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authorzweije2001-08-29 13:06:38 +0000
committerzweije2001-08-29 13:06:38 +0000
commitd9decc125b528fc7a0ae86824a40c0c728d47fc2 (patch)
parentThis commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r683, (diff)
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r686,
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@687 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
20 files changed, 337 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/basic.dcl b/sucl/basic.dcl
index 0d06233..c7d04c7 100644
--- a/sucl/basic.dcl
+++ b/sucl/basic.dcl
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Basic types and functions.
from general import Optional
+from StdFile import <<<
import StdOverloaded
import StdString
@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ foldmap :: (x:res -> w:res`) w:res` -> u:(![(arg,x:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res`)) |
// Foldoptional is the standard fold for the optional type.
foldoptional :: .res .(.t -> .res) !(Optional .t) -> .res
+// Force evaluation of first argument to root normal form before returning second
+force :: !.a .b -> .b
// Forget drops a mapped value from a map given by a list.
forget :: val -> .(![.(val,res)] -> .[(val,res)]) | == val
@@ -97,6 +101,12 @@ join :: a ![.[a]] -> .[a]
kleene :: !.[symbol] -> .[[symbol]]
+// Lazy variant of the predefined abort function
+error :: .String -> .a
+// Determine the string representation of a list
+listToString :: [a] -> String | toString a
// Lookup finds a value mapped in a list mapping.
lookup :: u:([(arg,w:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res)) | == arg, [v u <= w]
@@ -130,6 +140,9 @@ maptl :: .(x:[.a] -> u:[.a]) !w:[.a] -> v:[.a], [u <= v, w <= x]
// Map three functions onto a triple.
maptriple :: x:(.a -> .b) w:(.c -> .d) v:(.e -> .f) -> u:((.a,.c,.e) -> (.b,.d,.f)), [u <= v, u <= w, u <= x]
+// String representation of line terminator
+nl :: String
// Pairwith pairs a value with its result under a given function
pairwith :: .(arg -> .res) arg -> (arg,.res)
@@ -156,12 +169,18 @@ relimg :: ![(a,.b)] a -> [.b] | == a
// `Remap x y mapping' alters the mapping by associating y with x, removing the old values.
remap :: a b [.(a,b)] -> .[(a,b)] | == a
+// A variant of foldl that is strict in its accumulator
+sfoldl :: (.a -> .(.b -> .a)) !.a [.b] -> .a
// `Shorter xs' determines whether a list is shorter than list `xs'.
shorter :: ![.a] [.b] -> .Bool
// `Showbool b' is the string representation of boolean `b'.
showbool :: .(!.Bool -> a) | fromBool a
+// Determine a string representation of a list
+showlist :: (.elem -> .String) ![.elem] -> String
// `Showoptional showa opt' is the string representation of optional value `opt',
// where `showa' determines the string representation of the inner value.
showoptional :: .(.a -> .String) !(Optional .a) -> String
@@ -187,3 +206,9 @@ superset :: .[a] -> .(.[a] -> Bool) | == a
// zipwith zips up two lists with a joining function
zipwith :: (.a .b->.c) ![.a] [.b] -> [.c]
+// Strict version of --->, which evaluates its lhs first
+(<---) infix :: !.a !b -> .a | <<< b
+// Sequential evaluation of left and right arguments
+($) infixr :: !.a .b -> .b
diff --git a/sucl/basic.icl b/sucl/basic.icl
index 7319b67..bd01b2a 100644
--- a/sucl/basic.icl
+++ b/sucl/basic.icl
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Implementation
//:: Optional t = Absent | Present t
// Now using Optional type from cocl's general module
-from general import Optional,No,Yes
+from general import Optional,No,Yes,--->
instance == (Optional a) | == a
where (==) No No = True
@@ -56,15 +56,16 @@ results recursively, and so on. Duplicates are removed. */
depthfirst :: (res->.[elem]) (elem->res) !.[elem] -> .[res] | == elem
depthfirst generate process xs
-= snd (collect xs ([],[]))
- where collect [] seenrest = seenrest
- collect [x:xs] (seen,rest)
+= snd (collect xs ([],[]))
+ where collect [] seenrest = seenrest
+ collect [x:xs] seenrest
| isMember x seen
- = collect xs (seen,rest)
- = (seen``,[y:rest``])
- where (seen`,rest``) = collect (generate y) ([x:seen],rest`)
- (seen``,rest`) = collect xs ( seen`,rest)
- y = process x
+ = collect xs seenrest
+ = (seen``,[y:rest``])
+ where (seen`,rest``) = collect (generate y) ([x:seen],rest`)
+ (seen``,rest`) = collect xs ( seen`,rest)
+ y = process x
+ (seen,rest) = seenrest
// `Disjoint xs ys' checks whether xs and ys are disjoint.
@@ -89,22 +90,28 @@ foldlm f (l,[m:ms])
(l``,ms`) = foldlm f (l`,ms)
foldlr :: (.elem -> .((.lrinfo,.rlinfo) -> (.lrinfo,.rlinfo))) !(.lrinfo,.rlinfo) ![.elem] -> (.lrinfo,.rlinfo)
-foldlr f (l,r) []
- = (l,r)
-foldlr f (l,r) [x:xs]
+foldlr f lr []
+ = lr
+foldlr f lr [x:xs]
= (l``,r``)
where (l``,r`) = foldlr f (l`,r) xs
(l`,r``) = f x (l,r`)
+ (l,r) = lr
foldmap :: (x:res -> w:res`) w:res` -> u:(![(arg,x:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res`)) | == arg, [v u <= w, v <= x]
foldmap f d
-= foldr foldmap` (const d)
- where foldmap` (x,y) g v = if (x==v) (f y) (g v)
+= foldr foldmap` (const d)
+ where foldmap` xy g v
+ = if (x==v) (f y) (g v)
+ where (x,y) = xy
foldoptional :: .res .(.t -> .res) !(Optional .t) -> .res
foldoptional no yes No = no
foldoptional no yes (Yes x) = yes x
+force :: !.a .b -> .b
+force x y = y
forget :: val -> .(![.(val,res)] -> .[(val,res)]) | == val
forget x = filter (neq x o fst)
neq x y = x <> y
@@ -159,6 +166,14 @@ kleene symbols
= flatten (map appendstrings symbols)
where appendstrings symbol = map (cons symbol) strings
+// Lazy variant of the predefined abort function
+error :: .String -> .a
+error message = abort message
+// Determine the string representation of a list
+listToString :: [a] -> String | toString a
+listToString xs = showlist toString xs
lookup :: u:([(arg,w:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res)) | == arg, [v u <= w]
lookup = foldmap id (abort "lookup: not found")
@@ -211,6 +226,10 @@ maptl f [x:xs] = [x:f xs]
maptriple :: x:(.a -> .b) w:(.c -> .d) v:(.e -> .f) -> u:((.a,.c,.e) -> (.b,.d,.f)), [u <= v, u <= w, u <= x]
maptriple f g h = app3 (f,g,h)
+// String representation of line terminator
+nl :: String
+nl =: "\n"
partition :: (a -> b) (a -> .c) -> .(!.[a] -> [(b,[.c])]) | == b
partition f g
= h
@@ -227,6 +246,14 @@ relimg rel x` = [y\\(x,y)<-rel|x==x`]
remap :: a b [.(a,b)] -> .[(a,b)] | == a
remap x y xys = [(x,y):forget x xys]
+// A variant of foldl that is strict in its accumulator
+sfoldl :: (.a -> .(.b -> .a)) !.a [.b] -> .a
+sfoldl f a xxs
+#! a = a
+= case xxs
+ of [] -> a
+ [x:xs] -> sfoldl f (f a x) xs
shorter :: ![.a] [.b] -> .Bool
shorter [] yys = False
shorter [x:xs] [] = True
@@ -235,6 +262,14 @@ shorter [x:xs] [y:ys] = shorter xs ys
showbool :: .(!.Bool -> a) | fromBool a
showbool = fromBool
+showlist :: (.elem -> .String) ![.elem] -> String
+showlist showa xs
+= "["+++inner xs+++"]"
+ where inner [] = ""
+ inner [x:xs] = showa x+++continue xs
+ continue [] = ""
+ continue [x:xs] = ","+++showa x+++continue xs
showoptional :: .(.a -> .String) !(Optional .a) -> String
showoptional showa No = "No"
showoptional showa (Yes a) = "(Yes "+++showa a+++")"
@@ -268,3 +303,15 @@ superset set = isEmpty o (removeMembers set)
zipwith :: (.a .b->.c) ![.a] [.b] -> [.c]
zipwith f xs ys = [f x y \\ x<-xs & y<-ys]
+// Strict version of --->, which evaluates its lhs first
+(<---) infix :: !.a !b -> .a | <<< b
+(<---) value message = value ---> message
+($) infixr :: !.a .b -> .b
+($) x y = y
+(writeList) infixl :: !*File [a] -> .File | <<< a
+(writeList) file [] = file
+(writeList) file [x:xs]
+= file <<< x writeList xs
diff --git a/sucl/canon.icl b/sucl/canon.icl
index d4a860f..95b57a3 100644
--- a/sucl/canon.icl
+++ b/sucl/canon.icl
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ implementation module canon
import rule
import graph
import basic
+import general
import StdEnv
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ steps:
canonise :: (sym -> Rule tsym tvar) [var2] (Rgraph sym var1) -> Rgraph sym var2 | == var1
canonise typerule heap rg
- = (relabel heap o etaexpand typerule o splitrg o relabel localheap) rg
+ = ((relabel heap o etaexpand typerule o splitrg o relabel localheap) rg <--- "canon.canonise ends") ---> "canon.canonise begins"
@@ -113,9 +114,10 @@ localheap =: [0..]
foldarea :: ((Rgraph sym var) -> sym) (Rgraph sym var) -> Node sym var | == var
foldarea label rgraph
- = (label rgraph,foldsingleton single nosingle rgraph)
+ = ((id (labelrgraph,foldsingleton single nosingle rgraph)) <--- "canon.foldarea ends") ---> "canon.foldarea begins"
where single root sym args = args
nosingle = snd (graphvars (rgraphgraph rgraph) [rgraphroot rgraph])
+ labelrgraph = (label rgraph <--- "canon.foldarea.labelrgraph ends") ---> "canon.foldarea.labelrgraph begins"
@@ -139,13 +141,13 @@ foldarea label rgraph
labelarea :: [Rgraph sym var] [sym] (Rgraph sym var) -> sym | == sym & == var
labelarea areas labels rg
- = foldmap id nolabel (maketable areas labels) rg
+ = ((foldmap--->"canon.labelarea uses foldmap") id nolabel ((maketable--->"canon.maketable begins from canon.labelarea") ((areas<---"canon.labelarea.areas ends")--->"canon.labelarea.areas begins") ((labels<---"canon.labelarea.labels ends")--->"canon.labelarea.labels begins")) ((rg<---"canon.labelarea.rg ends")--->"canon.labelarea.rg begins") <--- "canon.labelarea ends") ---> "canon.labelarea begins"
where nolabel = abort "canon: labelarea: no label assigned to area"
maketable :: [Rgraph sym var] [sym] -> [(Rgraph sym var,sym)] | == var
-maketable [] _ = []
+maketable [] _ = [] <--- "canon.maketable ends empty"
maketable [area:areas] labels
- = [(area,label):maketable areas labels`]
+ = [(((area<---"canon.maketable.area ends")--->"canon.maketable.area begins",(label<---"canon.maketable.label ends")--->"canon.maketable.label begins") <--- "canon.maketable.head ends") ---> "canon.maketable.head begins":(maketable--->"canon.maketable begins from maketable") areas labels`] <--- "canon.maketable ends nonempty"
where (label,labels`) = getlabel (nc aroot) labels
getlabel (True,(asym,aargs)) labels
| not (or (map (fst o nc) aargs))
diff --git a/sucl/complete.icl b/sucl/complete.icl
index 25e56c8..136db40 100644
--- a/sucl/complete.icl
+++ b/sucl/complete.icl
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ implementation module complete
// $Id$
import graph
+import basic
import StdEnv
@@ -78,10 +79,11 @@ coveredby complete subject pvarss [svar:svars]
| complete (map fst3 closeds)
= and (map covered closeds)
= coveredby complete subject opens svars
- where (opens,closeds) = split pvarss
- covered (sym,repvar`,pvarss`) = coveredby complete subject pvarss` (repvar (repvar` undef) svar++svars)
+ where (opens,closeds) = psplit pvarss
+ covered (sym,repvar`,pvarss`) = coveredby complete subject pvarss` (repvar (repvar` dummyvar) svar++svars)
(sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents subject svar
tmpvalue = (fst (foldr (spl (repvar sargs) ssym) ([],[]) pvarss))
+ dummyvar = abort "complete: error: accessing dummy variable"
repvar pvars svar = map (const svar) pvars
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ multipatterns with an open pattern are expanded and added as well.
:: [Pattern sym var]
-> ( [Pattern sym var]
, [ ( sym
@@ -106,14 +108,14 @@ split
| == sym
& == var
-split [] = ([],[])
-split [(subject,[svar:svars]):svarss]
+psplit [] = ([],[])
+psplit [(subject,[svar:svars]):svarss]
| not sdef
= ([(subject,svars):opens`],map add closeds`)
= (opens,[(ssym,repvar,[(subject,sargs++svars):ins]):closeds])
- where (opens`,closeds`) = split svarss
+ where (opens`,closeds`) = psplit svarss
add (sym,repvar,svarss`) = (sym,repvar,[(subject,repvar svar++svars):svarss`])
- (opens,closeds) = split outs
+ (opens,closeds) = psplit outs
(ins,outs) = foldr (spl repvar ssym) ([],[]) svarss
repvar svar = map (const svar) sargs
(sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents subject svar
diff --git a/sucl/dnc.icl b/sucl/dnc.icl
index 3c644de..1c7e08c 100644
--- a/sucl/dnc.icl
+++ b/sucl/dnc.icl
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ implementation module dnc
// $Id$
import graph
+import basic
import StdEnv
// dnc is like varcontents, but can give a more reasonable error message
diff --git a/sucl/graph.dcl b/sucl/graph.dcl
index 3300097..eaeb1d0 100644
--- a/sucl/graph.dcl
+++ b/sucl/graph.dcl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ definition module graph
from pfun import Pfun
from StdOverloaded import ==
+from StdString import String,toString
// A rule associating a replacement with a pattern
//:: Rule sym var
@@ -139,6 +140,9 @@ varlist :: .(Graph sym var) !.[var] -> .[var] | == var
// Cannot remember what this one does???
prefix :: .(Graph sym var) .[var] !.[var] -> .([var],[var]) | == var
+// Determine a multiline representation of a graph with multiple roots
+printgraph :: .(Graph sym var) .[var] -> .[String] | toString sym & toString var & == var
// Do reference counting in a graph for the outer bindings.
// References from case branches are counted once only.
// Initial list of variables is counted too.
diff --git a/sucl/graph.icl b/sucl/graph.icl
index 076220b..02362f1 100644
--- a/sucl/graph.icl
+++ b/sucl/graph.icl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ implementation module graph
import pfun
import basic
+import general
import StdEnv
@@ -157,7 +158,30 @@ prefix graph without vars
> = (seen1,'(':showfunc func++concat (map (' ':) repr1)++")"), otherwise
> (seen1,repr1) = foldlr pg (node:seen,[]) args
> (def,(func,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+printgraph :: .(Graph sym var) .[var] -> .[String] | toString sym & toString var & == var
+printgraph graph nodes
+= prntgrph (refcount graph nodes) graph nodes
+prntgrph count graph nodes
+= snd (foldlr pg ([],[]) nodes)
+ where pg node (seen,reprs)
+ = (seen2,[repr3:reprs])
+ where repr3
+ = if (not (isMember node seen) && def && count node>1)
+ (toString node+++":"+++repr2)
+ repr2
+ (seen2,repr2)
+ = if (isMember node seen || not def)
+ (seen,toString node)
+ (if (args==[])
+ (seen1,toString func)
+ (seen1,"("+++toString func+++foldr (+++) ")" (map ((+++)" ") repr1)))
+ (seen1,repr1) = foldlr pg ([node:seen],[]) args
+ (def,(func,args)) = varcontents graph node
> refcount graph
> = foldr rfcnt (const 0)
> where rfcnt node count
@@ -396,5 +420,5 @@ mapgraph ::
mapgraph f (GraphAlias pfun) = GraphAlias (f pfun)
instance == (Graph sym var) | == sym & == var
-where (==) pf1 pf2
- = pf1 == pf2
+where (==) (GraphAlias pf1) (GraphAlias pf2)
+ = ((pf1 == pf2) <--- "graph.==(Graph) ends") ---> "graph.==(Graph) begins"
diff --git a/sucl/history.dcl b/sucl/history.dcl
index 61b0141..1c4913d 100644
--- a/sucl/history.dcl
+++ b/sucl/history.dcl
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from rule import Rgraph
from graph import Graph
from general import Optional
from StdOverloaded import ==
+from StdString import toString
// A history relates node-ids in the subject graph to patterns
:: History sym var
@@ -35,3 +36,6 @@ matchhistory
-> [HistoryPattern sym var] // Matching history patterns
| == sym
& == var
+(writeHistory) infixl :: *File (History sym var) -> .File | toString sym & toString,== var
+(writeHistoryAssociation) infixl :: *File (HistoryAssociation sym var) -> .File | toString sym & toString,== var
diff --git a/sucl/history.icl b/sucl/history.icl
index a97ab37..31d8907 100644
--- a/sucl/history.icl
+++ b/sucl/history.icl
@@ -59,3 +59,9 @@ instantiate ::
-> ([(pvar,var)],[(pvar,var)],[(pvar,var)])
+(writeHistory) infixl :: *File (History sym var) -> .File | toString sym & toString,== var
+(writeHistory) file history = sfoldl (writeHistoryAssociation) file history
+(writeHistoryAssociation) infixl :: *File (HistoryAssociation sym var) -> .File | toString sym & toString,== var
+(writeHistoryAssociation) file ha = file <<< showpair toString (showlist toString) ha <<< nl
diff --git a/sucl/loop.icl b/sucl/loop.icl
index 88ab3c8..f8674c3 100644
--- a/sucl/loop.icl
+++ b/sucl/loop.icl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import rule
import graph
import pfun
import basic
-from general import Yes,No
+from general import Yes,No,--->
import StdEnv
@@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ startswith _ _ = False
- :: var // The root of the redex
+tryunfold ::
+ var // The root of the redex
(Rule sym pvar) // The rule to unfold
(Pfun pvar var) // The matching from rule's pattern to subject
(Spine sym var pvar) // The spine returned by the strategy
diff --git a/sucl/newfold.icl b/sucl/newfold.icl
index a8afa18..ebb6550 100644
--- a/sucl/newfold.icl
+++ b/sucl/newfold.icl
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import graph
import basic
import StdEnv
+import general
newfold.lit - New folding function
@@ -110,9 +112,9 @@ fullfold ::
& == pvar
fullfold trc foldarea fnsymbol trace
-| recursive
- = addlhs recurseresult
-= addlhs (newextract trc foldarea trace)
+| recursive ---> "newfold.fullfold begins"
+ = addlhs recurseresult <--- "newfold.fullfold ends (recursive=True)"
+= addlhs (newextract trc foldarea trace) <--- "newfold.fullfold ends (recursive=False)"
where (recursive,recurseresult) = recurse foldarea fnsymbol trace
addlhs = mapsnd3 (pair (arguments rule))
(Trace _ rule _ _ _) = trace
@@ -137,25 +139,28 @@ recurse ::
& == pvar
recurse foldarea fnsymbol
-= f ([],[])
- where f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace))
+= (f ([],[]) <--- "newfold.recurse ends") ---> "newfold.recurse begins"
+ where f newhisthist (Trace stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace))
| isEmpty pclosed && superset popen ropen
= f (newhist`,newhist`) trace
where rargs = arguments rule; rroot = ruleroot rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
(pclosed,popen) = graphvars rgraph rargs
(_,ropen) = graphvars rgraph [rroot]
newhist` = [(rroot,rgraph):newhist]
- f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace))
+ (newhist,hist) = newhisthist
+ f newhisthist (Trace stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace))
| isEmpty pclosed && superset popen ropen
= f (newhist`,hist) trace
where rargs = arguments rule; rroot = ruleroot rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
(pclosed,popen) = graphvars rgraph rargs
(_,ropen) = graphvars rgraph [rroot]
newhist` = [(rroot,rgraph):newhist]
- f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+ (newhist,hist) = newhisthist
+ f newhisthist (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
= foldtips foldarea (fnsymbol,arguments rule) (removeDup newhist`,removeDup hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
where rroot = ruleroot rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
newhist` = [(rroot,rgraph):newhist]
+ (newhist,hist) = newhisthist
@@ -252,24 +257,25 @@ newextract ::
& == pvar
newextract trc newname (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
-| recursive
- = (stricts,rule2body recrule,recareas)
+| recursive ---> "newfold.newextract begins"
+ = (stricts,rule2body recrule,recareas) <--- "newfold.newextract ends (recursive=True)"
= case transf
of Reduce reductroot trace
- -> newextract trc newname trace
+ -> newextract trc newname trace <--- "newfold.newextract ends (at Reduce transformation)"
Annotate trace
- -> newextract trc newname trace
+ -> newextract trc newname trace <--- "newfold.newextract ends (at Annotate transformation)"
Instantiate yestrace notrace
- -> (stricts,matchpattern answer yesbody nobody,yesareas++noareas)
+ -> (stricts,matchpattern answer yesbody nobody,yesareas++noareas) <--- "newfold.newextract ends (at Instantiate transformation)"
where (_,yesbody,yesareas) = newextract trc newname yestrace
(_,nobody,noareas) = newextract trc newname notrace
- -> (stricts,buildgraph rargs rroot stoprgraph,stopareas)
+ -> (stricts,buildgraph rargs rroot stoprgraph,stopareas) <--- "newfold.newextract ends (at Stop transformation)"
where (recursive,unsafearea)
= if (isreduce transf)
- (foldoptional (False,undef) (findspinepart rule transf) answer)
+ (foldoptional (False,dummycontents) (findspinepart rule transf) answer)
(False,abort "newextract: not a Reduce transformation")
+ dummycontents = abort "newfold: newextract: accessing dummy node contents"
(recrule,recareas) = splitrule newname rnfnodes deltanodes rule unsafearea
(stoprgraph,stopareas) = finishfold newname rnfnodes deltanodes rroot rgraph
@@ -283,8 +289,12 @@ buildgraph ::
(Graph sym var)
- -> FuncBody sym var
-buildgraph _ _ _ = undef
+ -> FuncBody sym var | == var
+buildgraph args root graph
+= (BuildGraph (mkrgraph root (compilegraph (map (pairwith (snd o varcontents graph)) newnodes))) <--- "newfold.buildgraph ends") ---> "newfold.buildgraph begins"
+ where newnodes = removeMembers closedreplnodes patnodes
+ closedreplnodes = fst (graphvars graph [root])
+ patnodes = varlist graph args
isreduce (Reduce reductroot trace) = True
isreduce transf = False
@@ -313,7 +323,9 @@ findspinepart rule transf spine
= (True,mkrgraph node pattern`)
= recursion
force _ res = res
- partial rule matching _ (pattern,recursion) = (extgraph` graph rule matching pattern,recursion)
+ partial rule matching _ pr
+ = (extgraph` graph rule matching pattern,recursion)
+ where (pattern,recursion) = pr
redex rule matching = (extgraph` graph rule matching emptygraph,norecursion)
stop = (emptygraph,norecursion)
norecursion = (False,abort "findspinepart: no part of spine found")
@@ -381,3 +393,13 @@ getdeltanodes spine
force _ nodes = (True,nodes)
partial _ _ _ nodes = (False,nodes)
redex _ _ = none
+instance <<< FuncBody sym var | toString sym & ==,toString var
+where (<<<) file (MatchPattern pat yesbody nobody)
+ = file <<< "?Match: " <<< pat <<< nl
+ <<< "Match succes:" <<< nl
+ <<< yesbody
+ <<< "Match failure:" <<< nl
+ <<< nobody
+ (<<<) file (BuildGraph rgraph)
+ = file <<< "Build: " <<< toString rgraph <<< nl
diff --git a/sucl/newtest.icl b/sucl/newtest.icl
index 688cb08..d9a7087 100644
--- a/sucl/newtest.icl
+++ b/sucl/newtest.icl
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import rule
import graph
import canon
import basic
+import general
import StdEnv
@@ -157,6 +158,32 @@ these tuples.
, srr_areas :: [Rgraph sym var] // New areas for further symbolic reduction (not necessarily canonical)
+instance toString Symredresult sym var tsym tvar | toString sym & toString var & == var
+where toString srr
+ = "Task: "+++toString srr.srr_task_expression+++
+ "\nSymbol: "+++toString srr.srr_assigned_symbol+++
+ "\nStrictness: "+++listToString srr.srr_strictness+++
+ "\nTyperule: "+++"<typerule>"+++
+ "\nTrace: "+++"<trace>"+++
+ "\nFunction definition: "+++"<funcdef>"+++
+ "\nAreas: "+++listToString srr.srr_areas+++"\n"
+instance <<< Symredresult sym var tsym tvar | toString sym & <<<,==,toString var
+where (<<<) file srr
+ = file <<< "==[BEGIN]==" <<< nl
+ <<< "Task expression: " <<< ((srr.srr_task_expression <--- "newtest.<<<(Symredresult).srr_task_expression ends") ---> "newtest.<<<(Symredresult).srr_task_expression begins") <<< nl
+ <<< "Assigned symbol: " <<< toString (srr.srr_assigned_symbol) <<< nl
+ <<< "Strictness: " <<< srr.srr_strictness <<< nl
+ <<< "Type rule: ..." <<< nl
+ <<< srr.srr_trace <<< nl
+ //<<< "Function definition: ..." <<< nl
+ <<< "Areas:" <<< nl
+ writeareas srr.srr_areas
+ <<< "==[END]==" <<< nl
+(writeareas) infixl :: *File [Rgraph sym var] -> .File | toString sym & toString,== var
+(writeareas) file xs = sfoldl (<<<) file xs
> listopt :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
@@ -276,13 +303,13 @@ fullsymred ::
fullsymred freshsymbols cli
= results
- where results = depthfirst generate process (initareas cli)
- generate result = map canonise` (getareas result)
- process area = symredarea foldarea` cli area
+ where results = (depthfirst generate process (initareas cli) <--- "newtest.fullsymred.results ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.results begins"
+ generate result = (map canonise` (getareas result) <--- "newtest.fullsymred.generate begins") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.generate begins"
+ process area = (symredarea foldarea` cli area <--- "newtest.fullsymred.process ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.process begins"
- foldarea` = foldarea (labelarea` o canonise`)
- labelarea` = labelarea (map getinit results) freshsymbols
- canonise` = canonise (typerule cli) suclheap
+ foldarea` = ((id (foldarea (labelarea` o canonise`))) <--- "newtest.fullsymred.foldarea` ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.foldarea` begins"
+ labelarea` = (labelarea (map getinit results) freshsymbols <--- "newtest.fullsymred.labelarea` ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.labelarea` begins"
+ canonise` = (canonise (typerule cli) suclheap <--- "newtest.fullsymred.canonise` ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.canonise` begins"
`Initareas cli' is the list of initial rooted graphs that must be
@@ -315,10 +342,12 @@ initareas cli
targs = arguments (typerule cli symbol)
getinit :: (Symredresult sym var tsym tvar) -> Rgraph sym var
-getinit srr = srr.srr_task_expression
+getinit srr
+= (srr.srr_task_expression <--- "newtest.getinit ends") ---> "newtest.getinit begins"
getareas :: (Symredresult sym var tsym tvar) -> [Rgraph sym var]
-getareas srr = srr.srr_areas
+getareas srr
+= (srr.srr_areas <--- "newtest.getareas ends") ---> "newtest.getareas begins"
`Symredarea' is the function that does symbolic reduction of a single
@@ -352,20 +381,20 @@ symredarea ::
-> Symredresult SuclSymbol SuclVariable SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable
symredarea foldarea cli area
-= { srr_task_expression = area
- , srr_assigned_symbol = symbol
- , srr_strictness = stricts
+= { srr_task_expression = (area <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_task_expression ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_task_expression begins"
+ , srr_assigned_symbol = (symbol <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_assigned_symbol ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_assigned_symbol begins"
+ , srr_strictness = (stricts <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_strictness ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_strictness begins"
, srr_typerule = trule
- , srr_trace = trace
- , srr_function_def = rules
- , srr_areas = areas
+ , srr_trace = (trace <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_trace ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_trace begins"
+ , srr_function_def = (rules <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_function_def ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_function_def begins"
+ , srr_areas = (areas <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_areas ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_areas begins"
where agraph = rgraphgraph area; aroot = rgraphroot area
(symbol,aargs) = foldarea area
arule = mkrule aargs aroot agraph
- trule = ruletype sucltypeheap (ctyperule SuclFN sucltypeheap (typerule cli)) arule
- trace = loop strategy` matchable` (removeMembers suclheap (varlist agraph [aroot]),arule)
- (stricts,rules,areas) = fullfold (trc symbol) foldarea symbol trace
+ trule = (ruletype sucltypeheap (ctyperule SuclFN sucltypeheap (typerule cli)) arule <--- "newtest.symredarea.trule.ruletype ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.trule.ruletype begins"
+ trace = (loop strategy` matchable` (removeMembers suclheap (varlist agraph [aroot]),arule) <--- "newtest.symredarea.trace.loop ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.trace.loop begins"
+ (stricts,rules,areas) = (fullfold (trc symbol) foldarea symbol trace <--- "newtest.symredarea.(,,).fullfold ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.(,,).fullfold begins"
matchable` = matchable (complete cli)
strategy` = clistrategy cli
diff --git a/sucl/pfun.icl b/sucl/pfun.icl
index 053799f..111ecdf 100644
--- a/sucl/pfun.icl
+++ b/sucl/pfun.icl
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ where toString pfun
where printlink (arg,res) = fromString (toString arg)++['|->']++fromString (toString res)
pfunlist :: (Pfun dom res) -> [(dom,res)]
-pfunlist _ = abort "pfunlist not implemented"
+pfunlist _ = error "pfunlist not implemented"
idpfun :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom dom) -> Bool | == dom
idpfun domain pfun
diff --git a/sucl/rule.dcl b/sucl/rule.dcl
index e7b408c..a865837 100644
--- a/sucl/rule.dcl
+++ b/sucl/rule.dcl
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ definition module rule
// $Id$
from graph import Graph,Node
-from StdOverloaded import ==
+from StdOverloaded import ==,toString
+from StdFile import <<<
// --- Exported types
@@ -16,13 +17,15 @@ from StdOverloaded import ==
mkrule :: [.var] .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rule .sym .var
// The arguments of a rule, i.e. the roots of its lhs
-arguments :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> [.var]
+arguments :: !.(Rule sym var) -> [var]
// The root of a rule, i.e. of its rhs
-ruleroot :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> .var
+ruleroot :: !.(Rule sym var) -> var
// The graph part of a rule, i.e. its bindings
-rulegraph :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+rulegraph :: !.(Rule sym var) -> Graph sym var
+instance toString Rule sym var | toString sym & toString var & == var
// --- Functions on rooted graphs
@@ -45,3 +48,6 @@ rgraphgraph :: !.(Rgraph sym var) -> Graph sym var
mkrgraph :: .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
instance == (Rgraph sym var) | == sym & == var
+instance toString (Rgraph sym var) | toString sym & toString var & == var
+instance <<< Rgraph sym var | toString sym & toString var & == var
+instance <<< Rule sym var | toString sym & toString,== var
diff --git a/sucl/rule.icl b/sucl/rule.icl
index 24c2e46..288b317 100644
--- a/sucl/rule.icl
+++ b/sucl/rule.icl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import basic
import StdEnv
:: Rule sym var
- :== ([var],var,Graph sym var)
+ = RuleAlias [var] var (Graph sym var)
:: Rgraph sym var
= RgraphAlias var (Graph sym var)
@@ -146,11 +146,30 @@ maprgraph f (RgraphAlias root1 graph1) = RgraphAlias root2 graph2
> = "updatergraph "++shownode node++" ("++
> showfunc f++',':showlist shownode args++")."++
> repr'
+instance toString Rgraph sym var | toString sym & toString var & == var
+where toString (RgraphAlias root graph)
+ = "("+++snd (showsubgraph root ([],"emptyrgraph) "))+++toString root
+ where showsubgraph node (seen,repr)
+ | not def || isMember node seen
+ = (seen,repr)
+ = (seen``,repr``)
+ where (def,(f,args)) = varcontents graph node
+ (seen``,repr`) = foldlr showsubgraph (seen`,repr) args
+ seen` = [node:seen]
+ repr`` = "updatergraph "+++toString node+++" ("+++toString f+++","+++listToString args+++") o "+++repr`
> printrgraph showfunc shownode (root,graph)
> = hd (printgraph showfunc shownode graph [root])
+instance <<< Rgraph sym var | toString sym & toString var & == var
+where (<<<) file (RgraphAlias root graph)
+ = file <<< hd (printgraph graph [root])
> mkrule lroots rroot graph = (lroots,rroot,graph)
@@ -160,16 +179,16 @@ Rules
mkrule :: [.var] .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rule .sym .var
-mkrule args root graph = (args,root,graph)
+mkrule args root graph = RuleAlias args root graph
-arguments :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> [.var]
-arguments (args,_,_) = args
+arguments :: !.(Rule sym var) -> [var]
+arguments (RuleAlias args _ _) = args
-ruleroot :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> .var
-ruleroot (_,root,_) = root
+ruleroot :: !.(Rule sym var) -> var
+ruleroot (RuleAlias _ root _) = root
-rulegraph :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
-rulegraph (_,_,graph) = graph
+rulegraph :: !.(Rule sym var) -> Graph sym var
+rulegraph (RuleAlias _ _ graph) = graph
> showrule showfunc shownode (lroots,rroot,graph)
@@ -198,3 +217,20 @@ rulegraph (_,_,graph) = graph
instance == (Rgraph sym var) | == sym & == var
where (==) (RgraphAlias root1 graph1) (RgraphAlias root2 graph2)
= root1==root2 && graph1==graph2
+instance toString (Rule sym var) | toString sym & toString var & == var
+where toString (RuleAlias lroots rroot graph)
+ = "((mkrule "+++listToString lroots+++" "+++toString rroot+++repr`+++") emptygraph)"
+ where (seen,repr`) = showsubgraph rroot ([],repr)
+ (seen`,repr) = foldlr showsubgraph (seen,"") lroots
+ showsubgraph node (seen,repr)
+ | not def || isMember node seen
+ = (seen,repr)
+ = (seen``,repr``)
+ where (def,(f,args)) = varcontents graph node
+ (seen``,repr`) = foldlr showsubgraph (seen`,repr) args
+ seen` = [node:seen]
+ repr`` = " o updategraph "+++toString node+++" ("+++toString f+++","+++listToString args+++")"+++repr`
+instance <<< Rule sym var | toString sym & toString,== var
+where (<<<) file rule = file <<< toString rule
diff --git a/sucl/spine.dcl b/sucl/spine.dcl
index 0aae75a..15b03ef 100644
--- a/sucl/spine.dcl
+++ b/sucl/spine.dcl
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from graph import Graph
from pfun import Pfun
from general import Optional
from StdOverloaded import ==
+from StdFile import <<<
@@ -206,3 +207,9 @@ extendhistory
-> History sym var
| == var
& == pvar
+(writeanswer) infixl :: *File (Answer sym var pvar) -> .File | <<< var
+(writespine) infixl :: *File (Spine sym var pvar) -> .File | <<< var
+instance <<< Subspine sym var pvar
diff --git a/sucl/spine.icl b/sucl/spine.icl
index 6bb12b2..6770061 100644
--- a/sucl/spine.icl
+++ b/sucl/spine.icl
@@ -316,3 +316,13 @@ extgraph` :: (Graph sym var) (Rule sym pvar) -> (Pfun pvar var) (Graph sym var)
extgraph` sgraph rule
= extgraph sgraph rgraph (varlist rgraph (arguments rule))
where rgraph = rulegraph rule
+(writeanswer) infixl :: *File (Answer sym var pvar) -> .File | <<< var
+(writeanswer) file No = file <<< "<root-normal-form>" <<< nl
+(writeanswer) file (Yes spine) = file writespine spine <<< nl
+(writespine) infixl :: *File (Spine sym var pvar) -> .File | <<< var
+(writespine) file (var,subspine) = file <<< "(" <<< var <<< "," <<< subspine <<< ")"
+instance <<< Subspine sym var pvar
+where (<<<) file subspine = file <<< "<subspine>"
diff --git a/sucl/strat.icl b/sucl/strat.icl
index 04ea9f9..c1d3bd6 100644
--- a/sucl/strat.icl
+++ b/sucl/strat.icl
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ Types
- :: .(History sym var) // History of previous rooted graphs attached to nodes
+makernfstrategy ::
+ .(History sym var) // History of previous rooted graphs attached to nodes
(Strategy sym var pvar (Answer sym var pvar)) // Strategy for a defined node
.[var] // List of nodes known in RNF (closed pattern nodes of subject rule+strict args)
var // Root of replacement
diff --git a/sucl/trace.dcl b/sucl/trace.dcl
index 8b818f8..e4adfcd 100644
--- a/sucl/trace.dcl
+++ b/sucl/trace.dcl
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ definition module trace
from spine import Answer
from history import History,HistoryAssociation,HistoryPattern
from rule import Rule
+from StdFile import <<<
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+from StdString import toString
// Transitive necessities
@@ -295,3 +298,5 @@ foldtransformation
(.result -> .absresult)
!.(Transformation sym var pvar)
-> .subresult
+instance <<< Trace sym var pvar | toString sym & <<<,==,toString var
diff --git a/sucl/trace.icl b/sucl/trace.icl
index 090f4b2..0295d5e 100644
--- a/sucl/trace.icl
+++ b/sucl/trace.icl
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ implementation module trace
import spine
import history
import rule
+import basic
+import syntax
import StdEnv
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate trace
ftf stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace) = annotate stricts rule answer history (ftr trace)
ftf stricts rule answer history Stop = stop stricts rule answer history
ftf stricts rule answer history (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = instantiate stricts rule answer history (ftr yestrace) (ftr notrace)
-// ftf _ _ _ _ (Abstract _) = abort "foldtrace not implemented for abstraction nodes"
+// ftf _ _ _ _ (Abstract _) = error "foldtrace not implemented for abstraction nodes"
:: ((Trace sym var pvar) -> .result)
@@ -260,3 +262,27 @@ foldtransformation ftr reduce annotate stop instantiate abstract knownabstractio
// ftf (Abstract as) = abstract (map fab as)
// fab (NewAbstraction t) = newabstraction (ftr t)
// fab (KnownAbstraction r) = knownabstraction r
+instance <<< Trace sym var pvar | toString sym & <<<,==,toString var
+where (<<<) file trace
+ = file <<< "Trace:" <<< nl
+ <<< "Stricts: " <<< showlist toString stricts <<< nl
+ <<< "Rule: " <<< toString rule <<< nl
+ <<< "Answer:" <<< nl writeanswer answer // <<< getAnswer trace // answer
+ <<< "History:" <<< nl
+ writeHistory history
+ <<< "Transformation:" <<< nl <<< transf
+ where (Trace stricts rule answer history transf) = trace
+instance <<< Transformation sym var pvar | toString sym & <<<,==,toString var
+where (<<<) file (Reduce reductroot subtrace) = file <<< "Reduce; root of reduct: " <<< reductroot <<< nl <<< subtrace
+ (<<<) file (Annotate subtrace) = file <<< "Annotate" <<< nl <<< subtrace
+ (<<<) file Stop = file <<< "Stop" <<< nl
+ (<<<) file (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+ = file <<< "Instantiate" <<< nl
+ <<< "Successful match..." <<< nl
+ <<< yestrace
+ <<< "End of successful match." <<< nl
+ <<< "Failing match..." <<< nl
+ <<< notrace
+ <<< "End of failing match." <<< nl