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authorjohnvg2012-06-18 11:30:09 +0000
committerjohnvg2012-06-18 11:30:09 +0000
commitd9c8ba7d40ff6f1d327b6781941adc2c040db289 (patch)
parentin substitute use original type (instead of copy) if possible, (diff)
make local functions of function partitionateAndLiftFunctions global,
add record PartitioningInfo git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2097 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index 4cbddfc..53e1a3f 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ where
# (dyn_expr, ls) = lift dyn_expr ls
= ({ dyn & dyn_expr = dyn_expr}, ls)
-liftFunctions :: [FunctionOrMacroIndex] Int Int *{#FunDef} *{#*{#FunDef}} *(Heap VarInfo) *(Heap ExprInfo) -> .LiftState;
+liftFunctions :: [FunctionOrMacroIndex] Int Int *{#FunDef} *{#*{#FunDef}} *VarHeap *ExpressionHeap -> .LiftState;
liftFunctions group group_index main_dcl_module_n fun_defs macro_defs var_heap expr_heap
# (contains_free_vars, lifted_function_called, fun_defs,macro_defs)
= foldSt (add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls_to_function group_index) group (False, False, fun_defs,macro_defs)
@@ -311,7 +311,6 @@ where
fun_defs = ls_x.x_fun_defs
fun_defs = { fun_defs & [fun] = { fun_def & fun_lifted = fun_lifted, fun_body = PartitioningFunction {cb_args = cb_args, cb_rhs = cb_rhs} fun_number}}
= {ls_x={ls_x & x_fun_defs=fun_defs}, ls_var_heap=ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap= ls_expr_heap}
-// ---> ("lift_function", fun_def.fun_ident, fi_free_vars, cb_args, cb_rhs)
lift_function (DclMacroIndex module_index fun) {ls_x=ls_x=:{x_macro_defs=macro_defs=:{[module_index,fun] = fun_def}}, ls_var_heap=var_heap, ls_expr_heap=expr_heap}
# {fi_free_vars} = fun_def.fun_info
fun_lifted = length fi_free_vars
@@ -688,7 +687,7 @@ examineFunctionCall {id_info} fc=:(MacroCall macro_module_index fc_index _) (cal
= is_member macro_module_index fc_index indexes
is_member _ _ []
= False
:: ExpandState = {
es_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable,
es_var_heap :: !.VarHeap,
@@ -795,7 +794,7 @@ copy_macro_or_local_macro_function macro=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,t
# (result_expr,{us_local_macro_functions,us_symbol_heap,us_var_heap}) = unfold tb_rhs us
# (fi_local_vars,us_var_heap) = update_local_vars fi_local_vars us_var_heap
- update_local_vars :: ![FreeVar] !*(Heap VarInfo) -> (![FreeVar],!*Heap VarInfo);
+ update_local_vars :: ![FreeVar] !*VarHeap -> (![FreeVar],!*VarHeap);
update_local_vars [fv=:{fv_info_ptr}:fvs] var_heap
# (fvs,var_heap)=update_local_vars fvs var_heap
# (fv_info,var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
@@ -847,7 +846,7 @@ where
bind_expressions _ _ binds var_heap
= (binds, var_heap)
- bind_expression :: FreeVar Expression [LetBind] *(Heap VarInfo) -> (![LetBind],!*Heap VarInfo);
+ bind_expression :: FreeVar Expression [LetBind] *VarHeap -> (![LetBind],!*VarHeap);
bind_expression {fv_count} expr binds var_heap
| fv_count == 0
= (binds, var_heap)
@@ -860,7 +859,7 @@ where
new_var = { fv_ident = fv_ident, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_info_ptr = new_info, fv_count = 0 }
= ([{ lb_src = expr, lb_dst = new_var, lb_position = NoPos} : binds], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident new_info) var_heap)
-:: PartitioningState =
+:: PartitioningState =
{ ps_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable
, ps_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
, ps_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
@@ -874,6 +873,11 @@ where
, ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros :: ![(Int,Int,FunDef)]
+:: PartitioningInfo = ! {
+ pi_predef_symbols_for_transform :: !PredefSymbolsForTransform,
+ pi_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int
+ }
NotChecked :== -1
:: PredefSymbolsForTransform = { predef_alias_dummy :: !PredefinedSymbol, predef_and :: !PredefinedSymbol, predef_or :: !PredefinedSymbol };
@@ -902,7 +906,7 @@ expand_simple_macro mod_index macro=:{fun_body = CheckedBody body, fun_info, fun
# es = { es_symbol_table = ps_symbol_table, es_var_heap = ps_var_heap,
es_expression_heap = ps_symbol_heap, es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos ps_error,
es_fun_defs=ps_fun_defs, es_macro_defs=ps_macro_defs, es_new_fun_def_numbers=[]
- }
+ }
# (tb_args, tb_rhs, local_vars, fi_calls, fi_dynamics,{es_symbol_table, es_var_heap, es_expression_heap, es_error,es_fun_defs,es_macro_defs})
= expandMacrosInBody [] body fun_info.fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es
# macro = { macro & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs},
@@ -951,11 +955,11 @@ partitionate_dcl_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform macro_i
# (macro_def, ps) = ps!ps_macro_defs.[mod_index,macro_index]
| case macro_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True ; _ -> False
= case macro_def.fun_body of
- CheckedBody body
+ CheckedBody body
# ps={ ps & ps_macro_defs.[mod_index,macro_index] = { macro_def & fun_body = PartitioningMacro }}
# macros_pi = foldSt (visit_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform) macro_def.fun_info.fi_calls ps
-> expand_dcl_macro_if_simple mod_index macro_index macro_def predef_symbols_for_transform macros_pi
- PartitioningMacro
+ PartitioningMacro
# identPos = newPosition macro_def.fun_ident macro_def.fun_pos
-> { ps & ps_error = checkError macro_def.fun_ident "recursive macro definition" (setErrorAdmin identPos ps.ps_error) }
@@ -1154,7 +1158,7 @@ where
= True
partitionateAndLiftFunctions :: ![IndexRange] !Index !PredefSymbolsForTransform !*{#FunDef} !*{#*{#FunDef}} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!*{!Group}, !*{#FunDef},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!*VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap,!*SymbolTable,!*ErrorAdmin )
+ -> (!*{!Group}, !*{#FunDef},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!*VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap,!*SymbolTable,!*ErrorAdmin)
partitionateAndLiftFunctions ranges main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols_for_transform fun_defs macro_defs var_heap symbol_heap symbol_table error
#! max_fun_nr = cMAXINT
# partitioning_info = { ps_var_heap = var_heap, ps_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, ps_symbol_table = symbol_table, ps_fun_defs=fun_defs, ps_macro_defs=macro_defs,
@@ -1165,198 +1169,201 @@ partitionateAndLiftFunctions ranges main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols_for_transfo
# (reversed_ps_groups,fun_defs) = remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse ps_groups ps_fun_defs []
# groups = { {group_members = group} \\ group <- reversed_ps_groups }
# ps_macro_defs = restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros ps_macro_defs
- with
- restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros [(macro_module_index,macro_index,macro_def):unexpanded_dcl_macros] macro_defs
- # macro_defs = {macro_defs & [macro_module_index,macro_index] = macro_def}
- = restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros unexpanded_dcl_macros macro_defs
- restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros [] macro_defs
- = macro_defs
= (groups, fun_defs, ps_macro_defs, ps_var_heap, ps_symbol_heap, ps_symbol_table, ps_error)
- remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse [group:groups] fun_defs result_groups
- # (group,fun_defs) = remove_macros_from_group group fun_defs
- = case group of
- [] -> remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse groups fun_defs result_groups
- _ -> remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse groups fun_defs [group:result_groups]
- where
- remove_macros_from_group [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun:funs] fun_defs
- # (funs,fun_defs)=remove_macros_from_group funs fun_defs
- | fun_defs.[fun].fun_info.fi_group_index<NoIndex
- = (funs,fun_defs)
- = ([fun:funs],fun_defs)
- remove_macros_from_group [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index:funs] fun_defs
- = remove_macros_from_group funs fun_defs
- remove_macros_from_group [] fun_defs
- = ([],fun_defs);
- remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse [] fun_defs result_groups
- = (result_groups,fun_defs);
partitionate_functions mod_index max_fun_nr {ir_from,ir_to} ps
= iFoldSt (partitionate_global_function mod_index max_fun_nr) ir_from ir_to ps
partitionate_global_function mod_index max_fun_nr fun_index ps
- # (_,ps) = partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr fun_index ps
+ # pi = {pi_predef_symbols_for_transform=predef_symbols_for_transform,pi_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}
+ # (_,ps) = partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr fun_index pi ps
= ps
- partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr fun_index ps
- # (fun_def, ps) = ps!ps_fun_defs.[fun_index]
- = case fun_def.fun_body of
- CheckedBody body
- # fun_number = ps.ps_next_num
- # (min_dep, ps) = foldSt (visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr) fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls
- (max_fun_nr,
- { ps & ps_fun_defs={ ps.ps_fun_defs & [fun_index] = { fun_def & fun_body = PartitioningFunction body fun_number }},
- ps_next_num = inc fun_number, ps_deps = [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index : ps.ps_deps] })
- -> try_to_close_group max_fun_nr (-1) fun_index fun_number min_dep ps
- PartitioningFunction _ fun_number
- -> (fun_number, ps)
- TransformedBody _
- | fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex
- # ps = add_called_macros fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls ps
- -> (max_fun_nr,
+restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros [(macro_module_index,macro_index,macro_def):unexpanded_dcl_macros] macro_defs
+ # macro_defs & [macro_module_index,macro_index] = macro_def
+ = restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros unexpanded_dcl_macros macro_defs
+restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros [] macro_defs
+ = macro_defs
+partitionate_function :: Int Int !Int PartitioningInfo !*PartitioningState -> (!Int,!*PartitioningState)
+partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr fun_index pi ps
+ # (fun_def, ps) = ps!ps_fun_defs.[fun_index]
+ = case fun_def.fun_body of
+ CheckedBody body
+ # fun_number = ps.ps_next_num
+ # (min_dep, ps) = visit_functions mod_index max_fun_nr fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls pi
+ (max_fun_nr,
+ { ps & ps_fun_defs={ ps.ps_fun_defs & [fun_index] = { fun_def & fun_body = PartitioningFunction body fun_number }},
+ ps_next_num = inc fun_number, ps_deps = [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index : ps.ps_deps] })
+ -> try_to_close_group max_fun_nr (-1) fun_index fun_number min_dep pi ps
+ PartitioningFunction _ fun_number
+ -> (fun_number, ps)
+ TransformedBody _
+ | fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex
+ # ps = add_called_macros fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls ps
+ -> (max_fun_nr,
// -> (max_fun_nr, ({ fun_defs & [fun_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-ps.ps_next_group }},
- {ps & ps_fun_defs.[fun_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = ps.ps_next_group },
- ps_next_group = inc ps.ps_next_group, ps_groups = [ [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index] : ps.ps_groups]}
+ {ps & ps_fun_defs.[fun_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = ps.ps_next_group },
+ ps_next_group = inc ps.ps_next_group, ps_groups = [ [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index] : ps.ps_groups]}
// {ps & ps_next_group = ps.ps_next_group}
- )
- -> (max_fun_nr, ps)
- GeneratedBody
- /*
- // allocate a group that contains this and only this function
- | fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex
- # ps = { ps & ps_fun_defs.[fun_index] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = ps.ps_next_group },
- ps_groups = [[FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index] : ps.ps_groups] , ps_next_group = inc ps.ps_next_group }
- -> (max_fun_nr, ps)
- -> abort ("generated function already has a group index: " +++ toString fun_def.fun_ident +++ " " +++ toString fun_index +++ "\n")
- */
- // do not allocate a group, it will be allocated during generic phase
- -> (max_fun_nr, ps)
- partitionate_macro mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index macro_index ps
- # (fun_def, ps) = ps!ps_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index]
- = case fun_def.fun_body of
- CheckedBody body
- # fun_number = ps.ps_next_num
- # ps={ps & ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros=[(macro_module_index,macro_index,fun_def):ps.ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros]}
- # (min_dep, ps) = foldSt (visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr) fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls
- (max_fun_nr,
- { ps & ps_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index] = { fun_def & fun_body = PartitioningFunction body fun_number },
- ps_next_num = inc fun_number, ps_deps = [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index : ps.ps_deps] })
- -> try_to_close_group max_fun_nr macro_module_index macro_index fun_number min_dep ps
- PartitioningFunction _ fun_number
- -> (fun_number, ps)
- TransformedBody _
- | fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex
- # ps = add_called_macros fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls ps
- -> (max_fun_nr,
- {ps & ps_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = ps.ps_next_group },
- ps_next_group = inc ps.ps_next_group, ps_groups = [ [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index] : ps.ps_groups]}
- )
- -> (max_fun_nr, ps)
+ )
+ -> (max_fun_nr, ps)
+ GeneratedBody
+ // do not allocate a group, it will be allocated during generic phase
+ -> (max_fun_nr, ps)
+partitionate_macro :: Int Int !Int !Int PartitioningInfo !*PartitioningState -> (!Int,!*PartitioningState)
+partitionate_macro mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index macro_index pi ps
+ # (fun_def, ps) = ps!ps_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index]
+ = case fun_def.fun_body of
+ CheckedBody body
+ # fun_number = ps.ps_next_num
+ # ps={ps & ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros=[(macro_module_index,macro_index,fun_def):ps.ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros]}
+ # (min_dep, ps) = visit_functions mod_index max_fun_nr fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls pi
+ (max_fun_nr,
+ { ps & ps_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index] = { fun_def & fun_body = PartitioningFunction body fun_number },
+ ps_next_num = inc fun_number, ps_deps = [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index : ps.ps_deps] })
+ -> try_to_close_group max_fun_nr macro_module_index macro_index fun_number min_dep pi ps
+ PartitioningFunction _ fun_number
+ -> (fun_number, ps)
+ TransformedBody _
+ | fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex
+ # ps = add_called_macros fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls ps
+ -> (max_fun_nr,
+ {ps & ps_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = ps.ps_next_group },
+ ps_next_group = inc ps.ps_next_group, ps_groups = [ [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index] : ps.ps_groups]}
+ )
+ -> (max_fun_nr, ps)
+visit_functions :: Int Int ![FunCall] PartitioningInfo !*(Int,*PartitioningState) -> *(Int,*PartitioningState)
+visit_functions mod_index max_fun_nr calls pi min_dep_ps
+ = foldSt (visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr) calls min_dep_ps
visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr (FunCall fc_index _) (min_dep, ps)
- # (next_min, ps) = partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr fc_index ps
+ # (next_min, ps) = partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr fc_index pi ps
= (min next_min min_dep, ps)
visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr (MacroCall macro_module_index fc_index _) (min_dep, ps)
- # (next_min, ps) = partitionate_macro mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index fc_index ps
+ # (next_min, ps) = partitionate_macro mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index fc_index pi ps
= (min next_min min_dep, ps)
visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr (DclFunCall dcl_fun_module_index dcl_fun_index) (min_dep, ps)
| mod_index==dcl_fun_module_index
- # (next_min, ps) = partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr dcl_fun_index ps
+ # (next_min, ps) = partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr dcl_fun_index pi ps
= (min next_min min_dep, ps)
= (min_dep, ps)
- try_to_close_group max_fun_nr macro_module_index fun_index fun_number min_dep
- ps=:{ps_symbol_table, ps_var_heap, ps_symbol_heap, ps_fun_defs,ps_macro_defs,ps_deps, ps_groups, ps_next_group, ps_error,ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros}
- | fun_number <= min_dep
- # (ps_deps, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,ps_macro_defs)
- = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ps_deps [] [] max_fun_nr ps_next_group ps_fun_defs ps_macro_defs
- {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_macro_defs}, ls_var_heap=ps_var_heap, ls_expr_heap=ps_symbol_heap}
- = liftFunctions (functions_in_group ++ macros_in_group) ps_next_group main_dcl_module_n fun_defs ps_macro_defs ps_var_heap ps_symbol_heap
- # es = expand_macros_in_group macros_in_group
- { es_symbol_table = ps_symbol_table, es_var_heap = ps_var_heap, es_expression_heap = ps_symbol_heap,
- es_fun_defs=fun_defs, es_macro_defs=x_macro_defs, es_new_fun_def_numbers=[],
- es_error = ps_error }
- # {es_symbol_table, es_var_heap, es_expression_heap, es_error,es_fun_defs,es_macro_defs,es_new_fun_def_numbers}
- = expand_macros_in_group functions_in_group es
- # (n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros,es_fun_defs) = usize es_fun_defs
- # (ps_next_group,es_fun_defs,functions_in_group,ps_groups)
- = add_new_macros_to_groups (reverse es_new_fun_def_numbers) n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros ps_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group ps_groups
- = (max_fun_nr, { ps & ps_deps = ps_deps, ps_var_heap = es_var_heap,
- ps_symbol_table = es_symbol_table, ps_fun_defs=es_fun_defs, ps_macro_defs=es_macro_defs,
- ps_error = es_error, ps_symbol_heap = es_expression_heap,
- ps_next_group = inc ps_next_group,
- ps_groups = [ functions_in_group ++ macros_in_group : ps_groups ],ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros=ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros })
- = (min_dep, ps)
- where
- close_group macro_module_index fun_index [index=:FunctionOrIclMacroIndex d:ds] functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
- # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![d]
- | case fun_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True; _ -> False
- # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-group_number }}
-// # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
- # macros_in_group = [index : macros_in_group]
- | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==(-1)
- = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs)
- = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
- # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
- # functions_in_group = [index : functions_in_group]
- | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==(-1)
- = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs)
- = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
- close_group macro_module_index fun_index [index=:DclMacroIndex module_index d:ds] functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
- # (fun_def, macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,d]
- | case fun_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True; _ -> False
- # macro_defs = { macro_defs & [module_index,d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-group_number }}
- # macros_in_group = [index : macros_in_group]
- | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==module_index
- = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs)
- = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
- # macro_defs = { macro_defs & [module_index,d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
- # functions_in_group = [index : functions_in_group]
- | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==module_index
- = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs)
- = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
- expand_macros_in_group group es
- = foldSt expand_macros group es
- where
- expand_macros (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index) es
- # (fun_def,es) = es!es_fun_defs.[fun_index]
- {fun_ident,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = fun_def
- identPos = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
- # es={ es & es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos es.es_error }
- # (tb_args, tb_rhs, fi_local_vars, fi_calls,fi_dynamics, es)
- = expandMacrosInBody fun_info.fi_calls body fun_info.fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es
- fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs},
- fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fi_calls, fi_local_vars = fi_local_vars,fi_dynamics=fi_dynamics }}
- = {es & es_fun_defs.[fun_index] = fun_def }
- expand_macros (DclMacroIndex macro_module_index fun_index) es
- # (old_fun_def,es) = es!es_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,fun_index]
- {fun_ident,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = old_fun_def
- identPos = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
- # es={ es & es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos es.es_error }
- # (tb_args, tb_rhs, fi_local_vars, fi_calls,fi_dynamics, es)
- = expandMacrosInBody fun_info.fi_calls body fun_info.fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es
- fun_def = { old_fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs},
- fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fi_calls, fi_local_vars = fi_local_vars,fi_dynamics=fi_dynamics }}
- = {es & es_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,fun_index] = fun_def }
- add_called_macros calls ps
- = foldSt add_called_macro calls ps
+try_to_close_group :: Int Int Int Int Int PartitioningInfo !*PartitioningState -> (!Int,!*PartitioningState)
+try_to_close_group max_fun_nr macro_module_index fun_index fun_number min_dep pi
+ ps=:{ps_symbol_table, ps_var_heap, ps_symbol_heap, ps_fun_defs,ps_macro_defs,ps_deps, ps_groups, ps_next_group, ps_error,ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros}
+ | fun_number <= min_dep
+ # (ps_deps, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,ps_macro_defs)
+ = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ps_deps [] [] max_fun_nr ps_next_group ps_fun_defs ps_macro_defs
+ {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_macro_defs}, ls_var_heap=ps_var_heap, ls_expr_heap=ps_symbol_heap}
+ = liftFunctions (functions_in_group ++ macros_in_group) ps_next_group pi.pi_main_dcl_module_n fun_defs ps_macro_defs ps_var_heap ps_symbol_heap
+ # es = expand_macros_in_group macros_in_group
+ { es_symbol_table = ps_symbol_table, es_var_heap = ps_var_heap, es_expression_heap = ps_symbol_heap,
+ es_fun_defs=fun_defs, es_macro_defs=x_macro_defs, es_new_fun_def_numbers=[],
+ es_error = ps_error }
+ # {es_symbol_table, es_var_heap, es_expression_heap, es_error,es_fun_defs,es_macro_defs,es_new_fun_def_numbers}
+ = expand_macros_in_group functions_in_group es
+ # (n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros,es_fun_defs) = usize es_fun_defs
+ # (ps_next_group,es_fun_defs,functions_in_group,ps_groups)
+ = add_new_macros_to_groups (reverse es_new_fun_def_numbers) n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros ps_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group ps_groups
+ = (max_fun_nr, { ps & ps_deps = ps_deps, ps_var_heap = es_var_heap,
+ ps_symbol_table = es_symbol_table, ps_fun_defs=es_fun_defs, ps_macro_defs=es_macro_defs,
+ ps_error = es_error, ps_symbol_heap = es_expression_heap,
+ ps_next_group = inc ps_next_group,
+ ps_groups = [ functions_in_group ++ macros_in_group : ps_groups ],ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros=ps_unexpanded_dcl_macros })
+ = (min_dep, ps)
+ close_group macro_module_index fun_index [index=:FunctionOrIclMacroIndex d:ds] functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
+ # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![d]
+ | case fun_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True; _ -> False
+ # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-group_number }}
+// # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
+ # macros_in_group = [index : macros_in_group]
+ | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==(-1)
+ = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs)
+ = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
+ # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
+ # functions_in_group = [index : functions_in_group]
+ | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==(-1)
+ = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs)
+ = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
+ close_group macro_module_index fun_index [index=:DclMacroIndex module_index d:ds] functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
+ # (fun_def, macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,d]
+ | case fun_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True; _ -> False
+ # macro_defs = { macro_defs & [module_index,d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-group_number }}
+ # macros_in_group = [index : macros_in_group]
+ | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==module_index
+ = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs)
+ = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
+ # macro_defs = { macro_defs & [module_index,d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }}
+ # functions_in_group = [index : functions_in_group]
+ | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==module_index
+ = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs)
+ = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs
+ expand_macros_in_group group es
+ = foldSt expand_macros group es
- add_called_macro (FunCall fc_index _) ps
-// # fc_index = trace_n ("add_called_macro: "+++toString fc_index+++" ") fc_index
- # (macro_def, ps) = ps!ps_fun_defs.[fc_index]
- = case macro_def.fun_body of
- TransformedBody _
- | macro_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex
- # ps = add_called_macros macro_def.fun_info.fi_calls ps
+ expand_macros (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index) es
+ # (fun_def,es) = es!es_fun_defs.[fun_index]
+ {fun_ident,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = fun_def
+ identPos = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
+ # es={ es & es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos es.es_error }
+ # (tb_args, tb_rhs, fi_local_vars, fi_calls,fi_dynamics, es)
+ = expandMacrosInBody fun_info.fi_calls body fun_info.fi_dynamics pi.pi_predef_symbols_for_transform es
+ fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs},
+ fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fi_calls, fi_local_vars = fi_local_vars,fi_dynamics=fi_dynamics }}
+ = {es & es_fun_defs.[fun_index] = fun_def }
+ expand_macros (DclMacroIndex macro_module_index fun_index) es
+ # (old_fun_def,es) = es!es_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,fun_index]
+ {fun_ident,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = old_fun_def
+ identPos = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
+ # es={ es & es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos es.es_error }
+ # (tb_args, tb_rhs, fi_local_vars, fi_calls,fi_dynamics, es)
+ = expandMacrosInBody fun_info.fi_calls body fun_info.fi_dynamics pi.pi_predef_symbols_for_transform es
+ fun_def = { old_fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs},
+ fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fi_calls, fi_local_vars = fi_local_vars,fi_dynamics=fi_dynamics }}
+ = {es & es_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,fun_index] = fun_def }
+add_called_macros :: ![FunCall] !*PartitioningState -> *PartitioningState
+add_called_macros calls ps
+ = foldSt add_called_macro calls ps
+ add_called_macro (FunCall fc_index _) ps
+// # fc_index = trace_n ("add_called_macro: "+++toString fc_index+++" ") fc_index
+ # (macro_def, ps) = ps!ps_fun_defs.[fc_index]
+ = case macro_def.fun_body of
+ TransformedBody _
+ | macro_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex
+ # ps = add_called_macros macro_def.fun_info.fi_calls ps
// -> ({ macro_defs & [fc_index] = {macro_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = ps.ps_next_group }},
// # fc_index = trace ("add_called_macro2: "+++toString fc_index+++" ") fc_index
// -> ({ macro_defs & [fc_index] = {macro_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-ps.ps_next_group }},
- -> {ps & ps_fun_defs.[fc_index] = {macro_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = ps.ps_next_group },
- ps_next_group = inc ps.ps_next_group, ps_groups = [ [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fc_index] : ps.ps_groups]}
+ -> {ps & ps_fun_defs.[fc_index] = {macro_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = ps.ps_next_group },
+ ps_next_group = inc ps.ps_next_group, ps_groups = [ [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fc_index] : ps.ps_groups]}
// {ps & ps_next_group = ps.ps_next_group}
- -> ps
+ -> ps
+remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse :: ![[FunctionOrMacroIndex]] !*{#FunDef} [[Int]] -> (![[Int]],!*{#FunDef})
+remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse [group:groups] fun_defs result_groups
+ # (group,fun_defs) = remove_macros_from_group group fun_defs
+ = case group of
+ [] -> remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse groups fun_defs result_groups
+ _ -> remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse groups fun_defs [group:result_groups]
+ remove_macros_from_group [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun:funs] fun_defs
+ # (funs,fun_defs)=remove_macros_from_group funs fun_defs
+ | fun_defs.[fun].fun_info.fi_group_index<NoIndex
+ = (funs,fun_defs)
+ = ([fun:funs],fun_defs)
+ remove_macros_from_group [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index:funs] fun_defs
+ = remove_macros_from_group funs fun_defs
+ remove_macros_from_group [] fun_defs
+ = ([],fun_defs);
+remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse [] fun_defs result_groups
+ = (result_groups,fun_defs);
addFunctionCallsToSymbolTable calls fun_defs macro_defs symbol_table
= foldSt add_function_call_to_symbol_table calls ([], fun_defs,macro_defs, symbol_table)
@@ -1700,7 +1707,7 @@ where
instance clearCount FreeVar
- clearCount{fv_info_ptr} locality var_heap
+ clearCount {fv_info_ptr} locality var_heap
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Count 0 locality)
@@ -1842,8 +1849,8 @@ where
/* Set the 'var_info_field' of each bound variable to either 'VI_Alias var' (if
this variable is an alias for 'var') or to 'VI_Count 0 cIsALocalVar' to initialise
the reference count info.
- */
+ */
determine_aliases [{lb_dst={fv_info_ptr}, lb_src = Var var} : binds] var_heap
= determine_aliases binds (writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Alias var) var_heap)
determine_aliases [bind : binds] var_heap
@@ -1878,7 +1885,7 @@ where
# (is_cyclic, binds, cos) = detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict binds cos
-> (is_cyclic, [(type,bind) : binds], cos)
- is_cyclic :: !.(Ptr VarInfo) !(Ptr VarInfo) !(Heap VarInfo) -> .Bool
+ is_cyclic :: !.(Ptr VarInfo) !(Ptr VarInfo) !VarHeap -> .Bool
is_cyclic orig_info_ptr info_ptr var_heap
| orig_info_ptr == info_ptr
= True