_curToken = [c:inp_curToken]
+ , {
+// input &
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_stream = InFile file
+ , inp_pos = inp_pos
- ) // -->> ("EOF in " + input.inp_filename + " found in ReadChar")
- // otherwise // s <> ""
- # chars = fromString s
- = ReadChar { input & inp_stream = OldChars chars (InFile file) }
-/* #! (eof, file) = fend file // old, too slow
- | eof
+ )
+ = ReadNormalChar {
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_pos=inp_pos,
+ inp_stream = OldLine 0 s (InFile file)
+ }
+ReadChar :: !*Input -> (!Bool, !Char, !Input) // Bool indicates end of file, we read always newlines in an empty file
+ReadChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ | i<size line
+ # c=line.[i]
+ | c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
+ # pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
+ (c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i inp_tabsize line stream
+ = ( False, c
+ , {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = stream
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ # pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
+ = ( False, c
+ , {
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ = ReadChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,
+ inp_stream = stream}
+//ReadChar input=:{inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize}
+ReadChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
+ #! (s, file) = freadline file
+ | size s==0
# c = NewLineChar
pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
- = ( eof
+ = ( True
, c
- , { input
- & inp_stream = InFile file
- , inp_pos = pos
- , inp_charBuffer = store (c,pos) inp_charBuffer
- // , inp_curToken = [c:inp_curToken]
+ , {
+// input &
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,
+ inp_stream = InFile file
+ , inp_pos = pos
- ) // -->> ("EOF in " + input.inp_filename + " found in ReadChar")
- #! (ok, c, file) = freadc file
- | ok
+ )
+ = ReadChar {
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_pos=inp_pos,
+ inp_stream = OldLine 0 s (InFile file)
+ }
+ // otherwise // s <> ""
+ // # chars = fromString s
+ # chars = string_to_list s
+ = ReadChar {
+ // input &
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_pos=inp_pos,
+ inp_stream = OldChars chars (InFile file)
+ }
+ /*
+ #! (eof, file) = fend file // old, too slow
+ | eof
+ # c = NewLineChar
+ pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
+ = ( eof
+ , c
+ , { input
+ & inp_stream = InFile file
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ ) // -->> ("EOF in " + input.inp_filename + " found in ReadChar")
+ #! (ok, c, file) = freadc file
+ | ok
+ # pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
+ (c,input`) = correctNewline c pos inp_tabsize (InFile file)
+ = ( False
+ , c
+ , { input
+ & inp_stream = input`
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ = abort "ReadChar failure"
+ */
+ ReadChar input=:{inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
+ #! (ok, c, file) = freadc file
+ | ok
+ | c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
+ # pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
+ (c,input`) = correctNewline c pos inp_tabsize (InFile file)
+ = ( False
+ , c
+ , {
+ // input &
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = input`
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ # pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
+ = ( False
+ , c
+ , {
+ // input &
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = InFile file
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ # c = NewLineChar
+ pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
+ = ( True
+ , c
+ , {
+ // input &
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = InFile file
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ //ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChars [c] stream, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, /*, inp_curToken*/}
+ ReadChar {inp_stream = OldChars [c] stream, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
# pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
- (c,input`) = correctNewline c pos inp_tabsize (InFile file)
+ (c,input`) = correctNewline_OldChars c pos inp_tabsize[] stream
= ( False
, c
- , { input
- & inp_stream = input`
+ , {
+ // input &
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = input`
, inp_pos = pos
- , inp_charBuffer = store (c,pos) inp_charBuffer
- // , inp_curToken = [c:inp_curToken]
- = abort "ReadChar failure" */
-ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChar c pos oldfile, inp_charBuffer /*, inp_curToken*/}
- = ( False
- , c
- , { input
- & inp_stream = oldfile
- , inp_pos = pos
- , inp_charBuffer = store (c,pos) inp_charBuffer
- // , inp_curToken = [c:inp_curToken]
- }
- )
-ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChars [c:rest] stream, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_charBuffer /*, inp_curToken*/}
- # pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
- (c,input`) = correctNewline c pos inp_tabsize (OldChars rest stream)
- = ( False
- , c
- , { input
- & inp_stream = input`
- , inp_pos = pos
- , inp_charBuffer = store (c,pos) inp_charBuffer
- // , inp_curToken = [c:inp_curToken]
- }
- )
-ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChars [] stream, inp_pos}
- = ReadChar {input & inp_stream = stream}
-ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = InLOC [c : r], inp_pos, inp_tabsize /*, inp_curToken*/, inp_charBuffer}
- # pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
- = ( False
- , c
- , { input
- & inp_stream = InLOC r
- , inp_pos = pos
- , inp_charBuffer = store (c,pos) inp_charBuffer
- // , inp_curToken = [c:inp_curToken]
- }
- )
-ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = InLOC [], inp_pos, inp_tabsize /*, inp_curToken*/, inp_charBuffer}
- # c = NewLineChar
- pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
- = ( True
- , c
- , { input
- & inp_pos = pos
- , inp_charBuffer = store (c,pos) inp_charBuffer
- // , inp_curToken = [c:inp_curToken]
- }
- )
- //-->> ("EOF of InLOC found in ReadChar")
+ //ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChars [c:rest] stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize}
+ ReadChar {inp_stream = OldChars [c:rest] stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ | c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
+ # pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
+ (c,input`) = correctNewline_OldChars c pos inp_tabsize rest stream
+ = ( False
+ , c
+ , {
+ // input &
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = input`
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ # pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
+ = ( False
+ , c
+ , {
+ // input &
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = OldChars rest stream
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
+ // ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChars [] stream, inp_pos}
+ ReadChar {inp_stream = OldChars [] stream, inp_pos,inp_filename,inp_tabsize}
+ // = ReadChar {input & inp_stream = stream}
+ = ReadChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,
+ inp_stream = stream}
-ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldToken {lt_chars,lt_position} stream, inp_charBuffer}
- # pos = lt_position
- c = hd lt_chars
- = ( False
- , c
- , { input
- & inp_stream = OldChars (tl lt_chars) stream
- , inp_pos = pos
- , inp_charBuffer = store (c,pos) inp_charBuffer
- // , inp_curToken = [c]
- }
- )
+ //ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChar c pos oldfile}
+ ReadChar {inp_stream = OldChar c pos oldfile, inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ = ( False
+ , c
+ , {
+ // input &
+ inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,
+ inp_stream = oldfile
+ , inp_pos = pos
+ }
+ )
ReadLine :: !Input -> (!String, !Input)
ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = OldChars cs oldfile, inp_pos}
# input = {input & inp_stream = oldfile, inp_pos = NextPos CRChar inp_pos 0}
| isEmpty cs = ReadLine input
| otherwise = (toString cs, input)
+ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = OldLine i line oldfile, inp_pos}
+ # input = {input & inp_stream = oldfile, inp_pos = NextPos CRChar inp_pos 0}
+ | i<size line
+ | i==0
+ = (line, input)
+ = (line % (i,size line-1),input)
+ = ReadLine input
ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = InFile infile,inp_pos}
# (eof, file) = fend infile
| eof = ("", {input & inp_stream = InFile file})
# (l, file ) = freadline file
= (l, {input & inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos = NextPos CRChar inp_pos 0})
-ReadLine input =: {inp_stream = InLOC [a : c], inp_pos, inp_tabsize}
- | a==NewLineChar= ("\n", {input & inp_stream = InLOC c, inp_pos = inp_pos})
- # (line, input) = ReadLine {input & inp_stream = InLOC c, inp_pos = inp_pos}
- = (toString a + line, input)
-ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = OldChar c p oldfile}
- # input = {input & inp_stream = oldfile}
- | c==NewLineChar= ("\n", input)
- # (line, input) = ReadLine input
- = (toString c + line, input)
+ ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = OldChar c p oldfile}
+ # input = {input & inp_stream = oldfile}
+ | c==NewLineChar= ("\n", input)
+ # (line, input) = ReadLine input
+ = (toString c + line, input)
ReadLine input = ("", input)
NextPos :: !Char !FilePosition !Int -> FilePosition
@@ -1107,30 +1379,63 @@ NextPos c pos=:{fp_line, fp_col} t
'\t' -> {pos & fp_col = t * (fp_col / t + 1)}
_ -> {pos & fp_col = fp_col + 1}
-correctNewline :: !Char !FilePosition !Int !InputStream -> (!Char, !InputStream)
-correctNewline c pos tab_size (InFile file) // Correct newline convention: Mac: CR, Unix: LF, DOS CR LF
- = case c of
- LFChar -> (NewLineChar,InFile file) //-->> "UNIX newline"
- CRChar
- # (ok,c2,file) = freadc file
- | ok
- | c2 == LFChar -> (NewLineChar,InFile file) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
- -> (NewLineChar,OldChar c2 (NextPos c2 pos tab_size) (InFile file))
- -> (NewLineChar, InFile file)
- _ -> (c, InFile file)
-correctNewline c pos tab_size (OldChars [] input)
- = correctNewline c pos tab_size input
-correctNewline c pos tab_size (OldChars chars input)
+ correctNewline :: !Char !FilePosition !Int !InputStream -> (!Char, !InputStream)
+ correctNewline c pos tab_size (InFile file) // Correct newline convention: Mac: CR, Unix: LF, DOS CR LF
+ = case c of
+ LFChar -> (NewLineChar,InFile file) //-->> "UNIX newline"
+ CRChar
+ # (ok,c2,file) = freadc file
+ | ok
+ | c2 == LFChar -> (NewLineChar,InFile file) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
+ -> (NewLineChar,OldChar c2 (NextPos c2 pos tab_size) (InFile file))
+ -> (NewLineChar, InFile file)
+ _ -> (c, InFile file)
+ correctNewline c pos tab_size (OldChars [] input)
+ = correctNewline c pos tab_size input
+ correctNewline c pos tab_size (OldChars chars input)
+ = case c of
+ LFChar -> (NewLineChar,OldChars chars input) //-->> "UNIX newline"
+ CRChar
+ # [c2:rest] = chars
+ | c2 == LFChar -> (NewLineChar,OldChars rest input) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
+ -> (NewLineChar,OldChars [c2:rest]/*chars*/ input)
+ _ -> (c,OldChars chars input)
+ correctNewline c _ _ input = (c, input)
+ correctNewline_OldChars :: !Char !FilePosition !Int ! *[Char] ! InputStream -> (!Char, !InputStream)
+ correctNewline_OldChars c pos tab_size [] input
+ = correctNewline c pos tab_size input
+ correctNewline_OldChars c pos tab_size chars input
+ = case c of
+ LFChar
+ -> (NewLineChar,OldChars chars input) //-->> "UNIX newline"
+ CRChar
+ # [c2:rest] = chars
+ | c2 == LFChar
+ -> (NewLineChar,OldChars rest input) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
+ -> (NewLineChar,OldChars [c2:rest]/*chars*/ input)
+ _ -> (c,OldChars chars input)
+correctNewline_OldLine :: !Char !Int !Int !{#Char} ! InputStream -> (!Char, !InputStream)
+correctNewline_OldLine c i tab_size line input
= case c of
- LFChar -> (NewLineChar,OldChars chars input) //-->> "UNIX newline"
+ LFChar
+ -> (NewLineChar,OldLine (i+1) line input) //-->> "UNIX newline"
- # [c2:rest] = chars
- | c2 == LFChar -> (NewLineChar,OldChars rest input) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
- -> (NewLineChar,OldChars chars input)
- _ -> (c,OldChars chars input)
-correctNewline c _ _ input = (c, input)
+ | i+1<size line && line.[i+1]==LFChar
+ -> (NewLineChar,OldLine (i+2) line input) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
+ -> (NewLineChar,OldLine (i+1) line input)
+ _ -> (c,OldLine (i+1) line input)
charBack :: !Input -> Input
+charBack {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
+ = {
+ inp_stream = OldLine (i-1) line stream,
+ inp_pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col - 1},
+ inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_filename=inp_filename
+ }
charBack input=:{inp_stream,inp_charBuffer}
| isEmptyBuffer inp_charBuffer
= abort "charBack with empty character buffer"
@@ -1139,6 +1444,15 @@ charBack input=:{inp_stream,inp_charBuffer}
& inp_stream = OldChar c p inp_stream
, inp_charBuffer = rest
+GetPreviousChar :: !Input -> (!Char,!Input)
+GetPreviousChar input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream}
+ | i<=1
+ = (NewLineChar,input)
+ = (line.[i-2],input)
+GetPreviousChar input
+ = (NewLineChar,input)
qw s :== "\"" + s + "\""
@@ -1305,7 +1619,7 @@ openScanner file_name searchPaths files
, inp_filename = file_name
, inp_pos = {fp_line = 1, fp_col = 0}
, inp_tabsize = 4
- , inp_charBuffer = Buffer0
+// , inp_charBuffer = Buffer0
// , inp_curToken = []
, ss_offsides = [(1,False)] // to generate offsides between global definitions
@@ -1336,10 +1650,9 @@ closeScanner {ss_input=Input {inp_stream}} files
No -> files
get_file (InFile file) = Yes file
- get_file (OldChar _ _ stream) = get_file stream
- get_file (OldChars _ stream) = get_file stream
- get_file (OldToken _ stream) = get_file stream
- get_file (InLOC _ ) = No
+// get_file (OldChar _ _ stream) = get_file stream
+// get_file (OldChars _ stream) = get_file stream
+ get_file (OldLine _ _ stream) = get_file stream
NewLineChar :== '\n'
LFChar :== '\xA'